3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jlynn0611 03-29-2016 08:22 AM

Beloved warrior thank you for the warm welcome!!! Great job on your calorie intake yesterday! I will weigh in later on today when I wake up . I hope everyone has a great day and don't forget to eat a well balanced breakfast !!!

Sassypants75 03-29-2016 08:57 AM

Good morning! Even though I was on plan and did a squats/lunges workout (can hardly walk down the stairs this morning!), I was up 2 pounds this morning!! :( Why oh why... It's so disappointing. I'm sure I'm still holding onto sodium from the weekend, but seriously? 2 ADDITIONAL pounds?!! Maybe I'll have my coffee and re weigh. (Convincing myself I wasn't awake enough and misread the scale!) Today the boys are out at 11:05 for conferences. We have 1 to attend this afternoon and 1 tomorrow. (1st and 4th grades)
I'll be back later this afternoon...have a great morning, everyone :)

catinhat 03-29-2016 09:54 AM

We are going to the nature center today. There is a short songbird trail and a lot of hiking trails. I expect we'll have a lovely time!

BelovedWarrior 03-29-2016 09:55 AM

Good Morning --- is everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning? The :sunny: is out and it should be in the 50's today! YEEHAW!! I have stuff to do around the house, then head west a bit to get "spring water" -- and then spend a couple hours helping a friend who has concussion residuals. Hopefully we will get some paperwork finished and behind us... we tend to yak too much and then it's time for me to go home. Here's some :dust: to get ALL you plan completed today and to stay ON PLAN - whatever that may mean in your world. Blessings... -Gail :dance:

ciecie 03-29-2016 10:10 AM

just got back from a power walk and running errands. will be a busy day here today. :D

Angie 03-29-2016 10:29 AM

It's nice to see so many new people joining this group. :)

Katiepony -- :welcome: I'm not a huge exercise fan later -- I think I just missed out on that gene. I don't like sweating at all. I'm doing a ketosis based diet also, good luck with your last 10 pounds!

Sassypants -- Working through the weekend sounds like a good plan all around. You can netflix and chill for your anniversary ;) and then make up for the missed entertainment on your vacation. Good job on passing up the ham for your chicken and salad last night! One good decision at a time will get you where you are going. I drink lots more water to help chase away water retention...like lots more...lots...just keep drinking.

Jlynn -- Sounds like an amazing day for you overall yesterday! Good job! Good luck for your weigh in today.

Diana -- :wave:

Ciecie -- You kept busy moving yesteray, way to go!

Beloved -- 2-3 pounds might be a stretch, but I'm going for it. I feel like I still have some water weight to lose, and it having that goal will help me stay strict on my plan this week.

Keljipa -- :wave:

Sundove -- Sounds like a great plan for today. I forgot my protiein bar (aka: lunch) at home! I'm trying to make my breakfast and snack last and hold me over until after work.

Inkrid -- Good luck today with the juices!

Catinhat -- Enjoy your nature hike today! That's the best way to exercise in my opinion...when you don't even notice it's happeneing :D

Angie 03-29-2016 10:43 AM

Well poop. I wrote personals and then I closed the window before I'd posted it...here was the general idea:

If you are new... :welcome:

If you lost some weight... Congratulations, that always feels good. Keep doing what you're doing!

If you made a good choice... Good for you, that's all this is, one good choice at a time until we get to our goals.

If you gained or made a poor choice... Okay, the time for regret is done, now it's time to move forward and do what you can to help the situation...stay on plan, exercise, remove the bad food...whatever it takes.

If you are retaining water... Drink more water, then drink more than that. Think about adding some fresh lemon and lime. Keep drinking the water. Don't eat anything salty.

ciecie 03-29-2016 10:45 AM

as soon as I finish checking my e-mail, i'm going to take a shower. then. i'm going to have some lunch and run some more errands. :D

Nicholsfamily1987 03-29-2016 01:25 PM

Weigh in: 134.4 (Down from my 136 yesterday morning!)

Exercise: I got a 45 minute walk in yesterday and 10 minutes on the stationary. Tonight I’m going to do weights and I have already got a 33 minute walk in on my lunch (woo hoo!)

Calories: Yesterday was 1181 (Stayed REALLY low). Today hoping to get 1220-1250 in.

