3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Diana3271 08-16-2014 09:31 PM

Total approx 1400 Calories + :coffee: (this was good for a Saturday)

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (350 calories)
Plain Greek Yogurt/fruit 300 calories
iced coffee w/sweet 'n low & half and half 50 calories

Dinner (650 Calories)
Artisan Bistro salmon dinner & roasted asparagus 350 calories
I made DH shrimp pasta salad for dinner. I ate a few shrimp but no pasta. 100 calories
1/4 small cherry pie 200 calories

KCM's Start Here Cardio Sculpt plus Leg Work w/8's
KCM's Total Body Kickbox - Kicking premix w/3's

Eydawn 08-16-2014 10:58 PM

Hi everyone! *waves* 2 days worth to recap. Hope everyone had a good day today! One more day of work for me then a break.

Ian- hurray on the loss! Hope the other oysters taste good.
Diana- your shrimp and salmon dinner sounds awesome.
Novangel- hope the kidlet feels better soon.
Flower- Lady, I hear you. The words, they are in my head... ;-) Lovely to know you are thinking them.
Alaskanlaughter- That machine sounds neat! Glad you're liking it.

Yesterday: 12k steps (10k on the treadmill!). 100 oz water! 10 flights of stairs.

Breakfast- Jimmy Dean turkey sausage egg white sandwich. Wasn't great. Coffee with cream. (320 cal)
Lunch- FiberOne Coffee Cake bar, steamed edamame. (230 cal)
Late afternoon meet with coworker I'm mentoring- Beer, tomato/mozzarella salad from BJ's Brewhouse. (445 cal)
Dinner- Cheese tortelloni with meatballs and home-made marinara. Garlic bread. (720)
Total: 1715

Today: 14k steps, 6.2 miles. Busy, busy, busy patients at work today. OMG. All I did was run. And help my coworkers. For my troubles? Got barfed on... and had to shower before coming home. Yaaay! (I love my job... I love my job... actually, the other gal who shared the misery with me and I were both laughing hysterically...) The OR loaner scrubs were 2 sizes too big... sexy!!! I looked like a psych patient!! Lol.

Breakfast- Chocolate Chip Pure Protein bar, coffee with half and half. (240 cal)
Lunch- Comida Del Sol chicken quinoa bowl, raw broccoli, cucumber slices, lite ranch dressing. (478 cal)
Snack- Nature Valley protein bar, peanut and dark chocolate. (190 cal)
Dinner- Tortilla crusted tilapia, steamed broccoli, pine nut couscous, Alaskan Summer Kolsch beer. (673)
Total: 1581

I'm going to bed. Hubby is getting the scrubs in the dryer off the sanitize cycle... which takes 2 hours... bless that man.

flower123 08-16-2014 11:19 PM

sometime after dark my higher being and lower being came to a compromise . Said lower being:" I REALLY want to go out and buy popchips with cheese". To which higher being replied, "how about going out and buying some some pennsylvania peaches". The lower being decided it might be able to live with that. I ventured out downtown to the co-op. And bought 180 calories worth of peaches. And so it was. Justice prevailed !
Todays food:
cocoa, almond milk and protein powder 450
2 salads 220
chicken sausage 440
peaches 180
total for the day 1290

I hope tomorrow is a great day
Maybe later I will muster the strength and write those individual responses that are chattering in my thoughts. :)

Diana3271 08-17-2014 08:53 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Last night I added on:
Headache Helper from Yoga Quick Fixes (this one is also for the thyroid)
Slim and Limber from Slim in 6

Calories for yesterday: 1400 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 166.2 (TTOM)
Up: .8

Have a great day!

LiannaKole 08-17-2014 10:56 AM

I forgot to list yesterday's food, so here it is.

B- milk and tea (I am just not feeling breakfast lately at all).
L- peanut butter and honey oatmeal (super filling!)
D- black bean burger with guac, onions, tomato, and lettuce; a few nibbles of friends' foods; some three bean chili.

E- C25K

I'm doing C25K on a treadmill in a windowless room. Honestly, the running program is one of the only things that makes it bearable. But I always struggle more to run on a treadmill. I just have extenuating circumstances that prevent me from running outside 9/10 times, so treadmill it is, mostly.

The C25K is overall enjoyable, but I'm having serious doubts that I'll be able to run a 3K when I'm done. I can't even run 3 minutes right now without a struggle. Hopefully C25K will just jumpstart me so I can continue toward running a 3K on my own (I was able to like three years ago).

Hope everyone's day goes great!


