3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Vixsin 02-10-2011 12:48 PM

Personals :)
Eclipse: Congrats on the 160's!!! That is awesome!!!

Athena: Stick with it! You're doing great!

FitGirly: You're doing great! Stick with it!

Starbrite: Congrats on your .2!

Asherdoodle: Great loss!

Quantum: Hang in there! Sometimes our bodies fluctuate and we just don't know why. :hug: Keep your chin up.

Carter: Congrats!!!

Court: You're doing so great with the cooking! So proud of you!!!!

:wave: to anyone I missed! :)

FitGirlyGirl 02-10-2011 01:11 PM

I'm up .4 to 189 today. I am officially annoyed. I know that the weights make my muscles hold water, etc. However, I have no lifted enough weights to make up for the amount of fat I should have lost this month and as of this morning I am up .2 for the month. I don't get it!

Angie 02-10-2011 01:30 PM

Hi all, TOM arrived for me today...weight stayed the same, so I'm happy with that. I'm a bit sick of myself at this general weight though, it's been long enough, time to get some exercise going again and get things moving. After my post I'm going to spend a good hour on the treadmill.

Starbrite -- Congrats on your .2!

:wave: Hi Diana! Hope the afternoon goes better than the morning for you :coffee:

Ona -- Good job on the bike and video! Yes, I've got to keep my focus on making good decisions.

Kristi -- Almost there! good job!

ParadiseFalls -- Yes, I think a few hours would make a difference like that, don't worry.

Carter -- Congratulations!!! :bravo:

Matilda -- The suspense is killing me!! C'mon 219!!

LosingIt -- Eep 2 buffets to face in one day is too much for anyone! Congrats on keeping things under control despite TOM :)

Court -- I love my crockpot, I'm going to go get something out to throw in there for tomorrow now that you mentioned yours! Good job on cooking 2 days in a row!

:wave: Hi Kris! Hope all is well with you.

Kukkie -- Good job on planning ahead for the splurges!

Bulletproof -- Congrats on your .4!

xXLosingItXx 02-10-2011 02:19 PM

Thanks Angie! You betcha. For a while I almost decided to completely lose it and eat what I wanted, but I kept reminding myself. I WASNT HUNGRY. There was no need to eat a whole lot, I got a taste of what I really craved for a month now, sweets, and thats that. I don't generally freak out anymore with my weight fluctuations unless I gain 5 pounds and it stays there two weeks XDDDD It hasn't happened yet and I know I've been on plan everyday since starting this journey. If I slip up, there's no need to beat myself up and think its the end of the world. I'm human, I'll slip up, the point is getting back on track immediately and prevent it from happening again any time soon :) Good luck with your workout, I haven't gotten on a treadmill in so long!

Gale02 02-10-2011 02:24 PM

I want to see 229 by March 1st.

1: 240.2
2: 239.8
3: 238.8
4: 238.4
6: DAY
8: 243.4
9: 240.8
10: 237.8

Matilda08 02-10-2011 04:36 PM

Gale- nice work!

Angie - I know I know and its so funny because Ive been fighting for the two teens I may be in tears when I make them. Tomorrow should be the day!

CutieCourt 02-10-2011 06:32 PM

Today has been a good day. I have been tracking 100%, stopped by the YMCA on the way home and signed up! Tonight they have step but I am determined to finish cooking. Might be able to hit Yoga at 6:30. Like I said earlier today..blue skies. After yoga will probably go for a jog. Havent ran in 2 weeks due to being sick and junk and well my 5k is upcoming March 12, so I need to get it together. I could really use a nap but im going to do what i need to do TODAY, with no sorry excuses!!

SOOOO much success in this thread! I am so excited for everyone:)

JennieLovesKisses 02-10-2011 07:45 PM

I might not be able to update EVERYDAY but I'll join.


02:Missed Weigh In
04:Missed Weigh In
07:143.0 (wow didn't expect that)
10:142.8 Ate pretty crappy today, within my cal range...but crappy!
11: Missed Weigh In

Athenacapella 02-10-2011 10:05 PM

Wow, how is it we're all TOM at the same time? Are we cosmically connected?

1/31: 255.6

2/1: 257.2
2/2: 254.6
2/3: 255.2
2/4: no wi/cheating
2/5: no wi/cheating
2/6: 256.0 (cheating)
2/7: 259.0 (cheating finally caught up to me)
2/8: 259.2 (on plan)
2/9: 257.6 (on plan)
2/10: 255.0 (on plan) -0.6

And here it comes, THE WEEKEND, the dreaded, dreaded weekend. At least this weekend I bought some new furniture, so I have a project to put it together. But historically weekends have been 3-day binge fests, so I will definitely need all the support I can get to stay on plan.

