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Old 06-18-2001, 07:07 PM   #16  
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Hiya everyone!

Emmy it sure is good to see you also. When you go to the lake, do you camp out or do it like me... find a hotel?

Candice, the medication is called amitriptiline or something like that. It is some kind of anti depressant that also works as a headache preventer. I've been taking it for a few weeks. Do you get headaches like mine? I just LOVE the photos you've been posting.

Hi Ally, it's good to meet you. I am a fellow easterner born and raised in NY (Long Island). I am not really into horses much but I am into these wonderful nightowl friends! You'll love it here!

Penny, it's been really hot here in St. Louis too. It hit a record high today somewhere in the upper 90's. I'm sorry you've been working so many hours. I hope you get some time to yourself.

BREN!! I am doing so well now that school is over, Mike's graduation is completed and my headaches are easing. So it's a great start to summer. I miss you a lot. I'd do just about anything to be with you and PJ when/if you get to meet. SInce I can't, you guys better take LOT'S of pictures!

Tara, that pic of brother and wife is great. Thanks (again) for the wonderful newsletter you send out. I'm so glad you find the time to do it and know how! For a teacher, you'd think I knew how myself!!

Suebee, hey there! Boy we haven't "chatted" in ages. It's nice to be on here the same time you are! I can't wait to find out how your summer is beginning.

Pamela, Pamela, Pamela, I have been looking at your pics and feel as though you really CAN take the NY gal out of the city! Did you hear about that fire in Astoria?

What is it with fires lately. This fire where the 3 firemen were killed on Father's Day was so sad.

If I missed anyone, I apologize. I hate to do that. I'm OP and going to be in a smaller size by the end of the summer so when I walk into school the first day, people notice!
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Old 06-19-2001, 06:43 AM   #17  
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Default Hello Owls

Judy, that is what I take at 8pm for Fibro to get deep sleep but I have been on it for years and it is losing it's working ability! I need to up it but it causes weight gain! I only take 20 mgs. I have some nuerontin to try but I'm afraid too! So many side effects of everything Glad you found something to work!

Hi all
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Old 06-19-2001, 09:16 AM   #18  
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Good morning all. Just reading and catching up on everything that everyone has to say.

It's been hot and humid here for a couple of days, but the good news is that we now have central air. Yeehaa. I had to work a couple of night shifts and it was great being able to sleep in the day time and actually have to throw a blanket on me.

Scott has 2 more weeks of school left and both of us are looking forward to the end of school. He really enjoys the play time during the day and I'll be glad of not having to make lunches and get him off to school or the babysitters. Summer will go by very quickly for us I'm sure. I pretty much have full time hours for the month of July and then in August I will be taking a week off for the cottage and a week off to be the camp nurse at a camp that Scott and his cousin will be attending.

We had a garage sale on Saturday and were able to get rid of lots of stuff that has been sitting around for a while. We had advertised that it would start at 0830, but when Rob was putting stuff out at 0730, people were coming and checking it out. We could see some of the 'professionals' out and about that morning, who are serious about garage sales. There the ones who pull up in an old beater of a car and about 5-6 people swarm out and go through all your stuff in 5 minutes. It was an interesting day for sure.

Take care and hope to hear from you all soon.

Candice: I love your flowers. Unfortunately the only thing when it comes to flowers/plants for us is...plastic or silk!! I don't have the love like other people have for their gardens.
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Old 06-19-2001, 09:19 PM   #19  
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I started reading all of your posts and decided I would print them out since there is so much going on with you all and I am not very good on memory these days.

