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Old 01-23-2009, 07:59 PM   #226  
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Jeanie wrote:

also, the next time i say that exercise isn't that effective a mood lifter because the results don't last very long, can someone give me a cyber bonk on the head? exercise is a PRIMO mood lifter. i felt about a million times better after working out last night. makes me even more excited about the possibility of getting a good treadmill for home.

Love this insight, I was looking for the cyber cattle prodder to give to a zap or may the "beck's cyber clue phone....trying to answer that to new ways of thinking.

Welcome LisaMarie What inspiration to reach your goal and your focus to do it again. I believe you can do it again...glad you found this group...I joke that I am trying to lose my baby weight except he graduates this May....On a more a serious note, I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and totally let myself go...I am trying to get things back under control. I would like to lose 25lbs, and not regain,lose,regain,lose....I have had a hard time and know that this way of changing my thinking is already working.

Anne welcome! Glad you found this safe place. It sounds like the Beck book was waiting for you I am with your thoughts...take it slow, bit by bit....Lots to learn, put in action and only so much we can digest in one day.

Robin I love your thinking on Get Fat Friday....I was doing just that in the past and today I packed a my own snacks and didn't even have a bite, lick or taste. They even sent me out to buy Jimmy john's and everyone was shocked that I didn;t pass on my op food for JJ's. Last Friday I would have.
Credit me.....

Confession: I didn't work out last night. I am finding that my resistance is an energy thing. I cleaned the garage out, got the snow blower up and working, took several boxes to the attic and did 3 loads of laundry. I have to give myself credit for moving my body but need to write out the advantages to exercise and some of my mind roadblocks.
One by one
Great job on deciding on a food plan... Don't you just love the confirmation of your decision when you found a great book to support your decision.
Davidette I feel for you with your decision on what to bring. My suggestion would be sf chocolate pudding, sfvanilla pudding layered with angel food cake...Don't know if that would fit your plan as we all are on different plans

Have to everyone else that I might have missed...Glad you are part of the group and I wish you continued success with your lifestyle changes.
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:09 PM   #227  
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Good evening, fellow Beckies. I read your postings but have been having issues with depression again and just feel exhausted all the time. Food wise, I have not been doing well with my plan, I know I'll have a gain this week when I weight in at Weight Watchers tomorrow morning. I know this always happens when I don't plan my meals in advance so it not the programs fault, just lack of planning on my part. On the plus side, I have been to Curves 5 times this week so at least I'm doing something right. The doctor changed my medications yesterday so hopefully I'll be getting things back together again over the next few weeks. I think I'll begin with Day 1 in the Workbook and read Part I in the Diet for Life and get my focus back.
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:18 PM   #228  
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Buddies/Coaches Another decent day for me. Not quite on plan since I got busy this afternoon and missed a snack, but still reasonable. I've noticed I'm reading my Response Cards in a sort of hit or miss fashion lately, and I feel like I still need to step that up. Tough times will come and I need to be in the habit. I'm feeling well enough today that I got in a nice run, or whatever run/walk is passing for a run for me these days. Here's to unimpeded breathing!!

Tomorrow I become a soccer mom, as DD starts Itty Bitty Sports at the Y. Weep for me, if you will. Let's hope she doesn't cuss anybody out on her first day.

My reward book came today and is taunting me. Pretty good motivation for losing the last 2 pounds so I can crack the package in good conscience.

Bill You are so off the hook with those chocolates now, because they no longer meet your unusual or special exceptions. Saved! I think connecting with your DW was probably worth skipping a walk, speaking as a DW whose DH is working away on his computer right now.

LOL, somehow I'm guessing your DS got a proper education in some of the rougher points of colloquial English before hitting middle school!

davidette I have heard of Stroke of Insight before. I should probably pick it up. Unfortunately strokes run in the family (grandmother, her sister, my mother) and it'd probably be good to be aware of what could happen. I'm already at higher risk because of the migraines, and that is one of my Advantages: to lower my risk of stroke and other serious diseases.

Good luck on getting your clothes rack converted!

