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Old 12-30-2014, 06:18 PM   #301  
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Ohio
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S/C/G: 110/105/95

Height: 5'2.5


First name: Amanda

Geographical location: Ohio

Age: 21

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Student

Pets: 2 cats and 1 dog

Hobbies/Interests: Makeup, reading, and shopping

Height: 5'2.5

Eye/Hair Color: Blue/ blonde

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 12-30-2014

Starting Weight: 110

Present Weight: 110

Goal Weight: 95

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: My mom (she worries about me and constantly tries to get me to eat)

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting with My Fitness Pal

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I joined an online forum

Anything else you would like to share with us: I weighed around 98 pounds, then gained some weight after I broke up with my boyfriend. I made a little bit of progress during winter break and got down to 107, but last night I had a big meal and weighed 110 this morning. I looked online to see if it is possible to gain three pounds in one day and found a forum that reassured me that the three pounds are probably just water weight, and which made me feel a little better. I decided to join the group so that I can ask questions and make posts of my own, and here I am.
My goal weight is to be back under 100, but that is not my only goal. This coming year I want to find body peace so that I can have a positive body image and know that I'm beautiful despite what my weight is.
I am new to this (I just started today), and I am hoping to make some friends!
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Old 12-31-2014, 06:08 AM   #302  
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Fatcatlady's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 1

S/C/G: 192/186.7/120

Height: 5'4-5'5


First name: Camille

Geographical location: North Carolina

Age: 25 tomorrow

Marital Status: living with boyfriend

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: teacher

Pets: 3 cats: Frankenstein, Cleopatra, and Jane Eyre

Hobbies/Interests: reading and playing with my cats

Height: 5'4 - 5'5

Eye/Hair Color: brown/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:12/27/14

Starting Weight: 192

Present Weight: 186.7

Goal Weight: 115-120

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: sheer laziness and hunger

Following any specific plan: Body for Life and Eating for Life

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: if I can't get it together this time, it may end my relationship with the love of my life and my best friend.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I hate the way I look. Hopefully, 6 months from now I will be happy with my appearance and will be able to maintain any weight loss. I have never been skinny so I don't even know what it feels like to be skinny and attractive. I hope that by the end of this, I will finally know what it's like to bend over and not be stopped by fat rolls.
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Old 01-02-2015, 01:59 AM   #303  
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: San Francisco, California
Posts: 4

S/C/G: 211

Height: 5'3


First name: Mona

Geographical location: San Francisco, CA

Age: 25

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None (yet!)

Occupation: Hairstylist

Pets: //

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, learning new languages, watching documentaries and foreign flicks.

Height: 5' 3"

Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Black

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 1/1/2015

Starting Weight: 211

Present Weight: 211

Goal Weight: 135

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I tend to stress eat and also when I don't prepare my meals, I make unhealthy choices

Following any specific plan: MOSTLY paleo. Cut out grains/gluten/dairy.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'v discovered what I've been allergic too.

Anything else you would like to share with us:
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Old 01-03-2015, 06:16 PM   #304  
ohclementine's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: New Orleans
Posts: 52

S/C/G: 235/192/140

Height: 5'2"


First name: Clementine

Geographical location: New Orleans, where the past time is drinking and all the food is delicious and unhealthy. (I gained 20lb the first year I moved here, seriously. I call them my Popeye's pounds)

Age: 28

Marital Status: LTR with amazing supportive BF

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Self employed artist

Pets: 1 cat I am obsessed with.

Hobbies/Interests: Art, sewing, music, bike riding, parades, nature, animals, fashion, pop culture, learning, traveling.

Height: 5'2.5"

Starting Date of Weight loss Journey: 1/10/13

Starting Weight: 234

Present Weight: 206

Goal Weight: 140

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: Sticking with it! Every time I meet a mini goal I am kinda like 'Cool, I can treat myself' and then that becomes like a month long of treating myself and I gain back all my weight. I have probably lost and gained 20 lbs 5 times in the time I've been actively trying to lose. I think I have finally accepted that until I lose all this extra weight that I shouldn't be having 'treats'.

