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Old 07-24-2014, 11:47 PM   #211  
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You do win! Nice grab with the shoes and what a great way to celebrate breaking through that barrier!

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Old 07-25-2014, 02:41 AM   #212  
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There's so much to catch up on! It's been a busy few days for me. I'm still on plan and I've been following the thread so all is well.

ajonas - As a former young and fat person who is now not-so-young and fat, I know exactly where you're coming from. I could have written what you wrote 15-something years ago. I'm trying to think what advice I would have given my former self... You're fine. You're lovely and beautiful and just fine the way you are. Disliking your body isn't what's going to change it. Throw yourself into life and celebrate every day because it really is a wonderful gift this life you've been given. The weight doesn't matter and will take care of itself if you focus on doing the things that you love.

uber - You are so smart and wise and juggling so many very difficult things that it makes you wonderfully human that you seem to forget your awesomeness sometimes. You had a crappy day, went out to eat, ordered something that had a reasonable amount of calories, and you ate it. And you stayed well under what you needed to have a calorie deficit for the day. I think you did great, especially when you think of the circumstances.

FWIW... I am incapable of leaving anything on any plate ever. I've spend hours at tables "nibbling" thousands of calories because there can be no survivors (!!!!!) from any meal.

Mandy - Right!?! OMG I so get your reaction to getting under 300!! Congratulations and it's awesome and wonderful and definitely reason for celebration, but there's a huge difference between what one feels and what one thinks one should feel.

I had that exact same reaction when I lost 100lb. I was like... Yes, it should be really awesome to hit these milestones but my fat behind is still shopping at Walmart in the poor part of town (the only one that carries a good selection of large sizes) because, even with 100lb gone, I'm still fat!!

If you need to be in a funk, you rock that funk. You sit in it as long as you need to and we'll all be there when you're ready to reemerge.

Diane - Hurrah for 50lb! I know writing that has an element of the ridiculous about it because it's following a rant on how you can reach these points and still feel kind of lousy, but I'm really happy for you.

Jessica - Hey now! You've got guys hitting on you!! Let him think you're perfect. Enjoy it. Bask in it. After all the crap you got from your soon-to-be ex-husband, I think that it's a well-deserved correction.

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Old 07-25-2014, 10:19 AM   #213  
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Morning All!

I have a 10:30am meeting so I don't have time to do individual responses this morning ... or right a 'novel' post So just a quick check in for me. I was back down this morning from yesterday to actually 243.8.... and while I prefer working with whole numbers and not the .X part BUT 243.8 is a full pound less than yesterday so I'm rolling with the fraction numbers on my digital scale. I did give in and ate a bagel this morning. Not the end of the world, its early in the day so I have plenty of time to get in some exercise and 'earn it' and keep it on track for the remainder of the day. Work closes early today and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I've got a lot of work in the yard to do and will probably have some down time thankfully. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but I have a feeling a pedicure could potentially be in my future.

Anyway it's hard for me to check in on the weekends - I try not to spend much time sitting in front of a computer if I can help it so if I'm not back until Monday everyone have a wonderful weekend. I'm pushing to hit 241-242 by then if I can!!!!
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Old 07-25-2014, 02:23 PM   #214  
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Woot!!! SO VERY MUCH TO CELEBRATE HERE! I rarely do emoticons on this site, but this occasion is worth it.

:cong rat:

First, huge kudos to . . . MANDY! Under 300 pounds. Decade changes are incredibly cool. Century changes - well, definitely worth a snazzy pair of shoes. I know you're in a funk, Mandy, and you're not required to be super excited, but dang it! I am super excited for you. Yep. You still have a long way to go to get to goal, but how much better is life at 299 than life at 330? For me, just being on plan makes a world of difference in my mobility, my ability to play, and my general health. A long way to go until goal. And after goal, a long way to stay that way for the rest of your life. But you have accomplished and are accomplishing the most important goal -- you have figured out a way to take care of yourself and your health.

And, with a FIFTY pound loss, DIANE! So much to congratulate here. Not only did you hit the mark in advance of heading to your parents, but you did it while increasing your fitness level and your physical strength. I'm so excited for you!

Uber - What a great plan you implemented in response to unexpected life stresses. Could you have done better? Maybe. Did you need to do better? Heck no. You dealt with a very challenging situation in an incredibly sane manner. And you're grappling with a frustrating set point to boot. I love celebrating the successes, but I also really appreciate watching someone deftly handling the struggles that precede the success.

