3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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quantumsheep 02-08-2011 09:08 PM

I'm back after several weeks of eating like there's an impending food shortage and sitting on my butt. I've got the exercise DVD fired up, and I'm in my workout gear ready to go as soon as I hit post.

Feb 8: 273.0 - Back at square one.

Total Weight Loss for February: 0

xXLosingItXx 02-08-2011 09:21 PM

Oh wowBulletproofheart! That's a really really cool coincidence!

Vixsin 02-08-2011 09:35 PM

Coon: :hug: I'm sorry about Shaun. :( Take care of you and that precious little boy! Hope you can come back soon! Love ya girl!! :hug:

Quantum: Welcome aboard!!!! :welcome3: "eating like there's and impending food shortage" cracked me up!!!!! :lol:

Kukkie: Hiiiiiieeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! :hug: I have been meaning to congratulate you about the house! SO exciting!!!!! :D I'm sorry you had to cancel the gym, but everything happens for a reason, right? :) I workout a little at home and I bought Bob Harper's new set of DVD's called Inside Out. OMG!!!! They are amazing and KILLER! There's a cardio, strength, yoga, and Bob's workout. I love them! Also, The new york city ballet workout is excellent!!! Especially the ab work...it's so intense.

Athenacapella 02-08-2011 09:55 PM

Back on the horse after another bad weekend. Can I please start working 7 days a week? ;)

Bulletproof Heart 02-08-2011 10:18 PM


I would not know what to take for dinner the last couple days I have been taking a Special K bar to eat in between and might just do that and then I eat a yogurt once im home.But my mom got hoagies so I ate half of mine when I go home and now going on the elliptical before going to sleep since I didnt this morning, hope it doesnt affect my weight :( And thanks :) haha it took me a while to get a picture that I liked lol.

Dayna320 02-08-2011 11:21 PM

up a little today as expected. only by .4 though so thats not too bad. and per the pee strips i'm still in ketosis so woot!

opheliaphoenix 02-08-2011 11:44 PM

Vixsin - Thank you! That is one of the reasons I'm already loving this place. :yes:

Also, I'm just starting to calorie count, but I haven't been as strict as I think I will be with the numbers. I know that I am keeping my calories under 1500, and I'm thinking of reducing to 1200. I've stopped adding salt to everything, and I have GREATLY reduced the amount of cheese I consume, which was a major weakness in my diet. I've also almost completely substituted my drinks with water. I only drink water at work now, and about 98% of what I drink at home is water. I used to not like drinking it with food, but now I'm already finding that I prefer it as it competes less with the flavors of my meals. I've increased veggies and have always eaten enough fruit. (Loving that I found a place that actually has some variety in the produce section out here in OK. I was spoiled by the amazing agriculture in Northern California, lol.) I have barely snacked in the past few days and am actually considering an IF (intermittent fasting) approach to the timing of my meals, as I am rarely hungry in the beginning of my day anyways. (Still need to do some research on that, though.) I'm also paying more attention to the balance of food groups, and - as a vegetarian - I have made a point to include more plant-based meat replacement/protein sources with more meals to add variety and aforementioned balance.

I'm just starting out with all of this, so I'm still learning many things about this new lifestyle and what might work best with my body. Any suggestions for what worked well with you? Sorry for being so long-winded!

Eclipse - That's actually really good to know, thanks! I was looking at the newer version anyway, but you just sealed the deal, lol.

Carter - Yes, you're right. I know that even just 10 lbs in a month is quite a goal, much less 15. I think I may have been overzealous in my calculations when making a goal for the "February Weight Loss Challenge" thread over on the Challenge board. I was thinking that, since I'm so heavy, and I'm just starting out, I would have an easier time dropping pounds in the first few weeks...thus, the more ambitious number. (This challenge is also the only reason I chose an "X amount before Y date" goal, as well.) But, I guess my body needs time to adjust, so we will see. I think I was getting frustrated more by my progress for this month, as opposed to the progress I'm making as a whole...which is more important, I know. It's too soon in my journey to be losing sight of the bigger picture, so thanks for the reality check! It was just what I needed. :^:

Matilda - That's the plan, and thank you!

ParadiseFalls - In case you didn't already read it, I answered that at the top of this post in my reply to Vixsin...I don't think I will torture anyone with going back over it, lol. The short and simple: between 1200-1500 cals, but I will have to be more stringent with my counting to know exact numbers each day. I think I'm going to start a diet blog to help me keep track.

Kukkie - Thanks! Yeah, it was definitely one of those days. I'm hoping the rest of my week proves to be a bit more encouraging. And, yours too! Hopefully, we will both be able to dig past our ruts soon, haha. I'm also looking forward to any answers we may get about the dvds/wii games/etc...for the time being, I'm stuck working out at home, too.