Candice - Sorry it took me so long to get the pictures up......I made a special thread JUST FOR YOU. It has a link to my PATHETIC GARDEN and then there is a url to the others with what my garden usually looks like. I must say though, you put anything and everything I do to shame.....BIG TIME. I only WISH I could accomplish such beauty. I love flowers and plants, especially when I grow an entire new plant from a tiny little piece from another. That's pretty much how I do most of it. I also share and trade "pieces" with my neighbors and this way we all get to try a different flower or plant. Really beautfiul view from your kitchen window. ......there is nothing like a tomato that was picked two days ago, left on your window sill to ripen to a deep beefy red and then just sprinkle it with a little bit of salt and BITE INTO IT. So you put your swimsuit on to work outside, huh? LOL....I do that all the time here because it gets so hot in the summer months that if I don't jump into the pool every 1/2 hour or so to cool off and to chug down ALOT of water...I'd be one very dehydrated and sick Floridian. Although I think I scare most of my neighbors off when they see me in MY suit.....I POSITIVE that doesn't happen to you. You look wonderful and don't you believe that crapola about looking older when you lose weight. I mean REALLY Candice....don't you FEEL better AND look better....I think you look absolutely beautiful and most of all....very healthy and happy. I, on the other hand....really have to be careful in the heat down here. Especially people like me that once I get started on something, I don't stop until I'm done.

SueBee - I"m with you on the bologna about looking older when you lose weight. If that were the case, why does everyone look and feel so good when they DO lose weight? Hmmmm??? Bet you're really enjoying that central air. Will Scott go to summer camp or any kind of summer day program? I STILL have to make lunches since Billy goes to summer camp. Every day from 9-3pm. Although, since it's offered through the town rec.'s totally free!!!! (well, not really.,....our taxes pay for it) and I get him there pretty much whenever he wants...usually around 10. If it's too hot, I pick him up early. Where is your cottage? It's always nice to get away, isn't it? But then, it's always nice to come home too.....makes us appreciate it a littlle more.

Hey Brenda - Hey, nothing worth having ever comes easy. You keep making those meals. You'll be glad you did when you really start seeing your body changing again. Glad your niece is ok. She just HAD to get back up and start all over again, otherwise she'd have that fear and she'd never get over it...atleast not for a long time (personal experience.....LOL). As for the FAT intake......I don't really watch the FAT as much as I watch the CHOLESTEROL. It seems to be the right thing for me since I'm now into a size 16 perfectly. So let's see now....In about nine months....I've gone from a size 22 back down to a 16. Really makes me happy to see it on "paper"/monitor.... I'm losing more inches than weight but that's ok, I suppose that's my body makeup and I'll take the loss any way I can get it. Hey - My B'day is Sept. 18th so you'll be here just after. My hangover SHOULD be gone by the time you get to Florida. And of course I'll meet you. Since we'll be on YOUR just let me know what's good for you and I'll be there. This is going to be awesome to finally meet. And yes....I'll bring the digital camera and post them the next day if not that night. Heh-heh

Alley-Ooop - Ok....come on girlfriend...what's your real name? heh-heh. When I read your post about the tattoo band-aids, I almost pee'd my pants. That was great! I'd like to get those son would love them! Glad you liked the pics of the stables. I think the "equine" friends are nice also but their owners aren't so bad either. We all get along so well and now that the ONE person who didn't clean up after herself and had five horses there has left....we've got new boarders that fit in much better since they're as concerned with the cleanliness of the barn as the rest of us. We're doing thorough background and reference checks now. Adrienne is really getting a crash course in barn management but I tell ya...she's holding her own. After all, it's her place and she doesn't want to lose it and that means keeping it up and keeping good boarders in there.

Tara - TARA????? Is it....could it's YOU????!!!! TARA, TARA, TARA......... So nice of you to join us once again. LOL....seriously, you're missed very much when you don't show your "face" around here so don't pull that disappearing act again, you hear? You get us all worried. and your brother is very handsome but let's not forget what a beautiful bride SHE is. Hope you and she get along well and you gain a sister.

Penny - Yes, stopped the cribbing. Wanna know how? LOL...put a chain muzzle on him for one soon as he started to do it again.,...we just had to SHOW it to him. Now don't all of you owls go nuts on me does not hurt the horse at all...just keeps him from chewing through something like a thick fabric and I'm sure it's not the most comfortable thing in the world either. Anyway, he's left the barn now so that's that. NEXT!!!!
Here's the link to my picture album page. It's the first album you'll see: Enjoy.

