3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Diana3271 03-29-2016 09:44 PM

Total Approx 1500 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (405 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
XL egg 80 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 piece toasted Alpine Valley organic sprouted honey wheat bread 60 calories
1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
coconut water 60 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (395 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Greek Yogurt 120 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
Salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories


The Firm Cardio Sculpt Blaster w/5's
The Firm Weighted Gloves workout

ciecie 03-29-2016 09:49 PM

my day was a good day today. :D

feverpitchfiasco 03-29-2016 10:28 PM

Oh my gosh I love the idea of a thread like this! This is so great!

Today has been a good day for me. I work in an insurance office, and it's so easy to get pizza, chinese, or sandwiches delivered. But that's expensive and terrible! I packed a lunch today and had:

*carrot/celery sticks with homemade tzatziki
*cubed sharp cheddar
*fresh strawberries and blackberries

I also brought a NSA peach fruit cup but didn't end up eating it because I forgot a fork. So it'll go into tomorrow's lunch! I like to nibble throughout the day rather than have a few big meals, so this worked perfectly for me. I nibbled throughout my workday and finished everything up towards the end when we were all discussing the ins and outs of umbrella policies because the world of insurance is SUPER FASCINATING [/sarcasm]

As for exercise, I just got back inside from mowing the front lawn and I'm SO DEAD. I have an Apple Watch and without even starting a workout, my heart rate was high enough to get me 39/30 exercise minutes! Maybe tomorrow (or the day after, get a day break lol) I'll aim for the back yard as another workout. Either way, I'm super happy with how I did today. Haven't eaten dinner yet, but I just went grocery shopping and didn't let myself buy anything bad, so whatever I end up eating will be okay too!

CoolMom75 03-29-2016 11:00 PM

This thread is moving so fast, I'm overwhelmed! I've relapsed terribly with my eating. All it took was a dinner party. I did good for about 5 days after the dinner party but, as often happens with me, I had a delayed backslide thereafter.

Now, we got a new puppy and that, of course, compounds my stress eating. Weight jumped from 152 to 160 and unraveled all of my February work.

The puppy is super cute! Our shih-tzu died last summer, at 15. This time we decided to get a pug. His name is Kevin. :lol:

Welcome to the new folks!

Beloved, sorry about the loss of your friend. These times certainly make us reevaluate our own lives.

BelovedWarrior 03-29-2016 11:26 PM

Hi all! WOO HOO – what a day!

I met with my friend – AND we actually accomplished what was on our agenda for the day!! YIPPEE! And I filled up 18 2-liter bottles and 3 gallon bottles of “spring” water. I love that water! I even take it with me when I go on short or long trips.

I saw a little spike in today’s weight – not yesterday – and I think it’s Sunday’s ham. So, I’m excited about tomorrow’s weight because I was around 1000 calories yesterday and today. I also have set up a goal/challenge for myself. Only eat when I’m hungry … especially after 7pm. So, if I get hungry at 10pm (like last night) I just convince myself I could go to bed hungry. Tonight, I’m fighting getting some cashews… but, I’M NOT HUNGRY! So, I keep reminding myself!!

This morning started out a little rough, because I didn’t realize that the amount of Peanut Butter I weighed out was SO!! many calories! But, I still managed to stay a few calories over 1000… so, hey – I worked it!! :flow:

Oh OH! And one other thing… the airline is going to refund me the WHOLE $809 for the plane ticket I’d ordered to go to Oregon. They typically give vouchers, but since it was such an expensive ticket they will give a refund; I needed to supply a copy of the obituary. Hallaluah!!


Hey, Katiepony – what are you feeling :?: confused about?

Magistra: old movie suggestion – Arsenic and Old Lace --- sooooo good! Fun and Funny!

Kelijpa: thanks for the condolences… Good Job staying OP yesterday!

Ciecie: your steadiness and consistency is inspiring! Glad you are meeting your goals! Re: Patti Duke – I was sorry to hear that too. She wasn’t that old!

Sundove: any minus is a good minus!! Ooo thanks for reminding me – I have to get some jicama – love it!