OnaMi - I think that's going to be my main focus right now. And, hey...any weight that comes off this month while I'm getting healthier will just be the fat-free icing on the metaphorical cake, right? :lol:

Coondocks - I'm sorry to hear about that, and I too hope everything works out for the best. It always does...you just have to give it some time and sort it out. Sending positive energy your way!

CutieCourt 02-09-2011 12:45 AM

SO FRUSTRATED!!!!! Ive been tracking with weightbot (program on iphone4) because i have been out of my mind the past couple of days. Its turning into a HORRIBLE week. Hubby and I are going to join the YMCA, i think it will make me feel better. I want to get back to doing my thing and ready to be done assistant directing this show! Gaaaaaahhh! Im not giving up. Im NOT giving up. This is the point where i usually fall off the wago and i am working through it, i have too. This is a lifestyle change. I can work through this.

I want so bad to be in the lower 230's, but I feel like the scale is against me. I feel like im falling OUT of love with my scale...hopefully tomorrow will be better. Sorry about this rant, but i think ive been sucking bc i havent checked in for a couple of days. Ive already blown my NS goal, thinking I should have made it lower. Recalculating it to 75% of the month. I have been making better choices when eating out but its not the same as cooking. I will get over this hump. I will. and I miss you all.

12-31: 244.6 DEC LOSS: 7.8
01-31: 240.0 JAN LOSS: 4.6
NS goal: cook 75% of the time (cook 21 days)

1: 238.0 *(cooked)
2: 239.8 (cooked)
3: 239.0 (cooked)
4: 240.6 (ate out)
5: 239.4 (ate out)
6: 240.6 (ate out)
7: 242.4 (ate out)
8: 242.4 (ate out)

starbrite 02-09-2011 01:20 AM

Morning lovelies!
Down 0.8 almost to my low, at 183.9 - amazing really that stress can do this to a person.Had the day off yesterday to clear my head. A bunch of people have gathered together to write an online petition to keep me in my current job (Illegal contract.....) as I will be out of the job I love and excel at in July due to a fixed term contract. So the petition took me by surprise and some of the things people said have just blown my mind. There are 112 signatures so far, but I don't think it will do anything- just nice to feel loved!

Diana3271 02-09-2011 06:15 AM

Good Morning! :wave:

Calories for yesterday: 1490 + :coffee:

Weigh In: 159.4 (TTOM)

Down: .6

Still not a lot of time for personals. I have more time on the weekends. :(

Starbrite It sounds like you have been under a lot of stress. :hug: Congrats on the .8!

Kristi Sorry to hear about your DD's ear infections. I hope everything is resolved with the surgery. Keep us updated and let us know when the surgery is.

quantumsheep 02-09-2011 08:16 AM

I'm a little disappointed this morning, but I imagine I was expecting too much.

Feb 8: 273.0 - Back at square one.
Feb 9: 272.2
Feb 10:

Total Weight Loss for February: 0.8

xXLosingItXx 02-09-2011 09:08 AM

Whoops, I inflated. Maybe it was the late night snack...or the chinese food. XD

1: 178 +0.0
2: 178 +0.0
3: 177 -1.0
4: 175 -2.0
5: 175 +0.0
6: 173 -2.0
7: 174 +1.0
8: 171 -3.0
9: 173 +2.0

CutieCourt 02-09-2011 09:37 AM


12-31: 244.6 DEC LOSS: 7.8
01-31: 240.0 JAN LOSS: 4.6
NS goal: cook 75% of the time (cook 21 days)

1: 238.0 *(cooked)
2: 239.8 (cooked)
3: 239.0 (cooked)
4: 240.6 (ate out)
5: 239.4 (ate out)
6: 240.6 (ate out)
7: 242.4 (ate out)
8: 242.4 (ate out)
9: 244.4 what is going on!! +2.0

girlonfire 02-09-2011 09:39 AM

Morning everyone! I have class in 10 minutes so I can't do personals but I am pretty frustrated with my weight right now. I've noticed it ALWAYS hits the same numbers constantly and never goes down, despite my hardest efforts! In a week I've lost only .2 pounds! Maybe my scale is screwy? Is it normal to always get the same numbers?

Jan 31: 268.8
1:267.4 (-1.4)
2: 269.8 (+2.4)
3: 268.2 (-1.7)
4: missed
5. 268.6 (+.4)
6. 268 (-.6)
7. none
8. 269.8 (+1.8)
9. 268.6 (-1.2)

Bulletproof Heart 02-09-2011 09:54 AM

Did my weight around 9 got 292.8 did it after getting a shower(30min later) and I was 291.something lol kinda hate how it goes down later then the normal time I do my weight

1: 293
2: 295
3: 293
4: 293
5: 292
6: 292
7: 293
8: 291
9. 291.4

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