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Old 08-17-2003, 07:26 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again....#391

God Bless America!

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

We chat on Wednesday and Saturday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.
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Old 08-17-2003, 08:59 PM   #2  
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Good Evening Ladies,

I haven't been home very long, just long enough to have dinner, leftovers from last night, so that was easy!! just what I like, and yes low fat too, I got this thin stir fry type steak, and julienned it, grilled it on my grill pan, then I sauteed green pepers, onions and fresh garlic in Pam spray. I added a can of Rotel tomatoes (mild with lime and cilantro-drained. Then I warmed the small tortillas (6"ones), in the oven, and then I made what was going to be quesadillas originally, but turned out to be fajita's..anyway I sprinkled on just a bit of reduced fat mexican style cheese, a little salsa, light sour cream, just a smidge, cant do the no fat...uck!! eek!!, and topped with green onions then rolled it up, 2 was plenty so I guess I will call it Fajita Rollups...delish!! I cant believe I used to would have eaten 2 of the large ones, with all the real stuff in it, plus all the salsa and chips before hand, this is much healthier for me...try to limit my red meat intake, but it was wonderful for a change...I was about ready to CLUCK, WITH ALL FOWL I HAVE BEEN CONSUMING

Hope you girls, have a great evening, # 391??? this is fabulous that we have a group that posts this much, together we are a united force!! love and hugs to you all
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Old 08-17-2003, 08:59 PM   #3  
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Hello friends
I can't seem to get up strength to post. I look like I have the measels. I have an appointment with my Dr. tomorrow to see what it is.

Food is bad and I really don't care. I know I sshould but I don't.
I'll let you know what the Dr says.
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Old 08-17-2003, 11:05 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone! Just a quickie before I turn in. Honey asked me for a date for Saturday night. We were going to go out to dinner and a movie. Well out we go and find that most every restaurant is closed. I'm sure it's because all their food is spoiled from the power outage. I guess the next big story will be how many millions of $$$$ were lost in goods and services because of spoiled food and lack of customers. It's really kind of sad.

We did finally find an Arby's open. Figured we would have something lite and then hit the theatre and have popcorn. Well, Arby's had to sell their pop in cans because the fountain drinks use water and we're on a 'boil warning' until probably Wednesday.

Then we got to the theatre, and they couldn't sell anything that wasn't pre-packaged like candy and bottled water and pop. So there went the popcorn idea. I suppose that really was a good thing, eh???

I am pleased to announce that I can finally recommend not one, but two, movies. We saw S.W.A.T., which is an action film and Freaky Friday. I really liked them both. For those of you with teenage daughters, Freaky Friday is a must see. It's about a mother and daughter that change places for a day and it really is good.

We worked a bit today on our landscaping project. We had the side of the house that is now updated with new perrenials and new mulch. We still have a spot out back that needs to be done. I've got a bucket of hostas that I tore out of the side yard that are now going out back. We ran out of mulch so a quick stop tomorrow at Walmart should fix us right up.

I'm transporting my mom first thing in the morning to the hospital for a colinoscopy. Have to pick her up at 6:00 so I don't really have time to address everyone, please don't feel left out. I'll try to do better soon.

Kat: In my case, it was my dad's car and I was maybe 17. Same situation, his car was behind mine in the drive and I knew I had to maneuver around it and instead I kicked it into reverse and WHAM!!! The rest is history! Thanks for the spelling lesson: Mosquito!

2cute: You'll have to check the nurseries in the spring for mosquito plants. I think I got mine at Frank's or Lowe's this year. You don't have to rub anything on you. Just grow the plant where you don't want to have the nasty little pests.

Mary: It sounds like you're just having a terrible time. The reaction to the meds seems like it's almost worse than the UTI itself. I hope you feel better real soon.

Andria: Oh honey, you sound like you're having a terrible time. Let it out, it sounds like you've been suffering far too long. [[[[hugs]]]]

Well, girls, I'm calling it a night. I didn't get to Curves even once last week. Monday and Wednesday I was tied up and then Friday the power was out! I just couldn't win. This week I hope to be back to the 3x routine. I don't think I'll be at the hospital much after noon tomorrow with mom going in so early. We'll see just how much I can get done.

