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Old 09-20-2011, 11:09 AM   #16  
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librarygirl111 Yeah it's crazy trying to balance everything. I know what I'm supposed to eat. It's just a matter of doing it because I have convinced myself I'm being deprived of my desserts. I'm a runner too. Ohio is very beautiful and good for running (except in the winter).

Riestrella Lol. Your post made me crack up "swift elbow to crotch" and "sweating like a hippo". Seriously, though that sounds pretty hard. Good job! It sounds fun but I'm scared of reinjuring my shoulder.
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Old 09-20-2011, 01:57 PM   #17  
Insanity Round 3!!!!
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Hey Ladies!

Okay so having snack time with DS, just got back from the gym . Had Max Plyo Circuit this morning (5:50am ) oh man, I was FATIGUED from the first Max workout yesterday so this morning fully sucked! Oh well, it was over after 55 minutes of grunting, sweating, cursing Shaun T and generally looking like a dying elephant haha! Then went to the gym and ran sprint/incline intervals and hit the Jacob's Ladder. So, feel pretty good on the workout front today. Hoping to see 151ish this weigh in on Thursday, hitting the water hard for the next two days, and hoping for the best! Oh NSV, lost another inch in my waist and .5 inch in the hips from the last time I measured!!!! Yay ! Okay so happy there are more girls checking in here, that's awesome!

sgregg-Insanity does take a sick person to do it lol! I think that it is awesome that you are doing c25k, keep with it! Why are Sundays so hard? And if they are then why not Saturdays? I am just wondering because I know that it is difficult with LOs but you can get up before everyone and do it, it just takes determination and the will to DO it, trust me I know. I see it now as ME time, that I can use just to make myself feel better about ME. Maybe that would work for you? Just a thought!

HH4L-YAY! You are back ! Oh Insanity will get you into crazy shape and melt fat off you haha! On the goal front, I have been an athlete forever, college, etc. and I am going to try out for a semi pro soccer team in the Spring. Mostly I want to get back into good enough shape to hang with girls that are still in college and playing. The ultimate goal is to get to 19% body fat (right now I'm at about 21%)-that's where I have good muscle tone and definition, but I don't look scary ripped or too thin. I have been as low as 15-16% (playing soccer in college) but after 2 kids and actually liking to eat and not kill myself I am fine with 19 lol! Thanks, I really have kicked my own a$$ for the last 2.5-3 months so getting good feed back on the fact that there is a noticeable difference makes me really happy lol! Keep working, you will get where you want to be in no time with hard work and dedication!

lupos-WELCOME BACK!!!!! Yay for getting back into it, we love that . Major bummer on the injury I hope that you are fully functional again! Not gaining during that time is AWESOME yay you! On the balance front, I was playing soccer in college, so I pretty much had a built in maintaining program going lol! But I did have 2 LOs when I was doing post grad work and yes it was difficult. Basically I just had to build in time for me to work on my fitness, and really plan out meals and snacks that I could take on the go or fast so that I wasn't eating crap all the time lol. On the Insanity front, like Rie said it is DVD program that is intense cardio/plyometrics/body weight strength/muscle endurance. Basically it is a total body workout for muscle strength and cardio all in one. REALLY amazing!

library-Hello! Balancing all of that is difficult. I think that many of us just have to take it one day at a time and try to deal with everything for that day and then move on to the next regardless of whether we are totally on plan or not for the day. I think that your running sounds cathartic for you, which is great! I too am a runner when I am not in Insanity mode lol! Half marathons are great, I have done 5 to date, plus several 10k and 5ks. I have found though, that the 13.1 miles for me is SO FAR lol! So I am going to stick to 10/5ks. How do you train? What methods do you use? I am looking for a new training program for after I finish this second round of Insanity . I hope that you continue to bring down those unhealthy habits and focus on your healthy future and working to improve on the stress levels!

Rie-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:dev il::devi l: Plyo Cardio Circuit is a b!tch LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry, remember how I told you during my first round that I literally sounded like a dying hippo? Now you feel my pain lol! Oh man I totally know how you are feeling right now, it's like someone ran you over with a big rig right? Every morning you will wake up feeling like that, then suddenly in about another 7-10 days that will go away and you will just feel like the world's biggest stud lol! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEVEL 1 DRILLS SERIOUSLY! I was like you have to be f*ing KIDDING me when in the Max workouts he calls out FULL BODY DRILLS . Yes the Max workouts do really, really, really, REALLY SUCK but that is where I lost the majority of the weight and body fat. I will let you find out but holy crap for real! Do you now see why I always curse him and want to punch him in the face lol?! I love it! I can't wait for you to start seeing those results Rie, you are doing soooooooo awesome!!!!! KEEP DIGGING .

