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Old 05-20-2002, 12:02 PM   #1  
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Default Weign In at Home - 5/20 - 5/26

Hi everyone.

Sorry I was MIA the end of last week. I actually starting writing a post on Thursday and then my PC at home started flaking out and I ran out of time.

Had a good couple of days off (and absolutely hate being back in the office) and a hectic, but good weekend. Ana's party turned out nice. I did pretty good food wise as well. TOM started on Friday, so hopefully all this extra water is leaving my system.

Judy - I know you won't be reading this until Tuesday or Wednesday, but belated Happy Anniversary wishes. Hope you're having fun in CT.

Talk to you all later.

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Old 05-20-2002, 02:04 PM   #2  
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Good Morning!

It's a long weekend up here in the great white north, so it's nice and quiet at work and I have a few minutes to sneak in a post.

Carla - great that Ana's party went well - which birthday was it? I've been trying to count the years backwards. I'm guessing she's four? Where does the time go?!? Hope you're feeling less bloated.

Judy - Happy Anniversary for Saturday. Hope your few days away have been great!

The weekend has been a bit of a write off; didn't make the best food choices, but back on track today.

Have a good one!

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Old 05-20-2002, 03:55 PM   #3  
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Karen - Hope you're enjoying a nice long weekend. It's our turn this weekend. You've guessed exactly right - Ana will turn 4 tomorrow. The time certainly has flown by. I'm always asking Ana where my baby went. Weekends can be tough. I'm sure you did better than you think. Kudos for getting right back on track.
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Old 05-21-2002, 10:18 AM   #4  
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Good morning ladies-

I maintained this week and considering the week I had, thats a gift.

Carla- you're right, those kids grow up faster than you realize. My baby girl turned 14 on the 3rd. In only 4 short years she'll be off to college. It seems like just a few years ago that I was in college-how can this be?!!!

Karen- I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. I'm looking forward to our long weekend starting this Friday. We're going to drive to my parents in Michigan(about 7 hrs). They live on a 10 acre wooded lot and I'm craving the slow, quiet pace there. We've decided to extend it through Tuesday so that we can really relax and not have to rush to get back on the road with all that holiday trafic. Even the kids are stressed with all the end of the school year chaos. They'll miss a day of school but they'll be more relaxed and ready to face their exams. I'm bringing some of "my foods" so that there's room for an indulgence(or two! ).

Judy- Happy Anniversary! How many years is it?

I'm not feeling as committed as I did 2 weeks ago but I'm clinging on so I know I'll make it. Some weeks just aren't as smooth as others. I'm just going to have to keep reminding myself how good it feels when I succeed.

Time to drink some water and get this stupid t-shirt order finished for field day. I've got to learn to say no sometimes when it comes to volunteering...sigh.

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Old 05-21-2002, 11:59 AM   #5  
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Hi Everyone, I'm back from Texas, had a great time visiting with Mumsy. She's doing much better than I expected which is a big relief to me. I didn't do too well foodwise, but didn't do as bad as usual, so I guess it was a success. Also exercised each day which helped. I'm back on track and still hoping to make my personal challenge by June 9. HOpe everyone had a good weekend.
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Old 05-21-2002, 01:51 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone.

Kristen - Yep - I just wish time would stand still, or at least slow down, sometimes. Sorry to hear you're having a rough week. You're right - some weeks are easier than others. Hang in there and this too shall pass.

Karen C. - Welcome home! Glad to hear that you had a good time in Texas and that your mom is doing better than expected. Good for you for doing better food-wise than before.

I have to get back into the groove - I've just been playing around with these few pounds for so long. And I know that part of that has to be exercise. To that end.... Sunday Ana's daycare had their spring program. The parent's group puts on silent auction to raise funds for the daycare/school so that tuition can be kept down. At any rate, one of the auction items was for a month's membership to the fitness center I've been meaning to try. It's owned and operated by the local hospital, so they have a lot of ancillary services, included physical therapy. It was an expensive item, even though the opening bid was more than 50% less than the stated worth. No one was bidding on it. So I bid on it. I figured this way I'd have no excuse to not check out the fitness center and it was for a good cause. So I think I'll activate the membership in a couple of weeks, when I'm closer to being done with work. Maybe something will kick in. I'm hoping.