Love to all.
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Old 08-17-2003, 11:35 PM   #5  
working off those pounds
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Hey -

Perhaps some of you remember me as the most unfaithful 3fc poster to ever come into existance??

Well here is an update on me. I started Weight Watcher's At Home this week and I'm looking for some extra support now since I'm not going to any meetings...

I got on the scale and I nearly keeled over in anguish. I've been gaining an average of ten pounds a year...ever since I can remember! Gah it's so frusterating!

So if anyone is up to setting some sort of mini-goal for the upcoming holiday season...I'm in...my mini goal is 20 pounds

At ANY rate...I'm gonna really try to post every day like I used to.

See you all soon.

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Old 08-18-2003, 12:39 AM   #6  
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Welcome back MissMeliss... I remember you
20 pound goals is too big for me. Right now I am only after 2 lbs so I can claim a 50 lb loss. Then I take them 5lbs at a time.

Thin... isn't it amazing how so many things are affected from that blackout.
Please remind me next spring to buy those plants.

Mary... I hope you get feeling better real soon. Be sure to let us know what the doctor says.

Pam... your dinner sounded so yummy.
And yes it is awesome to have such a loving and caring group of women.

Kat... I was talking to my hubby about all of my backups... and HE was the one who backed over my daughters bike... NOT ME. I still cried thinking how he could have ran over our daughter.

Okay.. this "is" going to be short unlike the last one. LOL
My exercise is great.. but my food has LOTS of room for improvement.
I am NOT GIVING UP though. I WILL get this right yet.
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Old 08-18-2003, 01:38 AM   #7  
a work in progress...
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Quickie-before bed post...

I just finished reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I LOVED this book. Although it's set against a horrific crime, the rape and murder of a 14 yr old girl, it is surprisingly uplifting. I loved it. If you read it, have tissues handy....

Hi Mel...welcome back. I'm with 2cute, not making any long term goals...just taking this day by day. 2 lbs off, at this point, will put me at the 20 lbs off mark...SINCE JANUARY! I gotta make my goals more like, "Eat less carbs," "exercise more," "Drink more water." but most of all...JUST KEEP GOING.

Thin...I can't wait to see Freaky Friday. I hope to get to it this week, with my daughter...not much time left, since she's flying from the nest on Friday. I'll need more tissues. Is mom having the colonoscopy for a reason or just as a routine procedure? : to you and her!

Pam, your dinner sounds quite yummy! I LOVE fajitas! My mouth was watering reading your post!

Mary...I hope you're feeling better real soon.

Okay, that's all folks...I'm off to bed.

Nighty night...

Last edited by katrinabgood; 08-18-2003 at 01:40 AM.
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Old 08-18-2003, 07:13 AM   #8  
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Morning Chicklets,

Hope everyones weekend went well, and you all found some time for fun and laughter.

Thin: A date with hubby is a good thing!! My dh and I have one for this sat to celebrate our 14th Anniversary which is really next Tuesday, but the week days are so hectic here right now. I never really stopped to think about all that got affected by the outage, but it's like the trickledown effect. When 911 happened it affected the fishing industry here too, because shellfish could not be shipped or air lifted out.

2cute: I backed over my daughters bike in the driveway too. I just could not see it because it was directly behind the car and the spoiler hid it. Luckily the kids were in the car. Actually if they are outside when I am backing up I always make them stand way off to the side so I can see them and what they are doing. You just hear so many sad stories about this.

Kat: I'm not much of a reader but I am thinking of checking that book out. Don't know it just hit me right I guess when you listed it. Thanks

MissMeliss: Welcome back, I remember you posting a while back. We are all here to help out and give support, so pull up that chair and type away.

Mary: Get yourself to that dr and tell him to fix whatever it is he has done to you. Sounds like maybe hives or something, bad reaction to the antibiotic I would say. {{{Hugs}}} hope you feel better.

Pam: Yummy, that sounds delish. I love all mexican food, even homemade mexican. Sounds yummy I will have to check try that one.

Gotta get my butt off to work now, see ya all later.