Okay girls, going to get DD up from nap and then get DS ready to go to preschool. Hoping to take a nap with DD later today, man I am freakin tired lol! Let's all kick lb butt the rest of the week ladies, man I can't wait for all of us to get into another decade!
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:41 PM   #18  
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Originally Posted by Riestrella View Post
Shaun T is like "imagine I'm there with you, make me work" - I would not be uppercutting your hand, I would be delivering a swift elbow to your crotch kind sir.
hotHealthy -....I would only recommend Insanity to those who have a good level of cardio fitness, I wouldn't recommend it to complete beginners!
Lol, I almost fell down off my chair laughing!
Yeah, I know how hard core Insanity is, I've downloaded it months ago, and I once did the Fit test and it was hard but not impossible. I was in better shape then, tough, but I'm just saying after I do build my endurance slowly,than do all the nice and gentle J Michaels videos, and be able to run 5-10k,than I will start hanging out with mister Shaun T. I just can't believe the same man did Hip Hop Abs and the Insanity...I mean HHA is such a mockery of a workout...

MMommy, yeah I tought you are going for definition Well, what can I say, it's great not being affraid to set big goals and then going for them. And it is great for us having you as a role model!

As for me, I was on plan today. It was a very modest plan - but it is my new strategy. I realized that I am always putting to much stress on my self, I'm trying to run while I haven't even learned to walk. And now I am not focusing on the scale, I am focusing on really changing a lifestyle. And even tough I feel embarased next to these mean machines like MMommy and Rie, I also know that I, myself can not do it now. So in order to break my pattern I'm great one week - than I binge for the next two, I am really going baby steps. That's why you don't even see a ticker in my signature now, but I am walking more, exercising light, cutting down on bad stuff and eating more vegetable. Some weight loss will come as a bonus, until I develop enough strength and confidence to raise my game and start deliberately destroying fat. Slow and steady wins the race is my moto now!
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Old 09-21-2011, 05:51 AM   #19  
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munster - Wowsa, congrats on losing an inch!! Not surprising though with the machine that you are ;p. Can't believe you wake up that early...that time just does not exist in my world. I too felt like a dying hippo! Together we are the Insanity hippos, haha! Hahahaha, can't wait to feel like the worlds biggest stud!! That'll be the day!! I think I'll feel like that when I'm in that healthy green BMI zone ;p. It hurt me last night to bring my leg up to my knee to take my shoe off...I'm very stiff right now!!

HH4L - I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face! I've seen the adverts for Hip Hop Abs...I know what you mean! I thought "really?" and saw him shaking his booty around! He suits the Insanity workout drill sergeant role much better =p. Honey, don't feel embarrassed next to us!! If you could SEE what I looked like during these workouts you'd be laughing your arse off!! I've been working out since January doing JM 30 Day Shred, then Making the Cut (but my own half arsed version!), running a 10k (trained for 7 weeks) and now I'm at a level where I think I can take on Insanity. Running seriously helped my fitness and that took time and dedication!
Go at your own pace and don't compare yourself to others. Do what works for you, and losing weight isn't about exercising like a machine straight away - it's about changing your mindset. I had to get over confidence issues and laziness issues, I was in a continued cycle of making excuses why I couldn't workout. Or if I lost a bit of weight I would start to slack off and it would just get worse. One step at a time!!
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:40 AM   #20  
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Day 3 of Insanity done! I really struggled again! I'm not sure if I'll ever get through one of these workouts without stopping!! I hate it when he's like "ARE YOU REAADDDYYY?!" and I say "NOOO!" but I have to keep going anyway =(. Why can't he hear my agonised plea for mercy?!

Trying to fit in the healthy eating plan is getting difficult again, mainly because of my work schedule...I can't just disappear to have a snack since I'm working! I've tried to make better decisions, eating a lot more fruit and the such - but still working on it! Need to keep drinking water too, I think I'm struggling with the workouts because of dehydration too!

So while my exercise is on form, my eating/water consumption isn't as good. Not terrible, but still not nearly as good as I'd like. I'm on my period this week so my weights been mulling around the 173 lbs mark but I'm going to take it in my stride considering!
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Old 09-21-2011, 10:08 AM   #21  
Insanity Round 3!!!!
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Hey Girls!