Martini - You crack me up, woman. "I've spent hours at tables 'nibbling' thousands of calories because there can be no survivors from any meal." I love the solidarity ticker. Trainer boy won't know what hit him. (I have seen him at my gym the past two days, BTW. He has no idea how determined I am to beat him. And I just laugh.)

Jessica - I know exactly what you mean about not wanting guys to think I'm perfect. But that's if you're in a relationship with them, and they expect perfection forever. For a casual admirer, keep up the facade, baby, then see yourself through his eyes! Hopefully, you work out your "Missouri"-related feelings, deal with getting the divorce behind you, and find yourself ready for a great relationship soon.

LotusMama - Great to have you on here regularly posting again. Yay for defeating internet issues!

Sunny - I love reading about your homesteading lifestyle. Slightly jealous of your supa coolness. Really jealous of those blueberries.

Lisa - Breast feeding is hard, partly because of the constant hunger. (And it's wonderful, too, in countless ways. Yay for you for doing it.) I also remember seeing pics of your husband from back in the day. If I remember correctly, he's pretty hot. =) We get so many social cues indicating that men "deserve" thin women (regardless of their own hotness, but particularly when the men are hot) that I am more concerned than I should be about my guy getting "hotter." Thanks for the reassurance.

Ajonas - So glad to have you! You've gotten great advice, and I won't add to it, except to say that you should keep coming here. We'll encourage you, even when your choices aren't stellar, and help you get through the hardest parts. We're not a judgey group, but there is a lot of collective wisdom and experience here, which I find invaluable.

I am not having scale frustrations on a par with Uber's, but I seem to be stuck at 228.8/229.0. Remarkable consistency for three days now. =) So, I am doing two things.

First, I am taking a relax day (which I planned to do anyway). I will eat what I want, and not do any formal exercise. I will almost certainly take a walk this afternoon, and I'm excited about that, but I will not push my heart rate up. I will not do running intervals. I will not think about burning calories. I will enjoy our lovely weather. I have also given myself permission to eat whatever I want. Period. I started out this morning by eating the two small pieces of fried chicken in my fridge. I stopped at the gas station that sells the best. cookies. ever. And I gave myself permission to purchase and eat as many as I wanted. I didn't want any. I passed by the frozen yogurt place. No desire to stop. The greasy chicken is still keeping me full almost six hours later. I'm not craving sweets. Contemplating a late lunch, but will probably just keep it to a light snack so I can have an appetite for dinner with the fam. Who knows? But even if I find myself going crazy later this evening, I will be able to get back on plan tomorrow and even defeat the trainer boy challenge.

Secondly, I am taking a 1-week hiatus from the scale. It hasn't hit me between the eyes yet, but I know that this mini-plateau part can be very discouraging, so I'm not going to be a daily witness of it. Two weeks into my trainer challenge, and I am down 11 pounds. The official bet is 12, with a goal of 20 in order to give me a cushion for time of day and time of month randomness, but I still have 6 weeks to make that additional 9 pounds I need. So, to stay out of my head and keep my focus where it needs to be (healthy changes to my lifestyle), I will continue to be on plan, but will trust the laws of thermodynamics, as Uber very eloquently noted, and stay off the scale for now.

And a quick side note - Things with the hubby are very, very good right now. Lifestyle changes can be tricky, but, at least for now, the adjustments are working.
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Old 07-25-2014, 04:07 PM   #215  
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Sunny: Take that loss and run with it! You're gonna break into the 230's soon and it's gonna be awesome!

Laurie: I'm takin' a rest day today, too. My body needs it so bad and today will be day seven of working. So it's been a long week, but worth it to get my schedule squared away and back to 20 hours a week.

Ya'll are so sweet about the guy thing. I know I should accept the flattery but it's hard to do. I'm in a complicated place in general, I guess. Missouri doesn't make it easier by continuing to be the gentleman that I fell for all those years ago. When I needed someone to talk to about something other than the disaster that my life has become, he was the person I ended up turning to... I'm just going to continue to take everything one day at a time and focus on getting healthy, staying happy, and finding my way to the place where I need to be.
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Old 07-25-2014, 05:16 PM   #216  
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Hi all.

299.2 today, so I got to "make it official" that I'm under 300.

Still feeling blah. I'm pretty sure it's not diet/weight loss related because I'm not mad at my healthy food choices or wishing they were other things... Just wishing I had the freedom to grab the bag of tortilla chips and the jar of queso and eat my frustration away. My usual method of dealing with this weird emotional state.