Following any specific plan: So when I started trying to lose weight I really had no idea what I was doing. I bought Zumba and my friend who was a weight loss counselor and had lost 100+lbs herself gave me a loose meal plan/ explained serving sizes to me. I instantly lost 10lbs! I did Zumba 5x a week. After many failures, some weird experiments (anyone heard of the master cleanse?) and a ton of research I've found a routine that works for me. I have been clean eating on and off for the better part of 6 months and it has totally changed my diet for the better, I have also been counting calories and exercising (still zumba) at least 3 times a week. Recently more since I am about to start Jillian Michaels Body Revolution program. I have also sadly, pretty much cut out alcohol completely.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My resolve and education, I have a real plan, I am also reaching out for support.
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Old 01-05-2015, 05:30 AM   #305  
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rinnydee's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 4

S/C/G: 192/191/162

Height: 5 feet 7 inches


First name: Sarah

Geographical location: toronto, canada

Age: 27

Marital Status: In a relationship

Children/Ages: None yet

Occupation: Diplomat

Pets: dog!

Hobbies/Interests: Going to the spa

Height: 5' 7 inches

Eye/Hair Color: Brown/ Black

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 29 December 2014

Starting Weight: 192

Present Weight: I'm not sure, should be about the same I think?

Goal Weight: 162 lbs

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: 1) my boyfriend who snacks and eats all the time around me (he on the other hand manages to maintain his sexy nature) and also dealing with epilepsy; the medication makes it hard for you to lose fact weight gain is the main side effect!!

Following any specific plan: Atkins

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: my first time doing atkins

Anything else you would like to share with us:
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Old 01-15-2015, 01:26 AM   #306  
itsmemaggi's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Utah
Posts: 22

S/C/G: 230/230/180

Height: 5'10


First name: Maggi

Geographical location: Utah, USA

Age: 28

Marital Status: Married

Children/Ages: Three kids: two daughters (one 6 yrs, one 16 mos) and one son (3 1/2 yrs)

Occupation: SAHM (and we homeschool, so that adds some fun)

Pets: a cat named Tinkerbell (my husband and oldest daughter won out on the name - I wanted Katniss).

Hobbies/Interests: sewing, cooking, miniatures, crocheting, binge watching shows on Netflix while I do the other stuff, homeschooling

Height: 5'10

Eye/Hair Color: blue/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: All my life? This time around, 01/11/15.

Starting Weight: approx. 230

Present Weight: 230

Goal Weight: 180

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: It's very hard to do something 100% for myself, because I've made my life about my kids and my family. But I've made the commitment to start being kinder to myself.

Following any specific plan: mindful eating, more fresh/raw food, no bread. Might go SouthBeach, if I'm feeling ambitious.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm approaching 30 and would like to celebrate it, slim. I'm also hoping to have baby #4 and it'd be nice to be a "thin" pregnant lady, for a change.

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Old 01-27-2015, 03:21 PM   #307  
Proverbs 31:10-31
SenseAndSensibility's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Canada
Posts: 355

S/C/G: 200/146/120

Height: 5'1"


First name: Amy

Geographical location: Western Canada!

Age: 23

Marital Status: Married to a wonderful man training to be a cop!

Children/Ages: None of my own yet, but does the 50+ kids I mentor as co ordinator for our middle school program at our church count? Lol

Occupation: Bookkeeper

Pets: I wish Can't have any with our landlords!!! (Would love a sphynx cat though)

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing, video games. Swimming. Pretend exercise. Stalking these forums.

Height: 5'1"

Eye/Hair Color: Hazel eyed Brunette

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: November 28th, 2014

Starting Weight: 194 (probably 195 but I ain't admitting that!)

Present Weight: 177

Goal Weight: 120 or whatever feels right.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Impatience!!! I'm pretty good at not over eating, the hubby gets me to gym. My issues don't stem from emotional eating just ignorance.

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting and exercising... My plan is to eat everything I ate before, just proper portions, more of some things and less of others.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: This is my first time trying! I always thought about losing weight but never did anything. Hopefully I'll ease into a comfy weight and stay there.

Anything else you would like to share with us: good luck!!!

