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Old 10-24-2003, 09:47 PM   #61  
Psalm 91:9-11
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SunnyD, Those kitties are adorable.
So sorry to hear you aren't going to have any children. A person takes so much for granted until you hear of something like that.
Glad to hear that your Mom is doing so well.
WILLOW ~ Thanks - we think they are cuties too Oh... it's not that I we aren't going to have children, we were not able to... Here is what I shared on another thread and just thought you all might like to know about me also.

I have been married to Joe for 28 years - he is 50 and I am 46 and 3/4 I hope you and the others don't mind me sharing...

When I was 18 and just newly married I miscarried my first preg. at 4 months and then at 19 lost our first and last baby, Lisa Anne, in a car accident I had when I was less then two weeks before having her. It was snowy here in OH and I was driving a VW (engine in the back) and hit the slush just right and began to lose control of the car on a hill. A van came down the hill I was going up and he hit me on the passenger side. The impact caused Lisa to just burst up out of her womb and into my ribcage she instantly died. Me... I was rushed to the hospital barely able to breathe with her up inside my ribcage and had a dislocated left knee from it hitting the steering column & had a huge blood loss. To make a very long story as short as I am able ~ I not only lost Lisa, but all chances of ever having children again. They had to remove most of my uterus, one ovary & tube and had to do some repairs on my intestines. To date I have had four surgeries total eventually removing everything (by age 26) that was left due to many cysts & tumors that liked to take possession of my body. I went through many years of self-doubt, depression (which I have little battles with still today) and now have Diverticulitus, and IBS as a end result. One of the surgeries I had was to remove tissue of adhesions that had grown on my bladder to my intestines to the muscle wall... all stemming from the trauma. It hasn't been easy...

Joe & I had also tried adoption but after I had the baby for just about 6 months (all shortly after my accident) the mother who had that 6 months to change her mind - did - and we lost him too. I vowed to not try any more after that... too much loss in such a short amount of time overwhelmed me. To this date, Joe & I have no children, but I did find comfort in being with the children in our lives and in my Lord. He has gotten me though much! I was a very angry young woman for many, many years before I found peace in God. Anyway, through the years I have found that my experience has given me insight to help many people through their trials... I hope I am able to help you also. We don't always understand "the why's" of things that occur in our lives, but once we give them over and do our best to get better - it does get better. I don't know what you are going through, but I am sure of one thing - you are hurting deeply. I offer you my *Prayers*, help to the best of my abilities (a listening ear/eye) and my love. Whenever I have things go wrong I slip into these bouts of sadness still... like with this ankle or health attacks. I allow myself a day or two to wallow and then say to myself "enough". Time to assess this situation now and see what I must do to move out of it. I love being happy and making others happy and feeling peace, so I make it so. Otherwise, I would just sit in it and where would that get me other then feeling 'alone'. I am so Blessed that my Joe stayed with me though all of this mess & believed in me. And trust me... it doesn't ever just go away and we both cope to this day - but together. But even though Joe was always there, ultimately it was all up to ME to do something about where I was heading. I am now 46 years old and we have been married for 28 years. Not long after my accident Joe & I joined a Christian Play that was touring Ohio... after a year or so of feeling very forced into it and rebelling to the best of my ability - someone in the cast ministered to me, loved me and I was touched by their peace & wanted it. My life changed from then on... We did that ministry for 17 years and met some wonderful people.

I have found that life is like a huge puzzle... we get it a piece at a time so that we aren't overwhelmed by the whole picture, but eventually as you begin to put it together you begin to see the picture as you can cope. It sure isn't easy, but oh so well worth living. God Bless You!
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Old 10-24-2003, 11:41 PM   #62  
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Hi SunnyD,
I had understood your earlier post that you were unable to have children.
I just think that is such a sad thing, and really makes a person appreciate what they have, especially when I have been blessed with so many.
I congratulate you and your husband both on your strength. I'm glad you found your Christian group for strength and guidance through some of your awful journey.

