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Old 08-15-2009, 11:05 AM   #61  
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I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!

It's been bad. So very sick, OMG, I was ready to be shot for awhile. Took a visit to Urgent Care, and the the Dr's office as well. Had allergic reaction to one of the antibiotics. Slept 2-3 hrs at a time for days. Missed work. Stomach messed up from meds and postnasal drip. Tonsils swelling started next.

Then got to feeling better, slept good finally - FINALLY! Had to return to work unprepared! Made up for lost groceries. OH how I've eaten. I wanted just about everything. And I ate everything.

Today, day 1 back on track. Ear is much better, throat is barely scratchy, appetite is STRONG. I just have to be good until I'm back in the groove. Today I am on program and just have to keep my resolve going.

I want to send out a WARM WELCOME TO KATIE!!!
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Old 08-15-2009, 11:35 AM   #62  
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I am so sorry you were sick, nothing is worse! And thank you for the congrats on my 3rd (yes 3rd) grandchild.

You will be back in the groove in no time! I went way crazy last night and ate all my pts plus 20 flex--geez pizza & wine add up fast. But I am going to just keep going.

this morning english muffin with a bit of egg beater and I am on my way!
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Old 08-15-2009, 11:07 PM   #63  
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well I was on my way until....we went to a local pub and I had 2 beers and the humus plate which were pretty good pt wise...but...then came home and kept going.

no flex pts left and wed a long way away...going to have to do some extra ap's just to keep my head above water lol...crud

Last edited by nancylmrn; 08-16-2009 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:43 AM   #64  
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I don't have any results yet, just thought I would post the beginning weight. As of today I weigh 332 lbs. It looks like everyone is doing really well. I can't wait to start posting results!!
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Old 08-16-2009, 12:57 PM   #65  
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Welcome Lauralou! It is always exciting to watch one's weight go down and one way we keep each other motivated is post our loss each week on the weight loss thread....can't wait to get yours up there. What day is your official weigh in? Mine is on Wed. But most everyone who posts on that thread is a different day. I update them as I find them.

If you have any questions please let us know!
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Old 08-16-2009, 04:02 PM   #66  
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Hey lauralou glad you found us. You'll like it here. Good friends to support you and sometimes kick you in the butt.

I'm doing good today. But am nearly out of points! Had a tuna melt (DH made it - but I controlled my ingredients) so it wasn't too bad point wise, but ate up more than I needed it to.

Seems I'm having a lot of trouble (and it's where my points are going poof much of the time) with my night shift thing. I am up in the wee hours of the morning on my days off - nobody else is up. Just me, the TV and whatever critters are in. I begin to graze my way through my points. Then after I sleep awhile, I don't have enough points for much meal wise with DH. I need to fix this grazing. Need to brainstorm a little on that.
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Old 08-16-2009, 06:20 PM   #67  
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Arkansas I tend to do the same thing even though I am not a night owl...dill pickles, 97 fat free popcorn, sugar free/fat free fudgecycles, and at times fiber one bars seem to get me through.
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Old 08-16-2009, 07:23 PM   #68  
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I think that my weigh in day will be Monday. Well, it seems like all my favorite foods are too many points! Oy!
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:01 PM   #69  
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LOL laura think of this as a journey to make new 'favorite' foods
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Old 08-17-2009, 08:11 AM   #70  
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Default August results

Hi, I hope you don't mind me jumping in today. I just started WW today and am looking forward to learning from everyone. I have the WW at home kit and hope to be able to post good losses like the rest of you! Wish me luck!!!
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Old 08-17-2009, 08:25 AM   #71  
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I love this website! Support here is incredible no matter what you're going through!
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Old 08-17-2009, 09:50 AM   #72  
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Welcome mattraces5 & lauralou! I'm glad you are here. This is a great group. I ordered the ww at home kit too and have done pretty well with it so far - I am sure you will too mattraces5.

Arkansas Kel - glad you are feeling better.

Nancy - I am excited for you and your new grandbaby. I know you can't wait to meet her.

I had kind of a yucky week and am only down. 0.2.

I guess I really shouldn't complain, as I was completely out of control and I am just lucky that I didn't GAIN instead! My uncle died this week and a friend of mine's husband was killed in a motorcycle accident. It just STINKS. So, it was just a crazy week and I have just been bummy. Plus - a glass of wine or two and my food decision making ability just flies right out the window!!

Ok....enough feeling sorry for myself! Sorry guys! Thanks for "listening"!

It's a new day and a new week and it HAS to be better!

Have a great day everyone!!
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Old 08-17-2009, 10:55 AM   #73  
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mattraces5 welcome aboard I know you will be a great success and the suppport here is awesome

Ragsy sounds like you have had a yucky week But you will be back on track in no time at all.

I don't know if I mentioned this but I started new hypertention meds well I tried to workout and kept getting slightly dizzy and had to stop it just sucks so I am going to try again for the next few days if it does not go away I am going to have to call dr. and get meds changed again
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Old 08-17-2009, 11:10 AM   #74  
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Ragsy, it's good you were on WW, you were probably more aware of when you were out of control, even if you couldn't stop it. Any loss is a loss. I've had to have "do overs" sometimes. That's ok. So long as you do over instead of quit.

Lauralou - are you able to use the WW online? YOu can search on there based on points to help build your new favorites list. Also, recipes are available all over online. One of my favorite recipe spots is hungrygirl. she has a couple cookbooks and a website. Post something you miss now and then and I'm sure we'll help you find a substitute. Also, exercise will help you earn more points, plus your weekly points so you can splurge a little now and then. Between these things, many times I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. Take your handheld points calculator to the store - and explore. My saving graces are 100 calorie popcorn sngles (and popcorn flavorings you sprinkle on), canned soups (progresso gives some counts on the can), frozen dinners, mini pretzels, baked tortilla chips and salsa (for a meal with ff sour cream, red fat cheese, and boca crumbles), fiber one bars.

I'm shocked that I too dropped a bit of weight this week - just a sliver, but that's ok. I was way off track this last week with being sick. I guess the no appetite paid off!
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Old 08-17-2009, 12:14 PM   #75  
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Welcome all new members!! This is a wonderful place for WW support, so you've chosen well

Arkansas Kel-- Welcome back and I am glad you are better! Congrats on a loss, being sick can throw off eating so much (saltines and chicken noodle soup---holy sodium!)

I hope everyone is having a good week! I've eaten way more flex points than I planned already, which will prove very tricky because I have book club this afternoon. My book club usually ends up being more of a eat delicious foods everyone has made and drink lots of wine club I made a WW black bean and rice salad that is two points, so I can have one definitely healthy choice there, and hopefully all of the treats aren't too tempting!!

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
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