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Old 01-27-2015, 04:18 PM   #308  
LettuceDoThis's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: New York
Posts: 63

S/C/G: 200/185/135

Height: 5'2


First name: Leah

Geographical location: New York City

Age: 25, turning 26 next month

Marital Status: married 2 years

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Legal assistant

Pets: None, unfortunately.

Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, reading, blogging, writing, movies, sleep

Height: 5'2

Eye/Hair Color: Green/Brown

Starting Date of Weight loss Journey: I'll say June 2014

Starting Weight: 200

Present Weight: 174.8

Goal Weight: 130-140, depending on fat/muscle mass

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: Not being scared of change

Following any specific plan: Counting calories and working out 4-5x/week

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My main goal is to be healthy as opposed to looking hot in a bikini (of course I want that too). The other times were a lot more about vanity. I'm realizing that this is the body I have forever, and if I take care of it, I can perhaps be mobile and healthy long into old age.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Currently trying to figure out what I want to do in life career-wise, so that's fun.
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Old 01-28-2015, 01:20 PM   #309  
mariam892's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 50

S/C/G: 224/174/160

Height: 5'8"


First name: Mariam

Geographical location: New York City

Age: 22

Marital Status: single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Research Assistant

Pets: A wonderful cat!

Hobbies/Interests: Drawing/Painting, Cooking, Reading articles, Learning languages, Fashion

Height: 5'8

Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Dark Brown

Starting Date of Weight loss Journey: November 2014

Starting Weight: 225

Present Weight: 200

Goal Weight: 160 (we'll see when I get there though!)

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weight loss: Sugar/carb cravings

Following any specific plan: Counting calories using MyFitnessPal and working out 3/4x per week

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I think Leah said it best! --> "My main goal is to be healthy as opposed to looking hot in a bikini (of course I want that too). The other times were a lot more about vanity. I'm realizing that this is the body I have forever, and if I take care of it, I can perhaps be mobile and healthy long into old age." Basically trying to implement a lifestyle change rather than "get skinny, quick" mentality I was always in before.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Post-graduate life is lonely but at least has been pretty conducive to me adapting to a healthier lifestyle. Back at school, it was WAY too easy to settle into unhealthy habits.
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Old 02-04-2015, 03:00 PM   #310  
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Posts: 4

S/C/G: 113.6/113.6/70kg

Height: 167


First name: Sharman

Geographical location: Brisbane, Australia

Age: 27

Marital Status: Engaged

Children/Ages: 3 and a half year old son and 18 month old daughter

Occupation: Stay at home mum

Pets: none at the moment

Hobbies/Interests: beading, reading, my kids

Height: 167cm

Eye/Hair Color: green/dark brown, slowly going grey

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: today ��

Starting Weight: 113kg

Present Weight: 113kg

Goal Weight: 70kg

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: making time to exercise, finding ways to exercise with my two little terrors and resisting fizzy drinks

Following any specific plan: nope

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have two very energetic little kids to run around after and set an example for now.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm a bit of a geek and a big fan of Black Milk Clothing, leggings are most definitely pants ��
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Old 02-10-2015, 12:48 AM   #311  
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FieryCupcake's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Sebastian, FL
Posts: 125

S/C/G: 241/223.4/150

Height: 5'4"


First name: Justine

Geographical location: Vero Beach, Florida

Age: 28

Marital Status: Married

Children/Ages: Not yet

Occupation: Student

Pets: 2 cats, Spunky,Siamese and Isis, Half Siamese and 2 Sugar Gliders Link and Midna

Hobbies/Interests: Video games, anything nerdy, disney, geocaching.

Height: 5'4"

Eye/Hair Color: Green/Auburn

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 2/1/2015

Starting Weight:226

Present Weight:223

Goal Weight:145

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Prednisone

Following any specific plan: Just eating clean, low carbs and no soda, lots of water! Also swimming and doing pilates for exercise.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My RA is finally somewhat controlled and I am able to work out more. Also my husband and I are trying to get pregnant and losing the weight will make that easier.

