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Old 08-02-2009, 06:22 PM   #121  
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Today was my weigh-in, I have reached my first 10% goal , I had a great loss this week (must have been the lack of sodium . I am down 20 pounds even in 10 weeks and haven't felt deprived.

I went to the local farmer's market for the first time, stocked up on veggies, I'll prepare some for the week and put some in the freezer.

BIG NSV TODAY- Doritos were on sale for $2.18 a bag, a BIG bag, man oh man, I would have been in hog heaven, BUT, I have Doritos going stale right now, the bag has been open for weeks, I have lost my taste for Dorito's, good-bye dear friend, we had some good years together. (Yeah, that's me telling the Dorito's good-bye).

I was under points all week, I wasn't real hungry and I was real determined to hit that 20 pound loss today. I have lost a point due to the new weight and I am going to try to use closer to all points this week. I'll fill in the gap with dairy if I have to, I am still scared of dairy, so I need to get it back into my plan.

My measurements were 48-40-48 when I started, I am now a 44-35-44, I am happy that my body is staying proportionate, I just still need less of everything.

Anybody have a good eggplant recipe, I have never tried them and I picked up some at the farmer's market. I found a 3pt recipe on the WW site that I'll try.

Hope everyone has a great week!
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Old 08-03-2009, 07:40 AM   #122  
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Exclamation Back from Vacation

Well, ladies, here I am.
I had a great time for the last 9 days that we were away, but I have a gain to report. 163.4
Not good news, I'll adjust my tracker and today is day 1 of getting back to work. Happily, but sadly, we are going away again next Saturday.
I have got to drop a pound or two during the week this week.
Wish me luck!
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Old 08-03-2009, 08:30 AM   #123  
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DD: glad you had a great vacation! Sorry about the gain but hopefully you can get you system flushed out a little before the next trip.

i made eggplant sticks last night, kind of an oven fried thing, eggplant coated in breadcrumbs and spices, pretty good little snack. They were better than the sweet potato fries I have tried to make several times, I just can't get any crunch out of those.

Happy Monday!
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Old 08-03-2009, 08:48 AM   #124  
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RP, how do you make the eggplant in terms of cooking? What temp and how long? I presume you coated a pan with non stick spray beforehand?
I just had a breakfast of cheerios, skim milk and 3/4ths of an apple. Off to a good start.
When I went to adjust my tracker, I was suprised that I had actually had a small gain before leaving on vacation and all I actually gained while away was .4. My weight was listed as 163 and now it's 163.4. I am a bit relieved that vacation wasn't as bad as I had thought it was, but that doesn't make me feel any better that I had gained.
I was at 161 a few weeks ago.
I have to do better than this. I'm just hovering at a weight between 160 and 165 and not losing for real.
I need to get focused.
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Old 08-03-2009, 08:55 AM   #125  
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DD: I have never made eggplant of any type before, but a lady at the farmers market gave me this recipe. Cut eggplant into sticks, coat in egg (I used egg substitue), then coat in bread crumbs and parm cheese and spices.

Spray a little oil on top, broil for 3-5 minutes, flip, spray and broil other side.

I entered it into the recipe builder but I think it is hard to estimate since you shake off so much of the breading.

I guess the short answer to your question is - BROIL.

Oddly, since changing my eating habits, I am broiling more often, weird.

I am going to try WW eggplant parm recipe today.
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Old 08-04-2009, 01:30 AM   #126  
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Hello Ladies,
I have to be honest. I am not doing well. Mentally somewhere and I am not sure where I gave up two weeks ago. I was only up 2.2 lbs after my friend visited, but now I am not even sure. I have been having migrains again and I know for me it's due to how I have been eating and drinking so today I have to face the music, WI, and start all over. I brought lots of fresh fruits yesterday...I love the German grocery store..Anyway, I will report my WI later today...wish me luck!

Anyway, I have been thinking about you all.
Now I am back, give me a smack! : )P
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Old 08-04-2009, 02:23 AM   #127  
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Okay, so 216.0 a huge gain, all my hard work almost gone.
I should be and am greatful I am somehow not over 217.0 at which I started this is a huge motivated for me and I recalculated pts. and what not. I have 27 pts. plus my weekly 35 and I am starting today, so my new WI days will be on Tuesday.

So, to start off the morning I am having a smoothie. It's actually a decent 2 pt. one, but since I am having 2 servings it's 4 pts. It seems to be the best way for me to get in my breakfast since I have a hard time with breakfast and pay later for it. It also packs 6 grams of Fiber so you can't beat that. I think I am going to re-focus on my Fiber again, when I did that I seemed to do the best on the program.

So wish me luck ladies..
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:21 AM   #128  
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RP, thanks for the clarification on the eggplant. I'm going shopping today and I might buy some. Sounds like I'd like it. I'm bored with the same old stuff. Just my daughter and I are home for dinner this evening and it might be fun to have that along with corn on the cob (we use the 0 point butter spray on it) and some other thing.

