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Old 04-16-2006, 09:50 PM   #1  
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Default Oh, please help...I want to do this :(

Oh my gosh, I have never been so discouraged. But I NEED to do this! I used to post here, maybe a year ago??? I had to go in and change my signature before posting, because when I last posted here, I had lost 14 pounds, which at the time seemed so little, but now I wish I had appreciated more---because I have no idea how much I weigh. I know I am bigger, though. I had my husband get the doc to write down how much I weighed when I went in last week, but I don't want to see it.

I am trying to shorten this down, so someone may actually read it all, but it is kind of a long story. When I was posting before, I was dealing with a lifelong eating issues/weight problem. But I had lost a lot of weight before and kept it off, then had to start taking medicine that made me gain at least 65 pounds---I am not kidding---and I still have to take a little bit of it. I eat for comfort, too, definitely. I learned to comfort myself long ago by eating. So eating and weight are so HARD to deal with, anyway. And now I found out my blood pressure is so high, I had to start taking medication. And I have always had low blood pressure ---and my cholesterol and triglycerides are very high, and I am prediabetic. I just want to cry and give up.

I just started a very stressful job, also, and a very sedentary one. But I am working on making it less stressful, as I really need to stay there for awhile, and at least I am not looking for work anymore, which was hugely stressful, too.

I posted before on the 100 pound board---everyone there was so nice, even though I didn't have a 100 to lose. But I feel so lost. I lost the 14 pounds by doing WW by myself---with support here and from my family. But it was freaking hard!!! I feel so mixed up, like I cannot do this. But I need to take care of my health, and I know my eating habits are contributing to some of my problems. Has anyone been successful in a situation like this?? Do you think I should try the WW points again, since at least I did get results. I am too freaked out to go to meetings and get weighed---plus it costs money and I don't have a lot right now---although the support would be good. Have you been successful following something just using self-discipline even though it was hard, and did it get easier?? I am just so discouraged right now, but I need to take immediate steps to get my health back. Have you learned to calm yourself without food. Is is o.k. to follow someone else's plan? I once lost weight by just eating less and exercising a lot, but I don't think I can do that right now.

Thank you so much for your help. I realize how stressed I am about this whole situation as I have just kind of jumped all over the place here. But if you have any words of help, I would appreciate it so much. Thank you very much.
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Old 04-16-2006, 11:27 PM   #2  
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I'm sorry you're feeling so discouraged. Bottom line: if you want to do this you can and will do this. It doesn't take self-discipline, it takes a life change. I have had to accept that I will always have an "eating problem." I'm never going to be a girl that can have a pantry full of doritos and cookies for "the kids." Not that I even want to give them that kind of an unhealthy lifestyle, but that's beside the point. That requires more self discipline than I have, or need. I set up my life for success. I'm not perfect but mistakes don't mean I should abandon this path and commit myself to a life of feeling bad physically and bad about myself. I hope you won't either. This [U]is[U] a hard journey, but that doesn't mean it's impossible or not worthwhile. I do think it gets easier. I've set up my plan so that on Saturday evening I can eat whatever I want. Just in the month I've been on this plan (calorie counting, coming here and working out) I've altered that evening meal to include healthier choices because I didn't like having good energy all week and then sacrificing that night to feeling bad for food. So I definitely think your tastes change and what you want changes. Sorry this is so long! You can do this and I hope you will have the confidence in yourself to make it happen.
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Old 04-16-2006, 11:31 PM   #3  
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Hi Kathy

So sorry you are going through such a difficult situation and stressing out over your weight and other health problems!

Let me encourage you to just start out with what you CAN do and take this one step at a time... if you get your eating and exercise under control a lot of the other problems will begin to straighten themselves out. And it is great that you are under medical supervision; I would also encourage you to continue to have yourself monitored by your doctor.

I understand as I too have medical problems which cause weight gain AND have to take a lifelong prescription which has that as a side effect. So it is easy to just give up and not watch what I eat as it can seem so hopeless anyway. But of course that is not the answer.

Unfortunately there are no magic answers... but yes you CAN get it under control! And yes, I do it without a "diet" or plan which costs $$$ which you can't afford. I simply plan my own healthful meals -- eat smaller portions of meat and stuff, with lots of fruit and veggies; very few processed foods. (Sooooo thankful for my crockpot!!) I eat no junk at all... and yes it DOES get easier! For me, eating junk just makes me crave more of it. When it is out of my system, I find it no longer has the appeal. And when it does start to call my name I think of the victory I have in NOT eating it.

For exercise maybe you can just start walking. I do it on my lunch hour and breaks, and longer walks on weekends. If at first you can't go very far, that's fine... just do what you can. Gradually you will find yourself able to go farther and it won't be as hard! Or find something else you enjoy.

Also, I really recommend getting involved in some of the challenges here if you aren't already! They really help and provide encouragement and accountability! And come here and post your victories, small as they may seem to you! Sometimes I find I can "make" myself accomplish something knowing I can come here later and share it with my 3FC pals!

