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Old 12-20-2004, 08:45 PM   #1  
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Default Feisty & Sexy 50-60 yr old #39

Been a long time since I did this

Maria: Nope I make my hubby buy his parents. I dont have a clue what to buy them. We dont buy that many gifts either anymore. There are a few Kids to that I help him with. But he does his own for the most part. He wants to actually.

Glenda: Yes he has Shingles. Its in his chest a little on his face. He is miserable. Didnt want to go to his Parents where some of the kids havent had Chicken pox. So no he still is sick. It last 6-7 weeks from what I have read, and what the Dr told him.

Karen: Glad Sprout Behaved for the Groomers. Try the bow. He probably will not keep it on tho. But they do look cute

Eileen: Was great for you to share your experiences with us. Im so glad both of you are fine! Your Motorcycle rides sound wonderful!

Slavika: Sorry to hear DH didnt have a good weekend. Will be waiting to hear the results and also what treatments he will have to undergo. Your family is in my thoughts daily.

Im off this week. Yeah!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-20-2004, 10:43 PM   #2  
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Hello everyone:

Been busy for us the past couple of days. And it is feeling good to be feeling good.

Eileen: Hi and thanks for sharing. I feel so blessed that my colon cancer was found so early that I don't have to have any further treatment. But today there are so many new and wonderful treatments available. And i am happy for you and your DH that you were able to have them. The word survivor is a really good one.

Slavika: Hope you can feel all the prayers coming your way. Sorry that your DH was not well over the weekend. It sounds like you will be having a lot of entries in your journal, with all the appointments for this week. you sound so organized with everything done for Christmas.

Maria: I am with you and the other gals about this 'happy holiday' business. I was looking for some Christmas cards, and nearly all of them were of the HH type. I want cards that let the recipient know that We have Christmas, beause Christ was born. I totally agree that we can also wish happiness to friends who celebrate Ramadan, or Hannuka, or here Quanza. But there would be no Christmas if Christ had not been born. I always answer Merry Christmas, or have a Blessed Christmas.

Lily: Glad your DH wants to do his own shopping. Trying to get mine to do any shopping is like 'pulling teeth'. And of course this year we just aren't doing shopping. It is just too tireing.

Glenda: Your finger food evening sounds like a fun time. And with that sort of food, there is always some WW friendly stuff. A friend brought a big plate of Christmas cookies today. Definately not WW friendly, but delicious.

I had a lovely experience last night. We went to our church for the perfomance of the Cantata (that I originally was to conduct). They did a super job. And the big surprise was that they dedicated the evening to me and proceeded to give me a dozen lovely red roses. It was a 'blubbery' night. But lovely and very humbling.

Hi Trudy, Karen, Peggy, Ashe/Jenye. Hope you are all happily busy for Christmas.

I hope you all have Blessed Christmas and New year. Ann
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Old 12-21-2004, 09:58 AM   #3  
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Everyone, thank you for the wonderful welcomes. I do appreciate them very much.
I see I am not the only quilter. Last night I hung my Christmas tree quilt from the mantle of the black basalt fireplace. The 'ornaments' are origami fabric from a quilt book I bought a few years ago on making 'folded flowers'.
Slavika, keep that journal, and photographs. It helps keep things organized and brings back memories later.
DH and I are having 'finger foods' on Friday evening when all of his relatives come over. They know automatically that all is WW friendly as DH is on the program due to a hereditary high cholesterol problem. He has never had a weight problem in his life, but the WW plan has definitely helped the cholesterol.
Our little puppy (an enormous AKC yellow lab) has his groomer's visit on Wednesday. So he will be all spiffy for the holiday.
Out to breakfast. DH and I started, upon retirement, going out to breakfast each Tuesday and Sunday morning, and dinner on Thursday. Kinda nice, never had time for it before and now we enjoy it very much.
Needless to say during chemo we missed a few meals there. Once his appetite returned, he played catch up.
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Old 12-21-2004, 12:39 PM   #4  
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Eileen, it is so nice to hear from you. I sometimes wonder if we have gotten so close on the board that we have scared people away. We love meeting new people. You all sound so interesting too. A biker chick who has lost lots of weight, kept it off, a cancer survivor and has a moniker of "Fearless." I love it all. How many grandkids do you have? I also am a cancer survivor of ovarian cancer, 6 years from first recurrence, and I also believe in fervently the power of prayer and positive attitude and a support group.

Slavika, Ditto on the thinking good things for you and praying for you everyday. Just keep in mind, "This too shall pass." But even "this" is so full of blessings, as you see how much your DH means to everyone and the prayers being said for you both. Good things do come from bad.

All, I so agree on the Merry Christmas thing! Our office sent out a letter to all employees (written by committee, of course) and one of the changes was "Happy Holiday" instead of Merry Christmas. Just irritates me to no end. This country was started on Christian values. We welcome everyone, but please let us celebrate Christ's birth! One school took out the nativity scene from their play, but left in mention of other religions. Such a protest! And the school bond election failed because of the hullaballo. So, in other words, the kids paid for the action of an administrator trying to be PC. You know that saying "When in Rome......" Guess everyone has not heard it. I am not offended when other religions have their special days. Why are they offended with us Christians. I will get off my soapbox now.

