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Here we go again 01-10-2009 03:59 PM

Aiight ladies, I'm here!

The evening did not go according to any expectations that I had at all. So Hot Latino manager came over at 10 last night. He then informs that he is meeting his friends at 11:30. It was funny b/c this was the first time I saw him outside of work and he was cute, but I didn't see him like that at all! So it was actually cool that he had plans. He brought tequila from his trip to Mexico. So I had me two shots back to back and had already been drinking corona. :) We had a good time talking and drinking. We are for sure friends. We didn't touch, kiss, nothing. It worked out fine with the roommate too.

So me being me, I decided that I was not going to let myself not have a blast tonight even if I didn't have any people to go out with. I got all cute, put on my black dress, and went to the club a few blocks away. So I'm feeling good and tipsy... I get me a corona and I'm just chillin. I would normally feel uncomfortable but I didn't (I think it was the booze) lol So this guy bumps into me. I call him on it and say he just wanted to talk to me. We end up talking, dancing and having a good time. He loves my accent and it was just perfect.

So...... as everyone was leaving there was a huge fight that breaks out. We were already talking about going to his house and just chillin. I had made it clear it wasn't that type of party. :) So he made sure I got to my car ok and we went to his house. We had a great time talking. I did kiss him. lol He was a perfect gentlemen. So we fell asleep on the couch, it was like 3:30 last time I looked at the clock. I woke up at 5:30 kinda freaking out. What am I doing?!?! So I wake him up and he walks me to my car. He's kinda upset that I'm leaving. Then I end up going the wrong way to get home, he calls me and gets me on the right road. He wants me to come back but I just go home. He calls me 15 minutes later, to make sure I got home safely. Then he tells me he wants to see me again, but I'm going to have to let my boyfriend go. lol So he thinks I left b/c I have a man at home. I assure him that is not the case. He told me to call him I wake up. So I did, but there was no answer. So we shall see what happens. lol

So at least I had a good time and I didn't get in to any trouble. :)

Here we go again 01-10-2009 04:02 PM

Nish- I was wondering if anyone caught the fact that I had a felony. lol It was back in 2002, I was in a club at a bar and a girl came at me with a knife. I hit her over the head with a beer bottle and I got charged.

Your husband cracks me up! At least there was a compliment in there. Too hot to go out!

I woke up this morning at 270 but I know it's b/c I drank too much.

Bee20nine 01-10-2009 04:12 PM

HWGA- Yay at least for the club gentlemen. Sometimes men at work seem hotter because they are in "their" element supposedly (at least what i read in mags). But at least you got to have a few drinks with him and hang out for a little while.

As for me I upped my treadmill time to 35 minutes today for 1st time. It felt like a fridgin eternity, but I got 2.25 miles down in 35 minutes. I am overly excited that I am averaging about a 15:30 mile.

I have played my wii for the last 4 hours, and I am trying to find motivation for the shower. One would think being stinky from a workout would be motivation enough. I think everything is pretty much going to hurt tomorrow from working out today. I did some different exercises that worked out different muscles so I am sure Ill pay for it.

Also, I am chowing down on one of those big Hershey dark bars. I hadn't even really noticed I was eating it until a few moments ago, I guess TOM is right around the corner. I never really want chocolate like this until then.

Taylor86 01-10-2009 04:17 PM

HWGA YAY that sounds like the PERFECT evening!!! I am SO happy for you. Really!! He sounds like a sweetie! Was he cute???

Here we go again 01-10-2009 04:27 PM

Taylor- Heck yes he was cute. He's kinda a bigger guy. I felt really small! And he's 6'1. Which is really good!

Bee- Yes, I think that's exactly what happened. Even the way he dressed was um, I didn't like his style at all! I'm glad we're just friends. Hmmmm choc sounds good.... thanks, B. lol

Chele615 01-10-2009 04:35 PM

HWGA.....sounds like you definitely had a nice night!!! So exciting :)

Bee....yum! I love dark chocolate!!!

Taylor86 01-10-2009 05:26 PM

So I over came my 'panic attack' I had this morning and went to the gym.

10 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes elliptical.

That is HUGE for me. I was so nervous when I felt that heartburn -- but I knew it was just heartburn but my anxiety kicked it which is what caused my heart rate to sky rocket.

I know I am a healthy, whole and complete person as I am right now...I just let my panic attacks get the better of me sometimes. (I am suppose to take xanax daily but refuse. They make me feel like I am 'underwater')

But NOT today! I over came it and burned 400+ calories. Huzzah.

HWGA OOoo I like bigger guys. My man has a little 'burrito belly' because he is addicted to chiptole and I think it's the cutest thing for some reason! 6'1 is a great height!!

bee Wanna pass some of that chocolate my way, please? hehe! Great job on going to the gym!!

jahjah1223 01-10-2009 05:29 PM

I just did weights for an hour.. and i seriously don't feel my arms me thinks i took it too far :(

Taylor86 01-10-2009 05:44 PM

AN HOUR of weight? woah! That's a lot of weights!! I don't think I could do that!

kisskiss 01-10-2009 05:55 PM

hwga: sounds like you had a great night! lucky girl :)
Taylor: congrats on getting to the gym despite your panic attacks. i have anxiety attacks at school, so I know how difficult it is to do something when you feel like you might have one an any moment :(

Here we go again 01-10-2009 06:03 PM

Jah- you need to make sure that you stretch your arms good! Drink lots of water. How are you doing?

Taylor- I'm so proud of you girl!

So the guy from last night called me! He wants to hang out tonight. :) I'm excited. I didn't want to get my hopes up just in case he didn't call, but he called!!!!!

Taylor86 01-10-2009 06:13 PM

HWGA He called! HURRAY!!!!! What are you going to wear?????? Don't forget perfume !!! Where are you going??? Bring back details!!! :val2:

Here we go again 01-10-2009 06:20 PM

taylor- I feel like a little school girl! lol I have no idea. As of right now, there's no details of when and where. We're both tired so it will be later. I don't really have a good pair of jeans b/c I'm in between sizes. I hate that! What to wear?!?!

Taylor86 01-10-2009 06:26 PM

HWGA - Um...a pair of casual dress pants and a nice shirt?? Maybe jeans with a little bit tighter shirt to off set the fact the jeans are too big?

mojolove05 01-10-2009 07:09 PM

HGWA.... I'm ready for tomorrow just so I can read the details. Hahha

I just got back from Buffalo Wild Wings and was there with my car club. These guys are BIG fellows and that is being nice. But ya know what I did... I had a grilled chicken salad with salsa as the dressing. They were just looking at me funny while they were chowing down on the greasy cheesy bacon fries, endless wings, choco cake, etc.haha. I was sooo strong and didnt even try and smell their food haha.

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