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Old 07-13-2006, 03:51 PM   #31  
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Originally Posted by Glory87
No mention of seaweed in the index, but he does talk about red wine in the blueberry section. He basically says that limited amounts of red wine may be beneficial but he is hesitant to recommend alcohol. Instead he talks about drinking juice (but making sure to take the calories into consideration).

I LOVE grape juice but it is high in calories/sugar. I recently tried Welch's Light Grape Juice Cocktail made w/ Spenda and loved it! I have a hard time drinking it in moderation, though, so I don't think I'll be buying it too often. Nice to know it's an option, though.
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Old 07-13-2006, 04:58 PM   #32  
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Originally Posted by Glory87
Hey Jayde, I definitely preferred the FIRST book. In the first book, he identifies the 14 super foods and has a nice chapter for each super food talking about the sidekicks and the studies that back up his theories for why the particular super food is particularly healthy. Each section has recipes..
Thanks, Glory. I was going to stop at the bookstore on my way home from work today but I wanted to see your response first. Since I am not allowed to go into "chat' sites at work, I had to come home first. I'll be headed back out in a sec to purchase the FIRST book. It must be nice to be able to peek in 3FC while at work. Sometimes I wonder about my job.
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Old 07-13-2006, 05:18 PM   #33  
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Originally Posted by Glory87
I love the first book and refer to it all the time Definitely one of my best purchases EVER.
OK Glory, I'm sold. I've read several posts you've written about this, and curiosity is getting the best of me. I'm ordering the book online right now.
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Old 07-13-2006, 05:26 PM   #34  
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Originally Posted by phantastica
OK Glory, I'm sold. I've read several posts you've written about this, and curiosity is getting the best of me. I'm ordering the book online right now.
I'm going to the bookstore, Phantastica.. I bet I get my book before you!

Reading this make a great addition to the Med forum, don't you think....
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Old 07-13-2006, 05:42 PM   #35  
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Originally Posted by BreakingFree
I LOVE grape juice but it is high in calories/sugar. I recently tried Welch's Light Grape Juice Cocktail made w/ Spenda and loved it! I have a hard time drinking it in moderation, though, so I don't think I'll be buying it too often. Nice to know it's an option, though.
Yeah, he points out the calorie issue. He also says it's a good idea to add splashes of juice to water/selter water. He particuarly mentions pomegranate juice (which I adore).
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Old 07-13-2006, 06:02 PM   #36  
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Originally Posted by irishgreengables

Could you say more about how the book changed you life? Thanks,

Sure, I posted my whole story here but I can focus on the Super Foods aspect.

There were a lot of events that happened around the same time in my life. I had just returned from a work trip where I was constantly surrounded by food/treats and I had eaten non stop for about 4 days. I remember leaving a conference room and grabbing brownies and snicker bars and eating them all. As a result of my all out food binge at the conference, my size 18 jeans got tight. When my ex-boyfriend recommended buying bigger jeans, I didn't want to buy size 20 jeans. My mom wanted me to visit for Christmas and I didn't want her to see me at 200 lbs (I hadn't been home for about 3 years, mostly because of shame over my weight). I sat down in a public bathroom stall and cut the outside of my leg on a metal trash receptacle - I realized I was getting too big for a normal stall.

While all this was swirling around in me, I found the Super Food book at a bookstore. I always loved diet books (especially success stories!) and loved looking at them. I picked it up and started flipping through it and it made such sense to me. It really talked about food as a method to fight disease and to prevent age-related deterioration. Considering all 4 of my grandparents had died relatively young (cancer, cancer, diabetes, complications of alzheimers, respectively), I was fascinated by the idea of food as a preventative.

The author stated that lots of foods were good for you, but some foods were especially good for you. He listed 14 main foods (and their side kicks) and backed up each food choice with extensive studies. The book made the science of nutrition very accessible to me. Spinach for eyes, blueberries for the brain, yogurt for the gut, nuts for the heart, tomatoes to reduce the effects of aging and protect the skin from sun damage. For the first time, I started thinking of a "diet" where I focused on what TO eat instead of what NOT to eat.

