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CoolMom75 08-22-2014 02:00 PM

Good morning!

W 169.8
B egg on toast and cutting out coffee again since the teeth clenching is out of control.
L last of the rabbit stew
D researching soups...maybe something with shrimp.

Weightlifting day.

alaskanlaughter 08-22-2014 05:12 PM

im pretty sure my scale is broken :( it's reading consistently 207.2 no matter what time of day i step on it....and i know my body and i can fluctuate by several pounds within just a few hours or time of day....so anyhow I think i just need to go by how I look and how my clothes feel...the scale drains me mentally anyhow and I just don't want that

what i'm using is called an adaptive motion trainer...i finally read the label on it LOL....i did a 35-minute interval set today between fairly moderate resistance to very hard resistance....now i'm at work

novangel 08-22-2014 06:36 PM

So....There's 13 weeks until we leave for our Weddingmoon. O_O I'll be excited once I'm there but the thought of flying makes me want to vomit. I'm going to be medicated but still. :^:

Anyway, I'm still working out but it looks as though I won't have the perfect beach body I wanted for this trip but it's acceptable. The worst part is I'm so pale!! I'm practically glowing. I need to work on that too before we leave.

I think I will go over the the gym to run since it's too hot outside.

IanG 08-22-2014 08:16 PM

Down 0.6lbs to 168 on the nose. This losing streak is nice. I didn't get to lift today because I had a meeting at work that went on and on. So by the time it ended I was very hungry. I just couldn't face weight lifting that hungry so I skipped it and had lunch instead. Bummer. My gym at the weekend is still shut too so it will be 3 rest days from weight training. Triple bummer.

Anyway, breakfast was sardines, smoked oysters and oats. Lunch was my usual with halibut, cod, squid, smoked oysters and a crab cake.

Exercise was a 4 mile run before work.

CoolMom75 08-22-2014 10:12 PM

Weightlifting has been postponed until tomorrow.

Dinner was a delicious minestrone soup with chicken sausage. I had two bowls but it looks like the calories aren't bad. 1150 total today.

Alaskan, did you try new batteries?

kelijpa 08-22-2014 10:37 PM

Hello all!
Pretty good day today, got in the c25k, so got week 2 done
W-161.8 up .3 for the week, pretty good recovery
Had dinner with the in laws, mussels, shrimp and pepperoni pizza, all the food groups, lol

Have to make lots of stuff with zucchini, I picked 3 today and got 3 more from my mother in law, yikes

B- eggs and toast
L- sweet corn, cucumbers in Italian dressing, cherry tomatoes
D- see above

Sounds like everyone is doing well, have a great night :sunny:

Diana3271 08-22-2014 11:00 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I will catch up with everyone tomorrow.

A funny story about Cody (and DH). :D A couple months ago, Cody started with a new trick with DH. When we get home DH would take off his socks and put them in his shoes. Cody would take his socks and run off with them. We always had problems getting them back. The solution to the problem would be for DH to remove his socks and put them in the dirty clothes basket. But as you might have guessed, that is too difficult. So DH started putting his socks between him and the arm of his recliner. Cody got wise to that. He would put his front paws on the arm of the chair and lean over like he was loving on DH. He would nuzzle DH's arm and DH would pat him. It appeared to be a sweet gesture on Cody's part, but all the while he was scoping out exactly where the socks were so he could sneak them out. DH got wise to that, so he started sitting on the socks. Well Cody is a very smart dog. He was not having any part of that nonsense. He figured if he went to the door and whined to go out, DH would get up and he could run back to get the socks. Yes, this went on for a couple of weeks. Mind you, all DH had to do was to put them in the basket. :D DH started taking the socks with him to the door. Of course Cody wouldn't want to go out then. This whole three ring circus mess stopped for a while. Last night I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face and all heck broke loose where DH and Cody was. It sounded like a herd of buffalo was running through the house. I heard DH yell, "Ha! You thought you were going to trick me!" I went to check out the drama and Cody was back to his old tricks again. I guess he had thought DH had forgotten about that little trick. DH was sitting on the socks. Cody went to the door to go out. DH got up to let him out, leaving his socks on the recliner. Cody waited for DH to get to the door to let him out and Cody took off running for the socks, with DH hot on his heels. I never knew that having a husband and a dog was the same as having two children. :D

Ian No offense with my last comment. ;)

Total Approx 1600 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (400 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham 50 Calories
Honey mustard/Lettuce 50 calories
Greek Yogurt 100 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (800 Calories)
2 Grilled Mahi tacos w/sauce 700 calories
I had a crazy craving for something sweet so I had some cantaloupe/watermelon 100 calories
the melon didn't help the craving, but it allowed me to think more clearly. I realized that I didn't "need" anything since I did have the melon and I wasn't really craving something. My head was just wanting to overeat. My brain is just evil sometimes. :lol: So I was able to get past that moment by talking myself through it.


TJ Kick Punch and Jam

Michelle Friday 08-22-2014 11:21 PM

B: cottage cheese w/ crumbled corn bread on top
w/ sliced green olives & jalapeno peppers.
decaf w/ 1/2 & 1/2

L: 1/2 of a weight watcher chicken enchilada suiza dinner
iced tea

S: 1 oz. pkg. peanuts
sf 7 up.

D: spaghetti w/ chicken meatballs
sauteed zucchini
iced tea

S: crackers and glass of 1% milk

flower123 08-23-2014 03:22 AM

Diana, Thank you for the laugh. Great story. What breed of Dog is Cody? Have you posted a picture of him? He sounds like such a great boy. I personally LOVE dogs. Although I do not have one.

