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Old 10-22-2007, 06:30 PM   #16  
baby steps
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Well, dinner plans just got totally messed up. I wound up with my three and a half year old niece with absolutely no notice this afternoon, which totally threw my plan of salad and a lean cuisine out the window.

This kid LIVES off of Chicken McNuggets and fries, and pancakes. The only veggie she will eat is corn, so I decided to get off my butt and take advantage of that. I browned some ground turkey with garlic and onions, dumped in a can of ranch style beans, a can of diced tomatoes, and pulled a few ears of sweet corn from the freezer and took the kernels off and threw those in too. Simmered it for a while, and called it "stew...chili...something or another just eat it and stop complaining."

She had hers with some cheese and chips, and I'm having mine with 1 serving of whole wheat ritz crackers. I gotta admit, it's just pretty darn tasty.

OH, I forgot to add that she, the child doesn't touch a fruit, was interested in the strawberries and grapefruit that were sitting on the counter, so after she eats, we're going to make homemade fruit popsicles! I'll try to sneak some pineapple juice in there, and throw them in the flash freeze and see if I can get her to actually get some fruit in her little body!

Last edited by xtrisaratops; 10-22-2007 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 10-23-2007, 02:26 AM   #17  
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Way to give some nutrition to that kid! It's a shame when kids are so picky and the ONLY thing they like is terrible for them. One of my nieces is actually allergic to eggs and milk, needless to say she loves vegetables. One time my mom found some chocolate that didn't have any traces of milk in it, and tried to give it to her, and bless her heart (she was about 8 or 9) she was afraid my mom wanted to send her to the hospital.

I was planning on playing the Sims for the evening after I finished my work, but I decided to go with my better judgement and do something more useful. I went to our storage area outside and started pulling things out of it to get our bikes out. The state of the storage closet was a compelte disgrace. Everything was just thrown in there and it seemed like if you pulled something out everything would come crashing. We really need to get some sturdy plastic shelves from Home Depot in there. BUT ANYWAY, I was pouring buckets in no time, then I pumped air in the tires and went out for a ride. I had been waiting until I lost more weight because I thought maybe because I was so heavy that if the bike hit a bump in the road/uneven sidewalk, etc that my body weight would force it to break and I would fall and get hurt, not to mention be completely embarrassed, but I decided to just go for it. The tire is practically falling off my bike so I rode John's. MAN, it was intense. I went up this small hill and it was SO HARD. I only rode for maybe 15 or 20 minutes, I honestly didn't count, but I was extremely red-faced and dripping with sweat. Much better of a workout than the exercise bike.
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Old 10-23-2007, 06:02 AM   #18  
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Hi Ladies,

I decided to post here to give myself some accountability.

I went through and dumped the junk from the freezer today. I had already gotten rid of things from the cabinets when I returned this summer. I put it all in the car to take to the base refuse place and I hope the car is not too stinky in the morning.....YUCK!

I also went to the commissary and spent about 80 dollars getting food for the YOAD/calorie counting I am starting tomorrow. I am going to plan my breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner after this and try to get a good healthy day in the works for me.

I might have to go to the doctor tomorrow as there is a chance I have pink eye. Hopefully it is the type we get in the States and not the Korean type where you look like your eyes are bloody.....very ugly looking more so than the other....I would look like something out of a horror movie. It could be allergies so I am taking a bendryl and putting some drops in tonight and if it is gone in the morning GREAT! I hope so....I am very tired of doctors because of my recent boughts with infections.

Wish me luck!

