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Old 11-04-2002, 06:46 AM   #1  
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Talking Another Monday rolls around again!

I hope all of you had great weekends. I know we did. On Saturday we had to go up to the Twin Cities ( about an hour away form our town) for hubby's study group, so while he was doing that, I took Aaron to the Minnesota Children's Museum. We had a great time. There were so many stairs and tunnels, and since he is a little climbing monkey fool, he was in heaven. They had a display that was aimed right at toddlers. It was called habitats, and they ran around, climbing ramps, supposedly pretending to be animals. It would have been so nice to just sit like all the other parents and watch him go, but Aaron kept wanting to throw himself headfirst down the slide (he really doesn't "get" slides yet) so I was having to follow him through all of the little tunnels and up and down all the ramps. Then we went and spent 1.5 hours at the water table. He had the time of his life, putting ping pong balls into tubes and seeing where they came out. He was soaking wet when he was done, but it didn't bother me a bit...he had too good of a time to worry about that. So then we dropped him off at his godmother's house and went and met the new baby of some friends of ours. Aaron is just getting over a cold and we didn't want him coughing nasty toddler germs all over the little one. So we had a nice dinner with them, and I got in an hour of solid baby holding. It was heaven and now I have baby fever and am dying to have another one. However, we'll have to wait until hubby is done with his MBA program...our plates are too full right now as it is.

I was up at 5:00 this morning intending to do Inhale on the Oxygen channel, which is high-energy yoga. I have done yoga probably a dozen times so I am by no means advanced, but I have done it. Well, I couldn't do this. He has you jumping from down dog to up dog, etc. and I hurt my toes. I wish he had a beginner tape out that showed you exactly what he means with hts vague terms (and we all know how hard it is to keep up with a TV instructor while watching them and attempting to figure out what the H they are trying to describe). So I'm going to get a new Yoga tape to keep it fresh for me ( the one I have now is just bizarre and I'm really sick of it., but I do like yoga).

Looking forward to hearing about everyone's weekend!!!
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Old 11-04-2002, 07:18 AM   #2  
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Default Mornign Jayne!

why do i always feel like hyacinth bucket (Booquay its french) when i say that
my weekend was ok bf and I almost split on friday but we're fne and he spent the night on saturday in between fireschool
I'm doing an assignment this morning
as usual
and I have already had my breakfast!
Counting points today!!
ok yah I know I'm way too peppy
its alll a facade
its the Instant coffee talking (You know Cawfee tawk no big whoop)
I also started a 3fc journal and I have 2 goals this week aside from drinking water and eating in my range
1. realize when i'm eating emotionally and stop
2 push myself away from the plate and stop eating when I'm full I'm thinking that i should carry gum with me and when i'm full pop it in my mouth so i'm not tempted to pic

Jayne did u guys take pics of our baby boy at the museum?
Everybody Come out and play!
We're going to have an OP week!
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Old 11-04-2002, 07:55 AM   #3  
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hi everyone,
i had a very good weekend! for halloween some friends and i did a jack the ripper walk round the east end of London. i'm sure it could be scary but there must have been about 100 people turned up to do it as well! after that my friends and i went back to my place which i'd decorated for halloween and we ate nibbles and drank till 3/4am. blargh! we all dressed up as characters from buffy/angel - most amusing. one friend even dressed up as a sunnydale cheerleader! sounds like we all ate too much halloween candy. doh!
well, it's monday and a new week. i've started a new journal (to be honest it's a little chart that i made on excel and i print off a new one each week) and i'm raring to go. who's with me?
i had my first swimming lesson yesterday (i'm doing a course of 6 to improve my technique). i really don't like putting my face in the water while i swim, but i'm prepared to try! yesterday we did front crawl, next week will be backstroke, then breastroke, butterfly (sheah, right!) and then diving and stuff. it was just me and 3 fit black guys with an irish bloke teaching us. which meant i had the ladies changing room to myself - yippee!
kier - now i can picture hyacinth!! glad you and bf didn't split.
jayne - sounds like you had an active time! i did yoga yesterday and i am rubbish at jumping back into down dog and all that. plus my hands and feet get so sweaty i have trouble staying in the right position in the first place! yuck! still, i must be burning some calories! i definitely find doing classes easier than following a tape.
right, big hello to everyone about to post. there have been a few faces missing lately - where's everyone got to? oh, and i noticed new names on the biogs. come out and post!!!
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Old 11-04-2002, 08:13 AM   #4  
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Hey Kier and Kirsty...
Yeah, I did take lots of pictures. They had a Sesame Street exhibit, and I got a few pictures of him on those steps with the green doors and next to Oscar the Grouch's can. Quite a few too at the water table, seeing as how we spend so much time there! I will post as soon as they are developed!!
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Old 11-04-2002, 09:27 AM   #5  
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Default Hello, all!