Have a nice night. God Bless.
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Old 10-25-2003, 06:36 AM   #63  
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Try to get the loss of your possessions into proportion, you follow the teachings of a good guy who didn't have a single possession in his life, eh? You and DH sound one of the richest couples going with just what you have between you.
Fatpuss...I had to let you know how your words touched me this morning. I thought of something else we had in storage last night just as we were going to bed. It meant so very much to me. I was crying, & DH talked to me quite awhile about it all. I know he was so very tired (had a bad day), but took the time to comfort me, before drifting off to sleep.
I woke at 3 am & got on pc...reading the many posts I'm behind on now...& read these words from you. A lot of people have said many different things to me...& all were heartfelt, & encouraging. Somehow, this paragraph "woke me up". Yes, I have a treasure worth more than any possession. My DH is my best friend, my rock, the love of my life. His sisters have made the statement many times that they have never seen two people who were meant to be together, more, than he & I. I thank the Lord for him every day. I've wondered why the Lord didn't stop the thieves. He was watching & knew what these things meant to me. But, you know, this past couple of weeks, there have been several break-ins of homes, around the area. The owners were home at the time...held by gunpoint, or knives...as they watched their possessions taken! I know my DH well enough...he would try to stop them. I had rather lose everything I own...than him. With the Lord & each other, we WILL make it! Thank you, my friend.

Be careful with those "pop ups". They sound suspicious. I don't get any on the board, either. There are pop ups other places on internet, (very annoying), that are ads...& even "not nice" invitations. Here, though, I've never had one.

Willow...Don't worry about the rabbit...I was joking, too! I'm so glad you're doing better. You're talking more like the Willow I know & love! Yes, I had about 3 days of energy. At least it was more than I'm used to having! I was able to go all day...stopping to rest often, of course. The second day...after shopping with daughter on the first day...my hips & feet were sore. I guess that's the most "exercise" they've know in quite awhile! Yesterday, kinda came "down to earth", though. Back to my normal routine. Not too bad, as the Remicade is still holding out. I hope it helps me tonight. We're in a Praise-a-thon at the tv station. Going to be helping out....as well as singing...til midnight. I really enjoy it...just hope I can handle it...

Sheila...I'm sooo glad you heard from DD! It's a possibility she hasn't received any letters yet. My SIL gets several letters at once, after going for periods of time without any. Even, before going to Iraq. Likewise, the letters in return, are later than should be.

Bluet...congrats on the weightloss! It's the hard way to lose, though, isn't it! Fish oil capsules...I'd heard of that...but forgotten. I'm going to try them. I talked to the girl who does my hair, & she's going to start doing my nails for me next week. It's getting very hard for me to do my own, now. It's so aggravating to try to do anything with my hands! I know it could be a lot worse, though. Although my knuckles are a little swollen...my hands really don't look bad. That's one thing the treatments help with. They help stop the progression of RA deformity...or, at least, slow it down.
Your grandson sounds adorable! One of my little granddaughters (always thought she was grown!) started kindergarden last year. Mom & Dad were a nervous wreck! They BOTH took her to school the first day. Started in the door...she turns & asks "You're not going in with me are you?! You'll embarrass me!"...After convincing her they HAD to go in....she finally took all she could & let them know NOT to worry...she would be fine...so they left. She's now in first grade. On teacher/parent nights...the teacher lets them know that Kelley is doing fine & sees to it that she (the teacher) does things correctly!