Talk to you all later.

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Old 05-22-2002, 09:14 AM   #7  
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Carla - Happy (belated) birthday to Ana.

Karen C - I'm glad the trip went well and your mom is doing so much better.

Kristin - congratulations on the maintain. It's always a victory in my book. It's our 5th anniversary (2nd marriage for both of us) and it gets better every year!

Karen B - great white north?? Did you have snow? We met a couple of people from northern Massachusetts and they had snow this past weekend.

I mega-swamped at work (amazing since I was only away for 2 days!) so I'll make this short. Tony and I had a wonderful, wonderful time at Mohegan Sun. The place is gorgeous - so much attention to detail and so many beautiful things/spaces/colors etc. I won a little and Tony lost a little but it didn't matter because we loved the place. We had a lovely anniversary dinner (at which I made pretty good choices) on Sunday and just ate at more casual places on Monday (I didn't make great choices on Monday) but I did run on a treadmill in the fitness center. Yesterday was a bit of a wash eating wise too so today is right back on. I'm hoping for a maintain on Saturday. I slept in last Saturday - it was a real downpour and just too tempting to stay in bed so I didn't weigh in last week.

I've got to get back to work. Have a great water filled Wednesday.

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Old 05-22-2002, 12:56 PM   #8  
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Hello everyone. We're already at Wednesday and my week shows no signs of slowing down.

Just a quick post. I'm keeping up with reading the thread but lack the time to answer individually.

On a good note.. I lost the 1.4# I gained last week plus another 0.2#. Success again!

Have a great one!
Old 05-22-2002, 01:36 PM   #9  
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Hi everyone.

Sounds like it's a busy week for everybody.

Judy - I'm glad you had a great time at Mohegan Sun. I hope things slow down for you soon.

Angie - Congrats on another great loss! I hope things get less hectic for you as well.

Weigh in wasn't good news this morning - up another pound. I think some of it is still water as I've been really bad about getting that in and my rings were tight. Some of it is poor eating choices. I have to stop this playing around and dig deep within myself for the determination to get this weight off. So I'm declaring a re-commit and a re-start. Besides staying within points, there are two things that I am absolutely going to do - no matter what: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and journal everything I eat. No matter what kind of day I have - good, bad, or indifferent, I'm going to do those two things. I think it will make a big difference.

On another note, we took Ana miniature golfing last night for her birthday. She had a blast and it was a hoot watching her. Would you believe that it was the first time I've ever been miniature golfing? I had more fun than I thought I would.

Have a great day everyone.

266/239 - 1st 10%/140
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Old 05-22-2002, 04:22 PM   #10  
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Carla, Sounds like you're on the right track With the water and journaling you should be losing soon. I know when I don't journal, I really make bad choices. Once you activate the fitness center membership you'll be on a roll!

Judy, sounds like my kind of weekend! Glad you had such a great time. With keeping up the exercise you must have done better! Hope things slow down for you soon.

Angie, hang in there! Hate those super busy days, but weeks are worse. Congratulations on another fabulous loss!

Had a good day yesterday and today, I'm back in the groove. Haven't been on the scale for a sneak peek, and I think it's really helping keep me OP. Hope everyone has a Water Logged Wednesday!
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Old 05-23-2002, 10:24 AM   #11  
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Angie - congratulations on losing what you gained plus some - that's great! Sorry to hear things are so busy for you.

Carla - Sorry to hear about the gain. I think your plan is a good one. I've found that writing down every single think I eat (even if I don't calculate the points) really helps. It helps me be conscious of what I'm eating and sometimes even stops me from eating it. I'm so glad you had such a good time with Ana - I loved miniature golf as a kid and still do. I guess like me and the DQ, it's hard to believe you'd never gone before. I'm so glad you all enjoyed it. I've always found it a great family activity. I think activating the fitness center membership is a *great* idea and it's great that they have physical there as well - that way, you can be sure that you do the right thing for your ankle/knees.

