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Old 08-11-2009, 11:24 PM   #46  
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Well chickies I just looked at my journal and I have ate all my pts and flex pts and only earned 14 ap and wi is tomorrow I can only hope I stay the same and not gain another lbs this week since I was not so good. Do you all ever feel just plain bloated???? and know the scale is going to be up???

You know it sucks getting older..this whole just over 50...the dr.'s blame all weight gain on age then I get the added zinger medication. Some days I want to throw my hands up in the air and say won't say that here and eat what I want when I want and as much as I want but I won't

Update of baby news....DD c-section has been moved to this friday at 9:30am. I will fly down to stay with her on the 20th..she does not want me down there when she is in the hospital LOL can't figure it out but oh well
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:04 AM   #47  
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Some mircle happened I was down 2.0 pounds this morning--go figure?

I am excited to start a new week for me and try to balance my exercise and eating better.

Everyone have an awesome day
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:23 AM   #48  
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Yay Nancy!! I bet you should be eating more because you normally exercise so much. Maybe your body needs the extra points to do it's thing! Great job!
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Old 08-12-2009, 10:55 PM   #49  
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oh my chickes have to update you! went for check up today, I take med's for hypertention have done so for the past 8 years....well this past 4 weeks I have taken my blood pressure every day and it has dropped really low 98/68 and sometimes my dr. is cutting my med's in half and going to review my med's in six weeks if my pressure stays this low I can go off my medication and I can only hope this works because I have changed my eating and exercise habits!.......I hope it works...if not well back to square one?

just needed to share
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:28 PM   #50  
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Well Nancy - I can't think of any better proof that what you have been doing is RIGHT than to get to quit taking blood pressure medicine!! That is great! You have been exercising and eating right and are an inspiration to the rest of us!

Last edited by Ragsy; 08-12-2009 at 11:29 PM.
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Old 08-13-2009, 10:42 AM   #51  
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I got some nice news this week. I'm getting a roommate!! I know this might sound silly but I'm really excited about her moving in. I've been feeling lonely the last few weeks and having someone in the house I think will help that. AND she also wants to lose weight. So I'll have someone to work the program with me. I'm going to plan the meals and cook and stuff (because I like to do that) and she's going to keep us on track with the exercise and stuff (because that's what she likes to do).

I'm really excited. LOL.... I wish she was moving in this weekend. Of course I'm not really prepared for her to move so it's a good thing she's not coming yet. I've got to get my spare room cleaned out. Isn't it amazing how dirty a room that you never use gets?

Well, I guess I'd better get back to work. Hope everyone has a good day!
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Old 08-13-2009, 03:20 PM   #52  
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Thank you Ragsy for the great note!
Chrissy how awesome for you, a lifestyle change buddy who has the same goals as you. wouldn't it be awesome if you both posted here as you encourge each other? It is inspiring me! I guess I am lucky in that my DH does encourge me but her does not understand the struggle (of course he is reed thin always has been (love you sweetie) ).

Today has been just a so so day I have not planned well for my meals but at least I am covered through afternoon snack, it is dinner that will put a glitch in the works. Don't have any quick protien to cook and don't want to dive into pasta that sets off an entirely huge craving once the beast gets out if you know what I mean.

Suggestions? By the time I get home from work (5:30pm ish) workout (6:45pm ish) cool down (7ish) then start cooking.....well see my delimia I don't like to eat that late but don't see a solution (exercising in the am would mean I would have to get up at 4 to be done by 5ish, shower & dress to catch bus at 5:45am---that just does not work for this gal)
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Old 08-13-2009, 05:57 PM   #53  
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I have no clue if this would help you, but I have found a miracle food!! It's a frozen meal by Amy's, and it's called "tamale pie". It looks like a chicken pot pie kind of, but inside is a mixture of a Mexican tomato sauce, veggies, and beans. The "crust" on top is polenta. It tastes amazing (especially to me because I am obsessed with anything Mexican food related) and is 2 points according to my points calculator! Not sure if you'll have time to pick it up tonight Nancy, but in the future, it's a great thing to have in the freezer. Tastes way better than two points and keeps me full way longer.

Also, I have to ask, what does DH stand for?? Is it a person's name or does it stand for something else?
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Old 08-13-2009, 08:58 PM   #54  
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Nancy, thanks for the encouraging word. Most of my friends are the same way your husband is. They are supportive but they are so thin and have never been overweight, so even though they try they really don't understand. My good Guy friend is actually TRYING to gain weight. That makes for some interesting meals, let me tell ya.

Katier, that sounds really good. I enjoy mexican food myself. Although I guess what I really like is called Tex-Mex. Anyway, I'm going to try to find it. I'm not sure if I'll be able to because I haven't been able to find any other Amy food at my store. Maybe I'll try a different store this week.

OH... and DH stands for darling husband.
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Old 08-13-2009, 10:55 PM   #55  
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katier what an awesome find I will look for some of those this weekend. I think I have seen them in the frozen food section under some vegetarin or gourmet, not sure yet where it was but I remember seeing them at Safeway. I was lucky tonight DH (thanks Chrissy) picked up some viet food so I had 2 fesh spring rolls (2pt ea) and the won ton soup (sm 4pt) it was very filling.

I did work out tonight too did 4 mile WATP, I wanted to do more but my body said nope so I stopped.

Ok off to have my glass of wine and hot shower, my reward for working out
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Old 08-14-2009, 09:03 AM   #56  
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I am going to look for that tamale pie too! Sounds great. I love Mexican food, but have had a hard time making it "healthy" . Thanks for the suggestion katier!

Chrissy, I think think the roomie situation sounds great. Having someone around to do the program with you can make all the difference. It's so great to have someone to help keep you motivated!

Nancy.....isn't the baby making her appearance today? Happy Birthday baby Katie!

Last edited by Ragsy; 08-14-2009 at 09:03 AM.
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Old 08-14-2009, 04:04 PM   #57  
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... just checking in ladies - haven't been here for a couple days & feel like I'm outta the loop a bit ...

Cheers & have a good weekend
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Old 08-14-2009, 05:03 PM   #58  
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Just a quick note: Baby arrived this morning via c-section...8lb 2oz don't know how long mom was tired, sore and a bit cranky all she wanted to do was sleep for a bit; will have more info tomorrow
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Old 08-14-2009, 11:10 PM   #59  
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Congrats Nancy!!!!! Must be an amazing feeling
Did I read somewhere that the baby is named Katie?? Or am I confused???
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Old 08-14-2009, 11:39 PM   #60  
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Well as of right now the baby is named Katie, but since the mom was tired, sore and wanted to sleep I can only hope it stays the same or I am going to have to do a mental adjustment LOL
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