FYI.....WTG Rhonda on the 220's when I was here the last time you just starting out! Look at how well you have done!!! AWESOME!
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Old 10-23-2007, 07:50 AM   #19  
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hi everyone,
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
I am still struggling food wise, but less, I am pretty sure I am going to be better today. I was able to do 45 minutes on the elliptical, but that was it. Today I woke up at 4:30, to take hubby to work, so I am tired. I have only drank water so far, and am going to get on the elliptical at 8 am, and do all my exercises. My shoulder pain is better, that is the good news. I haven't stepped near the scale, because some irrational thought is promising me to see a 30 lb gain, so I may not weigh myself tomorrow, until I get a better handle on this. I have some things to do today, pay bills , stop at walmart, but will not allow myself the luxury of failing. I used to come here like every few hours, now I have to push myself to come and post, but I will not fail!!!
bkfst.. oatmeal, banana, grapefruit juice.
lunch.. choices.. rice and bean burritto( 289 calories), or a veggie chick patty with hummus.. I will decide eventually.
dinner.. .the kids are having tofu with veggies( I stir fry this with oil, so I will not allow myself this), I am going to have this spicy thai tuna( bumblebee) with crackers, and some lettuce.
snacks.. yogurt with fruit, Kashi tlc bar.
I will do this!!
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:45 AM   #20  
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Good morning, Everyone!

We have an overcast drizzling day here in Georgia. This is a very good thing as we've been in a drought. Of course, I'm now struggling with the strong desire to head back upstairs and snuggle back into my nice warm bed. But, duty and the bills are calling my name. I had a great on-plan day yesterday with my food. However, I was struggling with hunger which is very unusual. I'm never hungry when I'm on-plan. Hopefully, this means the scales will be giving me a "whoosh" this week. Wouldnt that be nice. I'm still not able to workout because of the knee. I've been giving it a rest, but I've noticed that it starts hurting if I'm on my feet for long. This is incredibly aggravating. I'm starting to wonder if I will ever be able to use my treadmill. I thought about an ellyptical as they are supposed to be better on the knees, but we just don't have that in the budget right now. Hubby and I are going to the running store sometime this week. We are having our gait analyzed so they can recommend some good shoes. He has been having some shin splints. We know that we will have to pay some serious money for good shoes, but we decided that its worth it. Hopefully, the lower cost of health issues down the line should be a great benefit.

Today, I want to drink more water and try to find some type of "sitting" workouts.

Nicole and MJ - did you make it to the gym yesterday?
LaurieDawn - Wow! You are almost "merely" overweight...that is awesome!
Diane - Welcome back! Sounds like you have a great plan in place to get going this week. There's nothing quite like a vacation to refresh the mind. Regarding the bra fitting, I go to Lane Bryant. Most of the sales associates there know how to measure for bras. They are quick and professional....and, you keep your bra on! It really made a big difference for me the first time I did it. They told me I should have been wearing a 42DD. I was wearing a 44C at the time. I looked and felt so much better with the right size on. If you just can't get around the idea of a stranger measuring you, maybe you can get hubby to help you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. There are some great websites that will tell you what your measurements equal for band and cup size.
Sara - Great job on improvising your dinner plans. Picky children...or Hubbys!...can make this difficult. Our children try to be picky, but we tell them to eat what was cooked or go hungry. Of course, you can't really do this with you little niece!
Rakel - Congratulations on your bike ride! I haven't been on a bike in ages. Hubby keeps trying to get me to go, but I'm a bit nervous.
Darlene - Great job with throwing out the junk and buying some healthy foods!
Cheryl - I'm really sorry that you're going through a rough time. For some reason, they just keep coming back, huh? Hang in there. You know you won't be feeling like this forever. One day, you'll wake up and this will all seem easier and automatic again. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope everyone has a great on-plan day.
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Old 10-23-2007, 08:51 AM   #21  
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Thanks for the advice Rhonda. I'll have to muster up enough courage to get it done right! The bras just can't get any more uncomfortable than they are right now.

I didn't have a great on plan day yesterday. Trying to get caught up on work after vacation was a challenge and I went for the easy meals, which aren't too great for being on plan. But, I'm going to do better today!

Darlene, glad you joined in on this thread. I remember you from before and I'm really glad you're back posting!!

Hang in there Cheryl. You can make it through this!

Have a great, on plan day everyone!
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Old 10-23-2007, 09:21 AM   #22  
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Hi everyone! I made it to the gym last night! We also did a lot more yard work than I planned on (I even have a blister!), but at least it is done!

Laurie--Hi! I really dislike yardwork! We did more than I anticipated, but the good news it is it DONE! Great job for resisting the cookies!!!!!