Karen C - Way to go on getting back in the swing of things. Good for you for not taking that sneak peak on the scale! I think it helps to keep me on track too.

I had an OK day yesterday but it wasn't a good way to do it. I seem to have caught a 24 hour stomach flu. I felt fine in the morning and at lunch but mid-afternoon I got sick. I left work early and went home and slept a bit. My stomach is OK today (I'm keeping food down) but I feel pretty blah. Naturally, I didn't get any exercise in yesterday and plan on just resting after work today. I hope by tomorrow I can get back into the swing of things. I'm off tomorrow for a long weekend. We're hoping to go with my stepdaughter and grandson to a children's museum. The only other plans we have is to prepare our vegetable bed, get the plants and do some planting. Work is really going to gear up next week. Aside from moving our servers out of our old (downtown) building this summer, I just got a new project to do a major re-write of my system. I think it will be good - I'll be working with a good guy on the design and while I doubt I'll be doing development per se, it's more in line with what I like than what I've been doing recently. Of course, the management stuff (what I don't like) won't go away but at least I'll have some stuff to do that I find satisfying.

Have a great one!
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Old 05-23-2002, 01:35 PM   #12  
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Hi all.

Judy - Sorry to hear you got hit with a tummy bug. You're right - it's not a fun way to stay OP. Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. I'm glad to hear that you have a satisfying project to look forward to at work. It always helps when you can be truely engaged in what you're doing.

to Karen B, Karen C, Pat , Kristen, Michele.

Had a good day yesterday: got in my water, ate within points, and journaled it all. I'm feeling rather virtuous right now. I turned down Chinese food for lunch and stuck with what I brought from home: salad with balsamic vinegar and a packet of tuna tossed in, bread, and cantaloupe. And I've enjoyed every bite of it. As for the long weekend - I'm so thankful that we have no plans. Nowhere to be, nothing to do, no big meals to face. Should be nice and quiet, which is just want I want.

Have a great day everyone.

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Old 05-24-2002, 08:12 AM   #13  
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Good Morning, sorry I have been MIA, very busy at work.

I think I have finally kicked my stall to the curb, I think finally making Lifetime has taken some of the pressure off of me and I am back right on track. Sneak peak shows I have rebroken the 150's at 149 this morning. Going to CT this weekend for a soccer tournement so eating out all weekend, hopefully there is a Subway near by.

I hope you all have a GREAT weekend. Make sure to take time for yourselves.

BTW, did anyone else get that lovely snow storm last Sat. morning? Lost some of my flowers, but most survived, 85 here today. Got to love living in New England.

Again, have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 05-24-2002, 08:27 AM   #14  
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Judy, hope you're feeling better this morning.

Carla, congrats on making good choices!

Michele, Woohooo for you!! Good luck this weekend.

As you can see by my short post, I'm busy too today. Yesterday was terrible, got my period last night, ate everything all day! If I can keep it to just one day a month I'll be doing okay. Hope you all have a great weekend.
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Old 05-24-2002, 11:47 AM   #15  
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Hi Everyone,

Been having computer troubles all week, we lost everything off the hard drive , but we're back in business again.

Karen C - glad to hear you had a good visit with your mom, I hear you about eating everything - that's where I've been for the past 2 or 3 days.

Michele - congrats on your loss! Hope you have a great soccer weekend.

Carla - hope you have a relaxing weekend. Good for you for being virtuous after your small gain.

Judy - hope you're enjoying your day off; hope your tummy's feeling better today. No snow here, but Calgary got dumped on the other day!

Angie - congratulations on losing again! Hope it's the first of a steady string of losses for you.

Been struggling a bit with motivation for the last few days, and haven't made some very good food choices at all. Haven't exercised much either, but last night we took the dogs for a run by the river. Tonight Mike and I are going to sit down with our cookbooks and do menus for the coming week then do all our shopping so there'll be no excuse for eating badly!

On a happy note, it's a beautiful day today, so I pulled out my purple tank top I bought last summer and it's *huge* on me. Apparently the 30 lbs I've lost since then are coming mostly from above the waist. The hips, butt and thighs aren't quite as willing to disappear.

Have a great weekend.

Karen B
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