So ambiguous. I wish I knew what was up. But I also know this happens to me sometimes when I'm stressed and trying to process something (I've got a few things going on, to say the least heh). Maybe my emotion center shuts down a bit while my subconscious struggles with a problem? No clue.

Thank you all for celebrating for me until my head really gets in the game, and also for the support while I deal with whatever this mess going on in my head is. It's very much appreciated.

Last edited by FeraFilia; 07-25-2014 at 05:16 PM. Reason: words are hard.
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Old 07-25-2014, 06:07 PM   #217  
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Guess who hit her first mini-goal.

Yup. Hit 260. Ironically, after being stuck at 261 I finally dropped after going out to a concert last night where I ate a picnic of baguette, brie, hard salami, and pate, and a couple of tiny cookies.

So, I'm officially down 25 since I started at the end of May, and more importantly, I'm one pound below the dreaded 261, which is how much I weighed in Jan 2012, when I stepped on the scale and discovered I'd gained 70 lbs in just over 3 months... plus, my goal was to hit 260 before I left for vacation, and I have 14 more days before I leave-- meaning that I will hopefully be IN the 250s before I leave.

Mandy LOVE THE SHOES!!! I'm so happy that you also hit the big century change! That is total awesomeness and I'm glad you paused to reward yourself. I really know what you mean about the weird emotional state. I have this weird thing when horrible stuff is going on and I think to myself-- okay, I know all this weird bad stuff is going on but I don't feel stressed. Not at all. This isn't bothering me at all. When in reality, I'm totally upset and stressed and worried, but it's like I just don't recognize it... it's looking back on those times, when I think, wow I was really upset then. It's like if I'm not crying I think I'm "fine." And that is EXACTLY the mood when I start eating everything in sight. Hang in there girl! You are doing so well!

MartiniCan you be my awesome big sister (even though I'm older.) You have such a wise take on things! I'm so glad that you are solidly on plan, and you really have your head in the right place.

Jessica I'm a sucker for romance, and nothing is more seductive than complicated feelings for old boyfriends-- now that's the stuff that novels are written about. It's always a little disconcerting when the pounds start dropping and all of a sudden you get so much more attention-- but I say you earned it and you should ROCK IT!

Sunny Good for you to stay away from the computer on weekends. I guess it's the occupational hazard of being a writer, but I seem to always end up back on the computer.

Laurie Taking a day off is BRILLIANTNESS!!!! This is the thing that I'm learning and GOING TO LEARN this time around. I was the queen of following the diet rules-- a complete weight loss over achiever, but boy did I have a lot of built up resentment from depriving myself over and over again that I didn't know I had.

So, here's the realization I had:

When I'm trying to lose weight, I act as if I'm on a train called THE GOAL EXPRESS. It's an awesome train, but it's not very much fun, and there isn't too much to eat on it. At each station, I have a choice to get off and go into the station where they have lattes, and danishes, and burgers, and all kinds of yummy things, so of course, it's tempting to get off, since I'm hungry. So I stay on the train for a while, but finally, I decide I want off. The problem is, the second I hop off the train, planning to have a coffee and Danish, which isn't so bad after all, the GOAL EXPRESS leaves the station without me, and I realize I'm now stranded in FAT LAND.

See what I mean? I mean, you could get on and off the train an infinite number of times and still reach your destination, as long as you get back on. You might not get there as fast, but it would be a lot more pleasant...

So that is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to step off THE GOAL EXPRESS when it seems like a good idea to do so-- like when I'm bringing a picnic to a concert. The brie and pate from one meal isn't going to make me fat any more than it makes the other people I'm sharing it with fat. The problem isn't eating what I want from time to time, the problem is thinking that I'm either riding the GOAL EXPRESS or marooned in FATLAND.

And that, my friends, is what happens when you let a writer join your little group. Since I type really fast, I can go on and on at great length....

Carry on!

Last edited by ubergirl; 07-25-2014 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 07-25-2014, 07:06 PM   #218  
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So, randomly, weighed in at 224.6 lbs this morning. This is the second or third day that I've seen that low on the screen so I'm running with it. That puts me at 35 lbs lost. According to my weight tracker, if I keep up with the 2.5 lbs or so I'm averaging a week, I could hit 199 lbs as early as October 1st. It's an exciting thought, but I'm going to stick with my goal of getting to 199 lbs by Christmas so I don't put myself in a position to angst. If I hit it sooner, awesome, if not, I'll get there eventually.