Diane--I think your plan for planning meals is a great idea! Ooh, good question for Rhonda! Whenever I buy bras I am too chicken to ask to be fitted! I keep telling myself 'next time'.....

Rakel--I hope you are able to get back on track w/ your sleep! Good for you for cleaning out! I need to do that at my house....that is going to be my fall/winter project. I hope you get some great bargains shopping!!!!!

Sara--Good for you for not letting your plans to eat healthy go totally out the window!!!

Darlene--YEA for cleaning out the freezer!!!! I hope your eye is better!!!!

Cheryl--Today WILL be a good day!

Rhonda--It's raining here in NY too! Sorry about the knee. You are right an elliptical is good for the knees, I have also been told that biking is good too. I know my dr and pt have always encouraged me to wear shoes around the house I normally take my shoes off and go barefoot or just socks, but I have found that when I wear decent shoes when my knee hurts it does help a bit.

Good news for today is that my knee feels a bit better. My knee is so weird...sometimes if I push it a bit when it hurts, it actually feels better the next day. That's what I did yesterday--I pushed it a little bit at the gym, then the extra yard work...all I know is that it feels a bit better so I am happy!

Oh, I almost forgot! I was totally hit on at the gym yesterday!!!!! I was just about to step off the treadmill--I was really sweaty and feeling gross...and this guy stood in front of me and I 'felt him' look me up and down--then he winked. He must have noticed my rings because then he said "Your husband is one lucky guy". Oh my, I laughed and said that I was the lucky one...then I blushed!!! Luckily, I was already red in the face from being on the treadmill! Talk about an ego boost!!!!!!!

Have a great on plan day!!!!!!!
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Old 10-23-2007, 09:32 AM   #23  
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Good morning ladies,
Yesterday was pretty good food-wise. I was on plan except for a glob of frosting I ate when I was throwing out the cookie cake pan from DS's birthday. At least I resisted the cake, and it's out of the house now. All that's left from the party is some Moose Tracks ice cream. I'll keep it for a couple of days in case the kids want some, then I'll throw it out, and all bad party food will be gone from the house.
Last night I made the Chicken Divan recipe from the SB forum and it was really yummy. DH and I both loved it - it's a keeper for the permanent recipe file. Today's plan is leftovers for lunch and Chili for dinner. Perfect for a gray, drizzly day like today.
I have two pairs of pants that fit me. I'm behind on laundry so I tried to wear some of my big jeans today, but it's really not working. I think I'll try to get out and buy a pair today, and I desperately need some bras too. I don't have any idea what bra size I should buy now, I know these puppies have shrunk quite a bit, so I should probably go get fitted too.
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Old 10-23-2007, 10:40 AM   #24  
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Yesterday was a strange day. It had the potential to be really bad. It was my day off, so I was only cooking for me (a potential trap if ever I had one), and I wanted something sweet (a trap that doesn't happen to me all that often, but when it does it's hard to resist).

I had oatmeal with shredded apple for breakfast.

Then lunch I was kinda grazing... a mini whole-wheat bagel with the last of the homemade butter (from our dairy farm trip last Saturday), a few slices of lean deli ham... and then I REALLY wanted something sweet. So I ended up getting into the sugared pecans. Fortunately, they are rich enough that I only wanted a handful or so. But even so, it was a much more fat-laden lunch than I wanted.

Then I met DH at the bank at 1:30 to discuss a loan. We have some major plumbing repairs to do. We have break in the main sewage line right near the house, and it's overflowed in our basement a cou0ple times, so we need to have it excavated and fixed, and replace the carpeting and some furniture. Insurance only covers some of it, so we needed a loan for the rest.

Anyway, by the time we were done with that, DH wanted to go out to eat. He hadn't had lunch yet. So I ended up at HardTimes Cafe (a chili joint) at 2:30, when I wasn't all that hungry. Or so I thought. Once the chili mac got there, I ended up eating half of it. I was hungrier than I had thought.

I didn't eat "dinner" until almost 7 last night, and just had a bowl of the chicken veggie soup I made the other day, and another apple.

