3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jlynn0611 03-28-2016 01:47 AM

Thank you Diana for the warm welcome!!! I can't wait to get started with my weigh in later this afternoon !

kelijpa 03-28-2016 06:09 AM

Good morning all,

189.6, sodium from ham I'm sure. Got in a hike yesterday.

Started with LoseIt app today, getting back to my regular exercise routine. Lunch is packed, smoothie and coffee are in :)

Diana I'm with you, it'll be good to get back on the regular program.

:wave: Flower

Hope everyone has a great day :sunny:

Diana3271 03-28-2016 07:55 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Last night I did: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)
This Morning: 1/2 Oxycise Level 2 workout

Calories for yesterday: Unknown
Weigh In: 171.8
Up: 2.8 pounds

Have a great day and start to your week!

Nicholsfamily1987 03-28-2016 09:21 AM

Weigh in: 136.0!!
Calories: Over the weekend WAY TOO MANY! Today – 1200
Exercise: Cardio/Weight day.

136.0 …that’s my wake up that I clearly have been off schedule completely. Although I feel like I’ve been doing really well during the weekday. I completely screwed up this weekend with Easter and all the chocolate..and pies..and BBQ. It is what it is. Back on track today. Got my water ready and breakfast/lunch taken care of. Promised myself I’d get my cardio in on my lunch no matter what the weather was like. Woke up this morning dragging and tired. I’m sure it has something to do w/ the poor eating choices of the weekend. Someone kick me in the butt and keep me accountable! lol :carrot:

catinhat 03-28-2016 09:49 AM

Reading here is really good for me - I can see I need to do a better job of making a plan! That will be my goal for the next couple days. Thank you for the inspiration!

Inkrid 03-28-2016 10:00 AM

The bad news is that I am currently in a Food Coma from Easter. The good news is that yesterday I couldn't finish my plate!! When has THAT ever happened?? LOL. It was a normal sized plate, too. Could not finish the Lamb or a lot of the other rich foods.

Recovering with Coffee and Cinnamon (family drank all the milk).

Will go to the store and shop for THEM, not ME. Me? Going to finish all the left over Juices in the fridge. I got: Green Juice, Carrot Juice, Beet Juice, Pear Juice... Then will go back to store and stock up again!

And YES! I fit into the Dress!! Was even too loose up top, BUT alas, my size 12 jeans still won't fit!

:dust: giving :wizard:

BelovedWarrior 03-28-2016 11:31 AM

Stop and Smell the ROSES!
Good Morning – Good Morning – Good Morning (it’s a song :) )

Well … just 5 more days ‘til I turn another year older (but we all know it’s just another day older ;) ) Yesterday went well… I stayed on plan – only ate one time yesterday --- and was never hungry. My next stage to concentrate on and put GREAT effort to is – ONLY EAT when hungry… even when it’s after 6pm – You know what I mean :lol:

So, just to finalize a narrative … Jeanette passed away yesterday. She is at rest. I can’t imagine what it will be like to not have her around… to talk to… but, life is always changing, and yet – somehow is always the same. It’s up to us each, individually, to decide what to do with each facet of this wonderful life we have. I never realized that Jeanette was 24 years older than me… she was always just “my great friend.” But this has caused me pause to look at my life – especially since I turn 61 in a few days. I CHOOSE … only ME --- what these next 24 … heck 14 years will be like. 61 years have passed and it’s been more of a reactive life than a chosen life… We don’t get a redo, but we do get a reset button… and I want the last third (or less) of my life to be GREATER – HEALTHER – More MEMORABLE – than the first two-thirds. The only one who has the power to do that … is ME – by my choices. Thank you all … for continuing to post and support, encourage, boot in the butt, hug, and empathize with one another. I choose to live my life – as my Dad continued to tell me “STOP and SMELL the ROSES!” Truly, one day we all won’t be able to.
With that… philosophic dive into my :write: thoughts… I will do personals later. Have a Blessed, Excited, Memorable Day… -Gail

I tried to attach a picture of Jeanette and me at Denny's - one of her favorite places - from our trip from MI to OR 10/31/15 ... I tried for almost 30 minutes -- nothing worked ... Oh Well!

BelovedWarrior 03-28-2016 11:37 AM

Just a quickie to Nichols:

:o :nono: :eek: :rollpin: :stars: :kickbutt: :frypan:

Now ... that's what you asked for --- but I think you will be more motivated with:

You GO GIRL!! :cheer: :cheer3: :carrot:

We can ALL do this!! :hug: :grouphug:

WTG - having Breakfast & Lunch planned! :dance:

Be GOOD to yourself today!

Angie 03-28-2016 01:11 PM

Good morning! I weighed in at the clinic at 231.8 this morning. It doesn't look like I'll make my March goal, but when I set the goal I didn't realize I'd be spending a week on vacation, so I'm pretty happy with how things are going for the month. I hope to lose 2-3 pounds more before April 1.

Beloved – Thank you! Cameron is 11 years old, he and I are both Disney addicts for sure, there are few places we’d rather spend our vacation time. The buffet sounds like a good idea, I hope that worked out well for you. I’ve always found buffets can be great as long as I have some willpower to avoid the bad stuff, but there is always some chicken, green veggies and salad to be had. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend, thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts on that. I often ask myself exactly when I think I should get to the healthy lifestyle I dream of…it’s my kick in the pants to myself…I’m 45, what the heck am I waiting for? My other motivation is that I was 35 when I had my son, so I want to be as healthy as possible so that I can live long enough to enjoy my grandchildren if he chooses to wait as long as I did!