Diana3271: TOM starting five days after it stopped? That sounds really not fun. Mine started five days early and even THAT makes me a bit cranky. Hopefully your doctor will have some insights! :crossed:

Also, Diana is the "Headache Helper from Yoga Quick Fixes" actually for helping headaches? I get migraines and sometimes nothing helps them. I'm always on the lookout for something to add to my repetoire, so I'd thought I'd ask.

flower123: Now I REALLY want some peaches! I love peaches, especially when they're in season. I'd live through the summer on peaches if I could. I'm in total agreement with your higher being right now, and both of my higher and lower beings want peaches. Although my lower being wouldn't say no to a big slice of pie and a gob of ice cream, too. ;) (But not happening).

fool4fotos 08-17-2014 01:31 PM

Gonna try something new
I haven't posted my meals as of yet, but I do weigh myself everyday to help with accountability. Right now my diet is low carb (or good carbs like sweet potatoes) early in the day, high protein and lots of water w/lemon. I do walk on my treadmill in incline mode for exercise (at least 20 mins) if I can't get outside to walk. Buying some hand weights today to add to my walks so I can work my arms also.


Breakfast: Lemon water, coffee

Lunch: Lemon water, lean burger w/small amt of blue cheese, half sweet potato

Dinner: Lemon water, mixed lettuce salad (spinach, romaine and red lettuce), avocado, lean pork rib, sea salt and pepper

Down 1.2 lbs from previous day

IanG 08-17-2014 05:51 PM

Down 0.8lbs today to 168.8lbs.

Breakfast was sardines, medium stickleback, smoked herring and oats. Lunch was my usual with Spanish mackerel, cod, squid and a crabcake.

For exercise I ran 6 miles with the running club, then cleaned the house and did some yardwork.

1Bluerose68 08-17-2014 07:22 PM

I feel "very light as a feather" today.
My appetite has been very obedient w/o much effort. I am so glad because usually I must try so hard to Not be tempted to eat salty or chocolaty snacks.

For breakfast I had 1 bowl of raisin bran cereal w/ NF milk, and 1 sm banana, plus 1 cup of coffee w/nf creamer.

I almost forgot to have a lunch, as I was listening to 1 Republic and U2. These groups are inspiring to me, and apparently appetite suppressants too.

I made my self and my brother a smoothy. 1 raw egg, ice cubes, br sugar, frozen strawberries, and 1 small banana. Oh also a hand full of raw spinach, leafy type. This was so good and refreshing. And still not hungry yet.

I'm thinking about having a green lettuce and spinach salad w/ 1 boiled egg and lite ranch dressing.(that's not until about 4pm).

Then I plan to walk a few times round the neighborhood after the news. I usually wait until it cools in the evening.

Then I always take a muscle relaxing soak and wash and condition my hair nightly. Its so short and dull currently though. But, since I began using all sorts of vitamins and not as much junk foods my hair has been improving. Might color my hair but might get a hair trim 1st not Sure yet???

Then i get into my baby doll jammies and de-stress by watching tv or reading a career related magazine since I have some free down time.

Then I actually take a ,"Chill Pill" every night to prevent night binging. This keeps me asleep for the entire night and I usually awaken feeling much better than if I had a night binge session and Not too much sleep.

My blood sugar levels are usually all amuck in the morning too if I engage in 1 of those sugar food frenzies...So I try Not to...

I usually can't fall asleep until about 12 am though. I must re-adjust my sleep wake schedule a bit though as I return to work in about 2 weeks from now. Then I will need to try and sleep by 11pm and awaken by 7:15 AM ish...

I really am going to try and work as many days in a row as possible this year. I work on call, so some days I feel exhausted and skip a day of work. I also just applied at a retail job for the night shift to work during the holiday season as a stocking crew member. I like to work hard, it's a good workout both physically as well as mentally for me too.

I feel better since I took my rx down a notch. I was on this med but it was making my bp rise, so I ran out of it and discovered that I had so much more energy and much less of an appetite.

Then the pharm made a mistake and when I p/u my new rx it was the 1/2 dose of what i had been taking. Well, when i took the 1/2 dose for a few days i felt as well as i had when i was off the med.

My Dr said that he did not change my dosage so the pharmacy did make a mistake.

I'm communicating with him and informing him that my blood pressure is much better w/o the higher dose, as is my over zealous appetite on the higher dose. I feel so much better, aaaghhh. I can just feel the pounds dropping off of me now, Amen.....

I really think that generick drug was crap to begin ;unless it's the real rx of Wellbutrin, it is just garbage. The lower dosage is closer to the real thing though.....

Wish me luck in dropping 20 Lbs ASAP...