So while the chili mac wasn't the best choice, and the timing of eating was rather messed up, the calorie total for the day was under my goal, and I did get at least three servings of vegetables (2 apples, and a bowl of veggie/chicken soup). So all in all it worked pretty well.
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Old 10-23-2007, 12:03 PM   #25  
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Last night was an unplanned cheat night (unexpected friend of my son's stayed for dinner and we did take-out from Longhorn). I caved and had the ribs and (to add insult to injury) also had the little cup of jalapeno cole slaw. So today is repair day. Breakfast was oatmeal and apple. Lunch is from my freezer soup stash and a salad with salad spritzer. Dinner is that LC Butternut Squash Ravioli and a tomato.

I HATE it when I blow my cheat night on something that isn't planned. It takes away some of the joy when I can't dream about it for 6 days and conjure up what my "evil" will be.

Oh well.
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:00 PM   #26  
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Morning everyone!

It looks like being another lovely day here. After all our weather dramas, it looks like summer has arrived. Yay!

Laurie, good job with not having a cookie. Food that's shoved under my face like that is something I really struggle to resist.

Diane, I sit down the night before grocery night and plan my menu. I'm not absolutely strict about it - it's definitely not a case of "if it's Monday it's stirfry, Tuesday it's salad etc". Just to give me an idea. I try to be a little bit flexible just in case the supermarket has something good on special.

Rakel, tell me about the laundry thing. Sometimes I think the laundry basket breeds - it just never seems to shrink. Then again, by the time I separate my work clothes, my at home clothes, delicates and sheets and towels. There's a minimum of 4 loads right there for 1 person!

Sara, go you! I'm not a parent, but I watch friends that are parents just give way to their kids and let them eat whatever they want. With a little bit of time and effort, you can jazz up just about anything to make it appeal to a kid and your frozen fruit sounds ideal!

Darlene, welcome! I've seen many of your posts around the place before now.

Cheryl, I know what you mean about having to push yourself to post here when you're struggling. When I feel like a failure, it's hard to post and read that everyone else is doing so well...

Rhonda, going to a proper running store and getting my walking analysed was the best thing I've ever done. Go for it!

MJ - yard work and the gym! Fantastic stuff. Go you!

Schmoodle, you're right. Better a little bit of icing than a piece of cake.

Synger, sounds as if you made the best choices you could.

Katmeow, look forward to the next cheat and make it the best you can.

Well, I did make it to the gym yesterday and I'm really feeling it now down the backs of my legs and arms. That's a good sign right? I'm not going today because I've been 2 days in a row, and I've made an appointment with a personal trainer for tomorrow night. Thinking I might either go out to the beach for a walk or go for a swim on the way home. I'll pack my swimsuit and my gym gear and see what I feel like.

Anyway, I've written enough of a novel for one day.

Take care everyone!
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:27 PM   #27  
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I've finally hit a groove where things are going fairly smoothly. I bought a bunch of healthy food yesterday, and actually struggled a little bit with wanting to eat some of everything all at once, but I LOVE that I crave the healthy stuff now. Who woulda thunk that I would have had to say no to an apple that I really wanted but didn't need because I was so full of good stuff already? When I weighed in this morning, though, it said 179.6, so it was way worth it. A week or so of good eating and exercise should solidify my exit from "obesity." It's a wonderful, wonderful feeling.

Cheryl - Rhonda's right. You will work your way through this and come out on the other side when everything feels smoother and easier. I don't know if I could do this journey if every day was tough, but you helped me to struggle through my rough patch, and I KNOW you will work through yours. As you love to say, YOU ARE WORTH IT! You WILL do this.

MJ - Loved your story about the guy at the gym! And he's right - your husband IS lucky.

Rhonda - So sorry to hear of the continued knee struggles. That's actually my very worst fear - to not be able to exercise. It's great that you haven't let it derail you.

Rakel - Cool story about the bike. WTG!

Synger - Real life so often interferes with our plans, huh? Great job on improvising and making it a good day anyway.

Katmeow - I hate unplanned cheats as well. But at least you are wise enough to get right back on plan rather than letting it derail you.