Ann, I am so thankful you had that colonoscopy when you did. It will be a wonderful new year because you did. And how neat that your people remembered all the hard work you have put into the program in previous years. Always so nice to feel special.

Have a Merry CHRISTmas, all!
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Old 12-21-2004, 01:17 PM   #5  
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I took the name 'Fearless' as I am game to try anything at least once. Quite some time ago DH became a private pilot. Now, I hate flying (an AF wife, no less, go figure). Anyhoo, I figured if we were up flying and he up and died on me, SOMEONE had to land that plane. Took enough lessons to solo, and following that first solo flight I got out and kissed the tarmac!! Oddly enough a few months later, I was at home fixing a dinner for a party that night, when he went flying and had a MI. He was able to land, but ended up having 3 stents put in. I had been listening to him on the transceiver and could 'hear' something in his voice and then the fact that he was landing early gave me a major clue. So was not surprised when I got 'the' phone call. Took him two years, but he got his license back (the yearly physical is rough, but the one after a heart attack is brutal, but he passed).
I am also a fervent believe in a positive attitude and a good support group.
6 years out, that is awesome. I had a total hyst about that long ago due to a familial history of that nasty disease. First sign of a problem, out it all came!
Count me amongst the ones agreeing re the 'happy holiday' nonsense. Doesn't offend me to say Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Chanukkah, or Merry Christmas to the appropriate people. I was wondering the other day if anyone thought to ask the ACLU, once the Christian stuff was pulled, if they could/would sue to put it back due to someone else being offended. That is said semi- tongue in cheek. Maybe.
Grandkids. 4. Three tall girls and a long lanky boy. Range from 6-15 y/o.
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Old 12-21-2004, 04:37 PM   #6  
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G'day all,

Ann you had me blubbering I love the 'Cantata', I think that is a moving piece of music in itself let alone having it dedicated to you! You must have been thrilled and it is nice to be made to feel a bit special.
You were indeed 'lucky' to have discovered your cancer so early and will make a complete recovery

Eileen I agree with Glenda I also sometimes wonder if we put people off by being perceived that we are a closed group, it is great to have new people join us and share their experiences.
You have certainly packed a lot into your life, good for you!
Funny what you said about flying, I was a flight attendant for 3 years and obviously flew many hours, I now hate flying and feel quite nervous. To me flying is the only solution to get from A to B quickly.
We flew back from Singapore to Australia earlier this year and were hit by an electrical storm , I was very nervous
It still amazes me how those things stay up in the air

I am so pleased you all agree with the Christmas thing. Now when I get told it is an 'American' thing, I can confidently say that I have done my own research and that perception is definitly wrong
I guess these type of misconceptions is how the picture of the 'typical' American is formed and in reality we really have the same values and priorities wherever we live in the world.

Slavika, Trudy, Peggy, Karen, Jenye, Lily thinking of you all, stay happy!

Cheers and
:merry: to you all!


Last edited by flaggies; 12-21-2004 at 05:34 PM.
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Old 12-21-2004, 06:56 PM   #7  
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Hi all,


to all the group that belong. Welcome Fearless. I have not read the posts as yet as time has been against me but will endeavour to do so later today. In the meantime, if I don't post, all of you have a Merry Christmas and A Happy, Joyful and Prosperous 2005.

Love you all.

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Old 12-21-2004, 08:56 PM   #8  
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Hi Everyone:
Today is special. I drove myself to the Dr. and he discharged me. I do not have to go back unless I have a problem, and as far as I'm concerned my problems are over.

Now if we can just get DH to get all his problems solved our New Year will really be a good one.

Been thinking of you today Slavika. Hope everything is going well.

Fearless: I like your idea of asking the ACLU to start putting Christian things back again, as we in large numbers arae offended. It is time that the 'tail no longer wags the dog.'

Today I actually did a bit of baking. I like to give something to our mailman, and so I made some Banana bread and a new recipe of Orange bread. So I feel I really accomplished something. Of course now I am quite tired and will turn in early.

The days are rushing by to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We did finally get some gift cards for our Grandchildren - the young ones. The ones that are off to college, etc. get taken off the list, especially since we never hear from them at all. Mostly the boys. (young men) the gals are good about keeping in touch with Gram and Grandpa. Maybe that is a girl thing.

'See' you tomorrow. I'm off to bed now, and to watch the Kennedy Center honorees. It is usually a very nice program. Ann
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Old 12-21-2004, 09:27 PM   #9  
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Great news Ann, you have done really well.

Please enlighten me what does ACLU stand for?

Yes Slavika has also been on my mind today..........