Today is practice day with my daughter. We will go outside and she will practice swinging..while I chase the balls that she hits lol. Real practices start up next week! Woo hoo. I also found a sponsor (2nd woohoo!) I was dragging yesterday due to the bad eating Sunday…I am starting to feel a bit more energized today..although it took awhile to get there. It’s amazing what bad foods will do to your energy. Tonight it’s grilled chicken! I hope everyone is working hard…I feel that spring coming in is good motivation to keep up the hard work and do well.

Thank you everyone who kicked me in the butt! lol

2kidsandneedsenergy 03-29-2016 02:47 PM

Hi everyone - relatively new, but I check this post every day for motivation. I hope it's okay to jump in. I do great at breakfast and lunch, but have trouble between lunchtime and dinner time. I'm thinking of moving dinner time up, maybe? Though maybe I could just convince myself to eat fruit instead...

Breakfast (6:30 am): 2 Eggo waffles (kids style) with maple syrup (maybe 1.5 tbl of the real stuff); 3 oz. chocolate milk (measured carefully - my weakness)
Lunch (11:30 am): Veggie Delite 6" Subway sandwich (with American cheese, oil and vinegar) and diet coke
Snack (home from work - 5pm): Probably about 15 wheat thins and 2 pieces of easter chocolate - oh, and a few chunks of blue cheese :-(
Dinner (7 pm): Glass of white wine, soy sauce-glazed salmon (~4 oz), broccoli, 1/4 cup couscous

Exercise: 30-Day Shred DVD

Edit: MFP is saying ~1200 calories for the day - felt like a lot of food, though.

Jlynn0611 03-29-2016 02:54 PM

Good morning ladies! Today I weighed in at 187.00 down 1.4 from yesterday! But today is family dinner that we have once a week. So it's early in the week but it's cheat meal day for me! Back on track again tomorrow! I will make sure I only have a cheat MEAL tho and not an entire day lol I'm pretty famous for that l. I hope everyone has a good day! The weather is very nice here in Pittsburgh !

ciecie 03-29-2016 04:27 PM

just got home a few minutes ago from running errands and power walking. also just heard that patti duke died today at age 69. always enjoyed watching her. :(

Sassypants75 03-29-2016 05:07 PM

Ciecie, I read about Patty Duke, too :( She used to come into Nordstrom when I worked there back in the 90's. Very nice and down to earth. Sad to read about her.

catinhat 03-29-2016 07:53 PM

Our hike was nice, and I handled the hills better than I thought I would. It was a beautiful day, so I'm glad we went - there is high probability of snow by tomorrow night. :)

Diana3271 03-29-2016 09:41 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I have not been feeling the love for my workouts like I used to. I think what I have going on is hormonal. The only thing I really like is Turbo Fire, Turbo Kick, or Turbo Jam. But I know that I need weights, too. I am just feeling so bratty. I don't like the moves in a lot of workouts, I just don't like this, don't like that. Wahhhhhhh :tantrum: I had two TTOM's in January and the last one ended a couple days in February, but nothing since. I am always feeling like TTOM is getting ready to start, but it hasn't. I am at that age, so I think how I'm feeling is hormonal. But I am pushing through and continuing to workout every day, even if it's just getting through it. I went shopping in my workout stash and found a Firm rotation online. I will play with that until I can't tolerate it any longer. I am two days into this rotation. :lol: We'll see how it goes and how long it lasts.

Belovedwarrior Great job on your day. :carrot: I hope your day was a good one.

Katiepony Hi :wave:

Magistra Did you get a bit of exercise in today? ;)

Kelijpa I think while you were on vacation I mentioned that I had bought a couple more Belleruth CD's. One for DH, diabetes and one that's just affirmations. I REALLY like the affirmations one. In fact, that's the one I have been playing for DH before he gets up. I swear he is waking a little easier and he's in a bit better spirits. The change is very subtle, not life changing at this point. :lol: Any help getting him out of bed is welcomed. :lol: DH told me "don't bother turning her on because I don't even listen to her". :rofl: I told him that he doesn't have to listen. :p MEN!

Ciecie I hope your day was a good one.

Sundove Yay for the .2!

Inkrid Keep working your plan. You know what's best for you and what makes you feel your best.

Jlynn Hi :wave: Great job on the 1.4 pounds.

Sassypants Your body could be holding onto water if you are really sore. Keep eating on plan, do your workouts and maybe get a little stretching in.

Catinhat Sounds like a lovely day.

Angie Good luck getting closer to your goal for the month.

Nicholsfamily Yay for the extra exercise.

2kidsandneedsenergy Hi and welcome to the check-in. :welcome2:

Waving HI all around! Enjoy your evening!

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