Diana – That menu looked amazing! I hope you enjoyed every bite while you were still in piranha mode. :lol: 160s sounds like a good place to be, it’s great that you managed that for a year, and you are lower than one year ago…all good news.

Catinhat -- :welcome: Congratulations on your big whoosh yesterday!

ZCA – “the only way to hit goal for most is stay the heck on plan: Heck yeah! Sometimes I hate it, but it’s true…stay on plan, even when it’s hard. When I look at people who are succeeding, that’s what they are doing or have done. When I’m losing, I have to stay on plan to keep losing…when I’m stuck I have to stay on plan unless I want the scale to change in the wrong direction. It’s a simple statement, and rather obvious, but such a challenge for most of us. I always talk about being in the right head-space, and that’s the place/time when I know it to be true, that I must stay on plan to succeed, and that is the priority for me.

Keljipa -- :wave:

Novangel – Congratulations on the scale movement!

Sassypants – Good job on saying no to Easter chocolate!

Jlynn -- :welcome:

Nicholsfamily – C’mon, you can do this! You’ve already come so far. How did cardio go?

Sassypants75 03-28-2016 02:07 PM

This will be quick as kids are kids are out early for conferences, just wanted to send love and thoughts to BELOVED. I'll be back later this afternoon...
(And I do know and SING the song to my kids....good morning, good morning, good morning! Its time to rise and shine!)

ZCA72 03-28-2016 02:26 PM

novangel congrats on that drop...in that living the eating lifestyle you want eventually gives you the results you desire. love this

---hi old friends and new friends!!

100% on plan. not one darn thing will take me off my plan in that I do love my plan and I know it is my ticket to success.
to give in is useless, backslide and I did that before, no more :)

sunny and nice outside. having a great day

ribeye with eggs---2:30 now and haven't eaten yet :)
ribeye with eggs later if wanted

the dependency off food is just too good to be true for this old gal sucking addict :)

hope everyone have a fine monday!

magistra17 03-28-2016 03:04 PM

It was a beautiful day yesterday. It was foggy and chilly in the morning but by noon that had burned off and the sun popped out. We got ourselves to church by 7am, which was impressive for my family. We usually sleep in on Sunday and go to evening services. After church we went out to breakfast at IHOP. The last time we went to IHOP was on Fat Tuesday and I pigged out that day and felt sick afterwards. Too much food, too much sugar, too much msg. So, yesterday I was determined not to overdo it. I ate until I felt satisfied and then pushed my food away.

Brunch: half of a garden omelet (mushroom, tomatoes, broccoli, cheese) and a third of a stack of buttermilk pancakes, coffee w/cream, water.
Snack: handful of pistachios, water.
Dinner: ham and lots of steamed veggies, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, and cauliflower, one and a half glasses Riesling.

For dessert, I did eat a little of the chocolate mousse cake. Curiosity got the better of me. I absolutely love cake, and I wanted to know if it tasted as beautiful as it looked, so I served myself a slice. Everybody else was oooing and ahhing over the cake, but I thought it tasted a little boring, so I ate about a quarter of it and shoved it aside.

I didn't exactly stay on plan yesterday, but it was a feast day, and I think I did very well under the circumstances.

I stepped on the scale this morning and no loss/no gain, so hurrah!

Have a Marvelous Monday everybody!

Jlynn0611 03-28-2016 03:07 PM

Good Afternoon ladies!! Angie thank you for the warm welcome! I hope everyone is doing well today I did my initial weigh in . 188.4 well I am pretty sure a lot of that is water weight from yesterday's dinner i will be expect the scale to hit 186 this week as that is where it was a couple days ago! I hope everyone has to great day!

arabellarook 03-28-2016 03:23 PM

New Here, Can't wait til April!
March has been an interesting month and I can't wait to use all the things I've learned toward my success in April. Ugh! It's been so hard, for so long...

Looking forward to getting to know you all.



Katiepony01 03-28-2016 05:14 PM

Hi folks!

I just skimmed up a few posts and it is clear you all are a really amazing group of people -- way to go, all of you!

I'm trying very hard to get my life on track, get my weight where I want it and create a world that I'm proud of. I think I spend a lot of time screwing up my relationships and then feeling guilty; why not just do it right the first time?

Anyway, today is the first day of whatever life I'm getting done, right?

Here's my hangups: I over-ate and comfort ate for the last three years. During that time I carried our son and welcomed our daughter, so we currently have 2 kids that are 3 and 1, plus our teenager. I only had "baby weight" from the first, but I gained with the little one, too, even though my body didn't carry her! I also drink more than I wish, although I don't feel like an alcoholic, just that I know I could drink less. I don't like to work out very much, or at least it isn't a priority. I work a full-time, demanding job and get tired.

In the last few weeks, I've made amazing headway by going toward a ketosis diet. It is simply dumb-founding for me. My goal is 150 and I have ten pounds to go (or so) and I have absolutely no doubt they will come off easily. I'm going to start 10-15 minutes of bodyweight work per day and see how it goes.


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