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Old 07-07-2009, 07:07 PM   #46  
One pound at a time.
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Well I'm on steroids and an anti-histamine for my foot. The last time I was on steroids I felt nauseated the whole time. I will start them tomorrow.
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Old 07-08-2009, 12:20 AM   #47  
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Clydegirl: I really hope your foot heals quickly and that you don't feel sick this time. I remember when I got stung by a bee awhile back my hand got so swollen that it looked like a Mickey mouse hand - I am so serious and it hurt and was I know how you feel. Quick healing to you!!!
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:12 AM   #48  
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Okay! I know I get annoying (I am sure) by posting several times a day, but I just found out that the Lodge and Resort we're going to has a pool, hot tub, and a fitness center! So, what a huge blessing. We drive 6 hours Thursday to get there, so I am not sure if I will work out that night or not. But, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - I will for sure, and we leave Monday at 1100, so I may not work out then either and I won't be able to do my WI - I am leaving that for Tuesday morning! Ahh I am so excited, our family really needs this vacation and the pictures I have seen of the's in the mountains and just so lush, I am truly blessed to live here and be able to see the sights. I think while we're down there we're going to Neuschwanstien castle (Sleeping Beauty's castle) and the into Austria, and then the rest of the time we'll lounge around the resort - should be fun.

My little reward to myself though is going to be a Swedish massage while I am there. Nothing like a good massage although I have only had my husband's up to this point. Anyway, I am sure it will be nice and help to motivate me to do better and better!

Just thought I would share. You have no idea how excited I got when I saw there was a fitness center because secretly or maybe not so much secretly I have been freaking about what to do down curb any gain, well now I offically have no excuse!!!

We will see what Tuesday WI bring.
I am sure I will be on here tonight, but then I will be MIA
from the 9-13th!
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Old 07-08-2009, 07:58 AM   #49  
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Good morning ladies! Boy am I behind. I only posted once and came back a couple times and no one had posted then got caught up in life and there you go!

I skimmed over everyone's postings and won't do individual replies since I am so very behind but just a general chit chat.

I AM like Ruby though I weigh 100 lbs less than she started at. I can and can't identify with her. For one thing, I have a super supportive spouse that married me almost 37 years ago, 175 lbs ago and still calls me gorgeous. I am glad she kicked that old boyfriend to the street relationship wise, but being a true southern lady she won't tell him to take a hike, which I would have done.

I imagine those meals are set up like Nutrisystem, you buy the month's worth, but you paying a whopping amount extra if you want to do the meal picking yourself. We looked into them a couple years ago, but so much of the stuff my hubby wouldn't eat and at that time it cost over $300 a month per person to take their plan as is. I think when I picked out what we wanted per person it shot up to around $500 a month. These kind of plans are good for people who don't like to cook or don't have the time and are willing to eat anything. The problem is, maintenance and if you don't stay on the thing for the rest of your life, it is doubtful you will maintain your weight. You have to learn to eat in the real world and that includes working at staying away from stuff that is too fattening, too much sugar, etc and that means cooking and not eating out. I have talked to several people who regained after doing Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem and it was the same thing, then gained because they went back to eating bad stuff when they quit doing the preportioned fixed meals.

I decided I was fed up with the indecisions of the condo board about opening our pool this year so asked my dd if I could just go to their house and swim so that is what I have been doing. The only problem is they live clear across town from us. I go three times a week and do a hard workout for an hour. They have a diving board that is perfect to do pull ups and gut crunches on and I do thirty of each of them so maybe I will have some muscle definition when I get to goal. I am never going to see that "pencil" again and I have come to terms with that. I can't afford plastic surgery and have been morbidly obese for 25 years so my skin is shot shall we say. It is just going to be shapewear for me the rest of my life.

