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Old 07-14-2006, 02:44 PM   #46  
hara hachi bu
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Wow, there's lots of enthusiasm for the Super Foods deal. Is there a designated Super Foods forum?

I still haven't gotten the book yet, but plan to very soon!
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Old 07-14-2006, 02:47 PM   #47  
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Not a bad idea eh??? What do you think Sandi?
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Old 07-14-2006, 03:03 PM   #48  
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Originally Posted by phantastica
Wow, there's lots of enthusiasm for the Super Foods deal. Is there a designated Super Foods forum?
If this evolves I think it would be great to put it as a subforum with Mediterranean.

Originally Posted by phantastica
I still haven't gotten the book yet, but plan to very soon!
I'm on part II in the oats section. So far this book is worth every penny!
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Old 07-14-2006, 04:08 PM   #49  
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My goal is to strive to eat healthy foods and if there is a book out there that can give me an explanation on the benefits of certain foods, I'd be happy to read it. I'd also be happy to incorporate any recipes it has.

I'm also big on smoothies. Something I bought recently is "the ultimate meal" meal powder. You make smoothies with it and it has a good amount of protein, carbs and fat. The down side... your smoothies are green.

Previously, i've made smoothies with protein powder, berries (blueberries or strawberries), fiber powder and water. Sometimes I'd add some soy milk as well.

My latest goal is to cut out all artificial sweeteners (and not replace them with natural ones) but I have found it is hard. The past week has also been caffeine and meat free. I am thinking of trying to remain caffeine free and also reduce my intake of red meat. This would basically mean I drink only water or iced tea I make in order to remain caffeine free and artificial sweetener free.
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Old 07-14-2006, 04:19 PM   #50  
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Default Fyi............

Originally Posted by DollyR
Not a bad idea eh??? What do you think Sandi?
Sandi is one of the moderators. I thought maybe she could let us know about the separate group for superfoods.
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Old 07-15-2006, 08:48 AM   #51  
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I finished the book last night. As I read I created a spread sheet in excel.

Super foods in one column, recommended servings per day or week in the next, a list of side kicks, and then 7 skinny columns for each day of the week.

Like Glory I plan on trying to get in a certain amount of superfoods each day. Again, following her example, if I've eaten something from one category and then have something the same day from the same category I will still count it as one. As I color in the daily square in that row, I also circle the exact superfood or sidekick so I can see at a glance if I am getting a variety or eating the same sidekick over and over again. I'm not sure what my goal will be. Right now I am tracking to see how many I would normally eat since many of these foods I eat regularly now anyway. I have 24 superfoods listed. 10 more than the original book since I don't know if the foods Glory mentioned from the 2nd book are superfoods in their own right.. or side kicks for something. But this is just what I have so far until I figure it out.

So out of these 24 I ate
13 on Wednesday
8 on Thursday
14 on Friday

I also added seaweed as a superfood. I know one of Pratt's conditions was that superfoods be foods that are readily available and mainstream. There are lots of 'exotic' foods that are so good for you but if they are not easily available what is the point of putting them in his book. Seaweed to many may seem out of the ordinary but it is really just another staple to my family.
At first I thought of putting it in as a spinach side kick.. then I realized that while some of the nutrients are the same.. many are different. So until I do more research I put it in its own place.

Of the 3 types of seaweed we eat, I don't know which is the most nutritious so I just listed seaweed as the superfoods and three types as side kicks..
wakame, nori, kombu ... aka miyok, kim, dashima.

I also had a little reservation about the turkey breast as a superfood. The information in that section just didn't convince me. I mean as a better protein choice.. of course it is.. but I don't know that I would actually say it is a "superfood". I have to reread and do a bit more research.

I also have to find time to get to the library to look at the second book.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying my steel-cut oats with blueberries, cinnamon, flax seed, and soy milk. That's a lot of superfoods right there! Wanna bite?
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Old 07-15-2006, 09:03 AM   #52  
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Originally Posted by nelie
My latest goal is to cut out all artificial sweeteners (and not replace them with natural ones) but I have found it is hard. The past week has also been caffeine and meat free. I am thinking of trying to remain caffeine free and also reduce my intake of red meat. This would basically mean I drink only water or iced tea I make in order to remain caffeine free and artificial sweetener free.
Nelie, I applaud your efforts to cut out the artificial sweeteners. Good for you. You've made a lot of changes! Take it slow to make them permanent.

You are cutting out caffeine? Is this for a particual health reason? Tea actually has quite a bit of caffeine. Even green tea has some. Actually decaffinated tea even has some though not as much.

Also, congrats on your success! Your stats are great!
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Old 07-15-2006, 01:59 PM   #53  
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This is a funny regarding seaweed......because it depends on where you live in the world....as to what is readily available.... LOL

The local super market has an entire aisle devoted to different types of seaweed. 7 Eleven even sells it as a snack right next to the dried minnows, potato chips and popcorn.