Inkrid: enjoy the “rainbow” ;) and great that you don’t get crabby :lol:

Jlynn: you are welcome and thanks … and WTG on your scale going down… :bravo: BTW – you are no longer “famous” … (re: eating all day ;) )

Sassypants: I typically find my gain the second day after the eating episode. Like I ate ham on Sunday. Didn’t see any effect yesterday, but today – up .8. Tomorrow should be a breakthrough…

Catinhat: I’m so glad to hear you had a great time. Did you see several birds? I mean since it’s called “songbird” trail… I thought there may be a several species of birds.

Angie: if I can get to 264 (hopefully doable) when I weigh in on 3/31 I will be a happy camper. That means I’d lost 30 pounds since December … :crossed: I hope that things worked out for you… since you forgot your protein bar. I love your “summary” post … only to realize – your original post – posted! :)

Nichols: :celebrate: 1.6 pounds down! AWESOME! Have fun chasing those balls …

2kidsandneedsenergy (2kids): you are the 2nd stalker in 2 weeks to join us… :welcome3:

Diana: maybe it’s time to go shopping for some NEW workout dvd’s or … peruse youtube. Either way, you have amazing fortitude with sticking to it… even if you don’t want to.

:welcome2: Feverpitchfiasco (Fever). WTG with packing the lunch and shopping wisely. I’m so glad I’m retired… I don’t know that I’d do so well staying OP if I were still working. I see you make your own tzatziki … care to share the recipe?

CoolMom: Missed you – and thank you for the verbal hug. This thread is on fire lately! I think 5 or 6 (or more) people have joined in just the last week. Hey … Kevin – what a cute name… I’m sending you some :dust: to combat the stress and get back on track. YOU CAN DO IT!! Remember the reason WHY you started this in the first place and hang on to that. Remember it’s a MENTAL game… so don’t play any head games! :cheer: u :cheer2: rah :cheer3: rah!!

Larry and ZCA72 - :wave: hope all is well!

Good Night – chicklets!

BelovedWarrior 03-29-2016 11:48 PM

Nichols!! I found the HAIR post someone sent me.

This is the link I was reading:

And here is the product a lady shared with me:
Here is the link for the hair, skin, nails supp

feverpitchfiasco 03-30-2016 12:21 AM

BelovedWarrior: I just kinda wing it on amounts of things, but I took a 32oz tub of plain greek yogurt (I'm a poor lil muffin, so I just used store brand lol), and added minced garlic, lemon juice, finely diced cucumber (which I then salted and let sit for like 20 minutes before draining and patting excess moisture away with a folded up paper towel), dill, and a little more salt until it tasted fine. Then I let it sit for a couple hours, gave it another good stir, and adjusted a bit more. After sitting, it needed a touch more salt, and a little more garlic. It's still lacking... /something/ that I can't identify, but it tastes good enough to serve the purpose! Whenever I come across things like that I feel is missing something but I don't immediately have an idea, I just google "tzatziki secret ingredient" (or whatever dish I'm making) and whatever I find that seems interesting or strikes my fancy, I add. It's worked well for me in the past! Like adding a shot or two of whiskey to a pot of chili!

catinhat 03-30-2016 12:23 AM

Yes, Beloved Warrior - Mountain Chickadee, Black-Capped Chickadee, Rufous Towhee, a Red Tail (hawk), Dark-Eyed Juncos....other too, that's what I remember off the top of my head. My daughter wants to study ornithology when she goes off to school. She's turned the whole family into bird-nerds. :)

ciecie 03-30-2016 05:56 AM

good morning all! today will be a busy day here! will exercise in a few minutes. then, i'll have breakfast and go for a power walk. :D

kelijpa 03-30-2016 06:16 AM

Good morning all,

186.6 this morning, working my plan, sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.

Diana I went through the same thing, I was calling her LazyGirl, but really, like dealing with a stubborn child, the difference was that I dropped off the weights and yoga, it was so easy to do while traveling :( but got back on the wagon so to speak. On my c25k app there's a little motivational saying each time, this one is helping me at the moment " you can be sore tomorrow or you can be sorry tomorrow." I'll have to check out the affirmations cd, I listen to the weight loss affirmations in the car, I think the guys at work appreciate it, as it calms me as well :rofl: funny, I was thinking of trying to get my DH to listen...