Ash, I'm sorry you've had a rough time of it. They do say that when the horse throws you that you have to climb back on. I think that is a good philosophy for us. I consciously blew it last week on my vacation. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted and I enjoyed it. I tried not to think about WW for awhile. I guess I have to admit that I am not sorry for what I did. I didn't climb back onto this web site yesterday with my head hung low and feeling awful. I accept what I did. I ate, drank and made merry. Sounds like you did a bit of that as well.
So, it's a fresh start and new beginning for us and we can make this work.
I'll be away again next week and will probably do the same thing again, but what will count for me in the long run is that I get right back on program this week and the week after next when I return, yet again.
Life is too short to fret about certain things. I enjoyed my time away. I feel no remorse. What I feel today, though, is strong commitment to health and I will work hard this week to have that attitude.
I weighed myself this morning and it looks like .8 is already gone but I will not count it as official. I have made Thursdays my official weigh in day so whatever it is on Thursday will be what I count.
Keep up the good work and don't lose your motivation!
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:45 AM   #129  
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Ash: you will find your balance again, just grab on to something to steady yourself and keep going.

I was going to try the eggplant parm recipe but my DD woke up with a rash, she may be allergic to eggplant! She has never had an allergic reaction to anything. She also slept under a new comforter, maybe that was the problem. So once we get it calmed back down, we'll be able to figure out what caused it.

It is my TOM and I feel all blucky. I added 1% milk to my coffee instead of powdered creamer since I am not getting hardly any dairy in. Do most people take calcium supplements or do ya'll drink your milk?
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Old 08-04-2009, 11:40 PM   #130  
One pound at a time.
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I have a hard time getting my milk in. I try to drink ovaltine at night that's one serving.

I also have calcium supplements which i forget to take. I know I should try harder.
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:20 PM   #131  
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My weigh-in and I was down 1.2lbs. That's 29.4lbs total since starting back at WW.

Hopefully next week I can get my 30 lbs.

How is everyone doing?
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:57 PM   #132  
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Great job Clydegirl!!
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Old 08-06-2009, 07:18 AM   #133  
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RP, I take a multi vitamin each day as well as a calcium supplement. You can never be too careful.
Clyedegirl, good job on the loss!

I weighed in this morning and went from 164.4 to 163.2, a 1.2 lb. loss since I got back from vacation. At least I am doing something right.
But, I do leave again on Saturday.
I don't ever want to book back to back vacations, but this was done according to my husband's work schedule. It's really not restful for me to go for a week, then spend literally only five days at home in between and then go away again. I still have tons of stuff to do and laundry piled high. I'm been rushing around all week and feel really stressed.
I would rather space out our time away.
Oh well, I must make the best of it.
We'll be in RI on Saturday. There is a seafood festival the first day we are there and we have plans for a dinner with my in-laws on Sunday evening and we'll be heading to Newport RI to see some of the Mansions. I hope to do some swimming and will be bringing along some sewing.
DH is bringing a wireless router that fits his laptop wireless Verizon card in it so it looks like I'll have Internet access for some of the time. I'm glad about that as I might be bored otherwise some of the time.
I hope to try to walk each day and maybe swim, at least.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:20 PM   #134  
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DD: good job on the loss and have a great time on your trip

Kinda weird day today, foodwise that is. I ate my good breakfast but we made brownies to celebrate the end of summer and back to school time. I did make them with black beans and I ate 3 points worth.

I ate ONE dorito, I tasted one to see if they were too stale to let the kids eat, and I ate ONE, did not have an emotional reaction, either negative or positive. Just neutral...

I did eat a whole tomato during the course of the day, which is amazing since I rarely put vegetables in my mouth on purpose. I am really trying to add vegetables to my list of "normal" foods. I tried cucumber today, wasn't real impressed, surprised it tasted melon-ish. I must sound goofy with my vegetable newness, it really is like a foreign language to me.

Ordered pizza for dinner, still in celebration mode. I found it interesting how WW calculates the points, 1 piece=4, second piece adds 4.5 and third piece adds 5 (I didn't have the third piece after I checked the calculator).

Didn't get ANY water in today, water and veggies, oh and dairy, those are my issues. When I write it like that, those are some important issues! I guess I have been living off of coffee in the morning and Doritos in the afternoon for several years now!
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Old 08-07-2009, 04:42 AM   #135  
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Hello to everyone..
i am returning to "old faithful" WW again. i have recently lost about 30lbs on medifast. i love the program but it gets expensive after awhile. i have definately learned some new ways to think about eating. i am looking forward to seeing how this works in with the WW plan. I plan on giving WW a few months and see what happens. finally i am realizing that this is a marathon and i have nothing but time. might as well spend it losing instead of gaining! stay strong ya'll
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