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Old 11-16-2005, 03:06 PM   #16  
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Sorry about the rain My Queen but good job on hitting the dreadmill. I know how much you hate that machine.

I took this AM off from the gym, but still did 30 minutes of cardio on my bike before work and now my legs are KILLING ME!!! I'm not sure if I should lay off the cardio tomorrow, do chest and tris only and then back to cardio on Friday. My legs are begging for mercy.

Shannon - For me, eating clean means no junk, no foods with high-fructose corn syrup added and no wheat products. Some days I'm clean, some days there is just a bit of dirt on my face, some days I'm dirty as a pig in a mud pile.

Also, a lot of people - and until lately me - post our workouts on the EXERCISE thread. I think I will go back to doing that.


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Old 11-16-2005, 07:46 PM   #17  
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Hi Shannon Welcome

OK, confession time: I too have had to push my "skinny" jeans to the back of the closet. I've been rediscovering my inner pig for the past few weeks ink: and I really need to stop! But as Shannon siad, I'm having troubles remembering what motivated me. I have alternating days: clean, then hopeless, clean, then hopeless. Lately I feel more hopeless than anything else.

To make matters worse, I'm having some health issues which are causing very quick muscle fatigue, so even lifting is becoming a problem. This week I've gone to full-body workout 3 times a week and some sort of daily cardio, because I can't make it through my usual lifting split. Hopefully I'll get this resolved soon, because if my eating has gone to , I sure better be able to workout like a demon!

So Tiki, you can add me to your "fussing at" list

Teapot nice to see you! The turducken was...interesting It took a long time, and I had to sharped my knife about 10 times during the deboning ordeal. If it's as good as all the raving on the web, I'll do it again. It took about 4 hours, but I have a pretty good understanding of bird anatomy. It was hard at first to visualize it all from upside down. Practice on a chicken- they are cheaper and smaller, and if you make a mess of it you can just hack it up for dinner

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Old 11-17-2005, 12:05 AM   #18  
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Awwww Mel sorry to hear you're health is not up to par ... Must be the weather putting a damper on our enthusiasm... Did it help anyone when we had that challenge a couple of weeks ago? We could do that again starting Sunday or Monday next week, we just gotta get our act together before Christmas!!
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Old 11-17-2005, 07:17 AM   #19  
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Shannon- welcome from me too!

Tiki, Ilene, Mel - What has gone into you guys??? Is this a sort of pre-holiday rut? Come on, I want to be like you when I'm grown up!!! You guys look like you have the "leaves-are-falling" dip! I remember from my CBT book that "Action comes BEFORE motivation" so just hang in here, try to live clean, and don't wait for the motivation to happen all of a sudden!.

Mel- Sorry to hear you have health issues. I hope you perk up soon!

Okay day sofar today. I went to work, that is always a way to keep my mind of things. The kids had dinner at XH yesterday evening, but my brother in law came around, which was nice of him. Latest howler of XH: I had lend him the small car because of the lousy weather around here, on the condition that NL or her stuff is not allowed in it or near it, and it must be returned when NL moves in with XH. So he asks if he occasionally can have the big car for long distance and transportation stuff. And I said sure, under the same conditions. And would you believe that XH had a problem with this, because it would mean that he could use outr car to assist NL to move in with him, nor would it allow him to take NL on holiday with our car. So I told him yes, you are exactly right, I do NOT allow that. Take it or leave it. I really really am amazed every single time at the nerve of him!!! Luckily I have my appointment with the lawyer set up, because I can see that I need some real watertight arrangements.

I'm off to do my stress clinic meditation CD for today.

Have a great day all,
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Old 11-17-2005, 07:48 AM   #20  
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Originally Posted by 4rabbit
... I remember from my CBT book that "Action comes BEFORE motivation" so just hang in here, try to live clean, and don't wait for the motivation to happen all of a sudden!.