I know most if not all you ladies are still young, but I am going through menopause and am having a real time of it right now losing weight. It is discouraging because I have lost the first 26 lbs and have not lost for over 2 weeks now though I have stuck to plan and am exercising. I imagine if my hormones settle down I will go back to losing. I am on a diuretic with my bp med so I shouldn't be retaining water, but I am not so sure that is the case. It is the pits as my dh is on it with me and is not exercising at all and is continuing to lose a couple lbs a week. He started at 252 and is down to 229 so only has about 15 more to go to get to goal. Ahh well, it will come. I told him this morning he looked like a different person (from a 42 pant to a 36) as the tummy is disappearing, which is where he carries all his weight. He kind of hemmed and hawed and said he had weighed and was down to 229 from 231 a week ago but he didn't want to tell me because he felt bad for me. Bless his heart, I am thrilled for him and not upset at all. He had a heart attack at 52 and then because his stent weirdly blocked itself a year later, ended up having to have bypass surgery so losing weight will greatly please his cardiologist. He is 6'2" so not a short man, but still needed to get rid of that tummy.

Well girls, I have to get going, get morning chores done and get over to my dd's to swim. One of the perks is my 9 year old grandson swims with me when I go over there (his other grandparents take care of him and live across the street) so I get to see him a lot this way. He is so busy with things in his life that I don't get to see him as much as I would like with his scouts, his music lessons, school during the school year and they are trip takers. They went during spring break to Mexico on a cruise and are leaving next week for two weeks to go to China! Last year they took him to Costa Rica for vacation so he is becoming quite the worldly traveler. I don't know if any of you ladies watched stuff right before the election last year, but my grandson was on Good Morning America with another little girl from Texas regarding elections. He had posted his campaign speech for student council on Utube for family to see and the media saw it and it took on a life of its own. He was interviewed and put into an article in the Wall Street journal, here at home in our paper, then on Good Morning America so he got to go to New York. It seemed like everytime he turned around someone wanted him on their show. He was supposed to do Leno, but the person talking to him on the phone thought he didn't fit their format. He is coming home with me today and spending the night so I am really look forward to that. He is a great kid to be around and so sweet and well behaved.

Have a great hump day everyone!

Last edited by gma22; 07-08-2009 at 07:59 AM.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:29 AM   #50  
One pound at a time.
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My weigh in and I'm up on my scales even before I go to WW. That's not good.

Ash are you going to Garmisch or Chiemsee? We spent time at both those resorts. Our second assignment in Germany we were 30 minutes away from Chiemsee. A very small army post called Bad Aibling. It is now closed. A very beautiful part of Germany.

I will report back after my weigh in.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:55 AM   #51  
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Not much time today, slept too late and have lots to do.
Hope all is well. CG, hope that foot gets better and Ash, have a great vacation.
Lucy, I'm menopausal and I know exactly what you mean. Suddenly weight just sticks and nothing seems to make it budge. All the things I did in the past that were successful just don't work any more.
But, I am not giving up.
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Old 07-08-2009, 12:42 PM   #52  
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Dang it I'm up 2.6lbs Where did that come from?

Maybe the brownies and the chips and ranch dip.

Have to lose next week as I don't like being over 200 again.
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:08 PM   #53  
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Clydegirl: I am going to Edelwiess Lodge and Resort in Garmisch, I haven't heard of the other place. I am so glad so many of you are prior military and have been to Germany and know what I am talking about. Makes me feel less of an outsider! To the 2.6 lb. gain just throw it to the past and start a new! YOU CAN DO THIS!

Gma22: Thanks for sharing, I look forward to chatting with you and getting to know you. I don't know about metopause, but I do know about body ailments affecting my body, so in that way I do understand. Just keep going!!! I am rooting for ya!

derrydaughter: Thanks for the well wishes I am excited except it's supposed to rain now..after it been sooo hot for the last two weeks..I am hoping the weather is wrong..we shall see.