Emmy - You knoooooow, flattery will get you just about everywhere. LOL Bill did have a great day as did the rest of us. Haven't added any new STABLE pictures...just the one album of my pathetic garden that I totally shocked when we moved and transplanted the largest and most beautiful plants/bushes we had. AAAGGGHHHH.

Judy - So nice to see you here. How wonderful to get some relief from your headaches. I'm going to try and call Setina tonight and see if I can reach her. I'll tell her to email you on the medication. Okay with you? And no....I didn't know anything about the fire in Astoria. I asked Bill and he told me. I'm going to look up more on MSNBC here on the puter. How awful! I don't think Fathers Day will be quite the same for those families for a very long time. What an awful, awful thing to happen!

Geeez, I'm probably going to get kicked off for writing such a long post. I told you guys I printed out the printable version of the thread and that way I'm able to read everything you all said. <grin> Besides, for those of you who have spoken with me on the phone... you KNOW you can't expect to get off within a 20 minute period. Heh-heh....
I'm getting my exercise in, getting tan from being outside so much and also getting very sore. I am doing my best not to over-do it as far as ANY physical work goes but some days are just worse than others when it's raining so much like it has been here lately. It's really a blessing in disguise though, Florida really needed it.

Ok, ok, ok......I'm leaving. I'm out of breath now anyway.
Sweet Dreams my friends,
Hugs to you all,

Last edited by PJ; 06-19-2001 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 06-19-2001, 09:32 PM   #20  
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I miss you guys! My life has been crazy lately. I will go into details later but between work and sickness I have not been able to do to much at all. I found out I was anemic too...just shoot me LOL. I will try to post at least once a week starting out and get better.

I am just concentrating on trying to get better right now. The doctor said that has to be my number one priority now and then worry about the weight loss.

I hope you are all doing great. I will try to at least lurk and maybe post during the week but hopefully I can start posting at least on the weekend. I have so many friends here and I miss you all.

Judy-Please email me all about the [email protected]

Tara-Did you hear on the news yesterday they may pull Synthroid? I sure hope not because it is helping me-what do you think? Thanks for the nice card you sent me! That meant a lot.

Have a great day!

Love you all-

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Old 06-19-2001, 09:57 PM   #21  
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Default SETINA BELINA!!!!!!!

Oh wow...I can't handle this...HOLD ME BACK!!!! You AND Tara have come back to the nest. I think I'm going to....wait....aahhhh...

oh, hi. It's ok. I just passed out for a minute there. You know, the shock and all of seeing posts from BOTH Tara and Setina. Whew, I guess it was just too much excitement for me. <grin>

I know, I just wanna WHACK me, don't ya Setina and Tara? Heh-heh...weeeell, ..................YOU CAN'T..........'cause you live too far away, seeeee? So there!

So. Now that that's all over and done with. Here's a picture of my daughter Jackie and I that I took last night. Heh-heh.
See ya later.
AND I BETTER SEE YOU TWO TOO!!!!!!! Ya got that?????!!!!
please????????? Thank you... <squirm>
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Old 06-20-2001, 03:08 AM   #22  
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Default Hi Owls

PJ..Your description of the fresh tomato makes me want one right now! Nice picture of you and Jackie..I suppose she was trying to make that face with her tounge out! Cute She is so dark and such big blue eyes...Shes a looker!

SueBee..I need to have a garage sale but don't want to do the work! I have so much junk around here and no place to store it! A nurse a Scotts' Camp, that will be nice Your cottage sounds so peaceful, you should post some pictures of it!

Setina..good to see you post, hope you get some headache relief like Judy You get all rested up now...ya here!
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Old 06-20-2001, 09:06 AM   #23  
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Hello there. Glad to be able to read some posts again. Sounds like everyone is busy!!

That's all for today. Somehow it seems so inadequate as compared to PJ. LOL. Man that girl can talk/type. Love to hear about what's going on with her though. PJ......still waiting on the Kashi.

