3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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LeilaJey 07-11-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by claristotle (Post 4401368)
LMAO! That seriously just made my day! :D Have you tried just eating regular ol' prunes? The insane amount of fiber in them would help you out in the poop department LOL. I love prunes. I mean LOVE them. If there was candy and prunes in front of me, I'd pick the prunes every time. I can seriously eat them like candy. But if I do that, I spend the entire day in the bathroom...

I need prunes now :)

haha, you need to get some prunes! I couldn't find any in the small local shop, I'll check the health food shop in the bigger town soon. Are they nice then? The juice is pretty rough.. I just down a glass and then down some water. Me and my bowel need to be better friends.

themilesawaygirl 07-11-2012 01:20 PM

Just a quick stop in before I'm off to a festival for a few days, where I will eat lots and drink lots, but also be on my feet all day so hoping it'll balance out!

I've seen a few of you have changed your weigh-in days away from a Monday. I also weigh in on Mondays, and it's also the worst day of my week. But I feel like if I'm trying to lose weight and succeeding then that number should be going down anyway, so I should just try harder! I can't believe how much I've eaten in the last couple of weeks, I just can't seem to stop. I think I have a bit of a compulsive eating issue, really need to put a stop to it.

On a more positive note, I ran over 5 miles this week, which is progress for me as it's the furthest I've ever run. It was really hard work towards the end, but felt super good to be able to complete the distance.

Good luck to everyone, welcome to the newbies and I'll check back in a few days when I've hopefully survived the mud and torrential rain we've been having! x

CanadianMomma 07-11-2012 04:15 PM

Hotaruchan: It was all water weight from salty junk I pigged out on over the weekend, so really I'm just getting back to the weight I was at the end of last week.

themilesawaygirl: I find weighing in on Monday helps keep my weekends a little more accountable (usually lol) because I want to record a loss in my journal and on here so I tend to look at my food and consider where it might put the scale for me come Monday. If I decide to have junk (like last weekend) I do it knowing I'm sacrificing the thrill/accomplishment of having a lower weight to put in.

CanadianMomma 07-11-2012 04:19 PM

And now I'm wondering if prunes really might be tasty.

X Lexi X 07-11-2012 04:37 PM

hi im new i joined the challenge this week. i need to update my stats on the left as im actually 178.2 at the moment.

i'll really going to make an effort to post on here, as with it being quie an established thread im thinking mosst of you have got to know each other already.

im really looking forward to this challnege - my and the OH plan to go on holiday in november this year so a halowwen chellenge should be perfect for that - if i went on holiday now i REALLY would not want to be seen in public in my bikini - so thats my motiviation, that by the end of the challenge i will be happy or happier to wear my bikinis - i have quite a lot now - i keep buying pretty ones to keep me motivated.

ive had a couple, well more like 4 bad days this week, where I haven't been planning what im going to eat and then ive ended up racking up the calories without even realising, sooo i need to plan plan plan & definately drinking more water as Im definately not drinking no where near enough. oh and up the exercise, i was running 2-3 miles a day but I haven't done that now since before the weekend :-0 its really a lot at the moment so i guess im just going to have to crack on with it and get wet!!!

hope i can make some friends from this thread????????????

Domlacha 07-11-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by LeilaJey (Post 4401194)
It's also poop, mostly poop.. I'm here downing prune juice like a champ (eughhghghghgh) :D


Originally Posted by Hotaruchan (Post 4401218)
Thankfully he came back with a box that had both Japanese and *cough* "English." The instructions were good enough to let me know the proper dosage, but it also said that it was "for the treatment of anorexia." o.O Box...you're using that phrase, but I do not think it means what you think it means...

Prunes actually taste pretty good my uncle looooves them and usually suggest them to anyone having a bad day! When I get too backed up I will either try a laxative tea (smooth move) or actually get a colonic. They're calling it hydrocolon therapy now, but essentially its like a super enema! The technician pumps you full of water and everything just comes right out.

I'm up .2 today. I went out last night and though I had no alcohol I ended up eating this cake thing with ice cream that was 613 calories!!!! It so wasn't even big enough for that many calories or tasty enough for that matter.

Hotaruchan 07-11-2012 06:06 PM

*Does a happy dance* The number's higher than it should be this week since I just changed my day, but I'm down a little over 3 lbs! Hurray for crazy workouts! I don't expect a number like that again any time soon, but that means I'm over 10 lbs down for this challenge so far!

Domlacha: Sorry that your cake was disappointing...it always sucks when you have something that looks good and then makes you wish you hadn't wasted your calories. All this talk of prunes is making me really want them...Japan, y u no have the same foods that I have at home? TT^TT

Lexi: Welcome!