Okay so Max Cardio Conditioning DONE! I am sooooooooooooo glad that one is the shortest Max workout because man, I am tired this morning! Knocked it out, and now I am hoping that my weigh in goes okay tomorrow . I remember the last time I did this that I didn't lose anything the first week of the Max workouts, which sucked because it KILLS you, but I remember retaining a crap load of water because those muscles were crying lol! I think that may be what going on right now too, because I drink 100+ ounces a day (I have a tracker) and my rings are tight . So we will see! Amazing, everyone is still in bed except for me, which means I get to post and eat my banana in peace ! Early might suck for a little bit, but it's nice to have a little bit of alone time hehe .

HH4L-Thanks! I am so glad that my journey is helping to keep others on track and wanting to exercise! I am so into fitness again at this stage in my life, and I am glad because I know now that I will once again keep it as a main priority. I won't take a back seat to babies, or hubby, or anything else when it comes to my health, but I have to MAKE time lol! Definition IS the name of the game, I do still have weight I want to lose, but I am aiming for tone. I love it when my arms are toned, I have a flat tight stomach, and my legs are ripped lol! I think that your recognition of the changes you need to make for this to be a LIFELONG process are good. You are on the road to maintaining this instead of just losing a certain # of lbs and then coming right back to where you started. KEEP WORKING ON IT YOU WILL DO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rie-OMG the first week I couldn't tie my own shoes lol! I kept the laces tied and slid my shoes on to my feet LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel your pain trust me . It will get better and you WILL feel like a stud I PROMISE . Great job on getting Day 3 done! was that Cardio Power and Resistance? Even after Month 1 of ROund 2 I STILL HATE THAT WORKOUT!!!! It is so freakin hard!!!! Shaun T doesn't hear you because he is a mean, hateful, super toned man who loves to hear the sounds of our grans, moans, and curses from hundreds/thousands of miles away I swear! I think he dreams sweetly at night of people cussing him out and sweating puddles on their living room floors . Keep it up, the eating IS tough, but it is what will really kick the lbs trust me. Just do your best, you will see results regardless. Great job Rie, stick with it !

Okay ladies, gotta go get DD out of bed and give her the baba. Then it's off to the gym for cardio and leg workout training a girlfriend of mine. Hope you ladies have a great day and that everyone does well, stays OP, and has fun!
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:12 PM   #22  
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Hey all,

I've been really excited the last two days because I have eaten good food, and I can see a tiny difference in the mirror. I can't stand getting on the scale because I don't think it expresses how I feel when I look in the mirror. I like this method better of focusing, because everyday, when i look in the mirror (something that i have to do everyday anyway), i can see where I am losing weight and where I am not. I think that focusing on exercise and what i eat, and not how much I weigh is a good method---those numbers change so much.
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:28 PM   #23  
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4Life: Good for you! A video blog is a really cool idea. Also, good plan with the baby steps. it's a lifestyle change, right? Our habits didn't develop overnight, so why assume these new habits will build overnight? Celebrate each victory (like staying on plan, way to go!!), and remember that tomorrow is a new day, beating yourself up over yesterday isn't a proven method of getting healthy heehee. So keep plugging away!! You can do it!
Lupos: Welcome back! I'm pretty much the same way. When I first started, the best thing that worked for me was clearing my place of all nasty foods. I convinced myself not to eat sugar/pop (empty calories), and then my palate changed, and I stopped craving it.
Library: Those puffs are delicious! Great work staying on track . That helps me, focusing on today, not yesterday or tomorrow.
Rie: Good for you for pushing through! Just keep imagining how ripped you'll be for when you start training for your marathon. You will be better off for it! I bring a lot of small snacks (makes up on average 300 calories of my day), but they help! I have a desk job, so there is that luxury (ish) because I work in a call center, so ask me how often I'm sitting at my desk! LOL, I'm always on the run helping people out.
Munster: Congrats on the inches lost!

Been pretty busy, forgoing interweb time so that I can make sure to get in my morning exercise. This morning I woke up a smidge early, so I have 5 minutes to update!

Basically my HIIT consists of knee lifts, kicks, backkicks, and side steps (while listening to techno to keep my pace very quick), and short sprints about every minute for 15 seconds. In a bit I'll introduce some more intermediate moves, like squats, and my goal is to get my sprint up to 30 seconds (my calves will die! In a good way ). Pounding back the water, about 2-3 litres a day.