1Bluerose68**************It's Already 4:30, WOW. I'm really feeling GOOD w/o that crud in my Precious Temple.

novangel 08-17-2014 07:40 PM

My son is much better, thanks everyone. :)

Diana3271 08-17-2014 09:14 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Eydawn Wow, it sounds like you had a rough day. But I guess that's all in a days work. Enjoy your break.

Flower I love the "talk" you had with yourself. I do that more often than I care to admit. :lol:

You will be surprised at how you can build up your endurance and fitness level. Just keep it up. You will get there. I'm not sure if that Yoga routine really helps with headaches. I don't normally get them so I can attest to anything. I do it because they mention it helps with the thyroid. Ha Ha I don't even know that it helps with that. :lol: Ha Ha I am unsure about the whole yoga thing but I still do it, just in case. ;) This DVD http://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Stress-Re...pr_product_top has a premix called Tension Headaches. There are a lot of routines on the DVD and I really enjoy it.

Fool4fotos Hi and welcome to the check-in. :welcome: Congrats on the 1.2 pounds!

Ian Good job on the .8 pounds!

1Bluerose68 Hi and welcome to the check-in: :welcome2:

Novangel Good news about your little one. Did you make birthday plans for next weekend?

Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening.

Diana3271 08-17-2014 09:18 PM

Total approx 1400 calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (500 Calories)
Salmon w/rice pilaf 500 calories

Dinner (500 Calories)
Salad w/grilled chicken, boiled eggs, sprinkle of blue cheese, tomatoes, ranch on the side and used the dip the fork trick 500 calories

Debra Mazda's Walking Fit and Fabulous - Long Walk

kelijpa 08-17-2014 09:54 PM

Ian we're almost meeting up 167.4 this a.m. Yikes

Diana I guess we're in sync, mine showed up today too, bleh. Hunter is doing well, thanks for thinking of him, he gets his staples out Friday, I'll be glad of that. Won't be worrying about him doing something to them.

Lots of veg today, not enough water, will be back on the routine tomorrow!

Night all :sunny:

Novangel glad your DS is doing better, happy 40th!

novangel 08-17-2014 11:12 PM

Diana, no solid plans but steak dinner for sure. ;)

flower123 08-18-2014 02:22 AM

catching up on old news
Kelijpa: great that you have shares in a CSA. Sounds like you lead a healthy lifestyle,even doing a workout like a "mini- Ian". Congrats on the 2 lbs loss

Ian, always an inspiration with the exercise. Ykes re: the combo of beans onions Kimchi, dried fruit and all. :D But you can handle it. so thats great. Congrats on the weight loss. Although I know you have some great muscle mass built up.

Alaskanlaughter, I hope you are feeling better. Sinus and ear infections can be so painful. Glad you found the air trainer machine. sounds great.

Novangel, glad your son is feeling better. Happy birthday again !!!

Hi Barsha. Congrats on reaching your goal

Diana, Sorry your TTM is coming so often. Perhaps giving you its full might before bidding you goodbye. I do think thats not so uncommon. Hope dr has some good ideas. In the meantime are you one of those people who needs to have iron levels checked?

Eydawn, sorry to read you got barfed on. Occupational hazzard??? But the tortelloni sounds delicious...

LiannaKole I DO hope you have some peaches. The ones I have been buying are amazingly delicious. I say three peaches a day keeps the doctor away. :D

Fool4photos I do the low carb route also. Along with low cal. Thats how I really lost. Sounds like the food you ate was great. Congrats on the loss.

Bluerose68 thats horrible re the pharmacist mess up. That could have been dangerous for sure. Glad you were not terribly hamed by it.

Today was my not-so-diet day. I had pop chips and cheese. And the cocoa and a bit of the frozen lemon protein stuff. I had one salad ( always very low calorie/carb) chicken sausage. I went to the grocery store at 9:40pm to buy something good for dinner. But was a bit too afraid to go through with it. I do not want to remember what its like to eat many different foods. I would have bought ling ling potstickers. But am a bit afraid of food. Even on those days i can eat more. For me its like being an alcoholic or drug addict. If I have some of it, it might lead to wanting more and more in the subsequent days.

Hope everyone has a great Monday. Healthy food and .... oh I forgot I have to exercise now :trampo: ( dragging self to livingroom now)

kelijpa 08-18-2014 05:38 AM

Good morning all!
B-cream of wheat, pecans, craisins
L- greens, banana peppers, 5 bean salad, cucumbers
D- salad
E- walk
Drink water...

Hope everyone has a great day :sunny:

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