Good morning, everyone! Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I just sort of when through a phase where I didn't feel like posting, but don't worry, it had nothing to do with you guys! In fact, I've come and read posts, but haven't had much to say and boy, have I missed you!

I'm proud to say that I am .2 lbs away from my 40-lb mark, which was my November 1 goal. I think that .2 lbs is pretty inconsequential, so I'm not fretting. I need to change my signature to reflect that...

Thanks to everyone who offered input on my boy dilemma. I'm still confused and stressed about it and don't see an end in sight anytime soon. Big Aaron is starting to get on my nerves--I've asked him for some space, but he's clinging and I just can't get him to understand how important it is for him to back off. He attracts bad luck--something is always happening to him and it stresses me out. Looking back, I realize that he always told me all these things--how he cared about me, how special I am, etc.--but that he never really showed me. But, I do love him and that's not changing. Then there's Work Boy, who I spent most of my weekend with. Unlike Aaron, he wants me to meet his friends (instead of keeping me seperate from them) and he does things to show me that he thinks I'm special. I'm super-confused and not sure what to do, I'm afraid that I'm going to be confused for awhile and that the boys aren't going to hang out while I figure my sh*t out. Worrying isn't going to make the decision any easier, so I'm trying not to do it. I just need to keep letting the time pass and muddling through all of this.

I did have a very nice weekend, despite all that's on my mind. Friday night, after work, I went to Work Boy's house. We had a few drinks, got in the hot tob, watched Spider Man and went to bed. Saturday night, Work Boy and I had a Halloween party. He went as an 1800's vampire and looked really darn sexy. When he won best costume, I was proud because I picked out his costume for him and did his makeup. Yesterday, I did some cleaning and relaxing... This morning, Work Boy stopped by my house and scraped the frost from my car windows. How's that for nice?

Tonight, I've made plans with Aaron to watch the Sopranos from last week and from last night, so that should be nice. It'll be even nicer if he stops putting pressure on me to figure things out.

Jayne--It sounds like you and Aaron had a great time. Yes, definitely do post some pictures from your weekend. I wish I could offer some input about the yoga stuff, but I've never tried it, although I've always wanted to.

Kier--Good for you setting goals to stick to this week! I know you're tough and will have no trouble reaching them. Yes, keeping gum with you is a very valuable tool to keep from absently just picking up and eating whatever.

Kirsty--Your Halloween sounds like lots of fun! What is the Jack the Ripper walk? Did you end up going as Buffy? You should definitely post photos, if you have some!

OK, I'm terribly long-winded, but I've been gone for awhile, so I can use that as an excuse, right?

I'm sure I'll check back later, since I've missed you guys. Have a great day!
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Old 11-04-2002, 10:21 AM   #6  
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I am sick, again. Emma brought another cold home and poor mommy got it, along with a horrid headache. I am getting my haircut at noon and may stay home since the hair place is 5 minutes from home. Hubby wants me to since I haven't been sleeping well. I want to also, but feel guilty. I always feel guilty when I am not working like normal. So sad!!!