I really enjoyed reading what everyone ate. Does that make me a culinary voyeur?

Michelle nice to meet you

Novangel, I bet you will look great on the beach. I think most people are pale these days because they either stay out of the sun or use sunscreen. What about one of those spray booths? I on the other hand look like a shar pei. So honestly, bronzer would not do much to change that situation :dizzy:

Went to the grocery store today and bought the biggest mylar birthday balloon they had. It was beautiful. Looked like a hot air balloon. They put 3 ribbons on it. I attached a note for my brother on his birthday. I went outside and sent it off to him. Watched until it was a black dot in the very gray cloudy sky. Then I went home and had 3 peaches and popchips with cheese.

I also ate
Lemon protien frozen thing. Chocolate protein frozen thing. for dinner I had chicken sausage with a small salad and some zucchini. I am sure the scale will tell me tomorrow that it is a diet day. But still I will have peaches. Just because they are on sale at the health food store. And they are reasonably low in calories. Been eating 3 a day. Will be glad, in a way when peach season is over.

Diana3271 08-23-2014 09:23 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

I didn't add on any yoga last night.

Calories for yesterday: 1500 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 166.4
Down: .8

Have a great day!

PatPat 08-23-2014 09:30 AM

Hi its me again :)
Workout done, eating all fine yesterday (a good 1000 healthy calories. some of them a protein bar I wanted to try. EWWW. gonna stay with real food :D )

I am having a few "woosh" days atm after struggling for a while. I get on the scale each day and go O.O

that means I reach my first goal: losing 10 kgs (22 pounds) (GOOOOOAL lol)

the mean thing is: I dont see any change. I made pics and all that looks slimmer is my bum, the part of me I care about least lol

Diana that cracked me up :D

alaskanlaughter my scale indeed does that sometimes. I tested it then by taking clothes off and on and it showed exactly the same amount. I can "break" that habit though by taking something heavy in my arms and weighing myself with it. after that it is exact again o.O

tonight is tofu and taking a dip and veggies to an eve playing games at a friends house. need to make extras today, they loved my dip so much last time that they kept dipping their chips in it lol

Syckgirlsfv 08-23-2014 12:14 PM

Diana cute story! Cody reminds me of one of my cats...they have such funny little personalities they sometimes seem human! :D

152.2 this morning - I've been hitting between 152.4 and 152.8 so I'm down a bit more. I realized I'm almost at goal!!! :yay: I'm going to change it to 145 as soon as I hit 150. ;)

having my latte right now - not sure what food the day will bring. We are going to the gym later, and also a bike ride. We'll see!

CoolMom75 08-23-2014 02:09 PM

W 170
B egg on toast, still no coffee and suffered a terrible headache last night. Ugh!
L ministrone
D I doubt the soup will last and I'll need to come up with something new. I'm not in the mood for meal planning. It's so monotonous! Haha

Diana3271 08-23-2014 02:13 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I am going to try to do some personals while I wait for the appliance repair guy to arrive. My dishwasher crapped out last week. I'm thinking that it's not worth repairing since it's almost 7 years old. My parents used to keep appliances for 20 years without problems. I don't think that's the case this day and time. I doubt I will get a workout in today since I this stuff going on.

Syckgirlsfv Congrats on the 152 (getting close to goal) and for the presentation. I'm not fond of getting in front of audiences.

CoolMom Did you find a recipe for the shrimp? I love shrimp bisque. Not exactly healthy, though. Another good option would be a shrimp/seafood gumbo. Not sure if the kids would like okra in it though. Love that stuff!

Alaskanalughter Do you have a scale at the gym or at your school? You could weigh in there and start fresh like that. Of course it would be totally different than your previous weigh in's because of being a different time of day and with your clothes etc. But once you get your new baseline weigh in you can keep weighing in under the same circumstances.

Novangel I would check out the places that do the spray on tans. Ask around to see which ones are the best in your area. Then you can try it out since you have plenty of time before you leave. I am super pale, too.

Ian Congrats on the losing streak! Gotta love and appreciate those at this place in the game. ;)

Kelijpa Send some zucchini my way, please! Love the stuff! Have you tried zucchini in place of spaghetti? I had thought of using it in place of lasagne noodles for lasagne. I love these ideas, but DH wouldn't eat it. :dunno:

Michelle Friday Hi and welcome to the check-in! :welcome2:

Flower Cody is a Boykin spaniel. They are evil little dogs. :devil: :rofl: Here is a link with DH and Cody from last Fall. http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/...ps7ec37f4c.jpg I love idea of the balloon. I never thought of that before. I would love to do that for each of my parents and for Magnum our last baby dog. Thank you for sharing that.

PatPat Good job on those whooshes! Gotta love those! Enjoy your evening with friends.

LiannaKole 08-23-2014 03:40 PM

So, I went to the doctor for a physical yesterday. I was measured at 5' 6", not 5' 5". I don't think that's possible, since I've been 5'5" every time I've gone to see a doctor for the past few years (since I was 20). I don't think I grew an inch. However, it would be AWESOME if it was true! I've always wanted to be taller! <3 :cb:

So, as far as food...

Yesterday was busy again. I basically had half a sleeve of crackers, a couple tbsp of peanut butter, and some rice noodle soup for the whole day. Salty, so I'm feeling very thirsty today.


B- milk and tea
L- carrots and hummus, beans and rice
S- grapes and mints
D-not sure yet. I haven't been shopping in a bit, so the fridge is sad-looking.

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