Personally, I don't bake, with the exceptions of batches of extremely healthy low sugar, low fat, whole grain high fiber muffins, and one (1), and only 1 batch of no kidding high fat high sugar high chocolate Toll House cookies for Santa each Christmas. Too much temptation. If I must bring desert to a "thing" I buy it, wrapped in scent-proof packaging at the local grocery, and deliver it with the knowledge that it won't be very good anyway so there is no point in eating it. After doing this a few times, the number of occasions where I "must" do this has declined significantly. BTW: I think some of the Beck stuff on food pushers probably applies in this case, especially the worrying about disappointing people about food part. I recommend you look ahead so you can be prepared for your next "assignment" so you can handle it in the way that you choose.

onebyone Congrats on your next food plan! Here's hoping it works out for you. Love your special project ideas!!

Jean GREAT insight on your protein bar last night. Calories are so precious to me that I really want to minimize any that I don't enjoy. You got something you liked better with fewer calories, and that is a double!

Hmmm, kidney stones are the only things that have beaten migraine pain for me, since both my birth stories were either planned or anticipated C-sections. Here's hoping you never get them!

I lay no claims whatsoever to thinking like a thin person. I clearly don't. But I'm beginning to act like a thin person, which is much more important to actually being a thin person!

RobinW Thanks for your well-wishes. I did have a lovely day. And Battlestar Galactica is on momentarily, so it isn't over yet!! Whoop!

Hmm, more calories. Usually I'm good at that, but you avoid sugar. Can you add some "good" fats to your diet earlier in the day? An extra tablespoon of olive oil, or some nuts or avocado? Or maybe a scoop of protein powder to a drink or sauce?

Ann/Ann72 This:
I can say that I'm finally ready to accept the fact that healthy, long lasting weight loss will take time. It is always my instinct to jump into a plan quickly and stop if I don't drop a lot of weight quickly. This time, I'm going to try to take it slowly and keep my eye on the long term goal of permanently changing behavior.
is key to doing it! I think the Stage 1 skills are the most important, so good for you working them.

Looking forward to swapping toddler stories!

Lisa Sweet! You made it over here! It does take some work at first, but then it becomes more natural. It is good to see you around here again--today I ran across one of your posts from a while ago, and I was just hoping you'd drop by.

Rachel Have you done some problem solving on the exercise? Since it is an energy thing, could you do 5 minutes first thing in the morning, before you get tired. Eventually exercise will help with the energy levels, but at first, yeah, it does take some doing. One thing I did with myself when I started my weight management journey is I made a deal with myself that I was going to do X minutes a day, period, no questions asked, no choice (this is all pre-Beck for me). After X minutes, I could quit immediately if I wanted to, and I think I only took that deal maybe 2 or 3 times in the first year, and then I never really had to worry about it again (I've had other issues since). Anyway, I won't tell you what X should be for you, but maybe a similar strategy could work for you.

Susan Take care of yourself. I know how serious depression can be. CT is a preferred treatment for that, as I'm sure you know, even in conjunction with effective meds. Give yourself a lot of credit for keeping up the exercise, and maybe try to focus on doing just one thing.

Busy tonight! I'm going to kill an hour and a few brain cells with some TV, make a plan for tomorrow, READ MY CARDS (at least the "major" ones), and hit the hay! Have a great weekend and see you all tomorrow.

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Old 01-24-2009, 06:20 AM   #229  
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Thumbs up Welcome Ann (Ann72)

Ann (Ann72)

Welcome to the Complete Beck Diet for Life / Beck Diet Solution Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Buddy / Diet Coach Group.

And, in case you didn't get one of these 18 months ago,

Where did you hear/read about the new Beck book?

And how did you find this thread on 3FC?
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Old 01-24-2009, 06:21 AM   #230  
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Thumbs up Welcome Lisa (LisaMarie71)

Lisa (LisaMarie71)

Welcome to the Complete Beck Diet for Life / Beck Diet Solution Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Buddy / Diet Coach Group.

And, in case you didn't get one of these two and a half years ago,

How did you find out about Beck?