SunnyD...I'm so sorry for what you've been through. We don't always know why these things happen...but, God does. I'm glad you got over the bitterness. Remember...you ARE a mother. Your children are in the care of our Lord.
I read a short story once, of a lady who had lost her baby. She had a very hard time dealing with the loss. After praying & agonizing for so long...she asked the Lord to show her why her child had to be taken. One night she had a dream. She dreamed the child had not died. Was grown...& had many hardships in life. The child ended up dying unprepared to meet the Lord. After waking, she realized that, although she wasn't sure it was from the Lord, or "just a dream"...it HAD given her peace. She had rather give the child back to the Lord then, as hard as it was, than to have it to raise for such sadness. Of course, I'm not saying this would happen to your children...it just came to mind & wanted to share.
I admire your strength. These experiences, sad & bad as they were, have helped you become sensitive & caring for others' burdens. You're a valuable asset to this board. I'm sure you're the same in your community. I wish you didn't suffer with your health. I'll be praying for you.

Sunny...you remarked about getting to know me better, here. This is more my personality...before these past few months happened. I guess, I just let it out easier on this thread. Don't know why. I was always bubbly, joking, & happy. I'll be that way again...I'm improving....maybe not daily....but improving!

Everyone have a good weekend!

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Old 10-25-2003, 08:04 AM   #64  
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Classes for Women!

1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
4. Man Management: Minor Household Chores Can Wait Till After The Game
5. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
6. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor is His
7. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
8. Communication Skills II : Thinking Before Speaking
9. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Introduction to Parking (hahahahahahaha)
13. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space
14. Water Retention: Fact or Fat
15. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
16. Cooking II: Bran and Tofu are Not for Human Consumption
17. Cooking III: How Not to Inflict Your Diets on Other People
18. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
19. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
20. Classic Footwear: Wearing Shoes You've Worn Before



Class 1: How to Fill Up the Ice Cube Trays. Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.

Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 2: The Toilet Paper Roll. Does it Change Itself?
Round Table Discussion. Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.

Class 3: Is It Possible to Urinate Using the Technique of Lifting the Seat and Avoiding the Floor/Walls and Nearby Bathtub? Group Practice.
Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.

(Note: this class meets at O'Malley's Brew Pub on 16th Street)

Class 4: Fundamental Differences Between the Laundry Hamper and the Floor. Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Class 5: After Dinner Dishes. Can They Levitate and Fly Into the Kitchen Sink?
Examples on Video. Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Class 6: Loss of Identity - Losing the Remote to Your Significant Other.

Help Line Support and Support Groups. Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00PM.
Class 7: Learning How to Find Things - Starting with looking in the right places instead of turning the house upside down while screaming.

Open Forum. Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.
Class 8: Health Watch - Bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health.

Graphics and Audio Tapes. Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00PM for 2 hours.
Class 9: Real Men ask for Directions When Lost. Real Life Testimonials.

Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.
Class 10: Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly while she parallel parks?

Driving Simulations. 4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.
Class 11: Learning to Live - Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife.

Online Classes and role-playing.
Class 12: How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion.

Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.

Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 13: How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy - Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going to be Late.

Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00PM for 2 hours.

Class 14: The Stove/Oven - What it is and How it is Used.

Live Demonstration. Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.

Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

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Old 10-25-2003, 10:36 AM   #65  
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Hi Everyone,

Just a note......probably won't be able to post until Sunday night or Monday. Have a variety of families, of grandchildren here, some off and on others staying overnight. Our computer is in the spare bedroom and that is where the kids sleep when they are here. The three year old goes to bed earlier and I won't be able to use the computer again until everyone is gone. Just came in to make the bed, I have all boy grandchildren this weekend. I guess bed making isn't in their scheme of things. :wink:

Take care. Oh yes, congrats to all the lbs lost people. I am so jealous

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Old 10-25-2003, 08:33 PM   #66  
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Default I'm really tired, ....

I didn't do much the first part of the day, but after lunch, about 12:30, I went out and started rearranging my shed and getting rid of stuff I'll never use again. I even gave a lawnmower to my son, that's brand new, I just could never get the blasted thing to run.
Then I started raking my yard, and I raked for 5 and 1/2 hours with a half hour break at 3:45. I am sooo sore already, so I can imagine what it's going to be like by tomorrow.

