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Old 03-17-2003, 08:58 AM   #1  
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Default Weigh in at home 3/17 - 3/23

Starting the topic. Be right back.
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Old 03-17-2003, 09:08 AM   #2  
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Carla - I had to laugh about your MIL and the corned beef. You're right, cabbage and potatoes will make it easier to stay OP.

Well, I'm disappointed to have to post a gain - only 0.2 but still a gain. Of course, I did get TOM on Friday so I'm sure that's it but it was a disappointment. Now I'm at 3 pounds to go by the end of the month - still do-able but hard since the last week of the month we'll be away Wed & Thurs. I didn't have a great weekend food wise - too much snacking Saturday night and then yesterday we went out to see Krista and Anthony. Anthony is doing really well and we had fun (including playing tag and climbing around on the playground equipment. However, I thought we were going to go to Taco Bell of BK's for lunch. Anthony and Krista wanted to go to the Chinese Buffet place. I had hot and sour soup and then had a tiny bit of rice and lots of vegetables. They had string beans, asparagus, spinach and snowpea dishes - I guess they were stir fried, not steamed. So, I guess it wasn't great but it could have been a lot worse. Of course, this morning, my sneak peek is horrible, rings are tight and I still have TOM. Lots of water today!!

Have a great one,
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Old 03-17-2003, 02:01 PM   #3  
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Hi all.

Judy - Sorry to hear about your gain, but it's tiny and most likely water. I doubt you did much damage with the Chinese veggies, even if they were stir fried. At any rate, it's a tasty way to get your veggies in. I'll send you mental reminders to keep guzzling that water.

I did ok this weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday we ended up eating lunch as our main meal and I ended up eating no dinner. Snacked a bit too much on nuts at my MIL's house on Sunday, but dinner was mostly boiled veggies for me, so it all evened out. Tonight I'm going into the city to meet some friends for dinner. We're going to an Italian restaurant, so it probably won't be the best dinner point-wise, but I hope to get some walking in. I'm getting ready to do a strength and flexibility workout in awhile, even though I really don't want too. I'll have to put on some good tunes to get motivated. At least it's a nice day!

Talk to you all later.

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Old 03-17-2003, 04:44 PM   #4  
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Hi All...

Happy Monday!

Judy - sorry to hear about your miniscule gain. Take heart in the fact that it was tiny, and as Carla says, water. You made some very commendable choices at the chinese buffet!

Carla - congratulations on doing so well on the weekend. Enjoy your dinner out tonight. Are you having gnocci?

I had an uneventful weekend, took the dogs out both days for a walk, but am having trouble motivating myself to exercise. Food has been not too bad, but I want to put a really good week behind me this week. I'm tired of looking at gains and maintains as I have been for the past 3 weeks. I'm in the midst of meal planning and list making so I don't bring home a bunch of garbage when I go grocery shopping after work.

Have a good day!
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:48 PM   #5  
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Carla - Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend all in all. How was the Italian restaurant last night? I hope not too bad. Good for you for doing the strength and flexibility workout (ya' did it, right?). I guzzled water yesterday and my sneak peek was much better this morning.

Karen B - Sorry to hear about the lack of motivation with exercise. Gee, you were in the groove there for a while. I'm trying to think of something that will help other than sending some {{{{{{PUSHES}}}}}}}} out your way. Have you given up on tracking the number? Would it help to re-adjust the total for the year, come up with one that translates into a reasonable number per week? Good for you for meal planning and list making with the groceries. I know what you mean about being tired of looking at gains and maintains. I had a little session with myself last night about that.

I had a good day yesterday. I think the bad sneak peek shocked me into realizing that if I didn't cut the cr** another goal of mine (10 pounds total by 3/31) was going out the window. In addition to a short weight tape I did at lunch, Tony and I went out for a 20 minute walk after work - it was easy to do because the weather was in the 60's. I'm pleased that I didn't listen to the snack voice when it started telling me it wanted something around 10:00. I remembered what was on Oprah and told it to shut up and take it off my belly pooch! I ended up being able to bank 3.5 food points. Now I have to make sure I keep this up. I'm usually pretty motivated at the beginning of the week and start to falter around Wed. I have a dentist appt this afternoon - I hope to get home early enough to do a short weight tape.

Have a great one,
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Old 03-18-2003, 10:08 PM   #6  
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Quiet here today.

Judy - good for you for beating back the snack monster last night. And that's great that you put points in the bank. You're right, I need to establish "the number" and work from there. I'll take tomorrow's weigh in as a point of reference. Thanks for the little push, please push a little harder, it didn't work yet!