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Old 08-18-2003, 08:30 AM   #9  
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Good Morning Girlies,

How is everyone??? things are good here, other than being hot!! hopefully soon I will be able to get back outside and do some walking, seems to help me sleep better when I get some fresh air (if our air these days can be considered fresh, that thing with the ozone layer bothers me!!), and all the global warming! I think our high technology and "everything fast", and "everything now", attitudes are going to catch up with us...where did that come from?? just came out of my head and right onto this post!! well anyway, it does concern me. Sometimes I feel like a more simple existence would be heavenly...but I am grateful someone had the forethought to bring us this internet!!! Wouldn't have been able to meet all of you otherwise, for which I am eternally grateful!

Sandy, happy early anniversary wishes!! I think that is marvelous!

Katrina, I too want to read love bones, it has appealed to me since I first heard about it.

MissMeliss...welcome back, good to meet you, hope to read your posts often!!

2cute: I love that attitude, I am not giving up either!! We are going to do this thing!!

Mary, hope you feel better soon honey, let us hear from you...

Thin, a movie at a real theater sounds like fun, haven't done that in ages!!

Well chickies exercise beckons!! got to get this rear in gear.
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Old 08-18-2003, 08:42 AM   #10  
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Good morning everyone. Monday again, but soon to be Friday? I have been a very bad bad eater. I haven't worked out all week and I ate cake and ice cream and greasy food UGH. I'm not feeling top of the line either. But, I am not going to let this slip ruin me forever. I am only 12 pounds away from the one hundreds and I want to see that more than anything! So onward I go.
I went to the grocery store last night so I have no excuse not to eat healthy. I'll be cooking up a storm for the next two weeks. Plus, I am planning on getting right back into the workout swing tonight. I know once I do it I'll feel wonderful!
I guess that's all for me, I've got to get some work done so I'll check back with you all at lunch.
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Old 08-18-2003, 10:30 AM   #11  
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Hey chickies! Remember me? I've been MIA for awhile and totally off the wagon, but I'm ready to climb back on and posting here is my first step. It's such a gorgeous day here. 80 degrees and best of all, the humidity is gone. The plan for today is to do WATP 2 mile and drink only water, no soda. I have my yearly ob/gyn appt on Oct 7 and I really like to show some kind of weight loss since last year. So I'm aiming for a 10 lb loss by then. That's about 6 weeks away, so I think it's completely doable as long as I do my part. I do want to say congrats to all of you on your successes and for sticking with it through the ups and downs. This is the last summer that I'm going to be obese. I want to wear all the cute summer outfits and not have to worry if I'll fit into the amusement park rides comfortably. I want to be healthy and fit. I have too much to live for to waste my life being fat. Today is a brand new day and I am starting my brand new healthy life. Be back later.
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Old 08-18-2003, 10:36 AM   #12  
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Hi Everyone!!!
I don't have time to catch up right now, just wanted to drop you all a quick note. I haven't read any of the messages since Thursday. This weekend with my family has been so much fun!! I'll fill you all in later! I just got back from the gym with my dad and now I need to shower and pack and then my nephew wants to take me out to lunch before I leave for the airport. I won't get home until about 10pm and then I have to work in the morning, so I will catch up with all you wonderful ladies tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing well!
you guys!!!
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Old 08-18-2003, 11:09 AM   #13  
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just peeking in... I am on my way out the door but wanted to say hello
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Old 08-18-2003, 11:56 AM   #14  
working off those pounds
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Hey laides!

Yay I'm glad people remember me! :-D I was so proud of myself yesterday, I barely even noticed that I only consumed 25 weight watcher's points...heh heh..so what if I felt hungry all day...when you get hungry your body feeds off of its fat stores so maybe it will start to eat away at my tummy! Heh heh.

You guys are all right about setting mini-goals..I thought 20 pounds was a good start for a mini-goal..we all know how it works when you first start "dieting" hardcore..the pounds come off fast for the first week or two
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Old 08-18-2003, 12:53 PM   #15  
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Hi Steph! Welcome back! I was thinking about you the other day. Good to see you back on board!
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