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Old 12-20-2005, 04:46 PM   #1  
here I go again...
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Question How did you pick your goal weight?

Just curious how everyone chose their goal weight. Did you use the old insurance charts, BMI, a weight from the past... ?

Mine is the weight from my first driver's license

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Old 12-20-2005, 04:51 PM   #2  
What a dork.
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It's my boyfriend's weight. xD
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:00 PM   #3  
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2x my wife's bodyweight.
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:08 PM   #4  
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I don't have a final goal weight yet!
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:28 PM   #5  
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I chose mine because it sounded good.
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:59 PM   #6  
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I chose mine because I've been in the 120's in the past and everyone told me I was too skinny. In fact, everyone NOW is saying I don't need to lose anymore.

My brother-in-law stopped by Sunday evening for a quick visit and asked me how much I've lost. I said, "Almost 80 pounds so far." And he said, "What do you mean so far???" And I said, "Because I'm not done yet, I've still got some more to lose." And he said, "Girl! There's nothing left of you NOW!"


Anyway, I'm shooting for BETWEEN 130 and 135. I'm not setting a particular number for myself because I refuse to 'kill' myself trying to stay at that same number for the rest of my life. As long as I stay under 135 I'll be okay. But you really need to give yourself at least a 5-pound fluctuation allowance. Don't bust your butts trying to stay at one certain number
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Old 12-20-2005, 06:15 PM   #7  
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I want to be around a size 7/8. Before I gained weight, I was a size 5 at 140 and I figure that 145-150 range would be a nice size for me.
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Old 12-20-2005, 06:19 PM   #8  
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I chose 130 for two reasons.

First, when I was at 125, several people commented that I looked too thin. Granted, I had lost a lot of weight rapidly, and it may just have been the 45 pound difference people were noticing.

Second, I know I look pretty good at 135. I am normally "around" 135, but would get upset when I would creep back up to 140 (and, unfortunately this last time, beyond 140). So I figure if I set my goal to 130, then I can fluctuate between 130 and 135 and not be so unhappy if every once in a while, I am nearer 135 than 130.
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Old 12-20-2005, 06:23 PM   #9  
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I have asked this exact same question. I figured.. i am the same height and bone structure i was in HS. I was cap of the basketball team there.. athletic goddess of the world LOL
I was 170 then.. but a LOT of that was muscle.. in fact.. i had ab definition even.. soo.. i know that is a bit high for me now..
I settled on 150 but im not gonna let it rule me.. My big worry right now is just getting below 200.. if i see onederland and am happy with the results.. i may just maintain there for a bit.. who knows..
Heck.. i feel so much better now with FIFTY pounds gone.. that im gonna be phenomonal at 200.. LOL
Im sure my body will tell me what to do..

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Old 12-20-2005, 07:08 PM   #10  
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Originally Posted by FishWoman
Second, I know I look pretty good at 135. I am normally "around" 135, but would get upset when I would creep back up to 140 (and, unfortunately this last time, beyond 140). So I figure if I set my goal to 130, then I can fluctuate between 130 and 135 and not be so unhappy if every once in a while, I am nearer 135 than 130.
Good plan
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Old 12-20-2005, 07:23 PM   #11  
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Because 155 is a healthy weight for my 5'8 frame....and at 145 I will have too hard of a time maintaining.

I may change my mind once I get there, but I havent been 155 in over 23 yrs.
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Old 12-20-2005, 07:23 PM   #12  
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When I was at 140 a couple of years ago, I was the healthiest I had ever been. I set the goal at there because I know that as long as I get back to 140-145, I'll be happy that I'm able to wear all my old clothes again.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:32 PM   #13  
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My body kind of set the goal weight. My original goal weight was 150 but I was still losing weight easily at 150, so I readjusted my goal weight for 135. Then, my body plateaued at 140 for 12 weeks, so I decided I would stay at 140, I looked great and felt great. After almost 8 months maintaining at 140, I lost 5 lbs to 135. I'm now down to 128/127 and am pretty happy. I'm going to increase calories slowly over time to maintain between 128 and 130.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:36 PM   #14  
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I originally had a goal of 140 lbs because the last time I was 140, a doctor told me to lose 20 lbs (and I've been PO'd about it for years). Now, I've chosen 135 because it just sort of "sounds good" and also because it will put me smack dab in the middle of a "healthy" BMI. Plus, I think I'll be a loose size 8 when I get there, and I don't want to be any smaller than that.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:43 PM   #15  
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I don't have an exact figure yet. I'm more inclined to a clothing sized goal, because I have always weighed more than I look like (does that sentence even make sense? ) Anyway, back in HS and college I weighed 135-140 (and my doc told me lose weight too Kate - grrrr ) and wore size 8-10. When I last lost weight I was in a size 12 at 170, so who knows where I'll end up this time - but I'd love to be wearing all those size 12's I bought! Right now I'm just happy to be more in control and losing again. WW says I should be 145 tops, but I figure when I get closer to where I'm comfortable, I'll have my doctor write me a note.
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