Today has been good foodwise again, and water has been no problem either. Since I had a very sore hip flexor, I haven't been able to talk myself into using the treadmill. I have had a temporary promotion to fill an interim position at work this week, and with it has come a whole pile of new work. It will be a good learning experience for me.

I couriered off my application to start work on a graduate degree yesterday. I hope I know what I'm getting myself into! Must make time to look after me first and foremost.

Have a good day!
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Old 03-19-2003, 08:57 AM   #7  
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Karen - Glad to hear that you are doing well foodwise and water wise. OK - here comes some more {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{PUSH}}}}}}}}}}}}. To help a little with the exercise number, how about if I tell you where I am? I did a weight workout yesterday and that was workout #56 for the year. Good for you for getting the "interim promotion" - it's good that it will be a learning experience. Good for you for starting on your Masters! I envy you being in a career you find fulfilling!

I had an OK day yesterday. I managed to stop snacking 1/2 point below max and I got in a short weight workout when I got home from the dentist a little on the early side. Today will be a late day at work so I'm figuring it will be a rest day. My sneak peek was good this morning but the struggle to keep the week good starts today - when I usually start slipping. I'm going to try to be sure I get my snacks in during the day - it really seems to help.

Have a great one!
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Old 03-19-2003, 09:48 AM   #8  
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Good Morning!

Rolled out of bed at five, pulled on my clothes, took the dogs for a 40 minute power walk, guzzled water, ate breakfast, and completely forgot about weighing in! I'll do it tomorrow. Tonight we're going out for sushi, so tomorrow won't be a pretty weigh in. Oh well, it'll make next week look good! The good news is that I got in some good exercise!

Judy, I think you're doing great with the exercise. I wish I had your discipline with it! Thank you for the PUSH, this morning it was great. I'm happy about the new position, but it'll mean more hours at a desk. Plus working on the master's will mean at least two hours every evening devoted to sitting on my butt in front of the computer. The good thing at the moment is I don't have to start work till 8 or 8:30, so I can get some exercise in in the morning. It's too hard when I have a 7 a.m. start time. I'm sending you good vibes to manage to keep up your good habits for the rest of the week. No slipping till after the weigh in on Saturday!

Have a good one!
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Old 03-19-2003, 10:14 AM   #9  
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Sushi considered, I weighed this morning. 237 Next week will be better.
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Old 03-19-2003, 01:34 PM   #10  
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Hi all.

Sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I wasn't feeling all that well and was in some kind of funk as well. I think it's the cloudy, gloomy weather.

Karen - I did indeed have gnocchi Monday night! It was yummy. I preceded it with a hearts of palm and celery salad, accompanied it with roasted brussel sprouts, and followed it with a bit of vanilla gelato. All in all, it was yummy. Congrats on the interim promotion and on getting your application to grad school out the door! How exciting! I truly love going to school and would love to go back. Maybe when Ana is in school..... I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble motivating yourself to exercise. I know what that's like, especially when you have aches and pains. I hope that your hip flexor is better soon. But good for you for getting that walk in! Exercise breeds more exercise, I've found, but if I slack off at all, getting back to it is murder. And I also hear you on seeing the maintains and gains. Let's all just do it.

Judy - Well, no, I didn't get in the strenght and flexibility workout on Monday. On the other hand, I did walk the 21 blocks or so from the train station to the restaurant Monday evening. I'm counting that as a workout, because it certainly felt like one! Believe me, I had worked up a great appetite for dinner by the time we got to the restaurant. I also guzzled a bunch of water, so it was a good thing. Good for you for hushing the snack voice the other night. I think I mentioned that I gave up evening snacking for Lent. I'm still fighting the snack urges, but I really like going to bed on an empty stomach and waking up hungry and without a "snack hangover". I'm really hoping to make this a habit that lasts past Lent. It's certainly reinforced to me that the snacking has almost nothing to do with being hungry.

I didn't weigh myself this morning. I didn't get in enough water yesterday and my rings were feeling tight. I was still pulling myself out of my funk and I was afraid of what seeing an undesirable number on the scale would do to me. Fortunately, my mood has improved. I got some stuff done around the house and then I did my much postponed weight and flexibility workouts, which helped my mood immensely. I came pretty close to just bagging the SELF challenge and I didn't and I'm proud of myself. I realized this morning that what was keeping me from doing the strength and flexibility workouts was that most of the exercises I pulled from SELF were on the floor. It's hard for me to get up from the floor, and sometimes hard to be on it, and that made me not want to do the workouts. So I pulled out my copy of STRONG WOMAN STAY SLIM, which has exercises that are done either sitting in a chair or standing and did those workouts. I'll stick to those for awhile and as I lose weight and gain flexibility, I'll start adding back some of the exercises from SELF.

And now, time to hit the shower and have some lunch. Have a great day.