Hang in there and don't give up!!! Focus on the positive, hard as that may be!!!! There are lots of us here who CARE!
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Old 04-17-2006, 01:37 AM   #4  
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Sorry you are feeling so frustrated. What medicine are you on that is making you gain weight. I have been on prednisone (steroid) for 3 years, and felt this was causing my weight gain. My doctor rudely explained this will make me more hungry but "it is not what is shoving food down my throat". I was placed on the Atkins diet by my physician and have done great with it,while still on lots of meds for BP, Liver Failure, Congestive Heart Failure and Hyper-Insulinism. I was told to start walking 20 min's 4 x a week and at first thought it would kill me. Can now walk 45 min's on Treadmill which is 1 1/2 miles. I know with health problems that it can seem like "what's the use". But it reallly has saved my life. My BP is now controlled, BLood sugar is in normal range, Liver Enzymes are down 4-fold and Edema is controlled with my med's and this weight loss. So, Don't give up, I never thought I could do it, and I am living proof that even a very sick person can lose weight and change their life.
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Old 04-17-2006, 07:38 PM   #5  
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Thank you so much. I was afraid no one would answer---it was such a long and not very positive post. I started doing WW points today, and am just going to do whatever it takes. I got so much encouragement from you and wanted to let you know right away that your caring means a lot. Thank you. I am going to try and take time to get active here again, too. Bless you. I will think about what you all said.
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Old 04-17-2006, 08:16 PM   #6  
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Hi Kathy

Glad you are a bit encouraged!!! Hey, we all go through times of discouragement and feeling like we just can't do this! But we are on our way together and try to pick one another back up before we hit the floor.
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Old 04-17-2006, 08:53 PM   #7  
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I have to kind of agree with the meds thing...as hard as it is to say it. Meds that make you put on weight (and it can vary with each person how it works or in what way) are like anything else, like a thyroid problem or anything. It doesn't matter how you got into the problem, it will be the same fix to get out of it. I think you can overcome on your own no matter the obstacles Kathy and we are all here to support you.
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Old 04-17-2006, 11:55 PM   #8  
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Get it over with and know your weight. It will be such a great inspiration for you. It will hurt to see it but you will use it as fuel for your fire to lose. I once weight over 250 pounds. When I saw this weight, I was sooo scared for my health and for my appearance. I didn't think I looked bad, but seeing myself in pictures... oye.

I can relate. Just let this be the starting point: the last time you ever see that number (as the ladies in WW say). Once you move from that weight, you will know what you've accomplished.
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Old 04-18-2006, 12:05 AM   #9  
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Originally Posted by acire
Get it over with and know your weight. It will be such a great inspiration for you. It will hurt to see it but you will use it as fuel for your fire to lose.
Well said! I agree! It is not easy to face it, but once we do we can take our starting point and go from there! But have to face the music, unfortunately! Together we can do this!
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Old 04-18-2006, 01:55 AM   #10  
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You're doing the right thing by taking the first step. I've tried WW before, too, and my mom lost 65 pounds on WW last year. If you find the points system works well for you, I say go ahead and do it without shelling out the $$$ to go to their meetings. You can come here every day for accountability and encouragement, anyways, and that's what the meetings are all about (or, at least they were for me!).

I know it's difficult to get started when you feel like the deck is stacked against you (as far as illnesses/things to stand in the way of your success). Maybe just try to get stubborn? That's what I do when my body doesn't cooperate. I try to get more stubborn than my body is. If my body says "you can only exercise for 20 minutes!" I exercise 25. For me, it's all about mind over body type stuff.

Also, recognize your victories! It's tough in the beginning, because you may feel overwhelmed with the big goal. But, even if you haven't set any mini-goals for yourself yet (which I find to be a grand idea), you're having success every day. You chose a banana instead of a chocolate bar? SUCCESS! You took the stairs instead of the elevator? SUCCESS! You gave your reflection in the mirror a compliment? SUCCESS! Don't forget to celebrate the successes you are having, for they will help you keep going!

Best of luck to you as you get started. I look forward to heraing more from you in the upcoming weeks about how successful you are!
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Old 04-18-2006, 08:06 AM   #11  
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Hi Kathy, you've taken the first step to correcting a problem, and that is recognizing that there is a problem! Now, concentrate on what you can do! One step at a time, and I agree with everyone else, it does get easier.

Set yourself up for success! Clean the kitchen! Get rid of the junk there that you can't resist. Plan a menu for a week and shop for the ing. to fix healthy meals and snacks. And it doesn't have to cost a lot of money, probally no more than you're spending now. It helps not having to think about what you'e going to eat every day, keeps you from making poor impulse choices! And be honest with yourself. I don't buy corn chips because they are the one thing I know I can't resist. I used to buy them for the "kids" RIGHT! Guess who ate them!!!

Start exercising! Don't get discouraged if you can't do a lot at first. The first time I walked 2 blocks and had to sit down and cry my legs hurt so bad. Now I walk on the treadmill almost every day and I lift weights 3xweek! And taht is another suggestion. Get some weights and use them. I do my weight training while I watch tv. You can get books and video's at the library to work out a routine for yourself.

I know you can do this! Now, you have to know that you can do it too!
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Old 04-18-2006, 04:21 PM   #12  
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Hi Kathy!

I gained 50 lbs. on meds, too. Med-related weight gain is depressing. Sometimes I fel so angry. You can lose the weight, though. The key is to make small changes that you can keep up for life.
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