Jayne, sounds like you had fun! Emma would love the Childrens Museum.

We had her 2 year b-day party yesterday and she had a blast. She has two older cousins (6 & 4) and they adore her. So I just let them run like heck in the basement and they drug every toy out and wow, what a mess. But it was nice. In-law family was the pits tho. They all went downstairs except MIL and watched TV while the kids played. Wouldn't come up for the food I made (which really ticked me off) and left before cake and ice cream. NICE huh. Oh and barely said a word to me. I say, why come!!!

Emma got a kitchen set to play with and a bunch of books. She was one tired gal! I will try to post pics soon. Hubby took them, so I hope they turned out! I have't seen them yet!

Jess, hang in there. Sometimes lifes little quirks take time to figure out. But remember to always do what's in your heart. And it's not wrong to love somone and still leave them. Good Luck!!!

OK, should do something before I leave... or maybe not!
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Old 11-04-2002, 10:26 AM   #7  
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Jess honey just do whats right for you and dont make a pressured decision
Jen feel better hon
I'm actually going back to bed I was going ot face the world but my fibros kickign my arse so
beds calling
Love Kier
ps Kirsty your party sounds fab
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Old 11-04-2002, 11:43 AM   #8  
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Hi all,

Argh!! I have this cold thing going on so I am skipping class and debating if I want to go to work or call in sick.... I am not sure yet.

Anyhoo, men are confusing. I like grad school boy and he seems to like me, but honestly it's going nowhere. I ask him if he wants to do anything and he's like we will do something, but I'll have to see when kind of deal. So I asked him if he wanted to do something either Sunday or Monday (this was Friday) and he said he'd have to see. I know he's busy, but can't he just reserve a night to hang out with me? I hate last minute deals. It's like he has to see what else is going on before he'll make time for me in case something better comes along. Sure if I was in a relationship with him that would be no big deal, but he's not really making an effort and that bugs me... On paper he's a great guy.

Then dumb Ali had a 4 hour conversation with a psuedo-ex on Friday and I think he keeps hinting he wants something, but I don't know... He treats me very well, but doesn't do the same for most girls... From what he has said and what other guys have said they only treat the girls they really like well and stuff. But it's weird, he's been around, but when we were dating there was no pressure at all. TMI but we didn't sleep together and he was cool with that. So basically he's hinting and well, I am not sure what I should do in that respect.... I am not sure if I want to date him again, but I am attracted to him. He ended things with me to go back with his ex, and even through that relationship we remained really close. Should I ask him if he's just joking around when he makes comments about us going out? Example, I told him I was taking it cool with dating and I said I have had time to reflect about what I really want in a guy, and he wanted to know "I want to know if I have a chance". And then we were talking about bridesmaids and he made a comment that he doesn't have to worry since he'll never be one, and then I said he could be one of mine, but then he said "what if I am the groom?".. I didn't call hoim on either of those and sort of made a joke that he could be both a bridesmaid and a groom.... I don't know... is he just being a blankwit or what?

Then I am having problems with one of my roomates... He lacks common sense.... grrrr...

Jen: have some chicken soup, I am in the same boat as ya.

Jess: how sweet! my god, we are all so confused here.... You're not alone.

Kirsty: are the guys eye candy?

Jayne: maybe record the show and then watch it and hold the pause button?

Kierie: Ah I should be working on assignments to.

Have a good day all!


Last edited by Sweater Girl; 11-04-2002 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 11-04-2002, 12:51 PM   #9  
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Hello hello

I spent much of my weekend feeling ill and today at work I can't stop sneezing. It doesn't help that these people around me are all wearing perfume that makes me sick. I will never understand perfume. Especially when people wear it to work in a small closed in office wear they subject poor innocent students to it for hours on end - OK - end rant. It's just that my left eye is all weepy and won't stop running - OK - end whine. Anyway - was basically propositioned last night by NF (in a tasteful way- details would take too much time to explain) and I told him it would probably happen (although not last night) - he seems good with that so we'll see where the new friendship takes us.