I think I'm going to have to call Mayo about my lung, because it's starting to be pretty uncomfortable, and raking today made it even worse. Feels like a really bad pulled muscle in my back, but, it goes deeper than that.

My little grandson brought me one of his first school pictures. Such a cutie!
I don't know where he found it, but he came to me with a dandelion that he had picked for me!! I thought those were done months ago! I wore it in the hole in the tab of the zipper to my hooded sweatshirt. He asked why I wore it there, and I said because it was a special flower and it was picked by him just for me, and I wanted to be able to look at it all day while I was outside.
Then he wanted to know why it was special.
I said because those flowers don't usually grow this time of year, so I thought God put that flower there especially for him to pick for me. He thought that was pretty cool!
Actually, a few times I DID kind of wonder if there were some special meaning to it.

I have had no white foods today. No bread, potatoes, rice ...
But, I ate a lot. I feel pretty good too. Sore though.

Tomorrow is laundry day. Ugh!

Charlotte, I just LOVED the his and hers lists!

Bluet have fun with those grandbabies this weekend!

Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight, or early tomorrow morning.
Hello to Puss, Jacquie, Sheila, Sue, SunnyD, and anyone else reading this.

Everybody have a good evening!
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Old 10-26-2003, 07:33 AM   #67  
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Hi girls, here's all that wonderful grandchildren talk again from you - I will definately be dreaming of that secret little GD again, ha ha and giving my DD the shivers! We had some good news from her yesterday, she landed the job with the top surgeon she wanted. Next year she will be the junior doctor in the team and the bottom of the heap in the kick-the-cat-syndrome and working minimum of 96 hour weeks and she was thrilled!! 46 applicants with just 4 vacancies, 3 for medical and 1 for sugical, so proud of her for just the sweet thing she is.
SunnyD - how horrific that accident was and so tragic, my heart goes out to you. It's testimony to your strength of character that you have come through it so balanced. If a partnership was ever tested it sounds like you and DHs was the one.
Bluet - well done on the weight loss. I didn't lose a speck on Saturday after the swim and walk but DD gave me the old muscle retains water routine but I was like a petulant kid with her and said I want to see it on the scales not the figure etc but she said (like Willow did too) that it will show on the scales too. Willow - are you sitting down, dear, I have another shocker in store for you, not only do I plan to go swimming again this week (bought a new swimsuit and binned the old big one) but I plan to go to an exercise class on Wednesday with a slimming club. That's today's plan anyway but I have a Masters Degree in talking myself out of mad ideas like exercise so we will see what happens between now and Wednesday. Raking for 5.5 hours!! I hope your lung/back pain was a result of that but do check it out, won't you? Ater your bronchitis it may be infection still. Your GS is adorable and I bet that stinky old dandilion was better than the rarest orchid to you. Bluet - thanks for taking the time to do the Rules for Men and Women. I would print the men's one off and pin it on the wall for DH and DS if I thought for one minute they would pay attention to them!
Angel - I am so glad the words helped. It was the kind of thing my wise old dad would have said. I have a confession to make Angel and hope it does not affect our friendship. I don't believe in a divine being though I do believe a wonderful man called Jesus walked this earth. You see, my mother was a Christian and my father an agnostic and of the two of them, my father was the one who followed the Bible's teachings without reading it. He was the kindest, most giving and loving person I ever met (certainly not perfect, ha ha) and our local vicar loved him (he knew him from my mum's involvement with the church). The vicar would always call when my mum was out and my dad would get the frying pan out and make bacon sandwhiches and the two of them would have good old arguments about the existence of God. It always ended with the vicar saying dad was one of the best Christians he had ever met and dad being the modest man he was saying "bugger off, you won't get me in your church" in a nice way. Funny thing was, years later after the vicar left someone in lunch break at work tossed DD a bible and said "read this, you'll never read a better book" DD read it with the intention of giving back a good old argument on why it was a load of rubbish and found himself converted!! He was in his 50s then. Thing with me is that although I was pleased for him - his religion brought him much joy - I felt let down. He raised my brother and I never to pass a needy person on the street without giving the price of a cup of tea and a sandwich (regardless if they were drunk or not), always give charitably and always to fight injustice for others less able. He tried to convert me which always led to blazing rows - me accusing him of needing a crutch to deal with my mother's behaviour - and him saying he was wrong about God and now needs to persuade me! Agrhh, the rows were over as quickly as the discussion, we were too close to carry them on but I hope you see why I don't feel the need to believe in a God, even when my father was dying I would feel a hypocrite praying. I respect everyone's right to believe in whatever God they do believe in and when my cat was on death's door recently I called on you ladies because I know that goodness can (and did) prevail at times over adversity. I do hope I haven't bored you all too much with this and if you feel differently now then I can't do anything about it to change it. I do think it is wonderful that you all seem to have strong faith and that must be fantastic. And Angel, I meant every word about your website - it is a haven of peace and tranquility, I loved it and so would my father have. xx
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Old 10-26-2003, 08:02 PM   #68  
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Default I was lazy today,

