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Old 11-09-2009, 11:35 AM   #16  
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The holidays sure can pose a challenge. For Pre-dinner snacks, I usually have a veggie platter and a little relish tray. I do make a LF dip, but try not to have much of it myself.
I am with you on the Wine Nancy~I don't usually eat horribly, but I don't get enough exercise regularly and I do enjoy some wine now and again and it doesn't help the metabolism any.
Andi654~MoJo...What mojo? I wish I could find it And keep it. I'm fairly certain that mine has crawled under a blanket somewhere. I Know, in my head, that when I workout regularly, I have SO much more energy and Feel SO much better, but Actually doing it is where I come up short. It gets SO frustrating. It's part of the battle.
Off to make my meal plan for this week, take my son to the Dr. and then do the grocery shopping.
Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 11-09-2009, 12:30 PM   #17  
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I lose 1.6 lbs this week yaaaa.

My thanksgiving plan--- My family gets together ( all 17 of us) and I am in charge of planning the meal ( but we all cook) so I make sure there are plenty of salads and veggies. I always eat plenty of salad before I touch anything else so I am not as hungry. WHen it comes to pie I only have a small piece. My downfall is stuffing, I just love it.

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Old 11-09-2009, 06:56 PM   #18  
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Thanks for the suggestions, I do have a veggie platter and LF dip too. But I think this year I am going to ask that none of the family memebers (not as many as 17 just a mere 13) not bring any chips and dip that would help me a great deal.

Ok tonight I am going to work out--yep all of you all fall over it has been a week and look out WATP 5mile going to do it

back later

Last edited by nancylmrn; 11-11-2009 at 05:46 PM.
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Old 11-10-2009, 06:29 AM   #19  
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Hi everyone my name is Haley. I'm new to WW. I joined last week. I'm doing the at home thing because I'm a single parent and I don't have anyone to watch my daughter...also I'm a full time student.
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Old 11-11-2009, 09:32 AM   #20  
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Hi all! Well, I lost 5 pounds my first week. That's great. But I'm still feeling bad. I kinda stop tracking points by the evening, or I sneak some food thinking I'm fooling (who?) someone. It stinks.
I need some good snacks that are zero points. And some good kid friendly meals that are low in points.
Anyone know a good hot cocoa that is low in points?
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Old 11-11-2009, 05:48 PM   #21  
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Tracy try swiss miss they have a hot cocoa mix that is only 1 pt but it is a bit pricey. 0 pt snacks I happen to like dill pickles, FF micro popcorn 1pt for a bag. Another tip is to cut up raw vegggies and have them handy for grabing. There is also a 0pt fake peanut butter from walden farms I put it on apple slices

Hey chickies I worked out two nights in a row! just tooting my own horn
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Old 11-12-2009, 08:47 AM   #22  
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nancylmrn: You said throw out snack suggestions. Well one of my favroites are the mini bags of popcorn. I like crunchy stuff and I notice that it really helps me from mindless eating. The ones I like are 100 cal and 2 pts. but I know there are 1 pt. ones. But my toddler and I def. love this. maybe it might help to just have a bag popped as you're cooking and getting things ready so you can just grab a nibble and do what you have to do..just a thought!
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:50 PM   #23  
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Thanks ASH I do keep FF microwave popcorn at my home and office so I can do the mindless munch LOL it does help. I have been doing better this week as far as nutrition wise goes but it is going to take a few weeks to really get back into the exercise far three days this week of sweaty movement. But went to Dr. today and according to her scale I am up 5lbs since I saw her last the first of Oct...but then again I knew I had been gaining so now I am back on the wagon---again

I wonder if they give out badges for the most times you fall off????
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Old 11-15-2009, 07:53 AM   #24  
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Can I get a badge too? lol.
Ugh I gotta get back to exercise this coming week.
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Old 11-15-2009, 11:03 PM   #25  
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poof our badges...
I am going to set a goal of 4 days next week starting tomorow ASH we can do it and I am not going to beat myself up if that session is only 30 min long instead of 60

How about you?
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Old 11-16-2009, 02:38 AM   #26  
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Nancylmrn: I have a goal of running with my Wii-Fit 30 minutes everyday and from Nov. 15 - Dec. 15, my goal is 120 miles, which boils down to about 4.0 miles a day. Then I have enlisted my husband to go with me to the gym at nights. He has a promotion board coming up for the Army and needs to lost 5-8 lbs. himself - so I figure this will help us all..
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Old 11-16-2009, 10:46 PM   #27  
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wow ASH 4 miles a day even when I was really working out that was my max took me an hour LOL--you know that old slow and steady. The first time I went 4 miles on the track without stopping I was so proud of myself. I am actually going to bring my running shoes and clothes to work tomorrow and on days it is not raining I will run at lunch....Good thing I have an office to myself.

I am feeling really bloated tonight and my clothes are tight so not sure what is going on...can't be TOM that stuff has been gone for over a year

just hate this feeling. did not work out tonight and tomorrow can't am meeting a friend for dinner after work, I have not seen her in over a year since she lives on the other side of the state. I will make up for it wed, thur, fri and sat
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Old 11-17-2009, 09:43 PM   #28  
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Last week was my birthday and I had a party. Which means this week I have left over birthday cake. And I'm, shall we say, riding the crimson wave this week and all I really want to do is just eat the whole rest of the cake. But I keep reminding myself that I've lost 30 lbs and I did it by NOT eating 1/2 a cake by myself.

Luckily my aunt is on WW, too, and I know she'll be making some WW stuff for Thanksgiving dinner.
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Old 11-18-2009, 08:55 AM   #29  
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hi and Im new to WW diet.I have been a calorie counter for almost 2 yrs and lost 96lbs and gained back 16 of it. I am amazed at what i would eat before knowing the calories but no idea what the point value was.I am very careful spending my points. Last night I had eye of round grilled and was SHOCKED to see it was 8.5pts. Its a real eye opener!
I am a stay at home mom and run an inhome daycare. Im doing thanksgiving dinner for hubbys family and will try and come up with some healthy alternatives.
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Old 11-18-2009, 10:13 AM   #30  
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Happy Birthday Tudor! and welcome dgramie
It is amazing how many calories/points some meats have. I have pretty much given up on beef for the past 8 years and stick to mostly poultry, fish and shellfish.

Well weigh in today up 1lb these past weeks have been crazy up 1 down 1 up 1 down 1 LOL ah well.

Well I am doing turkey day food and want to try out a new twist or two -- fresh green beans and frozen corn...anyone have some suggestions? Of couse I have to have the traditional mash potato and gravy and stuffing but my thoughts were if I load up on the other veggies and only let myself have a spoon full of the other I can get through the meal without a hugh about of damage
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