Katbot24 07-11-2012 06:10 PM

I'm on the CUSP of 214. I've been weighing myself all day (I misse morning weigh in due to an appointment) to get a feel for what the number will be tomorrow. I saw 215.0 once and now am sitting at 215.6 a few hours after eating anything, so I'm HOPING that i'll see 214 tomorrow morning.

Hotaruchan 07-12-2012 05:57 AM

HOLY CRAP. I was just looking though the chart and Clairistotle...is that your real number or a typo?! TEACH ME YOUR MAGIC. I'm completely jealous even if it's a mistake...*Makes grabby finger in the direction of the 150s*

CanadianMomma 07-12-2012 07:27 AM

O.o My scale is currently reading at 165....is it cheating if I make my weigh in day today just say I can put that in lol I guess I'll just have to be very good until Monday and pray to the scale gods.

Katbot24: I hope you see the 214 your hoping for today!

Hortaruchan: How funny is it that you were talking about wanting a 3lb loss and then you got one? What kind of weight loss wishing powers do you have?

Lexi: Welcome to the challenge!

Hotaruchan 07-12-2012 07:33 AM

I've been pushing myself like crazy this week...I started off with a stall day, which made me freak out and start doing extra workouts every night (about to do another now, actually...30 day shred then probably about an hour of cycling). The beginning of the week seemed like it was going really slowly, so I was surprised when I looked at the number. Again, it's inflated because I decided to change my weigh-in day to Thursday to match the 12-week challenge (Mondays are depressing enough without having a big, mean, scale staring me down) too...so technically I got an extra couple of days. I don't anticipate seeing that again any time soon. In any case, it still made me really happy...I got to video chat with my boyfriend this morning and man, is he looking slim after 4 months of military training. That really makes me want to kick myself harder to catch up. With any luck I'll get to see him next month after 5 months apart <3

Also, I'm sure the 165 will stick around until Monday. Maybe some of its friends will even decide to wander off before then to give you an even more awesome number. Keep up the great work!

Hotaruchan 07-12-2012 08:40 AM

*Sigh* or not on my bike ride...I love it when I go to ride and find that there's a torrential downpour going on...to the youtubes to find more exercise videos :/

SophieCormier 07-12-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Blcarter84 (Post 4401642)
SophieCormier- Don't get yourself down!! The beauty of it all is that you can get right back up on the horse and keep trotting!!

I also let myself do what I wanted over the past couple of weeks with no real damage until I weighed myself sunday morning at 207.2!! So right then and there I got back on track and already this morning I am back down to 202.2.....SOOO ready to get out of the 200's!

Thanks! :) I'm was really bummed because I had bought a swimsuit online and keep telling myself this is the year I was going to wear it (it's been 2 or 3 summers now) and I can't fit in it... It's quite discouraging.

BUT I started 17DD this morning. Weighed in at 179.6 (up 6lbs!!! OUCH!) So I have a lot of work to do if I want to reach my goal of 20 lbs for Halloween!

claristotle 07-12-2012 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hotaruchan (Post 4402527)
HOLY CRAP. I was just looking though the chart and Clairistotle...is that your real number or a typo?! TEACH ME YOUR MAGIC. I'm completely jealous even if it's a mistake...*Makes grabby finger in the direction of the 150s*

Thanks for pointing out my serious typo! I'll never try to edit a spreadsheet from my phone again! The real number is 159.6. 9...0...same difference :) LOL.


Originally Posted by CanadianMomma (Post 4401930)
And now I'm wondering if prunes really might be tasty.

They are delicious. Try some!!!


Originally Posted by LeilaJey (Post 4401669)
haha, you need to get some prunes! I couldn't find any in the small local shop, I'll check the health food shop in the bigger town soon. Are they nice then? The juice is pretty rough.. I just down a glass and then down some water. Me and my bowel need to be better friends.

I get them at my organic store just because they're actually pretty cheap. Major supermarkets should carry them in their dry fruits section. And yes, they're still really good. Sunsweet individually wraps them like candies so they stay super moist and chewy. They taste way better than the juice. Bleck the juice is so gross! I'm actually eating prunes right now. I'm in heaven! (Even though my friend just called me a 60-year-old Jewish woman with bowel problems haha!)

Hotaruchan 07-12-2012 10:39 AM

159 is still in the 150s, so I will continue making jealous grabby fingers ;) Also, the prune talk is driving me (more) nuts...I ran around like a crazy person at the grocery store trying to find them and couldn't even spot any raisins (I see them as a prune's smaller, drier cousin). Such a random thing to have a craving for, but now that the thought's in my head, it won't get out...

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