Mandy, your brain will catch up and embrace your progress soon enough. Keep focusing on making sure you're doing the best you can to take care of yourself and manage your stress levels. Things will have to calm down for you at some point.

Congratulations, Uber! I'm so happy for you hitting that goal. Especially after a night of indulging, which you'd earned! It's something that can go a long way to reinforcing what you're trying to remember - that you don't have to be stranded just because you stepped off the GOAL EXPRESS for a visit.

I know, I know. I'm the same way when it comes to romance. What's more I'm always a sucker for the guy who usually ends up friend-zoned. I'd chose the Phantom of the Opera over Raul any day. Jareth from Labyrinth. Snape over James Potter. Col. Brandon over Willoughby. And not just because the last two are played by Alan Rickman. I blame my exquisite taste for gentlemen on the late, great Jimmy Stewart. He was my childhood crush.

I can count my relationships on one hand. Three and one quarter. The first two were the same guy, once when I was in eighth grade and once when I was a senior in high school. He ended up cheating on me both times. Eh, whatever. It took him a long time, but he did eventually own up to it. The third full one was, obviously, my marriage. Yeah. That was a disaster from the get go and I knew it was doomed when he kissed me the first time and I felt absolutely nothing. Oh well.

That quarter... that would be Missouri. He's a gentleman. He's a slow - very slow - mover. When we finally met face to face in 2008, he never made a move. I thought it was a lack of interest. He's since stated that it was respect - we only had a week together - and letting himself get caught up in the very real possibility that we'd never see each other again - he was in the Army at the time. He's also incredibly hard for me to read. As I described it to someone once, it can make him both frustrating and confusing. It infuriates me, cause I don't like to be confused, and... I love it. I could read my ex like a book. I can read a lot of people like a book. But Missouri is like this puzzle, this big huge complicated puzzle, that I'm trying desperately to put together. One thing I am determined to do is not jump to conclusions again like I did before. I know that there is an affection there, I just don't know how deep that affection runs. I'm going to give myself time and, more importantly, I'm going to give him time.

Last edited by garnetrising; 07-25-2014 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 07-25-2014, 08:29 PM   #219  
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You are all doing so well! It's such an inspiration!

LaurieDawn - Was there any part of you that was scared or nervous before giving yourself that day off? One of my big fears is starting to eat and then not stopping. I've been really limited with what I eat. It's boring but it also does a lot to stem cravings.

Mandy -

Jessica - Someone's got a crush!

Uber - The only thing that I have taken away from your post is that brie = weight loss. This is why French women are thin. Thank you for reminding me of what I've always known deep down inside.

I am SO HUNGRY!!! Argh it is so difficult!! I've gone through the list of things it could be - emotionally I'm fine, work is stressful but that's always true - and have decided it's all hormonal. Ovulation hits and I get insanely hungry. I have absolutely no idea what to do about it.

My calorie range for each day is 1200 to 1400 calories. My first two weeks on plan I was at the lower end of that spectrum and this week I'm at the upper end. I went over by like 10 calories on one day but that's not really being off plan. I'm trying to address the hunger by eating foods that are very filling (think mammoth pots of vegetable soup) and it works but man oh man.

Does anyone know enough about what happens in terms of hormones during ovulation that would trigger this hunger? Am I just imagining things and looking for a biochemical explanation when I should be focused on an emotional/psychological one?
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Old 07-25-2014, 08:39 PM   #220  
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Martini - I don't think you're alone:

Some ladies get what feels like mini-pms around ovulation.

I'd like to offer my personal experience, but I've got PCOS so I'm not entirely sure when ovulation happens until my period hits and i realize that explains that issue I had a couple weeks prior.
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:53 PM   #221  
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Martini: I feel that's the closest I can get to a sheepish grin.

As for your hunger, I wish I could give you some better in sight. I have long cycles (about 45 days). All I know for sure is that I tend to hold my weight during with a big drop either right before or right after. And I tend to be ravenous at least part of those 4 days. Especially if I'm doing a lot of exercise. I have no idea when my ovulation tends to fall so I can't say if I'm extra hungry during that time or not.

In terms of satiating it, you might try increasing your fiber and/or your protein. Both of them can be very filling in different circumstances.
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Old 07-25-2014, 10:33 PM   #222  
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Originally Posted by martini View Post

I am SO HUNGRY!!! Argh it is so difficult!! I've gone through the list of things it could be - emotionally I'm fine, work is stressful but that's always true - and have decided it's all hormonal. Ovulation hits and I get insanely hungry. I have absolutely no idea what to do about it.