Cool mom I hear you on the backsliding, I've done it a couple times now, so the 160s are in the long term goal for now, maintenance is such a challenge for me, you're doing great to be aware of where you're at and have an opportunity to get back on plan and get off what you want to before it becomes a bigger number. Congrats on the new puppy :) :hug:

Hope everyone has a great day, better get going :grouphug: :sunny:

ZCA72 03-30-2016 07:39 AM

fast post and getting moving for the day here early

simple day here. kiddo and I are off to moms for a visit. she wants to hit Kmart, uh, hmm, ok, she needs slippers
then probably stop somewhere for a bite. I am eating big ribeye before I go. I don't want whatever food place we stop. they can eat, I will get an unsweet tea and chat.
Making this an easy relaxing day. nothing big happening which is fine by me

I am ZC and loving my food and loving the slimmer me!!

Day by day my attitude toward food is changing so much it is spooky in a way. the other day I didn't even want to cook for the family. I have NO 'interest around food' which is huge and I want nothing to do with meals anymore. I want my 2 meat meals and then KEEP ME the heck away from food. but of course I have to feed them LOL and I have to say it is nasty now. I have no use for cooking and being in the kitchen more. So family is getting speed meals...not the old big ones I used to cook, they are being changed by me in how they eat, which is a good thing tho. healthy and smaller meals and it keeps me out of the kitchen mostly.

I changed shopping also a bit. ALL I want is to hit the meat dept, get my meats and leave!! but noooo...I have to carb shop for the carb crunchers in the house. Used to wander and check out new stuff and try it on them etc....now I make a very small list of what junk I need for them....make a b-line straight for it and out I go.

anyone mentions going out to eat and I cringe. I hate eating out anymore. I have 0 interest in it. whereas before I loved it. now it is a noose around my neck I don't even want to do anymore...which is ok. I have other interests. I would rather go hike a mountain trail and enjoy myself then sit at a greasy spoon diner over lunch.
Even my good restaurants, like my fav expensive steakhouse I loved. Why go there and get a $35 ribeye when I can eat the same thing at home for $7 I mean really? I can linger over a fun date with hubby going to say, a botanical garden and wander at night with the fairy lights and all and not have to be forced to sit and eat.....of course hubby would opt to sit at the steakhouse instead of a botanical garden any old day --HAHA....in that I can find a zillion things to do without food involved now.

believe me I am changing into a way different type of person than what I was. And I love the new me!
now I just have to streamline the meals and shopping and more to fit the new me. I can do it and still smile about cooking and shopping I hope

just interesting I am changing so much. Sure surprises me but I like everything about it! It used to take a mountain to change me. I was so set in my routine and life that any change I hated...now I am so different toward so much stuff in my life with my new way of eating. I don't know, just surprised the heck out of me but I am happy so that is all that matters. I have great new changes out of the new me :)

everyone have a fab Wednesday and enjoy the day!!

Inkrid 03-30-2016 07:47 AM

ZCA72 I am the same way towards my family!!! I don't eat their food, nor do I want their food, but I have to feed them nonetheless!! It is truly terrible. Well, maybe they will grow up to become chefs! "What inspired you?" "My mom would only cook speed meals!" :lol:

OK, back to my Rainbow of Juices!

:dust: to All! :wizard:

Diana3271 03-30-2016 08:03 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

feverpitchfiasco Hi and welcome to the check-in. :welcome2:

CoolMom Welcome back! Just jump back on the wagon. You know what to you and you CAN do it. :carrot: Look at the new puppy! How old is Kevin? I hope he's not a little terrorist like my Cody was. :lol: Cody is doing a lot better in that department, now. I think he's just given up. Ha Ha! Kinda like Survivor: Outlast, outwhit, outlast :rofl: Does that mean I won the Puppy Survivor Game? :rofl:

Last night I added on: Tamiliee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)
This Morning: 1/2 Oxycise Level 2 workout

Calories for yesterday: 1500 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 171.2
Down: .4

Have a wonderful day!

ciecie 03-30-2016 08:40 AM

will get my sweater and jacket on in a few minutes to go for a power walk and run some errands in a few minutes. just finished leslie sansone's 2 mile walk by faith dvd. :D

topsy81 03-30-2016 09:52 AM

Hi Chick

I am on day 2 on plan :)

Cal counting is working for me. I weigh in everyday does anyone else?

Cal so far for today 1828 :)

happy with that as I am going out for tea tonight :) xxxx

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