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Old 07-31-2008, 10:50 PM   #91  
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SPatty - did you end up getting WW At Work? Hope so. WooHoo for the weigh-in. Let us know how it goes tomorrow at the official one.

Jen - a big YAY for the 4 pound loss!!!! You have every reason to keep smiling!
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Old 07-31-2008, 10:59 PM   #92  
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Angie - we were posting at nearly the same time. Yes, you could take your honed sense of humor on the road. I'd gladly pay to see you do standup! Wow, I want to go to work with you tomorrow!! Sounds like a blast. I'd like to see the driver in the coconut bra and grass skirt, lol. If he really does do it, you gotta post a picture.

Unlike Angie, I drank my water, but did not do well with food today. I went to a jewelry party at a pizza joint, and ate a little more pizza than I planned for. It's over, though, and I'm good to go again. (I ordered the coolest ring, though, and will post a pic when I get it.
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Old 08-01-2008, 10:35 AM   #93  
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I think that we're going to have enough people to do WW at work. I should know more soon. It's frustrating because I'm ready to get started now.

I did have a 1.2 lb. loss last week. That makes my first 10 lbs. I'm so excited, I've never been able to loose 10 lbs before. The amazing part is that it's getting easier. I also read the book by Beck about thinking like a thin person and I think it really helped. Now I get to go buy myself my first charm for 10 lbs. lost. It'll be fun

Fair starts next week so I'll have to be really careful. Both daughters are in 4-H so I'll be spending a lot of time there. I don't think there will be much diet friendly food at the fair.

Have a great weekend!
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Old 08-01-2008, 11:14 AM   #94  
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Marti - My best quick lunch idea is leftovers When I make dinner I divvy up what I've made between me, DH, and either one or two tupperware containers from the outset to make sure I have enough for lunch!

Jen - to WW and to 3FC! Way to go staying OP over your birthday, that must be tough! My birthday is this month so I will have to figure out how I can do it, too! WTG on the loss, and keep going!

Dixie - WTG on the water! Must be so much nicer than forcing down something you don't enjoy

Angelia - Wow, that is a lot of painting! I'm sure it counts as APs, think of all that twisting, bending, squatting... Sounds like ab work to me Your company party sounds hilarious... I wish I could see it!

Trish - Getting rid of diet food is hard but worth it, in my opinion. Diet food is never worth it in the end. Glad everything is going well for you and your husband now.

Jane - That is a wonderful incentive. Keep focused on those things and you will get there! You are determined!

Patty - Way to go on losing 10 lbs! Don't let the fact that you didn't start losing earlier get to you, the fact is you're doing it now! Good luck eating at the fair, the phrase of the day is "plan ahead"...

Well I am off early from work this afternoon and will head up to my sister's house. I am hoping to get the 3FC 5k completed tonight, but I will be at my sister's house and I've never run in her neighborhood before... And I cannot for the life of me find my pedometer, so I don't exactly know how I am going to measure the distance I've gone!

I have made up my menu for dinners next week, and frankly I wish I could stay home and eat them instead of whatever we will have at my sister's house. Travelling is always difficult on the eating habits. Plus my sister is 8 mo pregnant and not setting the best example at least in terms of quantity of food This week we are having black bean and butternut squash tacos, mushroom phyllo pouches with braised tofu cutlets, barbeque sandwiches (either with TVP or lentils), tropical black beans and rice, and a vegetarian "sausage" dinner skillet thing. Nom nom nom. Who wants to come over for dinner?

Hope everyone has great things planned for this weekend. I probably won't be back until Monday, so have a good weekend everyone!
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Old 08-01-2008, 07:53 PM   #95  
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Hi all,

SPatty - you know, my DD Mary thinks like a thin person. DD Katie and I do not. I don't know if it's something you're born with, or what. A big YAY to you, making your first goal.

Jaime - hope you're having fun at your sister's. Yes, your menus sound good, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one that plans way ahead. Makes grocery shopping a lot easier, doesn't it?

I'm doing fine being OP. We had one of my favorite casseroles for dinner tonight, so I saved more points than usual for dinner. That's one thing I just love about WW.

I got my hair highlighted today for the first time. I had him put subtle carmel colored ones in, since my hair is medium brown. I didn't want a frosted look, and it turned out great. I've been keeping it short, which was hard to get used to at first, but I like it real well now.

Gotta go ride my bike.....

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Old 08-01-2008, 08:43 PM   #96  
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Good Evening Ladies,

Went with DH to Chiropractic ctr and talked to one of the girls in the office about a tea they sale that is supposed to help with losing weight. It is called Chiro-Kenze (sorry not sure about the spelling). She uses it and says it works. It is actually a detox type tea. I bought a months supply and plan to start drinking it tonight. I also had to check on how much the last check was that I wrote them and she said, "I forgot to set up your appointment". So I am set to go for August 15th. They are such really nice people there and I am really excited about getting started with them.

SPatty - for your 10 lbs gone. Isn't that exciting. Maybe I need to look up Beck's book on thinking like a thin person. Hope you get WW starting soon at your work. I think that will be nice to have people around you at work doing the same thing. My sister's husbands job pays for her to go to WW meetings which is nice too.

Jen - With your 4 lb loss you are well on your way to make your goal to how you want to look in September.

Jaime - Have fun and enjoy being at your sister's.

Angelia - Hope your party was fun. Are you still painting this weekend? Boy your brother owes you BIG time.

Jane - Sounds like things are coming together for you OP. I too love WW pts because it does help us to enjoy special foods and occasion by saving pts and of course we have our WPA to help to. That's what makes it such a good plan. YAY You did it! You got your hair highlighted. You will love it. It makes me feel good about how I look. You'll have to put a picture on for us to see it. I bet it looks great.

Mati, Pat, Ruth and anyone else I missed

Hope everybody has a great week end.

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Old 08-01-2008, 09:21 PM   #97  
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Hi all,
Seems that since I started this I never have time to be online anyway.
Well the last two days have been very challenging. Working in a movie theatre with free popcorn soda and ice cream around all the time is not easy going. But i jus about managed to stay OP.. . . i think anyway. O h well tomorro is another day anyway.

Jane What convinced you to get your hair highlighted?? Im always changing the colour of mine. Havent been my natural colour since i was about 13 i think?? An what does your new ring look like?

Trish Good luck with the tea. I cannot drink tea for the life of me. Even if you paid me to, and thats any type of tea.

Patty Well done on the 10 pounds Nobody that works with me needs to go to or wants to go to weight watchers but I go every week with my mam so it helps to have someone else for support. And everyone I work with knows Im doing it and there always getting on to me when I have somethin I shouldnt or even when I just talk about it lol. It not entirely a bad thing I suppose.

Jaime I wish I could plan ahead like you do. But my work is that unpredictable it would never work. But your menus sound tasty.
Juat when you mentioned your pedometer I just realised a few days ago my cellphone has a pedometer built in to it so its measuring how many steps I take in an entire day once the phone is in my pocket..

Hi to everyone else, and good luck
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Old 08-02-2008, 09:04 AM   #98  
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See you at HFF #3!
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