I realized I liked most of those foods, eating them wouldn't be a problem (at the time I didn't eat any chicken/turkey, but it wasn't too hard to incorporate, since I liked turkey sandwiches and salads with chicken). I changed my life that day (no more huge weekend blowout in preparation of a Monday diet that I would never actually start). That day, I decided I would try to eat as many super foods as possible every day. The super foods are mostly whole foods, cold turkey I gave up the majority of processed foods, packaged foods, fast foods, sugar, booze, chips, pretzels, candy and all the other crap I ate every day. I wasn't really trying to do this, but when you're trying to fit in as many super foods as possible during the day, there just wasn't much room for junk.

I had immediate results. I wasn't counting calories, now I realize I was probably eating too few calories a day but the initial quick loss motivated me to keep going. My goals have evolved slightly over time. My first goal was just to eat 1 food from at least 10 of the super food groups every day. I didn't really know a lot about nutritional, my idea of the "yogurt" food group was Yoplait fat free yogurt (full of high fructose corn syrup and not containing a high number of yogurt cultures - the truly "super" aspect of yogurt). After awhile, I started reading labels to make sure my bread wasn't just "whole grain" but it had good fiber per serving and it wasn't made with high fructose corn syrup. I started off with packages of sugary instant oatmeal, I slowly evolved to Quaker oatmeal with dried blueberries.

I started counting calories to be sure I was eating ENOUGH and tried to stay over 1400 every day. I started paying attention to the ratios and realized that although there is NOTHING wrong with carbs, I probably wanted to eat more protein and healthy fat (changed the ratios to at least 20% fat, 30% protein).

The best part was the radical and immediate change to my energy levels. I had been a sluggish, depressed person. I used to fall asleep in my office every day. I used to not like myself very much. I quit taking care of my personal apperance, just let my hair go gray, get long and curly (no styling, blowdrying). I wore the same pair of jeans everyday (didn't want to buy anymore, I wasn't STAYING at a size 18, although I wore them for over 3 years). One pair of black loafers, one black purse, no jewelry, no make up. Switching from processed junk to whole foods was a huge, noticeable difference. My skin looks better, I have 100 times more energy, I don't fall asleep in my office anymore. I got a promotion at work

I started on July 15, 2004 (almost 2 years ago!!) around 200 lbs (I didn't weigh myself at first, I was afraid of the scale) and by my Christmas visit with my mom I weighed 150 lbs. I now weigh 127 lbs. I have been sick one time since I started eating super foods (just a weird cough). I had a health screening and the examiner just couldn't get over my great numbers for blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol.

Super foods definitely changed my life. I still eat at least 10 a day
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Old 07-13-2006, 06:06 PM   #37  
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Originally Posted by Jayde
Thanks, Glory. I was going to stop at the bookstore on my way home from work today but I wanted to see your response first. Since I am not allowed to go into "chat' sites at work, I had to come home first. I'll be headed back out in a sec to purchase the FIRST book. It must be nice to be able to peek in 3FC while at work. Sometimes I wonder about my job.
Sorry! I'm west coast, I posted while eating breakfast this morning, but I probably missed you.
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Old 07-13-2006, 07:42 PM   #38  
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I wanted to add something else I just thought of. Previously, I had been a yoyo dieter. My goal was to lose weight and I would restrict calories. Two things always happened 1) I would restrict too much, binge, feel like a loser and quit 2) I would actually reach a goal weight and go back to the unhealthy eating habits that had made me heavy in the first place.

I think one of the reasons I was so successful long terms with the super food approach is my change in focus, I LIKED losing weight, don't get me wrong, but my focus was to be HEALTHY. To be healthy, I needed to eat enough and get plenty of nutrients. My goal was to eat as many nutritionally powerful foods as possible while avoiding foods that had little nutritional value. I did reach my goal weight, but that didn't effect WHAT I was eating, since I still wanted to eat healthy foods so I could be as healthy as possible.

So, for the first time, I reached my goal weight and just kept doing what I was doing. I did increase calories to a level more inline with maintenance for someone of my height/weight/age/gender/activity level, but I just ate more of the same healthy foods that had helped me feel better and lose the weight.

