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Old 11-07-2002, 08:27 AM   #1  
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Default Thoughts-Full Thursday

Morning Ladies!

Just as a follow-up to some of the stuff from yesterday.

Jayne - I'm so glad that you are feeling excited and motivated. Keep letting us know about it. I'm always more motivated when the people "around" me are too.

Jess - you are such a wise woman. I don't know why I even thought that I could predict the future. Wish I could solve your guy troubles as easily as you solved mine.

I wish I could say that today's thread title was because I was being thoughtful of others but really it's because my thoughts are full. This is just a sampling of what ran through my head on the drive into work this morning.

"My work-out routine isn't really much of a routine. I exercise nearly every day but I don't really have any rules for what type of exercise I do on any given day. I bet I could increase my fitness if I was more regimented in types of workouts. Oh look there's a dead raccoon at the side of the road. I wonder what if there is a difference between chicken broth and chicken stock. I really need to get a lot accomplished at work today. Hmmm that's too bad because I really wanted to sneak in the balancing of my checkbook. Uh-oh, is today the day I can't wear jeans to my 2nd job? How do you resolve the difference between losing your identity in a relationship and being willing to be flexible for the sake of promoting the relationship? Gee it is really foggy out this morning. Need to remember to get gas on my way to work tonight."

And so on and so on. Do you ever listen to yourself think? I have to laugh at's a miracle that I ever get anything done the way my thoughts go flipping off in all directions.
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Old 11-07-2002, 09:16 AM   #2  
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Default Morning!

Laura--Sometimes you and I are so much alike it's almost scary! The thoughts that run through your head are exactly like mine. Sometimes, I find myself talking like that and the person I'm talking to trying to follow along (which usually just elicits a blank stare)...

My brain is working major overtime today, too, but of course it's due to boy stress. Last night, I saw Aaron and he was wonderful, just like the guy he was when we first started dating. We watched a Sopranos that he'd taped a couple weeks ago (because I haven't been able to watch it lately) and cuddled. It was great and I felt very guilty saying I was tired so I could go to workboy's. At workboy's, we went hot-tubbing and just cuddled in his bed. He tried to push things a little further than cuddling, but I was feeling too guilty about lying to Aaron and said I should go. He seemed pretty pissed off that we weren't going to have sex and that is a huge strike against him. But, he called me after I left to make sure I got home safely, which I thought was nice... So, I'm very confused and have a lot to think about.

OK, enough of that... WI is going to suck this week. I've really got to get my a** back on track.

I don't know much else. Sorry to spend all this time rambling about my boy dilemma, but it's practically taking over all my thoughts!
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Old 11-07-2002, 09:25 AM   #3  
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Jess - As I said yesterday, I probably shouldn't be offering advice - but I like too even when I'm not qualified! Would you be able to think more clearly if you just didn't see either guy for a week or two?

Where is everybody? Come out and play!
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Old 11-07-2002, 10:30 AM   #4  
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Hey All. Today is my 4th Wedding Anniversary. We are taking Emma out to dinner tonight, then next weekend we hope to have my parents watch her while we do the celebrating to way it should be. They are out of town this weekend, so we will have to wait. Other than that, still have my cold, but my headaches have been a little better, but still there. My in-laws have been bothering me big time lately and I don't know if it is the hormones or what. They babysat last night, when we got home I went right to bed because it was late, while they piddled around. I know they think I am being a bag, but oh well.

Laura, I totally think like that. The dead raccon part cracked me up. I do that to hubby all the time. I'll be deep into conversation, then throw something like that in.

Jess, I agree with Laura, maybe you need a break from both to see what you want. I don't want to sound like a lecturer, but I wouldn't lead both men on if you are this confused. It will only make matters worse. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

OK, back to work I guess!
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:16 AM   #5  
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Congratulations Jen! Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary.
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:57 AM   #6  
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OK, where is everyone today??? There are far too many of us to be this quiet!!!
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Old 11-07-2002, 12:53 PM   #7  
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I'm here!

Hi everyone.
Laura - I have that all the time and then I say something out loud which is perfectly fine for the monologue inside my head but really confusing to the rest of the people around me - but thanks for the insight into your world.

Jess - I say, don't feel guilty - do what makes you happy. If you are just seeing Aaron out of some warped sense of loyalty end it and be happy with WB - he sounds like a winner.

Jen - Happy anniversary! You need to get rid of that cold so you shouldn't feel guilty about going to bed - you're PG, sick and you were tired, the in-laws should understand

Ok so nothing really fun is going on in my life. Trying to figure out the difference between casual flirting and flirting that may lead to something
I'm so unbelievably happy on my own that I'm also having a hard time thinking about getting in another relationship. I guess anticipation is the entertaining part. Really I'm enjoying the rest of your stories about courtships and such - OK - time to play with my co-workers. Where is everyone today?
and cause I'm in a good mood I'll add the puffy dancer guy.
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Old 11-07-2002, 01:21 PM   #8  
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Default I'm here!

Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Hope everyone is doing well. Can you believe that I have my first final in 4 1/2 weeks? It is so hard to believe that my first semester of law school is almost over! It has gone so fast.

And not to much longer and I will be in London meeting Kirsty!! I am so excited for that trip!

Laura - I have random thoughts like that ALL the time. When I go to sleep at night, I actually have to work at getting my brain to stop thinking so I can relax and fall asleep. Also, I think living alone adds to that. No one listens to me when I talk to myself so I can throw in random thoughts in the middle of some serious ones and no one gets confused! I have lots more to say to you (esp. on CB), so I'll e-mail you later!