And how did you find this thread on 3FC?
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Old 01-24-2009, 06:21 AM   #231  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Finally got in a good long walk after work. CREDIT moi. Still lots of snow on the ground around here so long walks are restricted to shoveled paths and sidewalks. Sending hugs to everyone who shovels their sidewalks; sending raspberries to all those who don't.

A small step: Since I got back from my walk fairly close to dinner time, I skipped my "afternoon" snack that I think of as a strategy to tide me over until dinner. That's a deal for me only because I've recently noted that I'd have my snack even if I had to rush to complete it before sitting down to dinner. So, CREDIT moi for working to sort this out.

maryblu - Waving. Thinking of you as I read the endless saga of your senate race.

Robin (RobinW) - Interesting dilemma about eating when you're not hungry - admittedly a little hard for me to relate to, LOL. One good source of healthy calories is legumes, possibly some hummus with cucumber slices for dipping.

Your experience with Why can't I stop Eating sounds so Beck-like. Seems like a good match for the path you're on. Good luck in working out the not-hungry bit.

Jean (kuhljeanie) - Kudos for that amazing performance shifting from the (already opened and halved) protein bar to the desirable protein cookie. What a great reminder to me that I have no obligation to eat something even if I opened it.

Congrats for choosing such a supportive DH; give yourself credit. And Kudos to him also.

And thanks for the reminder to have a treat scheduled into my week. Before my healthy journey, I had scheduled a small piece of dark chocolate each evening, broken off of a large frozen bar. Well, as you know, breaking a frozen bar produces random sized pieces, and as you can guess, the size of the chosen piece(s) became larger and larger. There are ways to incorporate an individual packaged piece to avoid that problem.

onebyone - Kudos for choosing a diet. Yep, a diet plan for busy people does seem like a good fit for your life.

Congrats for finding your project; sounds so productive to direct all your emotions about the transportation strike into art. With any luck, your works may get some local publicity by the many annoyed parties, thus turning your lemon into a career boost.

Can't wait to hear how you like Frost/Nixon. Even as I read in today's news about China, I remember that Nixon astounded the world by reaching out to Mao Zedung when his party was still deep into the Red-China-threat mentality.

Anne (wndranne) - Yay for feeling good enough to take a run. Amazing that you are already becoming a soccer mom - hard for me to picture you joining the Sarah Palin crowd, LOL. (Although I can imagine you governing a state in your spare time with your organization and focusing skills.)

Love the thought that you are "beginning to act like a thin person." Like the ring of that.

Susan (QuilterInVA) - Kudos for you exercising at Curves. Ouch for exhausted - that's a killer for keeping the mind focused on your plan. Are you a person who can benefit from a short nap? Naps don't work for everyone, but, on the occasion when needed, a 30 minute nap does wonders for my mind. Good luck with beginning back at Day 1; keep us posted here.

davidette - Yep, chasing after space heaters is exercise, LOL. Kudos for being the good DD responding to your mom's loss of heat. Good luck with the treadmill; that's a smart strategy to take the small first step - remove the clothes and see if it works.

Another option for bringing desert is to make an attractive fruit platter that fits your own plan. Fresh pineapple is usually appreciated, especially by folks who just wouldn't think of buying a fresh one and cutting it up.

Rachel (helping rachel) - Kudos for actively moving to complete your list of tasks for the evening. Yep, sounds like you could use a strategy for getting started on your exercise program. Have you considered writing down your plan, with a very simple goal for the first day - maybe a walk to someplace pleasant or to a store for a chore? If you did that, then you could use your No Choice card to just do it. Good luck in tackling this.

Ann (Ann72) - Kudos for focusing on the Success Skills before jumping into the diet part. Sounds to me like you have the kind of perspective that could make this a successful journey. Looking forward to sharing that journey with you.

Lisa (LisaMarie71) - Congrats for getting back on track in time to save a big chunk of that great weight loss. That alone already puts you ahead of the pack. And Kudos for having a terrific long-term goal with an achievable time frame, "I don't want to start my 40s unhealthy and unfit!"

Setting a small first goal is one possibility. You'll note others on this thread setting 5 pound goals with small non-food rewards. Looking forward to sharing your journey here.

