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Old 12-13-2005, 08:36 AM   #16  
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My boyfriend's sister is kind of like what you are describing Jill and we got her a gift certificate to so when she's traveling she can find a luxury resort or whatever. Definitely not a concern for me lol.
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Old 12-13-2005, 09:09 AM   #17  
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Hi everyone! It's a nice chilly (for FL) day today! I get to pull my coat out of the closet for the third time this year! I actually look forward to wearing it because I don't often get a chance. I have a semi-busy day coming up. I finished my first draft of my law school personal statement yesterday at school, and today I'm going to proofread and maybe even get it out the door! My first application is officially due Jan 1 (as if anybody's really in the office that day!) This afternoon, I get to grocery shop and get a few last tiny things for Christmas gifts from Target.

Jill - white chocolate fudge? Gosh, you're making my mouth water. White chocolate is among the top 5 things I miss since I've started dieting. Now I'm in the mood for some of that fudge, along with a cup of hot white chocolate cocoa!

CookieMonster - I have a department party coming up and I'm a bit nervous. There are usually some healthy things, but there's also a LOT of junk! I declined the invite to my friend's annual couples party, (a) because my husband's working anyway and (b) there is a LOT MORE junk (and not much else) on the table there! I figure with the dep't party I'll get a platefull of the healthy stuff and try (try try) to ignore the rest.

Jess - awwwww! Puppies are so cute at that age! I love the name Chase.

stacylambert - congrats on the Christmas Eve outfit! That's such a great feeling. I fit into a size smaller jeans today and it made me so very happy. Best of luck with your finals and Christmas shopping!

Jenn - it sounds like you have a very positive attitude, and you'll be able to pick yourself up and work towards your Dec 31 goal. Best of luck to you!
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Old 12-13-2005, 11:54 AM   #18  
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Does anyone else ever feel like Mocha? (she is skipping her friend's annual Christmas party to stay dedicated to her healthy eating plan) While I totally give you props for having mind over matter, and I have tried to do that sometimes as well so not to tempt me, sometimes it makes me sad because I feel like I am giving up my social life to be thin- and then it's like what's the point of being thin if I can't celebrate it in fancy dresses at holiday parties- and then I think I would be so much happier if I didn't care (but I know deep down I wouldn't...)

Stacy- I TOTALLY know what you mean about the boring reading for finals. Usually I will buy a BIG bag of Cheetos and just keep eating, and next thing I know the bag is done. This year I have tried carrot sticks- it's worked pretty well cuz it lets me just keep on munching.
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Old 12-13-2005, 01:13 PM   #19  
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Cookiemonster - yes, I also declined an invite to a friend's party in part because I was concerned that it would be a major diet-buster! (Also it's a couples party, hubby is working, and I'd feel weird going alone!) The party's food focuses on desserts, so it's a bad, bad place for me to be, especially only 3 weeks into the South Beach Diet. I feel a bit sad about it, but it's not a huge loss since I see a lot of my friends frequently under other circumstances. My husband and I will probably make an appearance at my school department party, though. So at least I'll get a little holiday party cheer!

Last edited by crk05; 12-13-2005 at 02:19 PM.
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Old 12-13-2005, 01:36 PM   #20  
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Christine – Good job on finishing your personal statement so early! You still have a few weeks and you’ve already almost got it nailed down!

Jenna – Even though I’m declining my friends X-mas party I am still going to see her at another one that all of my friends are going to. I definitely still have a great social life life. I usually am good with portion control, however I just know this one particular friend who is throwing the party that I declined would be very hurt if I didn’t eat much food (I’ve experenienced this from two other X-Mas parties she’s thrown and I always eat way past the brink of being full). She is going to cook a bunch of food so I don’t want to be rude and not eat it. I am attending all the other X-mas parties and will try not to be one of those social eaters. I definitely think celebrating the holidays with friends and family is really important. Though losing weight is one of my top priorities, so are my friends and family. It’s just finding the balance I guess. For me, missing one party is okay and since I’m celebrating with my friend at another one, I don’t think she’ll be hurt that I’m not making it to this one. Holiday’s are always so hard. So much food and so much temptation. Uggghhh. Hopefully you find your balance this holiday season

Stacy – Woo hoo!!! on the outfit. That’s great!!!! What a great holiday gift to yourself
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Old 12-13-2005, 02:14 PM   #21  
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Just an Idea, but just because your on a diet doesn't mean you have to miss out on the party!!! How about getting up in the morning that day and getting in your workout, make sure and eat healthily before the party, and then allow yourself a few treats at the party.
I hate to hear that you ladies are refraining from FUN!