Jess - So sorry to hear of your boy troubles. Can I have one? But I have a recent bad histroy with an Aaron, so I don't want him!! Seriously, I agree with Laura's advice to avoid both of them for a week or so. And make yourself think about why you have been kind of unhappy with Aaron lately. Just because he is acting good right now, does not erase the way he has been.

Hey Jen! Happy Anniversary! Take care of yourself and feel better soon.

KT - I'm with you - flirting is so much fun! I also truly love being alone at this stage in my life so flirting is the best part for me! I strongly believe that someone that isn't capable of being happy alone is not capable of being happy in a relationship. It is so important to be totally comfortable with who you are so that you can give to someone else. Enjoy this time!!

I miss you all!!
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Old 11-07-2002, 02:05 PM   #9  
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Howdy girls!!

Laura - I hope you weren't driving while you were pondering all of that?! Yeah, thoughts are actually really weird things b/c they are all over the board (for me and you anyway) most of the time.

Jess - I agree with the advice so far - nothing like a "break" and not the Ross and Rachel kind, makes you realize what you really want/need.

Jen L - happy anniversary!!

Jen K- so, any pics of the new little muffin??

KT - I think you should take advantage of your time on your own - I am so glad you are enjoying yourself!

Well, back to work - had my performance review and it was OK but I realized there is so much work to do!! AGH!!!

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Old 11-07-2002, 02:18 PM   #10  
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Belle - Ask and you shall receive! (Thanks for reminding me to post this!)

Here is my nephew!
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Old 11-07-2002, 03:16 PM   #11  
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Cute baby!!!

I got 4 roses today for my anniversary. Hubby finally went and got some. I used to get flowers all the time, but you know, once the honeymoon is over.... it's over!!!!!!!

I miss the flirting stage... so use it while you can. Sometimes I do the innocent kind just to see if I still got it!!!!!
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Old 11-07-2002, 03:38 PM   #12  
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JenK - At least there is one adorable new man in your life right? He's such a cutie!

KT - I've always loved being single. There are times when it is so nice to just do what you want when you want without having to consider someone elses needs/wants.

Belle - Glad your review went well. I'm anxiously awaiting my performance review. I have such a bad attitude about my job and even though I try to hide it at work I'm afraid it shows and will be noted.

Alright, back to the grind.
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Old 11-07-2002, 04:38 PM   #13  
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Oh Laura, I can so relate to your mind musings. My mind runs at about 120 mph too, with the strangest things popping in here and there. Such as the one I had at the dentist yesterday, "Oh my god, what if the machine that is sucking the spit out of my mouth suddenly malfunctions and starts to back up." I was really terrified of this, and asked the hygienest if this was a valid fear. She left the room with out saying a word, came back in about two minutes with a red face, and told me that it couldn't happen. I suspect she was laughing at me. So at least you are keeping your random thoughts in your head, where mine belong.

Jess, honey, I gotta agree with the other girls. I think that some time with NO boys around might give you better perspective on which one is better suited to you at this point in your life. I also think, though, that if you can, hold off and don't decide anything until WB is comfortable enough around you to start showing true colors ( or, as my hubby would put it, wait till he farts in front of you) so you can have that information. Good luck...

Happy anniversary Miss Jen..I'm about to celebrate my 4th as well in March, and you are so right about the flowers...I haven't seen any for years. No, I take that back...last year I did get 20 roses for my anniversary, but only because we were at Sam's Club and I threatented to buy them myself! Have a fun night tonight.

KT, I know what you're saying. It is the thrill of the hunt that I like, too. Maybe you can just date around so that you get that "new thing" high without having to be tied to anyone.

Jen, I'm so excited for you that school is going by so fast...that means you're enjoying it. It's when we hate things that they drag on and on. Your nephew is just presh!!! (that's mommy cutesy talk for precious...the moms in my classes always call each other's kids "presh" and I think it's so funny, in an affected kind of a way!)

Belle, I'm glad that performance review is over with. You dread them so much when you know they are coming, even if you know there's nothing terrible on them. Or maybe you're just better at taking criticism than I am.

Step-Grandma died yesterday morning. I am relieved for my MIL, because it's so stressful not knowing. They decided to hold the wake and funeral right away, so we aren't going to be able to make it. The wake is tonight, and as I don't have time to find a sub to teach for me tonight on that short of notice, we'll just have to miss it. Besides, Aaron is up visiting with my parent (2.5 hours north of here) and that would be too long to leave him that far away...he's been gone since last night, and we're going up to join him tomorrow.

I'm on day 2 of the perfect OP! I am still so excited about it. I discovered a dee-lish snack...take 1/4 c of refried beans and mix it with 1/4 cup of salsa. Top with 1 T of shredded cheddar cheese. Nuke in micro for 2 minutes. Dip baked tortillas or wows in. With Wows, it is 2 points, and the baked make it 3. Num num num!!!! I forgot how good it feels to be in control and feel like I am in charge of myself. I even seem to have grown deaf to the voices coming out of my kitchen...I forget that there's good food in there, calling out to me. It's fun!!!!!

Hope everyone has a great night!
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Old 11-07-2002, 05:01 PM   #14  
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JAYNE.... I totally did that with Flowers too. Except I did buy them for myself and hubby was all glum because I threatened and actually went through with it. It was just a cheap bunch of colorful flowers, but they were pretty and I deserved them! So this time he actually did it.

Oh and I have yet to discover the meaning of control now that I am PG! God Help Me!!!!!
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