I stayed in bed until almost 9 AM. I wasn't sleeping all that time, but was just feeling lazy, so I turned on the TV and watched it for about an hour before I got up.
Then, when I got up, I just sat around and putzed around on my computer all day, except for when I washed clothes. The last load is in the drier now.

I made some ground beef and green beans and eggplant in my crockpot with cajun seasoning, and I'm going to grill some boneless, skinless chicken thighs on george to use in salads etc this week.
I still haven't had any white foods.

The weirdest dream happened last night.
I dreamed that I was dreaming, then, .... it was so real that I wasn't sure if it was a dream or not. Very chilling.
I dreamed that I could hear footsteps coming towards my bedroom, and they sounded like a mans steps with hard-soled shoes on. You know. That hard, sharp sound. Heel, then toe, slowly. But, in reality, that doesn't make sense, because my floors are carpeted. So, I said to myself, this is a dream, because I shouldn't hear the steps that sharply.
Then the steps stopped, and a couple seconds later, the sheet started slowly sliding off of me, as though someone were slowly pulling it off.
I was afraid to move, yet afraid not to.
Then, I woke up, and I had goosebumps all over me, even on my scalp. I don't know if it was from being afraid or if I had gotten chilled. I was covered up, and I usually am too warm at night, but I put another comforter over me. I was afraid to go back to sleep, but what is really strange is that I was awake for a while, then the next thing I knew, I was waking up again. I would never have thought I could have gone back to sleep. I'm sure glad that I didn't start shooting!

I haven't read the paper yet either, now that I think of it.

I have to stop and pick up my swimsuits that I ordered too. They called and left a message on my voicemail that they came in Friday. Next week I can start using them.

It's back to work tomorrow. DOUBLE UGH!

Puss, congratulations to you and your daughter on her new career. How exciting! It's a good testament to your parenting that she has developed such good management and learning skills. She has to be brilliant because those things don't just happen by chance. They see her potential and want to be in on it.

I can't believe it!! Now you're going to an exercise class????? Will this be done on your lunch hour also, or will you be going later in the day? Sounds wonderful!

As for believing in God, I guess I don't care what kind of power a person believes in or does not believe in as long as that person treats me well.

I should finish getting my things ready for tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Last edited by willow_1; 10-26-2003 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 10-27-2003, 08:29 AM   #69  
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Hello everybody...thought I better post a quick one...gonna be busy for a couple of days.