Nicole - Sounds like you are way on top of your exercise!

Schmoodle - Clothes not fitting can be such a pain, but it's a terrific problem to have in the whole scheme of things!

Diane - Good luck on the bra issue. Rhonda's advice was excellent, as usual. There is also a great thread on this subject here:

Sara - Way to improvise for your niece. It's so wonderful to introduce her to some healthy food choices. I bet she complains to her parents that the food they give her is not as delicious as the food you gave her!

Dolly - Too cool to have you join us from South Korea! Getting rid of the junk in the house is the ONLY way I have any hope of staying on plan, so congratulations on achieving that!
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Old 10-23-2007, 05:45 PM   #28  
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Hi again!

Schmoodle--Hope you were able to find some pants!

Synger--I hate it when my schedule gets messed up like that. Sounds like you did pretty good though.

katmeow-- that's is a new day!

Nicole--YEA for going to the gym 2 days in a row!!! That's awesome that you are meeting w/ a personal trainer. I can't wait for my brother to get back home (3 more weeks, I think)....then he has agreed to do some training w/ me. How cool that you live so close to the beach! Hope you had fun!

Laurie--Yea for getting lots of healthy food! Awww, thanks!

Well, I spoke too the day went on, my knee started to hurt a lot. By the end of the day, it was really swollen too. So I did not go to the gym and I am bummed about that. Especially because I am having one of those days when I just feel bloated and icky...a workout usually helps that feeling. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day!
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Old 10-23-2007, 07:43 PM   #29  
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My shopping trip was a success. I spent a bit more than I really wanted to, but I now have 4 new tops (all the same style, but different colors), 2 pair of jeans (one fits perfectly now, and the other is a bit tight -- something I can 'ungrow' into), and one dress outfit for this conference for work that I'm going to in Jacksonville (formal button up shirt & black slacks). Now I am going to be getting rid of some of the clothes I have that aren't really flattering. I'm being much more picky about my clothes now. Before I would buy anything in sight if it was cheap just because, well, you have to wear something and nothing seemed to be flattering on me anyway, but now I'd really rather have a few things that looked nice. I tried to be careful with my purchases, because I didn't want to buy something that I would be swimming in right away. I think I did pretty good. Before I was practically busting out of 24s, getting into 26s. Now, most 24s fit, some are a little tight, and occasionally I can squeeze into a 22. So I should be good with 24s for awhile, at least until I lose maybe 40 more lbs. Clothes are my weakness. If I could, I would have a room full! I talked to John about a little "reward" after I reach my goal, and I said that I'd like a new wardrobe. So he said he's going to set aside a little "new wardrobe" fund for me for at least $1,000. I can hardly wait!!!

Oh, and I just wanted to mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lane Bryants new jean sizing. They fit PERFECTLY. Seriously, they are the best jeans I've ever had. I once had a pair of jeans that fit this well when I was a size 15. They were Tractors... not sure if anyone has heard of them, but I wore those things ALL the time, until they were falling apart. I generally have the problem where if it fits my waist, then the butt and thighs are too baggy, and if it fits my butt and thighs, the waist is just too tight. If any of you have problems getting jeans to fit you, you should try the LB Right Fit ... I was skeptical at first but WOW it really makes a difference! They have their own sizing for them (i.e. approx size 14 is a "1" but they are not direct translations) ... not sure if I like that or not, but the people that worked there were extremely helpful finding my size.

Last edited by rakel; 10-23-2007 at 07:46 PM.
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Old 10-23-2007, 10:31 PM   #30  
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this was a mental day! geez! late for work, pitch black at 8 am and stayed that way all day, miserable and raining, blah!

i had a Kashi granola bar, coffee, fruit salad for breakie

lunch was a slice of PIZZA! ack! I didn't eat 1/2 the crust and had some veggies on the side

dinner was a Wendy's chicken BLT salad - without the croutons and regular dressing it was 200 cals less yay!

cup of tea

NOT my best work, but could always be worse LOL

PS does anyone know of Lane Bryant stores in canada?? I've always wanted to go!

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