To everyone else have a great rest of the week.
I'll be back on Monday night!
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Old 07-08-2009, 11:27 PM   #54  
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Just a minute to post. Exercise success! DH got up with the kids so that I could go for a walk first thing. Then, FIL babysat and DH and I went for a canoe/fishing trip. Another walk tomorrow!
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Old 07-09-2009, 07:06 AM   #55  
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Emerald, I knew you could find a way to work things out. You'll do this, you know you can. It's hard and we all know it is.
For all of us, this is an every day challenge. We choose what goes into our mouths, we hold the fork.
Today is my weigh in day, I've chosen Thursdays. I went from 161.8 to 161. My tracker won't change, but there is a slight loss. I'll take anything I can get.
Ash, have a wonderful time. My husband had an opportunity to transfer to Germany for his company many years ago and we turned it down. Sometimes I wish we had gone, but at the time my dad had been diagnosed with cancer I just couldn't bear to leave. I am glad I was near him when he and my mom needed me. They are both gone now, but the last few years were precious. I often think of the wonderful things we would have seen and how my kids would have had an incredible experience. But, family first. Enjoy this special cultural time. Just do lots of walking and off set the extra vacation foods.

CG, sorry about the gain. You will take it back off and the motivation to get back below 200 again will serve you well this week. Keep trying. If you go places where there will be tempting foods, like a ballgame, maybe you can bring your own stuff in your purse? Or, figure out what the healthiest choices will be and plan ahead.
I have been there and I know I will be there again. My motivation comes and goes. Right now I'd grade my motivation at about a 93%, which is good. A few weeks ago when we were on vacation in Maine, it was at 3%. I feel that if I can just be more consistent with my motivation that perhaps I will conquer this thing. One thing I am realizing is that I can still be very motivated even when my budget is not allowing me to go to WW meetings. The motivation has to come from me and I can't expect to be given motivation just because I went to a meeting and paid money. That doesn't make you a success, I make me a success!
Lucy, I worry about Ruby's boyfriend. You can almost see how calculating he is. I think he wants to get on the TV "ride" and I think his "interest" in her is false. But, I have to admit that many guys are shallow like that. Have you all seen that movie Shallow Hal? I enjoyed that but I felt for the obese/heavy people of the world when I saw it. Lots of guys are like that, though, for real. Very superficial.
I have my DVR set to watch more of the Ruby shows, but so far nothing has come on. I hope for a fresh episode soon. I like her team approach, but I guess the TV people are paying for all of that stuff for her? I couldn't afford a personal trainer, a psychiatrist/therapist, nutritionist, food program, etc. But, if that is what it takes to get her weight down and she gets it paid for, I think it's really cool. However, one thing I do not like about that packaged food is that it is really not teaching her how to truly eat properly and make those healthy choices that we have learned from our WW program.
I don't have a packaged meal I take out of my refrigerator to each three times a day, I have to figure out what to have and make a healthy choice on my own and it is very hard sometimes especially when surrounded by people who are not making such great choices.
I could especially related to the episode where Ruby and her friends were at some pizza place and the pizza looked fabulous. She asked the waitress to heat up her packaged meal and that took will power. I found myself wondering if, off camera, she begged for "just one bite"? That is what I would have been doing, for sure. I have little will power when it comes to eating out. So few places offer great choices nowadays, I find that sad.

Today, I have a meeting that I have to go to about 50 minutes from here and it begins at 6:30 pm. I'll be on the road at mealtime. I'm concerned. I may eat something on my way there in the car. It's so hard to be on the road at a meal time. What would you do?
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Old 07-10-2009, 10:04 AM   #56  
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Hey Ladies,

Well I made it online while on vacation. Sometimes I think that is sad, but we're sortta just going with the flow and so that's left some me time on this vacation. The boys are swimming and I have a headache, so no pool for me. I am writing everything down. I won't lie and say I have been on point, but I have ate until I was "satisfied," not stuffed. So, I have to take that as a small victory. I will be going to the gym tonight when the boys are back at the pool. I figure I can count gym time as personal time and race off some of those calories.

Went to Innsbruck, Austria today...walked I am hoping that and the swimming yesterday made my body do something. As long as I don't gain I'll be fine! Tomorrow as long as the weather stays nice we're going to the lake, then Sunday the castles near by...I really like that you have to walk everywhere around here..the trick is to not try every morsel of good looking food that lurks around here as well. All I can say is, I will do my best.