Anything else you would like to share with us:

Last edited by FieryCupcake; 02-10-2015 at 12:50 AM.
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Old 02-11-2015, 09:05 AM   #312  
SlightlyInsane Chemist
MTPetey's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Virginia, USA
Posts: 3

S/C/G: 334/328/255

Height: 6'0"


Please add your profile, so we can get to know you better. Simply copy the text below and paste it into a reply and add your information.

First name: Petey (nickname, but even my parents call me this most of the time)

Geographical location: Central Virginia, USA

Age: 24

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: Student, Chemistry major

Pets: Two gerbils, named Dale and Joel.

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, anime, school.

Height: 6' 0"

Eye/Hair Color: Blue eyes, brown hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 26th, 2015

Starting Weight: 334

Present Weight: 331.1

Goal Weight: 255

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I have pretty bad arthritis in my left foot/ankle. I have had problems with pain there since I was 11 or 12. Didn't get diagnosed until I was 16. When he diagnosed it, my orthopedist said it was the worst arthritis he had seen in anyone under 65. This has contributed to my weight gain more than anything else and will be hard to deal with, but my doctor has recently started me on a new pain medication.

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting and walking for exercise.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My new doctor has prescribed me pain medication that should help with the arthritis enough for me to stay on track with exercising every other day.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I am also on an anti-depressant called Remeron, which causes increased appetite and weight gain. No other antidepressant works for me (most actually made things worse) so its just something else I have to deal with.
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Old 02-11-2015, 02:28 PM   #313  
From Lazy to Light!
LovelyLeah's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 688

S/C/G: 215/Ticker/170

Height: 5'6"


First name: Leah

Geographical location: Seattle, Washington (school); Minneapolis, Minnesota

Age: 25

Marital Status: Engaged

Children/Ages: n/a

Occupation: Student/Seasonal Work

Pets: Cat back home, and maybe soon a puppy.

Hobbies/Interests: Watercolor painting

Height: 5' 6''

Eye/Hair Color: green/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Most of my teen years but current journey is February 2015.

Starting Weight: 200

Present Weight: unknown (I currently don't have a scale so measuring by belt notches)

Goal Weight: 150

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Donuts and bubble tea

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting (spark people) and fitness tracking (fitbit)

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I've had to make a lot of recent dietary changes due to health problems. I thought it was a great time to get healthy. Also I've started walking a lot more to help with stress management.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Not that I can think of right now.
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Old 02-15-2015, 02:26 PM   #314  
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DemJeansTho's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 5

Default Profile

First name: Cassandra

Geographical location: Newfoundland, Canada

Age: 26

Marital Status: Common Law

Children/Ages: N/A

Occupation: College Instructor

Pets:2 Loving Kitties

Hobbies/Interests: Music, singing, acoustic guitar covers, science- especially biology

Height: 5'4"

Eye/Hair Color: Green eyes, brown hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: February 16/15

Starting Weight: 230

Present Weight: 230

Goal Weight: 155

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: portion control and binge eating

Following any specific plan: Just trying to eat less processed foods and keep my portions down

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My health and well-being depends on my progress.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Just looking forward to getting to know some of you!!

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Old 02-16-2015, 10:45 PM   #315  
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SehenIn1D's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 4


First name: Amber

Geographical location: Nebraska


Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Receptionist

Pets: One cat and hopefully a puppy soon!!

Hobbies/Interests: Music, science, nature

Height: 5'2"

Eye/Hair Color: blue-green/blonde

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 2/18/2015 (although my entire life has essentially been a weightloss attempt).

Starting Weight: 211.0

Present Weight: 211.0

Goal Weight: 150/130

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: A strong history of depression and eating disorders.

Following any specific plan: I plan on starting with the P90 workout, although I'm not sure about the diet plan yet. Hopefully something comes with the P90 workout!

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: It just feels different this time (although I've felt that way before). I also have a couple friends on weight loss journeys, so I'll have their support which will be super awesome. And I'll have you guys!

Anything else you would like to share with us: I've never before been able to lose weight in a healthy manner, so this is pretty new to me. I just hope I'm able to stick with it. It may be a long journey, but its one that is worth completing.
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