My calorie range for each day is 1200 to 1400 calories. My first two weeks on plan I was at the lower end of that spectrum and this week I'm at the upper end. I went over by like 10 calories on one day but that's not really being off plan. I'm trying to address the hunger by eating foods that are very filling (think mammoth pots of vegetable soup) and it works but man oh man.

Does anyone know enough about what happens in terms of hormones during ovulation that would trigger this hunger? Am I just imagining things and looking for a biochemical explanation when I should be focused on an emotional/psychological one?
Martini The hunger thing is the devil. I think this is a phase you have to get through. My hunger was over the top for the first few weeks, then my metabolism magically got used to the lower calories.

Re Hunger and ovulation. The devil is in the progesterone which surges after ovulation. It's low in the first half of the cycle. It makes people hungry and also other PMS symptoms. When your progesterone starts to rise it's probably what makes you hungry.

Regarding feeling like the first time you eat anything bad you'll suddenly eat the entire TITANIC. Ok, that is exactly my problem, however, I'm really trying to retrain myself out of that thought. I managed to lose 110 pounds and maintain for 2 years. That means 3 straight years of staying on track, but when I went off the rails, I swear to god I ate at least one serving of every single thing I had every looked at longingly and decided not to eat. I've never been one to believe in moderation of treats, or cheat days or anything like that, but now, I've decided that if I want to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF I'm simply going to have to manage. It is not realistic to believe that I'll spend the rest of my life systematically depriving myself of everything I want. What I'm trying now is to develop a habit of eating not much most of the time, just coffee and milk for breakfast, tiny lunches, and really light dinners IF I'm home and not doing anything-- but when I'm in a setting where I would otherwise feel deprived, like in a restaurant or out with people I go ahead and eat. I actually learned this strategy from a skinny and beautiful friend who is always off eating at some fancy restaurant. I never understood how she did it until I realized that was her strategy-- low baseline calories all the time and then big cheat meals a few times a week. Interestingly, I was looking back at my log for 2009. I started weight loss about the same time I started this time, and at this point, 9 weeks in, I had lost the exact same amount of weight. And this time, I've eaten brie, had a serving of ice cream, eaten 700 calories of pasta one time-- and it was all good. I'm not saying I've LEARNED this, but I have a feeling that this is the way that may eventually work for me. In the meantime, hope the hunger monster calms down!
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Old 07-25-2014, 11:33 PM   #223  
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So. Out of curiosity, and a sense of "I'm going to screw up at some point in the future, so let's see how this would fit into maintenance"...

I went to to get my TDEE, or what I would need to eat daily at maintenance if I was working out 4x per week (which is what I do now).... and apparently my maintenance calories at goal (Age 33, 5'9, 165lbs) will be 2100-2200 calories per day. (Guessed for age at goal)

So, in essence, if I go crazy and eat something that puts me over my calories, FOR NOW, but I stay below 2200 calories... I've essentially had a day that will be okay when I get to goal and enter maintenance.

I've decided, before it even happens, that I'm going to need to forgive myself, and this is the science of why it's not the end of the world when I do, or something like that anyway. And I can consider it practice for when I splurge after hitting my goal.

I didn't learn this skill last time. Which is why I ballooned right back up when I stopped paying attention. People who never have weight problems, or have reached goal and maintained for a long time, they've learned how to socialize and have the occasional "splurge" without it triggering a massive regain. I want to learn this.

I NEED to learn this.

I did well today. I've been so snacky and wanting to eat ALL THE FOODS in the house. When I felt the need to sit and munch on something, I weighed and logged grapes and was able to mindlessly munch. It helped. And it was so much better than the chips and queso I mentioned earlier. I've done well today and kept my food to around 1600... The low side of my preferred range (1600-1800).

This post has been insanely ramble-y.

TL;DR - I'm typing to keep my fingers out of food I'm not really hungry for right now.
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Old 07-25-2014, 11:54 PM   #224  
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Thank you all, much. I really appreciated your story SunnyMac, I can relate to it...I have sort of written off dating until I start feeling better about myself, because I know I too have landed myself in some bad relationships that have made things worse, or made me feel worse about myself. It isn't about wanting to be thinner necessarily before dating again, but if I can't feel as good about myself as I should I certainly can't expect someone else to do it for me...and garnetrising, your tips are helpful. I will really ponder how to approach this with more planning and less impulse, and try to figure out some of the root causes. I am seeing a therapist again, and for as long as I have known her I NEVER talk about my weight. I am too embarrassed (I know, defeats the purpose of seeing a therapist?!), but I think it's finally time that I talked about it. It has been an issue my whole life. And EVERYONE, thank you for your kind words. It is hard when very few people around you have the same problems, and as much as my friends and family love me, they just can't relate or understand my frustration.