Some other ideas for avoiding failure at the party:

1-Remember it isn't all about food...socialize!
2-Keep a drink in hand-to keep it occupied (can be water of course)
3-Make it a game, if you can get through the night...reward yourself someway!

Just some ideas off the top of my head...add some more if you want!

Tis the season to be JOLLY!

I have 1 more exam tommorrow and then I'll be back more to chat with you ladies
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Old 12-13-2005, 02:21 PM   #22  
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spillthebeans - those are great tips for holiday parties and I will use them to survive the department Christmas party coming up. Yes I am skipping one party but it's not *only* for dietary reasons. It's a couples' party, my husband is working, and it would be a bit weird to go by myself, since there are a lot of couple-oriented games and activities. I will also get to see a lot of the guests under other circumstances, so I will still get to celebrate with them at different times. I will get plenty of cheer this season. I love celebrating it! Have a great day and good luck with your exam!
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Old 12-13-2005, 05:41 PM   #23  
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... i want to go back to bed.
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Old 12-13-2005, 06:41 PM   #24  
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I am sooooo with you.
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Old 12-13-2005, 07:07 PM   #25  
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I did my 8 page paper today! (good thing too, because it was due today). I just have to show up for my schedule final time for developmental psych to see the rest of the presentations and get my attendance points. Other than that, I am done with fall 2005!!!

I got a tiny bit of x-mas shopping done today. I had quite a bit of cash from selling back my books, which is good since I wanted to get a watch for my fiance. I got a really nice fossil, I'm excited, I know he'll love it. I haven't decided what else to get him. Last x-mas we were making a lot more money because we were both working full time and not going to school so christmas was big. he got me diamond stud earrings (I always wanted a pair), new nike running shoes, and an ipod mini! He got me some other stuff too. I got him a lot of stuff as well and I am sad that I won't be able to do that this year. Oh well, it's just material.

Anyway. I kept thinking it was saturday today becaue I didn't have class! Hope everyone is having a good day.
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Old 12-13-2005, 08:25 PM   #26  
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3 hours later.... i still want to go back to bed.
I've been so TIRED lately. I don't know why.
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Old 12-14-2005, 09:36 AM   #27  
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Hey all,

I'm just here for a quickie. I've been out in the field all week and am about to leave for a conference in Orlando. It's going to be really boring, I'm going by myself, and I'm terrified of what they're going to feed us. I'll bet there will be some reasonably healthy options but I don't know if I'll take them. I've been really bad since Sunday - there have been tons of cookies, cake, etc. around and I've caved many time and gone over calories every day (I'd guess 2500 a day?). I'm not even hungry, and all the sugar is making me feel like crap, but I still eat. Bad Megan. Exercise was ok through Monday but I didn't do anything yesterday. The hotel has a health center and I packed my workout clothes and iPod. I get back Friday night and Saturday my roommate and I are hosting our office Christmas party. Oy vey, more food.

Yet after 2 days of bad eating, Tuesday morning my weigh-in said 140.5... how odd... I'm crossing my fingers that it stays but if I keep eating this crap it won't.

Good luck/congratulations to everyone who is taking and has finished their finals, papers, etc.!

Welcome to the newbies.

"See" ya'll next week.
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Old 12-14-2005, 09:52 AM   #28  
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Well, so much for me 'joining' this chat... after my initial post I didn't read any of it until today! *laughs*
I don't really have too many holiday parties coming up, but
- Tomorrow at work is the annual Christmas Dinner, but it looks like there are some good choices and I can do well
- Friday is a 'good by and you're getting hitched' party for a friend who graduates at the end of this semester and then goes back home to texas, so I'll have to try and eat carefully and drink -water- instead of -vodka-... apparently just b/c they look the same doesn't mean that they have the same number of calories... *scrunchie nose*
- Next Wednesday at work is the potluck for the people in the office, and I have no idea how that will be. I may just bring a turkey-sausage version of my mom's famous keilbasa crockpot recipe.