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Old 12-21-2004, 10:17 PM   #10  
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ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
They 'fight for the underdog', sometimes to the detriment of the majority. Do a lot of pro bono work.
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Old 12-22-2004, 08:17 AM   #11  
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The song "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" is becoming a reality today. They are forcasting between 4-10 inches of snow. We shall see if they call it right. We have been having mild weather and I have been enjoying it. Occasionally a cold day slips in but till this week the geraniums on my porch have been blooming. And the tulips are trying to come up.

Eileen welcome to the group. I am glad that you came out of lurkdom. You must live in Washington state. We visited Oregon a few years ago and crossed over into Washington from Astoria. How beautiful it is there. Good for you for being a biker chic and doing what you want. I had uterine cancer 5 years ago. There is a great quilt shop down in Kentucky if you ever get this way. I am impressed by your great weight loss. And most importantly in keeping it off.

Ann how thrilling to have the Cantata dedicated to you. I am sure that you were surprised. So happy that you have been given a clean bill of health.

Trudy-a root canal. Not fun. Hope your tooth doesn't give you too much grief over the holidays.

Karen-Sprout will look cute in a perky little red bow. Funny how nutty they get after a bath and grooming. Ours zooms around like crazy.

Slavika good for you for making your dh go back for the flu shot. Sometimes men are worse than kids. I am sorry that he had a bad weekend. I keep thinking of you all and wish I could do something to make it go away.

Lily my dh has to shop for his dad. I take care of his mom but I don't have a clue what to get for his dad even after 40yrs of marriage. He never wants clothes. Usually a bottle of wine and some other things. Hope he is feeling better. I know people who have had shingles and I know how miserable they can be.

Glenda I like the idea of finger food for Christmas Eve. Great idea of cutting the pizza into little pieces. We always have lots of goodies like sweet things. I am trying to resist all that this year but they have a way of popping into my mouth. I think I will try the Oreo Truffle recipe and give them away. I hear they are way too good.

Going to see how much snow is out there.

Peggy who believes in saying "Merry Christmas". It did start out as a religious holiday.
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Old 12-22-2004, 07:41 PM   #12  
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Ann: You are doing so good! I bet you were suprised at the Cantata. That was great for them to dedicte it to you. And some wonderful Roses along with it I would of cried to

Eileen: I love Labs. They are big but so adorable. Had a few when I was growing up. Really great Dogs.

Glenda: I have often wondered that to. They come and then they disappear. At first I thought it was we didnt talk about weight enough. But I will talk about it, and Im sure everyone else will to.

Maria: I would be scared to if I was hit with and electrical strom during a flight. Thats awful. I use to like flying. It doesnt bother me but sometimes its just not fun. So many people now a days.

Peggy: I would be moving with all that snow I do miss it at this time of year tho. It is pretty for the first time only. And it was always great when it did snow on Christmas. But then it can go away. Brrrrrrrrrr

I wanted Lobster on Christmas eve. But I couldnt find any ALAS..... I know they have it at Costco but there was no way I was going to go there this close to Christmas. I did find some King Crab legs at the store tho. so Im happy about that. Just as good.

Last edited by LilyG; 12-22-2004 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 12-22-2004, 08:46 PM   #13  
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Yes, I am in WA state. A 'dry sider' though (which means the East side of the state). Our kids are 'wet siders' in the Seattle area.
Our little lab is 4 years old and at his last vet app't was 112 lbs and no fat. He is a working dog (hunting) and a 'mommy protector'. While DH was down from chemo I had the chore of walking the dog every day, rain or shine. But, I am washable and don't shrink when wet. I do not walk in the ice or snow however, afraid if I fall I will break.
Had my LAST follow up doctor app't today from the 'sling' surgery in late October. Oh mercy, major improvement! NO leakage at all!
It had been put off due to our other medical problems and as soon as DH was out of chemo and able to function on his own, I scheduled it. Had 3 surgeons working on me in sequence due to a whole lot of problems 'down there' and I can not believe the improvement. Yes!!!
Shampooed the living room carpet today, took the dog to the groomer (he is sporting the cutest kerchief), and ran some errands. I am one tired mama.
Tomorrow at 0700 is my weekly WW meeting, a substitute leader, but she is a darling. At the moment I can not remember which one[s] of you quilt. Have any made those fabric bowls or boxes?
Off to have a long soak in the tub.
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Old 12-22-2004, 10:24 PM   #14  
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Hi all: Just a quickie. Had my first massage today, and it was wonderful, but my muscles are so tight she suggested I come in next week, and of course I thought that was a great idea.

I seemed to have leveled off in the weight department, not losing anymore. so now I need to be careful, since I went through a lot to lose this weight, and I do not, I say do not want to put it back on. I know I actually feel better with less weight. Come January, it is back to WW. I only have a few lbs now to get back to my lifetime goal weight.
That is my New years' Resolution.
This is my contribution for today. Hi everyone. Ann
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Old 12-22-2004, 10:27 PM   #15  
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:merry: :merry:

I'm just back to wish you all the very best. Finally found the :merry: I had been looking for.


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