Have a good day everyone. The laundry is still waiting for me.

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Old 06-20-2001, 09:09 AM   #24  
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I'm just trying this out. I don't think I've figured out how to do the two things at one time though. Anyone interested in telling me how.

Just want to see what huge is.
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Old 06-20-2001, 09:46 AM   #25  
Is is spring yet??
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PJ - I would never whack you!! LOL I am here - I mostly lurk nowadays - I am pretty busy!

Setina - I am sorry to hear about your anemia! And I agree with your doctor - concentrate on getting better. The weight loss will follow. I only heard a small rumor about Synthroid. I can't imagine them taking it off the shelves! I don't take that - I take levoxyl. I mean Synthroid can't go away - I can't imagine! I will have to investigate....

Hi to everyone else - I have to run the work is calling me -- I should change my name!

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Old 06-20-2001, 10:22 AM   #26  
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Default Well, it's really morning....

Ok, so this isn't a "nightowl" message, which I usually am, but I fell asleep!! How'd that happen!?!? LOL!

I'm with PJ about the ripe tomato description...makes my mouth water. Can't wait for those good Jersey tomato crops to come on up! (that and Jersey corn is sometimes a good consolation prize for saying I live here!....not like being from Florida!)

And actually, my name IS Ally. Well, it's Alyce (like Alice), but since I've known my hubby, he's called me Ally, so I use both. There's a story behind that, but I won't bore you with it.

I'm so jealous of the beautiful garden pictures I'm seeing! I'm a beginner at it. We've only been home owners for 3 years and never did anything other than mow the lawn before that. So, I'm figuring things out as I go. It's coming along, though!

SueBee-are you a nurse at a hospital? RN? I've been tossing the idea of "crossing over" into human medicine, with my mother's urging. She's a CNA in the ER at the hospital "down the shore" and LOVES it. Her dream of being a nurse finally began about 8 yrs ago. My oldest sister is an LPN and said will one day go on for her RN. She works for a hospital in the geriatric care area.

Well, my son has his kindergarten graduation tomorrow. I can't believe it's over already!! He loves it (thank goodness) and I'll be sad tomorrow. I know all of the teachers in his school are good (we live in a small town and you know what that's like), but I'm really gonna miss this one! She's wonderful! I want her to be MY teacher--LOL!
Gotta go water my flowers before the temp goes up any more!
Take care all!
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Old 06-21-2001, 12:18 AM   #27  
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Hi All:

Wow lots of posting going on here!!!

Well the weather is starting to cool off a bit THANK GOD!!
I have been very busy lots of work. Went to see my baby on Tuesday, she is doing great cantering and steering at the same time!!!! I am leaving the riding of her to the trainer for now, I need to get me in shape, I am too heavy to be riding her effectivelly, I am riding her mother since she is not young and impressionable its OK but don't want to create any bad habits with the young one.

My eating is going well, have been sticking to program but scale hasn't moved much, very depressing but I am still trying.

Well I am pooped and off to bed take care all
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Old 06-21-2001, 01:07 AM   #28  
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"My eating is going well, have been sticking to program but scale hasn't moved much, very depressing but I am still trying."

Penny - Hey, hang in there. When you least expect it, it WILL start to come off. Sounds like you've been getting alot of riding in. By the way, I've seen a couple of great online equine catalogs today (this morning). If you're interested, let me know and I'll post the url's...there's also an awesome online equine auction with tons of great tack, apparel, etc. Just thought you and Ally might be interested if you don't already know about them.

Ally - Awwwww, that's so cute and so special too. They really do grow so quickly, don't they? I remember the first day Jackie went to Pre-school and then the first day she took a BUS to first grade. AAAGGGHHHH....I was in tears. I actually have the video tape of the bus pulling away and driving down the road. I still can't believe Billy is now entering First Grade. That REALLY freaks me out. I'm going to be 43 this year and I'm so much older than most of the mothers but even if I say so myself...."I'm alot more fun".....heh-heh.