I was gaining for the last little bit here, and I could not for the life of me figure out why. I think I plateaued because the workouts I was doing were not challenging me any longer, my body got used to them. However, with this HIIT I am producing copious amount so sweat, my heart rate is up, and I'm definitely having to focus on breathing, so I know I'm on to something . Weigh-in is tomorrow so we'll see!

Good luck today!

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Old 09-22-2011, 06:16 AM   #24  
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Wow I was stiff last night. Walking hurt me! My calves felt like rocks! This morning they're still a bit sore, but I can still walk around without feeling like robocop (one of my nicknames at work because of how stiff I walk sometimes!). It's Cardio Recovery today. I'm not sure what that means, but the word "Recovery" is very soothing. But then is Insanity...who knows what will happen!
"Hey y'all this is Shaun T Insanity, today is Cardio Recovery...SO DO 20 PUSH UPS NOW!!!" *cringe*

My eating yesterday was better. Had cereal, fruit yogurt bowl, an apple and a sandwich with more fruit for dinner. I went to work for the evening which is why I didn't have a proper dinner. My scales are being nice to me and are back down to 172 lbs after hobbling around the 173 lbs earlier in the week. I even saw it stutter on 171 lbs for a moment!! Really starting to feel the thirst for that 169 lbs number! There are a few mini goals to be achieved in the 160s:
- 165 lbs is the halfway point to the Healthy BMI
- 164 lbs is the weight I was at when I was 18.

When my boyfriend and I first met we were 18, so if I can get below 164 lbs by February then when he sees me next I'll guaranteed be the thinnest he's ever seen me. So it's quite an important one to me! 141 days to go! By February 11th I want to be in the Healthy BMI zone, so that means getting to 150 lbs in 20 weeks. As is stands, I'll have to lose 22 lbs to get there, so I think it's an attainable goal! I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself, but it's definitely in the back of my mind!

I was also thinking, I really love checking in with you girls, but I love putting a face to the name! Would any of you feel comfortable with posting pics of yourself? It'd be nice to share more than just our weight loss!

munster - I would love to be a fly on a wall for a day in your life!! Well done on the Insanity workout, I'm already dreading these max workouts...

librarygirl - Perhaps you should measure yourself? It's a more accurate way of measuring weight loss, but obviously weight itself is still important but it's less random! Also, you should put aside way more money than $50 for a shopping spree!! At least $100!!

Mande - I wouldn't mind a desk job for that reason! I sure hope I'll be ripped...or just very nicely toned at this stage! I've got a pudgy belly to lose first! HIIT training is good, sweating is definitely a good sign that you're pushing yourself! Keep up the good work!

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Old 09-22-2011, 03:30 PM   #25  
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As in I weighed in, and lost nothing!

I know this will take time, and I still did not my work out (7 days a week, 2 weeks faithfully so far), still eating healthy (also faithful for the last 2 weeks). It didn't stop me from feeling dejected and unmotivated today .


On a more up note, I do like the idea of putting faces to names! Count me in!

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Old 09-22-2011, 03:35 PM   #26  
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Rie it is attainable and you have a strong motivation factor. And I bet you'll eventually come to LOVE Shaun T,cause that much work and struggle must be changing your body significatly!

MMommy thanks! And you are an inspiration to me, you're like a supermom. Hope I can be like that one day!

Mande ....oh, early morning exercises are the best! Leaves you feeling so accomplished for the whole day... good luck with weigh-in tomorrow!

It's been three days of me eating better now and all is going well. I've also been walking additional 4 miles every day cause there's this thing I need to attend to every day and that's across the town - so I decided not to take a bus but to walk there. And tomorrow I'll be also adding some daily exercising, nothing big, just 20mins on the elliptical, or 20mins of a workout video.
Let me just say how good I actually feel not pushing myself. I've been in the diet mentality for sooo long and (I'm veeery embarassed to confess this), but the longest I've been binge free in 2011 is 10 days! I'm currently reading a book about success which emphasizes how little things add up over time to make big results in the end - and I can totally see that principle working in weight loss as well. So maybe I won't lose 30lbs in three months. Maybe I won't lose it in 6 months either. But if it takes me a whole year to burn those 30lbs of and if along with that I develop habits that I will truly keep for a lifetime than I think that's the best option. I am so over trying to make a quick fix, I just want the change to be permanent, regardless of the time it takes me to hit the goal. As Tom Venuto says - I want to be lean and happy,not lean and miserable. And dieting makes me miserable.

