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Old 10-23-2007, 11:02 PM   #31  
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Ugh, today was horrible.

Woke up at 6:25, had to be out to door at 6:30 to get to class on time. Didn't have time for anything remotely healthy for breakfast, so I had an apple juice at school and a whole bunch of water.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with some low-fat Wheat Thins and a wedge of garlic and herb Laughing Cow.

Class tonight was stupidly stressful, had a test I totally forgot to study for, and dinner was a little...well, bad. My mom made hotdogs, and by the time I got home, I was way too exhausted to cook anything. So I just had the sausage part and the buns, only mine were 98% fat free weenies on wheat buns, no chili, with lots of veggies...onions, bell peppers, sliced tomatoes, olives.

So I guess I didn't do too bad after all.

I have to work 2-6 tomorrow afternoon. I already cut up a HUGE salad for my lunch tomorrow, and got some pretty bananas that I think I'll have one of for breakfast with some toast.

Dinner has yet to be decided. I got some zucchini that I need to do something with, and I need some protein, so I'll have to ponder that for a while.
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Old 10-24-2007, 04:54 AM   #32  
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I did pretty well today.

I ate about 1700 calories after all is said and done. This to me is not too bad because I have been tracking the past three or four days before I started and saw totals of 3000+ for a day.

I messed up a little with my snack because I bought the Stoneyfield Yogurt fat Free French Vanilla. I apologize to those of you who like it but I could not get it down. I had some nice blueberries and walnuts mixed in and I have to say I had to throw it away. At least now I know what works for me.

It was also funny today because usually there is not much in the way of snacks was like the mother load had hit work.....LOL People were coming at me left and right with cookies, cakes, homemade breads....and I turned almost everything down. I did take one 1/4 of a cookie and a bit of something called beer bread.....I did not like either so I worked out for me I walked away not wanting more. I still got in about 1700 calories so tomorrow I am going to go for 1500. I would like to stay between 1500 - 1700.

Thanks to all you ladies for the welcomes....makes me feel good to be here.
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Old 10-24-2007, 07:33 AM   #33  
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Good morning, Everyone!

Just a quick note to touch base and let you know that I'm doing okay. I have another project...this one due by Friday afternoon...and I'm already running behind. Plus, I have an appointment with an orthopaedist on Friday morning, so I need to try to complete the project early. Yikes! Feeling just a bit stressed. I stayed 100% on-plan yesterday, but the scales have decided to creep up 1 pound since Monday....for absolutely no reason. Have I mentioned how much I hate the scales! I wish I could work-out again. Hopefully, the doctor will help me fix the knee and get going again.
Plan for today....another 100% on-plan day.

Hope everyone has a great on-plan day!
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Old 10-24-2007, 08:33 AM   #34  
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Yesterday was another "surprise" eating out challenge. *sighs* Had my normal cottage cheese and fruit breakfast, then had a colleague call to see if I could do lunch. So off to the pub I went. Okay... so "soup and salad" isn't always the healthiest choice, especially when it's caesar salad and beer-cheese soup (each about 300 calories) with a beer and a soft pretzel on top of that!

Ah, well. After work I ended up just baking up a veggie burger from the freezer, topping it with salsa, nibbling on a bit of cheese, and eating another apple. All in all, I came in under my totals. And I DID enjoy my lunch very much. *grins* It's good to have some low-calorie, healthy dinners as back-up plans for days like that.

Katmeow: Isn't it great to have a "freezer soup stash"? Whenever I make soup I freeze a couple servings to add to the stash. Then I have an emergency supply of good, healthy, low-calorie, veggie-laden meals at my fingertips, for those days when lunch was heavier than I expected.

And even if your cheat night wasn't planned, it sounds like you ate and enjoyed something that you usually don't have. So it was definetly a treat, and you definitely enjoyed it. *hugs* That's the point of cheat nights, right?

MJ5: Wow on the being hit on! *grins* What a great stroke to your ego. It is SO exhilerating to get those unexpected compliments, isn't it?

Schmoodle: That Chicken Divan sounded so good I went and looked it up. And now it's on my grocery list for this week. I'll probably make it lower fat, since I'm watching calories rather than carbs, but it sounds so yummy that I may not bother for the first time, and see how it goes.