Dayna320 02-10-2011 11:34 PM

299.6, officialy under 300!!!! and i have a job interview tomorrow. things are hopefully looking up. way up.

oh, and i actualy did some exercise today. took the dogs to an un explored walking trail by my house. it was steep. i didn't make it to the end because i left late and it was getting dark. next time i'll leave earlier.

i've also been drinking a crap load of water. :)

starbrite 02-11-2011 01:27 AM

:wave: Hello everyone !
Been a really trifficult week (new word coined by my teenage daughter- means very bad indeed!!) Asked for the petition to be taken off line because I felt weird about it. After two days 147 people had agreed that I should stay. Feeling the love! But it has been dreadful emotionally and I feel a complete wreck.
However I have discovered my secret weapon in fighting the battle of the bulge and stress at the same time.......broccoli puree!! As I'm low carbing I sometimes miss substance in my meals. I have discovered pureed broccoli is like eating a plate of mashed potatoes but without the carbs!! Yummy and so satisfying :)
So down 0.5 today to a new low of 183.2. I am so done with the 180's - they have been almost as bad as the 230's (remember them Diana??)
Need a few more pounds of pud off as I am expected to go to a wild west party next friday, dressed as a can can girl !! Oh the joy of having a crazy BFF!
Lots of :hug: to you all - you have been my rock lately.

OnaMi 02-11-2011 06:35 AM

:congrat: Dayna ! good luck w/the interview!:)

Starbrite,great job on the .5! love the word "trifficult" :) the wild west party sounds cool! you must let us see your outfit!


:goodvibesAthena,for the weekend!

Angie,hope you had a good workout on the treadmill!

awwJennieloveskisses,you are so in the groove,you can eat crap and still lose weight cause you've got it going on girlfriend :high:

Cutie,Great positive attitude and fighting spirit!

Good luck today Matilda :crossed:

Fantastic JobGale,3 lbs :yay:

LosingIt,great mental control and positive thinking!:)

:wave: to anyone i missed!

Diana3271 02-11-2011 06:55 AM

Good Morning and TGIF! :yay: I am so ready for the weekend!

Last weekend DH was sick. This week, our dog has had issues with arthritis. He's been waking up in pain and crying. I took him off glucosamine because I was having allergic reactions from giving it to him. We have since put him back on it but DH is giving it to him. He is also on an anti-inflammatory, but the glucosamine seemed to make a big difference for him. Anyways, one night we were up all night with him, another at 4 AM and another at 5 AM. It's TTOM right now and I have problems sleeping during TTOM anyways. On top of that, I'm thinking my thyroid meds are too high since I have lost more weight. I haven't had much sleep this week. This coming week I have an appointment for labs at the Endo and the next week a follow up with the Dr. I'm still hoping to be able to get some sleep this weekend. At least more than I've gotten this week.

I am too far gone for an extra cup of coffee to help me. I am just going for the coffee IV. :lol: I'm thinking the coffee IV will do a better job this morning. :lol: :D ;)

Calories for yesterday: 1440 + :coffee:

Weigh In: 159.4 (TTOM, almost down to my original low :))

Down: .2

Dayna320 Congratulations on being under 300! That's wonderful! Great job on getting some exercise in. Sending you :goodvibes: for the job interview. You have so many positives going on for you right now! Enjoy! :hug:

Starbrite Ha Ha don't remind me about the 230's! :lol: ;) That was bad and then trying to get below 200 was another one. Evil for sure! :devil: Congrats on your .5. I saw about you doing low carb. I'm not sure if this is available in your area, but last weekend I made some broccoli slaw with mushroom and chicken alfredo. It was so good. I lightly boiled the broccoli slaw then topped it with the mushroom and chicken alfredo. I can even see me using the broccoli slaw in place of noodles for a chicken noodle soup. This is what I used http://www.eat-smart.net/products/product.aspx?id=3 I don't know if you like cauliflower, but I saw a recipe where they made a mock potato soup with cauliflower. It looked really good. I know you can also use cauliflower to make mock mashed potatoes.

Diana3271 02-11-2011 06:59 AM

Has anyone here ever worn Not Your Daughter's Jeans? If so, are they worth the money? I tried some on last night and they really look good. I am so tempted to buy some when I get to goal. :D

quantumsheep 02-11-2011 07:09 AM

Ooh! A whoosh. I am looking forward to this weekend when I'll have the time to read everyone's progress and leave individual comments.

Feb 8: 273.0 - Back at square one.
Feb 9: 272.2
Feb 10: 274.0
Feb 11: 271.6
Feb 12:
Feb 13:
Feb 14:
Feb 15:

Total Weight Change for February: -1.4

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