I think where I failed was that I was SO strict with myself that I did set myself for a "relapse". The weight came off so quickly, and my impatience prevented me from seeing the best thing for me in the long run. I am signing up for a gym (finally, for the first time in 9 months), and the scale budged FINALLY, 2 pound loss! Not much, but I have to start somewhere. I suppose it was serendipitous that I finally saw a decrease in weight a day after I posted for the first time.

I will be in touch.

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Old 07-26-2014, 01:37 PM   #225  
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Ajonas - congratulations on your loss! Hopefully, you'll be comfortable enough to talk to your therapist about the weight issues, if that's something that you think will be helpful for you.

Martini - Yes. I am terrified of not being able to get back on track. So far, though, I have been doing well with it. It was only one day, though, so I didn't have to go through the starving thing of the first foray onto plan, and I have things ready to go and a plan in place. I really liked it, actually.

Mandy - I love that thought. And you know what? If 2200 is maintenance at goal, it's probably a deficit where you are right now. Good for you on being able to eat mindless grapes. Those are the strategies that will serve us long-term, cuz those munchy days will happen, and your strategy sounds so much more pleasant than white-knuckling.

Jessica - I LOVE those people that you mention are typical "friend zone" material, except perhaps the Phantom. I, too, have always preferred really good, kind men over flashy ones. I hope you find your Colonel Brandon, whether it is Missouri or not.

Uber - I have been thinking about your Weight Loss Express. I love the way that you express it. It's exactly how I am, and I tend to forget that there are places that aren't either Weight Loss Express of Fatland. I am really trying to explore them.

Really need to rant. Hope someone can relate. Yesterday, I was very excited because, every other Friday, my husband and stepkids do a pizza and movie night. I chose this day to do my "relax day" so that I could enjoy the pizza and snacks worry-free.

I got home from work around 6:00. They had already eaten. This man who never feeds his kids before 7 or 8, and sometimes feeds them as late as 11, fed them enough before 6 that there wasn't even evidence of a meal. And, even though I was doing a "relax" day on calories, I also wanted to be hungry so I could really enjoy the meal, so I was pretty hungry at this point. Okay. Deep breath. My son was bringing by some furniture, and I had told him that I would buy him and his friend pizza, so I decided I would just have a few slices with him. I asked my husband and stepkids if they were still hungry or would just want to munch on pizza so I would know how much to get. All of them emphatically said they did not want any. My son brought over two friends instead of one, so as hungry as I was, I was concerned I didn't have enough, so I let them eat before I had any. They left a single piece. Okay. One slice of pizza and some raspberries seemed like a good dinner, and I was really excited about the pizza because I haven't had any in so long. I went out to say goodbye to my son, came back in, and my husband (who had both eaten dinner and told me not to get him any) was eating my pizza. WTH?

This is the part I hope someone can relate to, because it makes me feel crazy. I was incredibly close to tears. I wanted that pizza so much. I had "plan" food, but it wasn't supposed to be an "on-plan" meal. I also really didn't want to order another whole pizza for me when I would have only wanted, at most, two slices. So, I watched the movie, took deep breaths, and realized that my plan food was chosen for a reason. I really like it.

So, at about 8:30, I went into the kitchen, which is set behind and a bit off to the side of the living room, and got some Starkist ranch tuna. So. Good. I took the first bite, and really savored it. I was hungry. And my husband turns around, sees the tuna, and says, "Oh. I was wondering what that horrible smell was. Tuna in a bag. Gross."

And this is where I completely lost it. I am a grown woman with impulse control. But I froze when he said it. He turned back around, I sat the food on the counter, and I went into the other room and cried.

Then, I decided I was done with eating for this disastrous meal, went bowling with the group at 9:00, walked home from the bowling alley to help shake my nasty mood, watched another episode of Batman with the group, went to bed at midnight, got up, and have been back on plan since. Even though I totally weighed after I said I wouldn't, and I am up an entire pound. ;-)

Also, as much as I liked going off plan yesterday, I really love being on plan. I feel in control. My body reacts well to my chosen foods. And I love being able to eat without guilt.
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