Fatpuss...Please, don't ever feel I would think any less of you for not believing the way I do. We all have our own choices to make. I respect you for being honest with me & telling me what went on concerning this. I would never try to convert anyone in my posts, OR in my website. That's why I don't have my website linked here...just a regular Homepage. I didn't want to offend anyone, or make anyone think I was trying to "trick" them into going into a site they wouldn't want to go into. I gave the opportunity for anyone who wanted to look at it...but said it was a "Christian" website. It makes me feel good that you checked it out, after knowing it was a christian site. Thank you for your kind words. The website is part of my ministry, just as volunteering at the christian tv station is, also. I'm there for anyone who needs to talk, or pray. But, I don't call them...they know I'm there, & call me to talk, pray with them, or sing a song for them that might make their day a little better.
Your beliefs are your business. You may express them any way you want & I haven't changed my opinion of you at all. It sounds as though you dad was very wise & kind man. He raised you well. You are a very caring person. I don't take back my words...you helped to "wake me up" to a few facts. It's still going to take time for me to be "allright"...but, I'm coming along...because of friends like you!

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 10-27-2003, 06:01 PM   #70  
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Angel, never once did I ever think you were looking for converts, I had to square that one for myself because I would have hated to have given a false impression of myself. You are a fantastic lady and I value your friendship. You do a sterling job down at your station and I know you live your religion like it's meant to be lived and I have nothing but admiration for you. Glad we got that one settled. How's the house going now? Willow must have made me feel guilty because yesterday I raked up 15 big bags of leaves off the back lawn. I was going to take Sheila's advice and hire a leaf sucker but knew the exercise (foul word) would be good for me! I hope you ladies are sitting down for this - I went swimming again in my lunch hour again today, and alone too as friend is on leave. I try not to get my makeup or hair wet but an elderly lady - obviously learned to swim recently - was splashing about wildly and putting the effort in of a 7 year old into swimming was drowning me with the water she churned up!! I couldn't feel bad towards her because she was so sweet putting twice the energy into keeping herself afloat, bless her. Willow, the exercise class is not in lunchtime, it's a dreaded slimming class by Rosemary Conley the Brit guru in her late 50s early 60 I mentioned. Not her taking it of course, franchises. Reason I chose this group is they have a 45 mins aerobic class built into it whereas Slimming World just do a weigh in and tell you what you already know about nutrition etc. That's the plan anyway. Your foods sound lovely again, WIllow. I am getting tired of my standard 3 recipies. Do you friends get Muller Rice brands in the US? They do pots of rice pudding (jelly optional) and are only 75 cals and virtually fat free. They also do a chocolate mousse for those of us who can't bear to do without the sweet things. Your dream sounded awful, Willow. Do you really have a gun? Angel, have you put an angel up in the new house yet? You must let us know which room you site your first angel. I still haven't dropped a gram in weight yet but I did start my period on Saturday so I am hoping that's the reason. With the exercise I don't want to end up with muscles like Carnera (?) - an expression of my father's, I believe Carnera or Karnera was a champion boxer who emigrated to the US). I remember years ago having a car without power steering and my right biceps was enormous! Today I had to check out some imported goods in a warehouse - tatooists needles and ink holders, shudder to think of it, ha ha. Second thoughts, maybe I should have one done on my bottom with "move it lady" on it!
Sheila, hope you had a good time away at the beach house and that you have heard from DD. Bluet, are you rested after the busy weekend? Angel - I love that Panda and I am going to try to cut and paste him!
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Old 10-27-2003, 06:06 PM   #71  
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Angel, the cut and paste half-worked - he doesn't do his little dance but still looks cute staring out at me sitting on his botty! I will send him on an email to DH tomorrow.
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Old 10-27-2003, 09:52 PM   #72  
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Default Today was pretty good,

I went back to work today and it went quite well.
I got up at 4:30 AM and rode my exercise bike for 30 minutes, intending to ride it another 30 minutes this afternoon when I got home, but, that never happened.

I stopped on my way home from work and picked up my swimsuits, but haven't tried them on yet. Held them up to me, and I think they might be a bit snug around the middle, but, hopefully I'll have enough pounds off shortly that it won't be a problem. Even if they are too small, I still have my old ones to use just for a bit.