Nicolen: I really admire you for going to the gym. That sort of "feeling it" is what I call "a good sore". It means my body still knows what it's supposed to be doing, rather than the sore of injury. And packing both swimming and gym gear gives you the option to choose depending on your mood.

LaurieDawn: Yay, you!!! That healthy-food feeling is a great impetus, isn't it? I'm so proud of you for keeping on even after getting out of obesity-land.

MJ5: Sorry your knee is acting up. I know how that goes -- I have a foot that gives me terrible pain when I overdo things, or wear the wrong shoes. But sometimes we just need to give ourselves a little time to heal. SOunds like your swollen knee and "bloated" feeling may be connected. Maybe when one starts easing, the other will too. One can hope.

Rakel: You give me hope. I avoid clothes shopping with a passion, because I so seldom find anything I like and that fits. But my work wardrobe is woefully in need of updating (and not just because I've lost some weight, but also because it hasn't been looked at in years). I may head to Lane Bryant and see what they have nowadays.

Sara: Sounds like your day was busy! I'm glad you were able to make some healthy food choices among the craziness. One tip that helps me, when I don't want chili on a dog, is to use salsa. It still gives a nice "kick" of flavor, without the fat of beef chili. Hot dogs aren't that bad, really, especially if you get the turkey ones or lower fat ones. And with baked beans, you get a lot of healthy fiber (even though you have to watch the amount, because they are calorie-dense).

DollyR: I had to chuckle at you throwing away your yogurt. It's so hard for me to throw away food, and if I'd added blueberries and walnuts, I probably would have tried to fish them out and eat them at least, choking them down, in order to "save" them. I'm glad you have been tracking your calories. I find it amazingly eye-opening when I see how much I really eat when I'm not paying attention!

Rhonda: Don't let the scale get you down. If you work your plan, your plan WILL work. The scale only measures weight, not fat or composition. So it WILL fluctuate from day to day, or even from hour to hour. That's just part of living in these wonderful bodies. *hugs* You WILL see changes, over a longer time period.
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Old 10-24-2007, 09:03 AM   #35  
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HI Everyone.
Thanks for the well wishes,
I am glad that everyone seems to be doing ok..
I am getting back on track slowly... Today was my weigh in day, but I am going to weigh in next week, I will start weighing myself tomorrow, and hopefully the scale won't be too bad.
Food and snacks are a real problem for me, over the summer I was able to snack on berries, peaches, plums, cherries, but right now all they are selling that is fresh is apples, pears and oranges, and bananas. I eat a banana every day, but hate the other fruits, so I end up snacking on my kids snacks, and that kills me. I am going to a more upscale market near me, and will look into what they have, but I don't expect to find anything good. I also ate earlier than I usually do. I ate at 6:20 instead of 9 am, and felt ok. I did 44 minutes on the elliptical and some general exercises, I am hoping to get in some weight lifting tonight.
Here is my plan for food today..
bkfst.. oatmeal, banana, 4 oz grape fruit juice
lunch.. chick a fill patty and hummus
dinner .. I am making the kids quesidillas with refried black beans,, I am going to eat the black beans with 2 corn tortillas and ff sour cream. with salad
snacks.. kashi tlc bar, ff yogurt with fruit..
I can do this today!!
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Old 10-24-2007, 09:20 AM   #36  
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Good Morning! I told hubby I was going to the gym today, no I AM going to the gym right after work. I can feel myself starting to slip back into bad habits and I don't want to let them take over. My knee feels 'ok' today, not great, but not super bad either. I get my first injection tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.....
Rhonda--Good luck on your project! You CAN do it! I am glad to hear you are getting your knee checked out.

synger--I love having some healthy, quick dinners in the totally saves me from blowing an entire day sometimes! I think you are right about the swelling and 'bloatedness' being connected.

Cheryl--good luck w/ finding some yummy fresh fruit. I can't remember, have you tried any of your favorites that are frozen?

Have a great on plan day!!!!!
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Old 10-24-2007, 10:02 AM   #37  
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I did great yesterday staying on-plan. I made Wendy's chili for dinner and it was so good.
Um, okay, I did eat three potato chips. I don't know what it is with me and the nibbles lately. I stay on plan, no binges, but then for some reason I have to take one bite of something bad every day! Maybe it doesn't matter so much in the long run, but it's driving me crazy. I've only recently started doing this and I hope it doesn't mean I'm going to get more and more lax.
Anyway, tonight is Tilapia topped with Ratatouille. Lunch will be leftover chili. Breakfast was Irish Oatmeal with apricots and almonds. Throw in a couple of salads, some yogurt for snacking, and NO BITES OF ANYTHING I SHOULDN'T HAVE.