Have a great weekend ladies,
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Old 07-11-2009, 12:23 AM   #57  
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Hi Ash. I'm really envious.

I love Innsbruck. Did you look at all the Olympic Games sites? Salzburg is very close and is worth a visit. You must be going to Neuschwanstein tomorrow. That is a beautiful castle.

The hotel had a great brunch when we stayed there. Not WW friendly at all.

I miss all the opportunities we had to travel when my husband was active duty. He retired 2 years ago. Enjoy your time there.
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Old 07-12-2009, 01:35 AM   #58  
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We just went to Innsbruck Clydegirl - I will have to go to Austria for the full experience some other time! And I love the travel ability I have as well. I am more than blessed! I grew up a military child and now as a military wife, it's been and is a great experience despite what some may say.

Having said that..

Do you ever feel like you're wandering? I am really enjoying this vacation and yet, my mind seems to be going all of the time...I really seem to be more aware of myself and how I feel about myself...all I can say is I have some major work to do when I get home...
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Old 07-12-2009, 08:57 PM   #59  
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Hi everyone! I haven't posted in awhile... I've missed the support. I was up .8 at WI last week but I was expecting it. I went off plan totally on the 4th of July, and then struggled for 5 days to get back ON plan. It was rough. I'm doing a little better now, but haven't exercised in two days. Tomorrow I plan to get up early to exercise, before my DH leaves for the gym to swim early! He's training for a triathlon which is next month so we are having to work out our exercise schedules! Kind of fun... kind of not so fun. I'd love to do the tri with him next year. We'll see if he survives it this year first!
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Old 07-13-2009, 08:18 AM   #60  
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Good morning ladies. I was up at 4:30 this morning after having one heck of a weird night. Two nightmares, the dog jumped off the bed twice and had to be put back on (he has fallen a couple times trying to jump on so won't do it and won't use those doggie stairs either) then I had to go to the bathroom. It is the pits to be old and on a diuretic besides. I feel like I am constantly in the bathroom.

Heather: Where do you live in Indiana? I grew up in the South Bend area and my son lives about 4 blocks from Notre Dame.

Though my dh is retired military, he is Navy so of course was never in Germany. We were never stationed overseas either. He was a fire control technician so he worked with jet radar. We did live coast to coast in 20 years though. I surely wouldn't do it again even for the retirement check. My kids hated it and as grown ups certainly have nothing good to say about it. I think mainly because I stayed home with them since Jack was gone a lot so we were barely above poverty level for 20 years. I hope they pay the military more now, but I doubt it.

Today is swimming day so I will be going out later, getting some more yarn for a scarf I am doing for my dil's birthday, which is next week then to my dd's to swim, pick up her dog and back home. They are leaving for China tomorrow on vacation and we will have the granddoggy for a couple weeks. He is a yorkie too so he does fine here.

The scales have finally moved for me 1 lb, but three weeks ago I had gained 2 so am still up one. I was a bit discouraged seeing as how I have stayed strictly to program and am exercising, but my dr says you can definitely gain weight on menoupause and that she imagines my sticking with it at least kept me even when I would have gained if I hadn't. When she said it could take 15 years to get through menopause I wanted to fall off the chair. I told Jack I am going to be the only 80 year old woman that still has periods sometimes! I was one of those girls who peeked early too! I started having periods as a 10 year old so I am more than ready to be over this. I thought I was as I hadn't had anything for about 6 months, then did spotting, then this month a bit more, but I wouldn't call it normal. It is just an inconvenience and a pain in the neck.

I guess I better get with it as it is past 7. I cleaned both bathrooms upstairs this morning and that finished my house for the week. I can now knit and get things done. I have to get the scarf done this week to ship overnight with her gift card, then I have a sofar throw I am finishing for a wedding present in Sept. I also have a sweater to start for the 9 year old grandson which has to be done before Thanksgiving and one sleeve to go and the sew up on the 2 year old grandson's sweater. They are for Christmas but since we are all going to be together for Thanksgiving, we will do Christmas then I imagine so I have to get them done.

Have a great week girls!
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