Candice - I posted more pictures on the "Pathetic Garden album". Put more appropriate music on there too. Once again, it's at I've got more potted plants than you since I don't have the property you do and boy am I jealous. I wish I had the property to have the kinds of gardens you do. I really love working outside and getting my hands into dirt. To each his own I guess. It's very MENTALLY theraputic for me as is the stable. How goes your Fibro? Mine has been tormenting me lately. Actually unbearable at times but I just try to push it out of my head and go on. Easier said than done at times. I have Vioxx that is taken once a day but I don't use it very often anymore since it's not strong enough for all of my other aches and pains from my accident. I really hate talking about it sometimes but I also love the fact that there are some of you right here that I CAN talk to about it and I know you'll understand without thinking I'm a hypocondriac (sp?)......oh boy, I KNOW I spelled that one wront.

Hey Sue - Nahhhhh, I talk alot? You're kidding???? Heh-heh. Yes, sometimes it comes in handy but it's the times that I need to know when to keep my big mouth SHUT that's hard. <grin>

It's late, I'm tired and off to bed I go. Just got in around midnight. Had lots of errands to do and then I stayed up with the girls over at my friends house to make sure they didn't wake her up since she has to get up early in the morning. One of their friends in their little "group" moved away and is back for a visit so there are five of them over there tonight. TOMORROW it's my turn.

Sweet Dreams,

Last edited by PJ; 06-21-2001 at 01:32 AM.
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Old 06-21-2001, 07:22 PM   #29  
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SueBee - Sorry about that. I forgot (nothing new here) about getting your Kashi so I picked it up today. It says KASHI - TO GOOD FRIENDS. There's a picture of two YOUNG people on one side and TWO OLD FARTS on the other. Correct? If I'm wrong, someone let me know please because I'm mailing it out tomorrow. It was $3.99 here. Don't know how much that is for you in Canada. Anyway, looks good. I'll have to try some next time I go shopping. I'm a BITE SIZED SHREDDED WHEAT fan myself.

Sometimes life just goes too fast and there aren't enough hours in the day to do the things that have to be done....that's when I have my "senior moments".
Have a great night everyone.
Hugs to you all,

ps - IT'S HOT HERE TODAY.....THIS WHOLE WEEK FOR THAT MATTER. Veeeery humid. Hope it cools down for your trip down here Brenda

Last edited by PJ; 06-21-2001 at 07:25 PM.
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Old 06-22-2001, 12:28 PM   #30  
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Hello owls!

Ok, so now I'm the mommy of a kindergarten graduate! I can't believe it went so fast. Before I know it, Ethan will be there.
::sniff, sniff:::

Candice: Since you said you have the TOH Light and Tasty, I should mention that the Chicken Stroganoff recipe is in the "premiere issue" For the mushrooms, I used strips of Portabellas..yum...I barely ate any chicken. Could be a meatless meal, I guess, but as the recipe "author" wrote, they'd never guess the chicken is not beef! I'm the only one in the house that would touch the fungus anyway. I love 'shrooms! If anyone would like, I could post the recipe in the recipe section.

PJ: What's the online tack shop you found? There's a few I could share with you, also, that are pretty good.

Penny: Sounds like your young horse is coming along well. I feel like you do about getting lighter before riding certain horses. I know Irish, the horse I lease, has to be happier every time I get on a little lighter! LOL! There are other horses at the barn that I'd love to try, but I just don't feel quite physically fit enough for them yet, but I'm getting there.

***************Got to 215 this week!************
"one"derland, here I come!!

SueBee, I just went back to look at a post from earlier in the #10's and saw that your son still has another 2 weeks of school? I thought our school was letting out late (yesterday). There are co-workers of mine whose children have been out since the first week of June. I hear in the south they are out earlier than that (due to heat, I think?).

Hello to all the owls out there! I feel like I meant to reply more, but now I forget...sorry. Thanks everyone for the nice welcomes.
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