Boy, do I need to work on this one, too. It has been so hard for me to get back on track since my "possible to probably MS attack" (that is what 'they" are calling it)) mid-Sep and here it is Nov and I am still struggling. I am up 6 pounds and pissed, but apparently not motivated enough to stop putting junk in my trunk (as Fergie from The Black Eyed Peas would say). I am back to lifting 3x a week but it is hard to get back to cardio. That is shocking to me. I miss running and how good it made me feel, but don't have the stamina to go for an hour, let alone 2 or 3 like I used to. The marathon is 3 weeks away and I must say *blush* I am jealous of my friends who are doing it and wish I could, too. Then I beat myself up for thinking such mean things and realize that I stopped because of health issues, not because I wanted to. The fact that I am still plagued by fatigue tells me I need to deal with this better, but I don't quite know how to. I am tired of my leg tingling and wish it would stop. I am tired of having to plan my day around when I think I will be strong. I am tired of "dropping" on the bed for 45 min every afternoon and still falling asleep by 9:30pm. I don't mean to complain. I am thankful for a lot of things - mostly involving the important things like my family and friends (though the new Kate Bush CD rocks) And if one more person says "you can't have MS, you look so good", I think I am going to have to smack them. The truth is, it is up to me to get my butt to the treadmill (after I finish this, in fact) and just go for 30 min and walk for 30 or something like that. The motivation will come later - I had it before and I know I will get it back! I miss the "old" me and am very afraid that I will become the "older" 230 lb me if I let this get away from me much longer.

Oh, and I am still going to Las Vegas for the marathon. My niece is going to walk with me and our plan is to go 10 miles or 3 hours and then my Dh and cousin will pick us up so we call all be at the finish line to see our friends finish. See what I mean about how lucky I am to have my family and friends?

Rabbit - you are my hero through all this. I am so impressed how you are keeping your head and wits about you and standing up for yourself. I can do that, too. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

LWL - I do read often, just not posting a lot, as it comes out like whining (see above). Thanks for being there!
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Old 11-17-2005, 09:18 AM   #21  
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Hi all,

Another day of clean eating under the belt - Go Tiki, Go Tiki! I didn't get my workout in this morning and I can only say it was cause of pure laziness. I woke up, my legs are still very sore and my right shoulder is hurting so somewhere in my sleepiness I decided that I didn't need to do chest for fear of aggravating the shoulder AND I didn't need to do cardio cause my legs are very sore. WRONG! So tonight I have a date with dear Billy in the living room. Chest will be done tomorrow morning and no more sleepy talk to myself.

Let's see, I'm making a list and checking it twice...I won't fuss today because so many are having health issues, but we need to remember that when our health is down, it is even more important to feed the body the right stuff to help it recover. Ellen, I can't believe you quoted a Black-Eyed Peas song! I HATE that song and although I like the group, I can't stand Fergie. She is a walking fashion nightmare and just looks so cheap.

Ilene, I don't do well with the posted challenges. Go figure. But if they help everyone else, then by all means set one up, and get yourselves in gear.

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Old 11-17-2005, 10:21 AM   #22  
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Good morning ladies,

I had skipped a couple workouts earlier this week out of sheer laziness. It got bad because when I skip workouts I get depressed, and when I start working out again the depression goes away (or at least becomes manageable). But I'm happy to say I made up the missed ones yesterday and didn't eat any junk food. Now I need to work on letting go of the coffee for a while, because I find all the artificial sweetener I have to put in it can stall my weight loss. The plan for the weekend is not to eat any junk, but I am going to try out a low-carb fudge recipe I found and I may still treat myself to a little booze.

What kind of challenge did y'all have? I think I'd be up for one.

ETA: I've only been posting here a little while, but the fact that I did well yesterday is directly attributable to the inspiration I've gotten from reading your posts. So thanks for that.

Last edited by ShannonM; 11-17-2005 at 10:25 AM.
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Old 11-18-2005, 04:44 AM   #23  
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hi LWL,

Ellen - I can really relate to your issues with fatigue. I have anemia, so i am always a bit tired, but when I got burn-out last year I had reserves left whatever. Yes, i also had to plan my day around the 2 hours that I could afford to be active, and know that if I went over my physical limits I would have to pay for it later. The good thing is ... it really got better over time once I had adapted my lifestyle. Once you have pushed the energy eaters out of the window, once you have found a balance so that you are not living out of your energy savings "bank account", but actually can put someting into that account every day, you will find one day that hings have gotten better. Good food, moderate excercise all give energy.
Also I have read a lot in the past year about the mind-body relation, and for me it is crucial. I am glad for you that you have so much support. Family and friends matter a lot, it is good to knnow that you are not alone in hard times.

Tiki- You go girl !! keep up your appointments with Billy!

Again no excercise for me today. Eats are reasonably clean, this is also because I am not interested in eating since the XH issue. This has been going on for 6 weeks now, and I am losing weight like never before. I might get something positive from all this. Meg is my example. She managed to reshape her life at 46. And I am going to do just the same. My kids and myself will survive.