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Old 03-20-2003, 10:50 AM   #11  
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Karen - Good for you for getting in that 40 minute power walk with the dogs - that's great! I don't know if your weigh in was a loss, gain or maintain but from the the little face, I guess it was a gain (?) but with the sushi, I'm sure next week will be better. Are you taking the Masters online?? Thanks for the good vibes and here are a couple of more {{{{{{{{{PUSHES}}}}}}}}

Carla - Sorry about your not feeling well. I'm feeling a bit gloomy today - similar kind of weather. You are so right that exercise breeds more exercise ! Good for you for not giving up on the SELF challenge, getting in your strength and flexibility workouts and gettiing in all that walking! Wahoooooooo Carla!!!! Smart move on getting the modifications for the floor exercises. I'm glad that the additional movtivation of Lent is helping you from snacking in the evening. I'll be pulling for you for keeping it your habit past Lent.

I had an OK day yesterday. I got home on the late side so no exercise (as I expected). I did over over my max a couple of points - I'm sure it was emotional eating and was involved with the news. I'm glad I'm working from home today and not looking forward to going into the city tomorrow but I have no choice. I think I need to pull out my journal this evening and write about things. I don't want to lose the good sneak peek!

Have a great one,
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Old 03-20-2003, 03:23 PM   #12  
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Hi all.

Judy - All things considered, going over max by only a couple of points yesterday wasn't bad at all. I know that I really had to struggle with myself not to start snacking - and I was awake until after 3:00 a.m., so that was a lot of struggling. Honestly, if it hadn't been Lent, there's no telling what I would have ate, especially since John was at work. I hope that your commute into the city tomorrow isn't too difficult.

I made those spinach and mozzarella ravioli from Costco last night - they are delicious! I had some marinara sauce in the freezer from the last batch that I made and that went really well with them. We sprinkled some of the herb and cheese seasoning over the sauce . Definitely a keeper. Today I was in Target and I did a stupid thing - I started stocking up on Easter candy. Well, it's safely put away in the closet. I'll just have to exercise supreme will power to stay out of it and to count it if I do get into it. On a more positive note, I had a sweat dripping workout on the stationary bike this morning. It felt great.

Have a great day everyone.

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Old 03-20-2003, 09:57 PM   #13  
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Hi All...

Judy...that was a gain, but it was after breakfast and water, so it's not that bad. It's my new reference point. I decided to get the weigh in over and done with because of the sushi we were having last night. Good thing too, coz the sneak peak this morning was +3 more lbs. Good idea to pull out the journal. I've had CNN on for hours and have turned it off for the night. It's rehash of the same stuff over and over. Pyschologists say you should limit the amount of exposure you allow yourself to a maximum of 15 minutes twice a day. As for my master's, most of the course work will be online, assuming I get accepted. Thanks for the extra nudges.

Carla - aren't those raviolis to die for?!? You have obviously forgotten my stern warning issued at halloween about never, ever buying candy for any holiday whatsoever until the last possible minute. The reasons for this are: a) you won't eat it if it's not in the house, b) the selection at the eleventh hour is awful and thus we are less likely to indulge. Fortunately however, small children are indiscriminate about the quality of chocolate that they will indulge in, and finally c) it's on sale by then. Hooray for the dripping workout.

Yesterday at work we had 14 hospital beds delivered, the guy who does receiving was off sick, and the truck driver was nice, so silly me got to help unload all the beds. They were massively heavy and my biceps are tres sore today, so that's my weight workout taken care of. My hip is sore today, so am not walking extra, although I took the stairs all day at work. Food and water have been ok today too.

Looking forward to the weekend. Seems like its just us three muskateers this week.

Have a good one.
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Old 03-21-2003, 10:00 AM   #14  
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Good Morning,

Thought I'd get here while I could, as it's a day of meetings at work. Got into a few peanuts while watching the hockey game on TV last night, luckily they were in the shell, so I wasn't able to eat handfuls at a time. Sneaky illegal weigh in this morning was very encouraging.

Have a great day, and a great weekend.
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Old 03-21-2003, 01:35 PM   #15  
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Hi all.

Karen - Oh, I knew that what I was doing at Target was just plain stupid and wrong. But I still did it. Sometimes I need to slap myself. :-) Sounds like unloading all those beds was quite the workout. Good for you for taking the stairs at work. It's a great way to sneak in some calorie burning. Kudos on the good sneak peek!

I didn't have such a great day yesterday, especially since we went out for hamburgers for dinner. But today is another day to be on track. I'm in the midst of doing some housework, then I'll get in my weight and flexibility workout. Later it's to the libary with Ana. No particular challenges this weekend, which is good.

Have a great day and a terrific weekend.

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