I then went to the grocery store to grab a couple bags of chicken thighs, (3-pound bags for $1.99) and of course, as usual, had to get more things. Got a couple of squash, celery, cauliflower, string mozzarella cheese, and some frozen teriyaki veggies. It's hard to find frozen veggies without carrots in them, but the teriyaki doesn't.

Then when I got home a friend called and we talked until 6 PM, then I made supper and did dishes. Had pollock walleye and stirfry veggies with a wedge of laughing cow melted in them and a couple squirts of ICBINB. This is my third day without any white stuff to eat. I feel good too.

Now I can sit and post for a few minutes, then get my stuff ready for tomorrow again.
They asked me to work overtime all week again and I said "no".

Puss, the elderly lady splashing around trying to swim??, .... That will be me. I'm not a swimmer. I LOVE doing the resistance exercises in the water, but, the best way for me to swim is on my back. I panic on my face. I don't like to get water up my nose, or to have my face below the water. I can't even stand to have a sheet over my face, much less be below water.

I think this is just cool, you swimming and going to a fitness class.

I wonder where everyone is?

Those puddings sound delicious. I'll have to look for that brand, but it doesn't sound familiar.

Yes, I have a gun. There is a very good reason for it too. I had a horrible experience years ago with someone breaking into my home and beating me. I vowed no one would ever find me in a vulnerable situation again.

Charlotte, Whatcha doin' that you aren't gonna post for a couple of days? Whatever it is, I hope you have a good time doing it.

I better get my things going here for tomorrow. Have a great evening everybody.
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Old 10-28-2003, 05:36 PM   #73  
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Willow, well done on the bike for 30 mins, I know I couldn't do it for more than 5 mins cos when I went to the gym last year that was my threshold limit on the bike, rowing machine, walking/running thing (whatever it's called) and ski or step thing. I HATED every one of them!!! Swimming is about my level and I must admit I was clock watching then too. I am going to the aerobics class tomorrow and I believe it is for all ages and levels. Think I will join the 90 year olds first..they are probably more active than me. Glad you got your new swimsuits, when do you plan your first swim? I am also glad you knocked back the overtime at work, you are only just recovering from illness. I can well understand you having a gun after your incident with an intruder. I would be a wreck for life if that happened to me, I swear I would have half a dozen rotweilers and electrified fences before I could relax again. Testimony to your strength of character. Have discovered a brilliant new snack for times when only sweet things will do. They have to be American because the company is an Inc (the equivalent of our Limited company). They are Popcorn Cakes by Orville Redenbacher's and are caramel flavour. I think they are much better than rice cakes or SnackerJacks and have virtually no fat and very few calories each cake. I still haven't lost a smidgen of weight but a few women in work today said how slim I look. I think the secret of this was my wearing trousers with a too-big waistband and a snug fitting top. That way, the rolls of fat on my waistline could spread out instead of bulging above and around a waistband which fitted properly! I may write a book about fashion cheating after this amazing discovery. Ha, must keep all the baggy pants for the waistline disguise.
Hi to Sheila, SunnyD, Angel, Bluet and everyone else who used to call at this site.
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Old 10-28-2003, 08:07 PM   #74  
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Hi everybody...vveeerrrrryyyy tired!!! Went shopping with another daughter today. Gina is the one with DH in Iraq. She's been blue...so, I knew what we women do to cheer up. Hit the sales!!

Fatpuss...you might be more successful in taking the images if you "right click"....click on "save as"....& "save". Then, you can take it to your email by copy & paste, or better still...go where you saved it..."right click"...then where it wants to know what to do...there will be a place for emailing! Just click & follow the directions. Good luck!
I've got a couple of the angels in the house with me...but, remember, it's only 2 rooms, & still no walls...just insulation. We're still underconstruction. I guess we're just settling in for the winter. DH doesn't talk much about it lately. I think he needed a well-deserved break. Also, we're waiting to hear from the settlement. Thanks for asking.
WOW...Your still swimming! We have a place to go where we could exercise & it would help my RA. I can't get anyone to go with me, though. I know I'd enjoy it. That's about the only kind of exercise I can do.