I'm off to my meditation CD. Last "body scan meditation" today. Tomorrow i start with the "yoga" CD.

Have a great day,
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Old 11-18-2005, 08:00 AM   #24  
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Mornin' ladies,

I again resisted the urge to eat junk yesterday, and had a decent workout last night. Today & tonight is heavy lifting - going to up the weight on the squats because I suddenly realized I'm not pushing myself hard enough.

This has been going on for 6 weeks now, and I am losing weight like never before.
Rabbit - I mean this with no disrespect whatsoever, but...are you sure you're eating enough? The last thing you want is to start burning muscle for fuel, because whenever your eating habits do return to normal, the weight you lost will come back with a vengeance. When that happens, you won't have the requisite muscle mass to burn off the fat and it'll be even harder to lose. Again, this is not to belittle you at all, because I know you're going through a hard time. Hang in there, and please make sure you're eating enough.
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Old 11-18-2005, 09:11 AM   #25  
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Rabbit, I remember the first time X and I separated, I dropped 30 lbs in like a month. I was CUTE, but I lost a lot of muscle. Make sure you feed the machine, girl okay? Okay!

I did NOT resist the urge to eat junk last night and didn't exercise. Bad me, bad, BAD me. Tonight is another Kwando class with a different instructor so I'm going to try that. Hopefully this guy won' t be rhythm challenged.

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Old 11-18-2005, 11:16 AM   #26  
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I am slowly gettign back on track. Did 90 min on the treadmill yesterday - 40 wogging and 50 walking. Today I did 20 on the bike and weights. Then food shopping. Clean eats yesterday and so far today. Feels good, though I am tired. going to take it easy until DH gets home, and not give myself a hard time about it.

rabbit - take care of yourself, girlfriend. Tiki - you were just what I needed at the right time. Maybe we should call you "Sarge"? Have a great weekend, all
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Old 11-18-2005, 02:31 PM   #27  
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Morning LWL - A "drive-by" post here. My life has spun out of control this week, and I'm hoping to corral it by the weekend. For some reason all of a sudden I found myself way overcommitted in the evenings (some work related) and then all this stuff to get done at work - funny how "they" expect that in order to give you a paycheck. I have not exercised since Monday, but I have managed to keep my eating pretty clean - a real plus for me!

Went back to the doc yesterday (after my colonoscopy last Fri) and learned that the 3 polyps he removed were benign! The 2 from 3 years ago had been pre-cancerous, so this is very good news!

Hi Ellen - Nice to see you! Glad to hear you're pacing yourself. My cousin's wife and a girl I used to work with both had MS and had good success with very lf diets. (That's information you can do whatever you want with btw!)

Rabbit - Tiki is right - you need to eat, and eat well, so you don't lose that muscle you worked so hard on. Glad to hear you're talking to the lawyer.

Tiki - sounds like the Sarge needs to talk to herself girl!

Okay, gotta run, it's a circus here.
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Old 11-19-2005, 04:17 AM   #28  
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Pat- CONGRATULATIONS on the medical results !! i can imagine that you must feel so relieved! You must be on top of the world! Wave to us below!

Shannon, Tiki, Ellen, Pat - Thanks for the concern about the eating. I am eating reasonabely clean and according to my scale my bodyfat% is dropping. Part of this is that I feel lousy if I eat 'bad" food: I get stomach aches from too much fat, and I get dead tired from white sugar and white flour. So I eat yoghurt and orange juice mixed with bran, soy crunchies and brewers yeast for breakfast; yoghurt & orange juice with soy protein powder for lunch and sometimes for morning snack, and I have some fruit or some crackers with cheese or salami as mid afternoon snack. But you are all right in that I should take up the excercise thing again!!

Quiet morning overhere. I have been doing some mindwork to overcome the mental dip that I had this week, and I plan to keep this up the next week if needed. We WILL survive this. Tiki, I'm so glad of your support. You and your kids apparently survived a break up, it can be done, and I will do it.

Ellen , Pat - take care and don't overdo it on the stress issues!!

Have a great day,

Last edited by 4rabbit; 11-19-2005 at 04:19 AM.
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Old 11-21-2005, 01:43 PM   #29  
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Hi Rabbit

Had a great weekend, doing some things for ME instead of all chores. Eating was good until last night when we went to a friend's house for dinner. Too much wine = too much food. An equation I need to be reminded of from time to time. Today is good so far, and I'm ready to go to the gym right from work.
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