Seriously though seaweed from what I have heard is also a GREAT source of iron. Is that true?
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Old 07-15-2006, 02:07 PM   #54  
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Originally Posted by DollyR
This is a funny regarding seaweed......because it depends on where you live in the world....as to what is readily available.... LOL

The local super market has an entire aisle devoted to different types of seaweed. 7 Eleven even sells it as a snack right next to the dried minnows, potato chips and popcorn.

Seriously though seaweed from what I have heard is also a GREAT source of iron. Is that true?
It's absolutely a great source of iron which is why in Korea it is served as a soup to women who have just given birth. It's called miyok-guk. I only cook with the three forms I mentioned earlier though I have eaten many different kinds.

I use kombu .. aka dashima on an almost daily basis adding it to soups and even my oatmeal on occasion.

You are lucky to live in a place where it is so abundant in so many forms. Though in most major cities in the US it can be found... you just have to know where to look.
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Old 07-16-2006, 04:04 PM   #55  
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OK, I haven't gotten Super Foods Rx yet, as I ordered it online, but while at Half-Price Books today I got impatient and bought SuperFoods HealthStyle. I haven't started reading it yet, but I will as soon as I get done prepping lunches for the week.
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Old 07-16-2006, 04:28 PM   #56  
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I just went and bought the superfoods RX book and have started reading on the drive home. DH was driving. It looks good so far.
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Old 07-16-2006, 09:06 PM   #57  
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Originally Posted by Jayde
Nelie, I applaud your efforts to cut out the artificial sweeteners. Good for you. You've made a lot of changes! Take it slow to make them permanent.
Thanks, it has been a gentle transition over the years on my eating habits but it is worth it.

Originally Posted by Jayde
You are cutting out caffeine? Is this for a particual health reason? Tea actually has quite a bit of caffeine. Even green tea has some. Actually decaffinated tea even has some though not as much.

Also, congrats on your success! Your stats are great!
Well I think I've decided to slow it down on caffeine a lot. I have realized I have come to depend on it and get massive headaches if I don't drink it. Instead of being an every day thing, I'm thinking of once or twice a week. I said I will drink iced tea I make myself that way I know it is caffeine free, which basically means herbal iced tea I did have regular iced tea (but unsweetened!) yesterday but I didn't drink very much of it and I did enjoy it a lot.

Edited to add:
Something I almost forgot to mention is that it is super easy to decaffeinate tea yourself. Caffeine comes out of the tea leaf pretty quickly, so if you brew tea with tea leaves/bag (although I think it tastes better if it is leaves), then rebrew with the same leaves/bag, your tea will almost be free of caffeine.

The interesting thing is on my recent trip to China I noticed that they always decaffeinated their tea before drinking it. When I was being served tea (on many occassions, I love tea), they would brew the first cup, throw the tea out, then brew a second cup which was meant to be drank. When I asked the reasoning for throwing away the first cup brewed, the answer I received was "it's not so good". I don't know the other reasons for throwing out the first cup of tea made from leaves but I know it would take most of the caffeine out for one.

Last edited by nelie; 07-16-2006 at 10:07 PM.
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Old 07-17-2006, 02:11 AM   #58  
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Originally Posted by phantastica
I got impatient and bought SuperFoods HealthStyle. I haven't started reading it yet, but I will as soon as I get done prepping lunches for the week.
Oh, good…Then I can bug you about ‘splaining the details to me! Hurry up and read it!

Originally Posted by trishn222
I just went and bought the superfoods RX book and have started reading on the drive home. DH was driving. It looks good so far.
Well I hope you weren’t doing the driving! Your post gave me a chuckle. Thanks.

Originally Posted by nelie
The interesting thing is on my recent trip to China I noticed that they always decaffeinated their tea before drinking it. When I was being served tea (on many occassions, I love tea), they would brew the first cup, throw the tea out, then brew a second cup which was meant to be drank. When I asked the reasoning for throwing away the first cup brewed, the answer I received was "it's not so good". I don't know the other reasons for throwing out the first cup of tea made from leaves but I know it would take most of the caffeine out for one.
That is really interesting. I learned something new today.

I also have to be careful about caffeine. I don't avoid it.. but I do watch it as getting too much will trigger horrible headaches. Getting too much also turns me into a crazy person even without the headaches.

Come to think of it, sometimes I'm crazy even without the caffeine.
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Old 07-17-2006, 03:41 AM   #59  
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I just found this great new dressing at Safeway called "Marie's rasberry vinagerette" it is 45 cal per serving and 1 g fat. I use it in a salad with a chicken breast, spinich, diced mango and a little bit of motzerella cheese. It is so good!
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Old 07-17-2006, 09:43 AM   #60  
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Glory -- I don't know if you've explained it before, but what kind of yogurt do you eat? I was patting myself on the back for eating yogurt, but I eat the Yoplait fat-free and am willing to consider something else!

BTW, I really find your attitude and story inspirational! I love your focus on health and that has informed my own journey.

Finally, wrt these superfoods, it looks like I regularly get in 4-6 a day -- maybe more -- but I think I want to take a look at the book too!

Great thread!
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