Ali - I understand on the confusing part - but there also fun to play with. Ah boys.
Kier - I know I'm kinda anti-relationship right now but really make sure you're happy in your relationship and then you will be fine. If you're not happy, it's not worth it.
Jen - I feel bad for your party but at least Emma had a good time. Did the cake turn out?
Jess - I've wondered where you've been. Again, on the boy thing, actions speak louder than words.
Kirsty - That sounds like a great time - did anyone jump out of dark corners and scare you on the ripper walk?
Jayne - you and the little guy also seem to have so much fun. I wish there was more cool stuff to do around town with my nieces.

Ok, gotta go on my break - I;ll check back later.
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Old 11-04-2002, 05:07 PM   #10  
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Hey girls! Sorry to hear so many of you are feeling sick. So far I've managed to avoid any serious problems this year (knock on wood), but somebody described a sneez of mine as "plague-laden" earlier today so I hope that isn't a sign of things to come. So far I am having a really OP day (about time!), and I went for a 3.5 mile hike after logging some serious time down at the internship. So I'm feeling pretty good about myself! I've decided to challenge myself to lose 5 lbs a month consistently for the next 3 months, which should put me right around my goal weight. I'm nicknaming it my "tent a month plan". Remember when Kirsty asked us to put how much weight we wanted to lose in terms of objects? I said I needed to lose a tent for now, and a total of three tents. So, here I go on tent number one! Wish me luck!

KT- Sounds like things are heating up on the guy front. Keep us posted!

Ali- Definitely with you on the guys-are-weird-and-confusing opinion.

Kier- Boo-kay residence, lady of the house speaking! I know it's corny, but I adore that show!

Jen- feel better soon! Hope your new hairdo looks fab!

Jess- I wondered where you'd gotten yourself off to. Can't really help with the boy problem, but it sounds like it could get messy. Make sure you do what's best for you.

Kirsty- your Halloween sounds excellent. And the swimming class sounds good too. Fit guys- yummy

Jayne- That museum sounds like tons of fun for you and Aaron! I still kind of like to go play around in the kiddie parts of museums with my friends. We just make sure we do it at odd hours when there aren't too many kids around.
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Old 11-04-2002, 05:44 PM   #11  
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Hey Girls,

Not too busy in here today but lots going on none the less. For all of you who are sick I really hope you're feeling better soon. DH is sick with a cold right now & the poor guy is in the middle of mid-terms. I hope I don't catch it.

I had a fairly ok OP weekend. Considering its PMS tie I did really well. WI today I was up one pound but I'm sure its PMS bloat & that I'm actually down. Have to wait until next week to find out the truth I guess. Today I'm doing great. I have lots of points to spare for supper but I don't think I'll need them all I'm a little frustrated b/c I can't find my points counter slider thingy. I was using it yesterday when I was going throuhg my cookbooks meal planning for the week. I went to use it this morning & I can't find it. I even went through all of those cookbooks just in case maybe I stuck it in there. I really hope it turns up soon. If it doesn't I'll be lost!

Anyway I guess I have to run-DH needs me (men are wimps when they're sick!) Talk to you all later

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Old 11-04-2002, 11:40 PM   #12  
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Hi everyone! I know, way long time, no post. I've been on this weight loss roller coaster for too long now. I should be studying but I decided to log on and see who was still around! Hi everyone!!! Just seeing everyone's names brought back a lot of great memories!!! I really need to get some sleep, but I promise I will be back!
Take care, everyone!!!

p.s. JenL, I can't believe Emma is already 2!! I remember when you came back right after she was born!! My how time flies! And congrats on being PG!! How far along are you? That's wonderful!!

Last edited by StaceyT; 11-04-2002 at 11:55 PM.
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