Well, I didn't get out shopping yesterday, so I am in my baggy jeans again today. Maybe today, sigh...
I am glad to hear about the jeans at LB, rakel. I wanted to try there first. I have always liked their jeans. Sounds like you are curvy, so did you get the red?
synger, I think you'll like the chicken. I won't make it every week because it is a little high in calories, but so yummy and healthy. When I made it, I used a TON of broccoli, nonfat sour cream, and lowfat cheese. We're not supposed to use lite mayo on SB, but you could substitute that too. I was also thinking I could increase the broth a bit and decrease the other stuff. I used 6 boneless breast halves and 2 lbs of broccoli cuts, and still had plenty of sauce.
Good luck at the doctor, Rhonda.
Dolly, have you tried nonfat Greek Yogurt? The texture is amazing, so creamy and rich. I am obsessed with it these days.

Have a wonderful on-plan Wednesday, chicks!
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Old 10-24-2007, 10:23 AM   #38  
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I had a pretty good day being on plan. I'm back to not drinking as much water as I should, so I'll have to fight that battle again and get back to where I need to be. Oh well!

I'm hoping I didn't do something stupid yesterday, though. There is this guy here at work who is a pretty good friend of mine. He is younger by about 12 years or so and was an athlete in high school and college. Well, he thinks he is out of shape and needs to lose weight. We have kept each other in line in the past with working out and drinking water, etc. We basically shame each other into keeping on track because we're both fairly competitive. Anyway, we were talking about the wagers we have had in the past and I told him about the goal I have for Christmas and that I had posted it here on 3FC (he actually doesn't know the exact website, he just knows that somewhere online is this very helpful website!) Anyway, he wants to lose 17 pounds by the end of the year, which would put him at 180. (which, ironically, is my goal weight) He talked me into setting the same goal of losing 17 pounds. Oh boy. That's quite a bit for me since I seem to lose it very slowly. I took the bet (darn competitive side of me did it), so I'm going to have to really buckle down and get this done. If we don't make our goal, the "penalty" bet is pretty severe. I just hope I didn't set that bar too high. I think he might have trouble losing that much, though. He is already very fit, so it will take a lot for him. But he is younger......

Anyway, I guess it gives me big time motivation to stay on plan!
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Old 10-24-2007, 01:04 PM   #39  
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Morning everyone!

OK, I'm never going to predict the weather around here again! I said yesterday that it was going to be a nice day. We actually had high winds and a very spectacular thunderstorm with hail that hit around 7:30. I'm just pleased I didn't go for the walk I'd thought about - I would've been caught in the middle of it!

I ended up going swimming after work at the pool. Swam for about 40 minutes and spent about 15 minutes in the spa - a girl's gotta have some indulgences after all! Personal training session tonight, so we'll see how that goes.

I made pasta for dinner last night - spaghetti which I've just combined with some bacon, mushrooms, spinach and garlic. No cream, no cheese, which took a bit of getting used to, but I actually like it. Got the leftovers for lunch today, so I'd better like it as much today as yesterday!

Laurie, you're doing so well. It's quite inspiring. I've shopped and got healthy food and as I'm unpacking the groceries, I'm wondering where I start - it all looks so good I want everything!

MJ, how's your knee feeling today? Is is something you think you should get looked at? Yeah, I'm lucky to live so close to the beach - it's about 15 minutes by bus. It's something I take for granted - because the country's so small, everyone lives fairly close to the beach...

Rakel, shopping yay! Sounds like you got some lovely clothes.

Tracey, sounds like you did well to stay on track as you did. Still dark at 8am. I can sympathise - I hate that time of the year where you're going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.

Sara, that dinner doesn't sound too bad. Could have been a lot worse. Just remember that today is another day!

Dolly, sounds like you had a great day yesterday - especially with everyone throwing food your way like that.

Good luck, Rhonda, with all your projects. Hope things calm down for you soon!

Synger, sounds like you could compensate for the lunch so that's something!