Readers -
"Stage 1
The Success Skills Plan

Skill 6: Overcome hunger, cravings, and emotional eating. (page 72).
..." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 50.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:03 AM   #232  
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Originally Posted by BillBlueEyes View Post
How did you find out about Beck?

And how did you find this thread on 3FC?
I read about Beck somewhere when the other book came out (The Beck Diet Solution) but I never got around to picking it up. Then I saw that this book came out and I thought about it. What cinched it for me was that Anne is doing it! I trust her judgment on weight loss stuff! I know I can lose weight (obviously, since I lost over 100 pounds) -- but I want to make sure it stays off this time, so I think the Success Skills will be very important for me. None of it is new, really -- I know I should eat slowly, for example -- but this book is helping me realize that I have to commit to practicing those skills so that they'll truly be a part of my life.

I found this thread easily because I used to read practically the whole 3FC board back when I was losing all that weight. Lately I've been avoiding reality, so I haven't ventured beyond General Chatter!
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:13 AM   #233  
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Thank you all for the wonderful welcome! We're on our way out, but I'll write more/do personals later.
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Old 01-24-2009, 11:54 AM   #234  
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Good Morning

Anne~ how did it go at your dd's soccer game? Yah for unimpeded breathing!! That's always a good thing!

Bill~ it might be a small step, but that kind of thing has been a biggie for me. Great job on working that out!! If I notice Im hungry-ish around 4pm, I'll hold off until dinner, just because I know if I have something, I wont eat what I need to eat at dinner. Big Kudos!!

The book "What cant I stop Eating" and the Beck diet solution has been a perfect match for me. I think anyone that has binge/compulsive overeating issues, this is perfect. For me, it has been almost magic.....kinda like that magic weightloss pill we all wish they would invent. What I couldnt get out of OA, I am getting from these 2 books.

LisaMarie and Ann72

I know Im missing a bunch of people, I hope you are all having a great op weekend!

Ok, Ive had a lightbulb moment last night at about 10:30pm!! will be happy to hear that I finally get it!!! Why you started at maintanence level and let the weight work itself off.

Again yesterday I was down about 30% of my calorie intake (for my current weight) So I thought, ok, its 9m and Im not still full but Im not really hungry and a cup of tea should do me just fine. But I probably really should have more food. I made a bowl of oatmeal w/raspberries. This brought my calorie total up high enough for me to be happy with it.

BUT.....I was FULL about 1/2 the way thru my bowl. I was ticked off with myself ...I know silly right?

Then I thought....why not just eat the calories I would need once I get to my goal weight? See the lightbulb going off? It was a big honkin' flood light bulb!! I thought of Bill, and I "got" it!

So....that is what I am going to do. Keep to my 3 meals a day....snacks only when I need it. Treats when it is a special occasion, and keep my calorie count at the maintanence level of 155lb woman

I felt sooooo much better about all this last night right before I went to bed. I am going back to "no eating" before bed. I didnt miss it, and it is a horrible habit I dont want back. is house cleaning day and maybe another chickflick Hubby is holding down the fort at the shop, dd is at her dad's and I have the house to myself again. Yah!! .......Oh and some cooking too

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 01-24-2009, 12:29 PM   #235  
Hunger-not an emergency!
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Well dh got another call about the eeo. The eeo person will be calling again next wednesday and then the decision will be made as to what way they will go. If the first way doesn't work then they will file a formal form and go from there. This is so long and I hope that it will end soon.
Doing okay...just need some time to get over this. Meds are doing okay...kinda tired.
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:37 PM   #236  
I deserve to feel good!
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Okay, this pattern of posting when I'm doing well and then disappearing when I'm not has got to stop. So when I need the support the most, I don't reach out for it.
Anyway, dealing with all sorts of stuff... had some bad days, but I feel things turning around again.
Still need to focus more on actual Beck strategies but struggling with that because of all the other things I'm trying to do.
Oh and since I last posted, I've added another thing: I joined a running group to train for my 1/2 marathon in the spring.

Ack! What was I thinking? I'm feeling overwhelmed with everything and need to try to focus and prioritize.