Last edited by hotHealthy4life; 09-23-2011 at 04:15 AM.
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Old 09-22-2011, 10:02 PM   #27  
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Man, oh, man, I'm still so very busy. My brain hurts. But, hey, I've been making it to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday morning before my 9:30 class, so go me!! Woohoo! I did Day 1 of Week 3 of the Couch to 5k program today. That's a 5 minute brisk walk, 90 sec. run, 90 sec. walk, 3 min. run, 3 min. walk, 90 sec. run, 90 sec. walk, 3 min. run, 3 min. walk, and then cool down. Whew, my calves were on fire, but I did it!!

HH4L - Watched your youtube video and left a comment!

lupo - I am also in school. In my senior year in the elem. ed department of my university...ALMOST there! I also have a husband, and 2 children - a 5 month old and 6 year old, so I'm definitely with you in the "busy" department.

Rie - The reason I can't go on Sunday is definitely NOT laziness...hahaha!! But thanks for being there to kick me into shape. My husband's only day to sleep in is Sunday (so he won't be up to watch the kids) and I don't like going to the gym in the afternoon. Plus, that's the only day we have all day together. Oh, and I'm all for posting pics. Doesn't matter to me!

- Woohoo for lost inches!! I would definitely get up before everyone and go to the gym, but DH sleeps on Sunday mornings (since it's the only day he can) and I can't go on Saturdays because I have the kids to myself in the mornings. Well, I COULD go that afternoon, but I feel like I get my best workouts in the mornings. Leaving before everyone wakes up wouldn't be such a big deal if the gym was only a couple of miles up the road, but it's 20 miles one way. Unfortunately, my gym doesn't do child watch. Maybe I can hit the local track, but it's still 10 miles away...haha! I just live too far out. Lol!
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Old 09-22-2011, 11:11 PM   #28  
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HH4L: I checked out your vlog. I'm excited to see where you're at a month from now! Morning workouts are my favourite, I'm just left with SO MUCH energy, that lasts for the entire day, I don't end up winding down until at least 8pm.
sgregg: Steady Freddie, way to get it done today! If you soak your calves tonight, they'll love you tomorrow, lol.

I got off my self deprecating horse, so to speak, today, and worked out twice as hard. I ended up having energy fit for the day, so I ended up throwing in another work out just because I felt like it... That's right, because I felt like it!

Stayed on goal calorie-wise as well today. Even went out for dinner, but had pre-planned what I was going to order, so there was no panic or excuses used to justify some sort of pasta and cream sauce (which turns out has a wopping 1,000 calories in some cases! What the deuce?!).

I have an early day tomorrow, which is not a typical day (I usually work 10-6), but have to be out of the house by about 6:30ish, so up at 5:00 if I want to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise. The plan is to set my alarm for the same time as my phone, leave my phone in the living room, so I have to get my butt out of bed to get it, and can usually stay awake without snoozing. That's the plan, anyway, lol.

I also started updating my 3FC blog. So far I'm only following Rie, you're the only one I know so far with a blog.

I think that's it... Going to go spend some time reading with DF, and then head to bed for my early wake up .

Good night!
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Old 09-23-2011, 03:29 AM   #29  
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hey everyone, sorry i havent been here for a while, ive been getting onto eating well but exercise has been a push, so much of work stress! and then yesterday i came down with some kinda of 24 hr stomach bug which i suspect i picked up from the hospital i work in, damn work. So its been a pretty hideous 24 hours, but i am actually sitting up now and have managed to eat and keep down a couple of jelly fruit cups so thats good. I'll try and do some personals over the weekend
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Old 09-23-2011, 04:35 AM   #30  
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Sgregg thanks! And it's great that you've been going to the gym before classes! I just got my timetable - college starts in October here, and I'm panicking a bit, because of time management and because of college too - I'm a freshman. How many hours are you spending in college, on an average day?

Mande thanks for watching! I'll try to make the next vlog with clearer video Sgregg also has a 3fc blog!
I have a blog too, but I'm more a tumblr kind of gal, if you want to check it out My fitness adventure
And I'll start following yours - all of yours(Rie, Sgregg and Mande) too.
It's a real funny thing - how giving support to others makes you feel more motivated yourself...
IG good to see you again! Hope the stomach bug goes away fast!

Well, as I just said to Sgregg, I just got my timetable for college. I am a freshman in pharmacy college, and teaching starts next Monday. Education lasts for 5 years and it's supposed to be one of the most demanding colleges in my country... So I'm freaking out a bit... And I'll be spending there an average of 6 hours with 2-3 hours commute, plus studying...I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed just by thinking of it, but thank you our dear forum overachievers, I'll be looking up to you if I start looking for excuses!
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