Ok, I'll try to get in the habit of reading more often and posting. I'd like to make some friends here instead of just posting to strangers.
Everyone hang in there!!
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Old 12-14-2005, 11:36 AM   #29  
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Acck! I haven't been able to log on to 3fc since *thinking* MONDAY! I've been busy w/ shopping (nowhere near done yet), preparing for a new job that will start next month, family, decorating (after a couple trips to Michaels, I have many small decorating projects to finish up), cleaning, etc. Normally I keep a food log, but during these last couple of days I've abandoned that. I am journalling again today, so that's a good thing. I had more junky calories (and overall calories) from Sunday - Tuesday than I should have. I'm ready to get back on the wagon. I want to make my goal of 169 by Dec. 31 soooo badly. I haven't been exercising these last few days, either. I feel awful. However, I know what to do to change that feeling. I have my bedroom, bathroom & walk-in closet to clean today in anticipation of my 18 yo sister's arrival for Winter Break. I hate that my bedroom is so big when it comes time to clean....what a chore. So even though that will take a large chunk of time, I'll make sure to fit at least 60 min. of walking/jogging in there. I always feel sooo good after I exercise, even if I felt like that was the last thing I wanted to do. Never fails.

I'm excited to see my sister. I have 4 sisters altogether, and she's the only one I get along with. That's not a bad thing; it's just the way things are right now. I live w/ my family, and I am seriously considering moving out in the next couple of months. I start a new job next month and I don't think it's healthy for me to be around my family. The thing is, though, that my parents are going through a really bad separation right now and I know my Dad wants a divorce. My Mom is devastated, which I do and don't understand, considering their history. Even though I have told my Mom that she needs to see a counselor to get through this period of time and work through her emotions, she will never see one unless I force her to, which I am not prepared to do right now. I have a 9 yo brother whose feelings neither one of them are taking into consideration. They act like they don't have any children. Truthfully, they are very selfish people, especially my father. I am the one whose shoulder is cried on, I am the one who has to deal with 2 tempestuous sisters, I am the one who feels like I am carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders...and even though it's been like this for a few months and I have been as strong as I could be, I caved on Sunday...and that's why I binged. I felt like nothing would get any better so why even try? I wanted it to all go away, even though I know food doesn't make anything go away...except for my waistline.

So even though it will be in my best interest to leave, I can't bring myself to do it because my Mom and little brothers need me right now. The weirdest thing about this whole situation is that since my Dad and I probably look the most alike in the family, and our birthdays are very close (Nov. 1 and Nov. 4) so we're both Scorpios (whom my mom and oldest sister both despise), and we're both the 5th of 10 children, and since I'm here and my Dad is on the opposite coast, it's almost as if my Mom transfers (or displaces) her hatred and anger at my Dad to me b/c she cannot bring herself to yell at him or tell him how he is hurting her b/c she thinks he will leave if she pushes him a little bit. Of course, he's already gone both mentally and physically, but he strings her along by agreeing to call her twice a day and he wasn't here for Thanksgiving, but he is going to be here for Christmas. She is going all out for Christmas to please him. He'll be here either the 22nd or 23rd. But I'm not my dad, and I didn't hurt her...he did. Even though we may look similar on the outside, we're very different people on the inside. Everytime I tell her I want to move out, though, she has flashbacks to my Dad telling her the exact same thing. So do you see how I can't leave her right now? Even though it hurts me every day, I find myself having to clean up after my father. I have to give the love of a parent and a sister to my little brothers. He was not even a good father or husband, but they have been married for 32 years after she met him when she was 18, so he is all she has known. Familiarity breeds comfort, right?

Yeah, I know, I'm pretty depressing....especially considering it is the Christmas season. I know that everything will be good again and I'll be able to go out on my own w/in the next year. I just needed to get all that out. I feel a little better now. Time to get back to work!
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Old 12-14-2005, 11:59 AM   #30  
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jenn I'm so sorry to hear about what's going on. I know it must be hard this time of year! Hang in there and we''ll always be here for you.

I'm about 2/3 done with my big paper but I have to go take my calculus final today so that will take a considerable chunk of time. This was really not a good semester for me. I can't WAIT until it's all over!

I've been trying extra hard to stay low in my calories because I know when I visit my family I won't be able to. Too many good places to eat and Christmas dinner/treats.

Well, back to work for me!
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