So far today I'm on program. Went to the gym this morning and weighed in for the Wellness Challenge (I earned all 9 points possible for the week: food log, exercise journal, exercising 5 or more days, lost weight, lost body-fat %). Had the kids with me so I couldn't work out at the gym, but I did go home and work out on the elliptical.
I came back to post here (again!)

I look forward to catching up with all of you, but unfortunately, I will have to do it from this point forward. Kudos to all of you that check in here regardless of anything else!
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:47 PM   #237  
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Hello, again, everyone! I posted on Monday, asking some questions and getting input (thanks again, for that). I ordered the book on Amazon that day and it showed up yesterday - I've begun reading it, and am already impressed with Dr. Beck's approach. I like her non-nonsense discussion of successful dieting and acknowledgement that it will be hard and take time. I like where she's coming from so far.

I'm just hopping on to write about one thing that has already blown my mind, and is probably a pretty good indicator of how messed up my thinking is/how few of the success skills I've acquired over the years:

"Many of the dieters I counsel report that they are finally able to eat these formerly 'forbidden' foods without guilt or fear - and each bite tastes that much better because they know they will feel satisfied, will easily limit themselves, and can have more the next day if they plan in advance." (p. 15)

OH, WOW! I have either never heard this before, or never paid attention to it (and I consider myself an old hand at dieting). It never connected, this idea that the hot cocoa Hershey's kisses will still be there tomorrow, so I don't have to shove them all in my face at once, thereby destroying my enjoyment of them. I can have more tomorrow, if I plan for them.

I know that's probably silly to some of you, but I just wanted to share.

I want to keep reading, but it's my designated walking time, so I'll do more tonight. I hope you all are having a good weekend, and now that I have the book I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:54 PM   #238  
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Good evening! I've had a good day OP. I got menus made up for the next 2 weeks, made a Trader Joe run and stocked up on produce, fruit, salmon, and plain European style yogurt. Now to carry it out.

Have a good evening.
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:20 PM   #239  
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Coaches/Buddies DD did very well through the first half of soccer, but then melted down. We also had a play group at the house tonight, so I'm a bit overstimulated. Dinner was pizza, so calories were up a couple hundred from normal, but that was all planned, so I'm doing all right. I did read all my RCs last night, and feel like I'm still on track.

Tomorrow we are taking the munchkins to a friend's house to pick mandarin oranges. They like having the preschooler get under all the low hanging branches, and we like the oranges.

BillBlueEyes Are you going to replace the calories in your afternoon snack in other meals, or just do away with it altogether? LOL, no worries about me joining the Sarah Palin crowd any time soon!

LisaMarie71 I don't count pregnancy weight as a regain, unless it stays on for 1 year after birth or 6 months after stopping nursing, at which point, it's just plain fat, LOL. Ah, so you've been hiding in General Chatter.


RobinW Here's to magic weight loss! I'll take some of that. But seriously, I can hear your CLICK from over here. Hope you got in your chick flick and enjoyed it.

angelmomma210 Get some rest if you can. Hoping the EEO guy does the right thing!

bennyhannamama/Kim It is hard to come here when things are not going well, but that is when you need it the most. You should write something like that on a response card!! Welcome back. I think the running group sounds awesome.

JenMusic I think your insight is a deep one. It is something I still struggle with. There are a few very specific foods that I don't eat, because I WILL NOT stop until they are gone, but fortunately, with a little thought, I can deal with most foods now.

Susan/QuilterInVA Two weeks of menus!! Oh wow. And here I am foot dragging on tomorrow! I feel my act getting together after posting.

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Old 01-24-2009, 09:23 PM   #240  
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Thanks for the encouragement for changing my thinking with exercising. my son asked me first thing today if I wanted to work out with him at the club and I told me Yes, I have no choice to ignore it today. My weigh date is Saturday and I am down 4 lbs. I am glad to see this indicator as I really changed my thoughts and actions this week. Now on to some new skills regarding exercising. It feels good to have some new found freedom of not letting food control me...
I am sure my crappy eating in the last few months helped the weight loss.
It feels good to change.
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