Cheryl, well done with getting back on track. It's easier said than done.

Schmoodle, your meals always sound so nice. One of these days I must try some of your ideas.

Diane, motivation is good!

Have a great day everyone
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Old 10-24-2007, 01:56 PM   #40  
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A quickie today.

I had a good day yesterday. My calories were a touch high because I bought some fat-free ice cream that was on sale yesterday. I couldn't resist because I haven't had ice cream since I started this, and it was only 70 calories for 1/2 a cup. The ice cream was WAY good, and I went a little overboard, having a little over a cup instead of the 1/2 cup I'd intended. But only a blip in the scheme of things. I did completely avoid the chocolate chip cookies my daughter baked, though, so I'm still feeling quite virtuous. I also got in a decent workout - 40 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on the stairstepper - and a 4.5 mile walk last night. The scale continues to slide downward this week. If I can just maintain the effort over the weekend, I'll have another good weigh-in! I feel like I'm in a honeymoon period again, and I want to do everything I can to extend it. I even felt skinny yesterday. That feeling is unpredictable and comes and goes without regard to what I actually weigh, so I was really loving it.
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Old 10-24-2007, 02:44 PM   #41  
Trying so hard....
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Well today has been better than yesterday so far. I had two pieces of toast with a pkt of instant Brown Sugar Oatmeal for breakfast. Then for lunch I had subway and light doritos(which I love and cant stand the thought of giving them up when I transition into full veganism...yikes). Went walking at the mall for about 15-20 minutes cause it is raining. I felt like I got a good walk in, I was a little out of breath when done and started to get a headache, a sure sign for me that I am exerting myself. Tonight will be roasted red pepper pasta with a sprinkle of low fat parm cheese.

Hope I can stay out of the darn kitchen after dinner!

The thing is I am making suckers in the shape of pacifiers for my nieces baby shower, so I will have to resist ........MELTED CHOCOLATE.......lately I have been able to just do a small bite and stay out of it. I hope to keep it that way tonight!! I am sure those little small bites add up quickly, yikes!
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Old 10-24-2007, 05:31 PM   #42  
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before I forget -- good luck RHONDA at the knee doctor!

today wasn't so bad, so far!

Breakie was a kashi bar and fresh melon (ugh didn't have any cottage cheese for a protein boost and i sure felt it!)

Lunch was a sammich with more melon LOL Leftovers from an open house, I'm surrounded by cut-up delicious perishable fruit!!

Dinner - going to have marinated chicken and a ginormous salad as i've had no veg all day

snackie? not sure .... no more fruit that's for sure Maybe a 100cal bag of popcorn if i feel like it, otherwise just a cup of tea before beddy
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Old 10-24-2007, 06:09 PM   #43  
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Hi again! I went to the gym and got in a really good cardio workout.

As I was getting ready to leave, this guy (different from the one the other day) was totally flirting w/ me! We joined at about the same time and we always say hi and chit chat a bit, but today was just different, somehow...totally innocent (he knows I am married)--I told hubby and he said 'of look hot!' I don't know about all that--unless he was referring to the fact that my face was red and I had sweat running down my face!

What an ego boost!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow morning is my first injection for my knee....wish me luck! I am a little nervous, I have had cortizone injections in my knee before and I am thinking it will be similiar--a little sting, but not too bad!

Have a great night...I'll check in tomorrow after my appt.
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Old 10-24-2007, 07:38 PM   #44  
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Breakfast today was a bowl of grits made with water and one orange.

Lunch was a HUGE salad and an apple.

Dinner was a Lean Cuisine and a banana. Was way too exhausted to actually cook anything.

Later tonight, if I feel like it, I'm going to make up a zucchini casserole to use up the rest of the zucchini just sitting in the fridge.
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Old 10-24-2007, 09:48 PM   #45  
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You know, I just realized that I have gone almost a whole month with no real progress. 10/04 I was 284.5. Today I am between 283 and 284. *sigh* I guess it's time to buckle down and mostly just stick to my plan, but intensify a bit, start doing some weights every day instead of just twice a week -- really shoot towards eating healthier things, more protein, etc. Tomorrow we're having painters come and paint out entire apartment, so John and I are going to do some activities together -- tennis, bike riding, swimming, walking... and see what happens about my stamina.
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