Willow...I'm SO SORRY that horrible break-in happened to you! I wouldn't be able to ever stay alone, after that. You're a brave lady. DO be careful. I hear that a lot of people being unemployed now, & close to Christmas...it's a dangerous time.
Proud of you with your "no white" foods. Determination! Glad you turned down the overtime, too. You need to get your health better.
I'm not doing anything special these couple of days...just "tide up" running time-consuming errands.

Hi to everyone else...we need to hear from all.
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Old 10-28-2003, 08:08 PM   #75  
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Charlotte, I love that cat peeking out of the bag--it reminds me of one of my kitties who absolutely loves getting into paper bags, suitcases, laundry baskets, just anything that he can peek out of. He loves ripping paper bags, too. That was wonderful that Puss' paragraph put things into perspective for you. She's a pretty wise woman, as well as always causing me to laugh out loud while sitting at my computer. My DH is forever wondering what I'm laughing at.

Willow, you sound so much better now, but that lung thing doesn't seem too good. Raking for 5.5 hours! I don't think I could hold up at all. You have way too much energy. That dream sounds pretty scary. I've had dreams that seem real, too, so that I don't know if I'm dreaming or not. I really hate them! I don't need to go to horror movies because sometimes my dreams can be horrible enough. Yuck! Glad work went better than you thought. I imagine you were dreading getting up.

Bluet, hope you had a great weekend with the boys!

Wow, Puss, your daughter must be incredibly thrilled, and you guys are probably bursting your buttons with pride. And you're raking and swimming, too?? Pretty soon we'll hear that you're organizing an expedition to Mt. Everest or are running in your first marathon! Yes, you can wear tiny jogging shorts and have your new tattoo showing!

Well, I had a great weekend. Here I was at a beach house, and I didn't go on the beach once. Instead, we talked all day and into the night. We also went into town, went to a couple of antique stores, went to look at the house their son built before he died in a boating accident, and went to a Farmer's Market. Plus we watched two football games in a row. My friend fell asleep at 9:00 pm and said she was exhausted from watching football! My DH came over on the ferry on Sunday and picked me up. Of course, we all drank and ate too much. But, I didn't eat any of the cheese doodles that my friend's DH put in front of me nor the M&Ms. However, cookies are my downfall and ice cream every night really wasn't in my program. Oh, well. I had fun. Their house looks out over the water and across to the Olympic Mountains. The weather was great all weekend so we saw some incredible sunsets. They put a bunch of stuff out for the seagulls and it was fun watching the first seagull defending the food from the others.

No other letters from my daughter. Now that I've gotten one, I want more, of course. Hey, our big news is that we bought a new car. It's a 2003, but since we're still in 2003, and we're the first owners, it's still a new car. One of the things on my "Things To Do Before I Die" list is to buy a brand new car so this will be my one and only. It's Matador Red, which anyone else would call maroon or burgundy, I think. Another thing is to go to the U.K., which we are planning to do in September, if everything works out okay.

I'm reversing roles with my Dad, I think. You know, the child takes on the parent's role when the parent gets older. Anyway, I went in to put his compression stockings on him and as I go over to where he's sitting, he closes the top drawer. Since he usually doesn't do that, I'm wondering what he's up to, and I caught a glimpse into the drawer as he shut it. He was eating cookies! He knows he's not supposed to have cookies (he's diabetic) so he shut the drawer so I wouldn't see. I didn't say a word to him about the forbidden cookies, but I was laughing inwardly because it reminded me of when I used to hide stuff from my parents.

Puss, be sure and give those 90 year olds what for tomorrow!
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