My goal from the first day was long term health. That had never been my goal before. I think it made a big difference to my long term success. I think the super foods changed my life because it helped me stop 20 years of yoyo dieting, where I would lose weight, gain it back and then gain more weight. I have never maintained weight loss before. My goal was always "to lose weight" I had no goal or plan beyond losing weight, so when I lost weight, I just stopped. Now, my goal is to "be healthy" - since I'd like to be healthy for my entire life, there is nothing to stop, this is just how I eat now. Now when I hear people say they are going to lose weight, I always think in my head "and then what?" Figuring out the step AFTER weight loss was key for me.

Last edited by Glory87; 07-13-2006 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 07-13-2006, 08:14 PM   #39  
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Originally Posted by Glory87
Sorry! I'm west coast, I posted while eating breakfast this morning, but I probably missed you.
Glory, I think it was the other way around.. since I'm on the east coast I was already working hard at work by the time you woke up.

Besides, I wasn't expecting a reply before I left for work... but I sure was hoping for one by the time I got home.. and there it was!! From you.

I have the book now.. so... I'll be back later.. of course..

Also want to thank you for taking the time to tell us on this thread about your success and how it is connected specifically to the super foods. I read your goal thread (gosh I hope I congratulated you then if not... that is where I'm headed.)... but it also helps to hear the message over and over again.. especially when the light bulbs are flashing and we are ready to hear about things we might have overlooked the first read.
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Old 07-14-2006, 12:38 AM   #40  
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I must say Glory that you are really inspiring. I was telling my husband tonight about you. We had already discussed incorporating super foods in our diet but have only done it sporatically and only a few. I told him that while we are eating much healthier now, I think that we need to take an approach like you have and try to get something out of each super food group everyday. Thank you for your inspiration and I will be joining the super food beleivers.

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Old 07-14-2006, 10:45 AM   #41  
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Thanks Glory for all this. I also read the longer version too. I really appreciate you sharing all your success.

I was reading the lists and seeing that my children eat these superfoods all day long. I also eat wuite a bit of them, but I get into ruts where I want sugar -- like the current post-vacation rut. I love the outlook of focussing on what you SHOULD be eating instead of what you SHOULDN'T be eating.

THanks so much.
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Old 07-14-2006, 10:53 AM   #42  
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Okay, now MY curiosity is getting the best of me!! I'm going to check out that book myself!

BTW, last night's dinner was all super foods--chicken, sweet potato and brussel sprouts!
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Old 07-14-2006, 11:16 AM   #43  
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I have to admit I am going to buy the book as well I am interested in the recipes mostly as well as the general information.
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Old 07-14-2006, 02:03 PM   #44  
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Thanks Glory for adding so much great information to this thread. You are inspiring. I have to say since I have been here at my sisters I have been trying to make eating choices that include many of the super foods. Granted I am on vacation and can not control what and where we eat each night 100% but I try my best. I am happy to say I have lost a pound from the beginning of the week. I might just get the second book for my sister so I can use it as a reference here while I am staying with her. She seems interested in it as well even though she is petite and not over weight. It is always good to try to eat things which are not porcessed. I am going to see if I can find an online source to order dried fruits as we can not get dried blueberries or cherries on the base in Seoul. I also have a good recipe for a smoothie which I am going to modify for super foods.

Here it is: (I got it from AOL.)

2 cups vanilla low-fat frozen yogurt
1/2 cup vanilla soy milk
1/2 cup fat-free milk
1/3 cup cubed soft silken tofu
1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed (optional)

Combine the first 6 ingredients in a blender; process until smooth. Sprinkle with flaxseed, if desired.

I bet if you did it with plain organic yogurt and added some kind of berry to it you would have a pretty good smoothie....(maybe leave out the peanut butter??)
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Old 07-14-2006, 02:28 PM   #45  
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I have smoothies a lot, Darlene. My current fave is LF plain yogurt, soft tofu, ½ a frozen banana, frozen rasps and blueberries, and skimmed milk to thin it down a bit. It really is thick and luxurious, less so if you leave out the banana. I find the fruit makes it plenty sweet enough for me, but everyone else I've made it for prefers it with honey.

Congrats on losing whilst you're away. You're doing great!

Last edited by DishyFishy; 07-14-2006 at 04:06 PM.
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