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Old 07-25-2003, 07:34 AM   #1  
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Default Time for Serious Fun #14


Welcome to Time for SERIOUS FUN…..We are a group of people trying to lose weight together and help each other along the way. There is only one rule on this thread, and it is if you are not willing to help yourself along the way or help others on this thread we don’t want to hear you WHINE everyday, we like to keep a positive attitude. Some whining is expected, lol, we are only human. Other than that we love to talk about every subject under the sun. Please feel free to pull up a chair and a keyboard and join us on our journey. Every day of the week we have a little beginning to the day to start us off, for example…..Monday would be Mission Monday……you have some sort of mission to complete in your life for that day or longer totally up to you. Faye is in charge of what day it is and what we are doing, so look for her post if you are interested.
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Old 07-25-2003, 07:39 AM   #2  
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Hey girls, there is only one post for today on #13 and that is I. I copied and pasted to this one, but lost my smileys and would have had to do the whole thing over and phooey on that so you will just have to read me on #13!

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Old 07-25-2003, 07:59 AM   #3  
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Talking Hello Ladies

Okay, I'm going to take Peek's and Pam's advice and start posting here too. I've lurked a little on this thread, but not enough to be current. Anyway, I'll give all of you a quick about me-I'm 33, married with one child. (My daughter is 4) As you can see, I live in Colorado-what you can't see is that the town is very small (abt. 400ppl) and it is 60 miles to most everything from here. I live very close to the WY border. My weight has been up and down most of my life, but I used to be me nearer the 250s then the 350s. I've gained about 100lbs. since getting married and having my daughter. I'm now trying to lose, sometimes more dilligently than others.

I will be attending college in the fall-most likely part time. I say most likely because I have big goals, but a family and school is, yep you guessed it 60 miles away. I plan on getting an accounting certificate first and then to go on to eventually be a Veterinarian. Big plans, I know.

So, my life is busy, but whose isn't? I look forward to getting to know all you ladies. I have been up all night right now, so I'm sure I've left all sorts of things out, but for now that will just have to do.

Have a good day all!!!
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Old 07-25-2003, 08:59 AM   #4  
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Red face Morning...

Morning Sunshine's... I am so tired this morning, well my husbands friend in the navy just got back from Iraq and they
have a bunch of catching up to do, so they kept me up...no biggie'
it was great to see him, alive and safe...

Debbie, thanks for your encouraging words, my problem is that
I dont like veggies ( my mom used to try so hard ), I will try to
incorporate what I can stand though, like broccoli and caul. and
salads with veggies...Now I do remember you saying about the
biscuits and gravy, now I dont feel so bad

Welcome Pheonix Rising!!!! Stick around...

Oh and as far as Pounds down for Friday, from my last few postings you know that I have gained two pounds this week, I have resolved to get those off next week and move on...boy but it was great eating what I wanted, but being thinner will feel
even better...right? Exactly!!

Peek - how are you doing today? Better check in or Faye will be after you, ha
just kidding ....

Faye - thanks for the come back welcome...I was feeling discouraged but my back feels a little bit better everyday so I am excited about getting back on track...

YEAH, it's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SW 246
CW 225.5
GW 135
It is only 7:58a and I am already hungry, see ya!
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Old 07-25-2003, 09:58 AM   #5  
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Good morning ladies!

Well.. Here I am and I have been on the scale today.. but Im not saying a word. I have a Dr appt at 1:20 today so I am hoping my scale is wrong and his is a little nicer. Then I'll post my weight..even if it is bad.

I got all 4 points yesterday. 2 for OP, 1- Water, 1- Exercise.

Welcome pheonix rising. Very nice to meet you and have you with us

Carri...Im so glad to hear one of our soldiers is home safe and sound. I bet he's thrilled to be back!

I'll pop in later.. but no weight until after I get back from the Dr. lol
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Old 07-25-2003, 10:14 AM   #6  
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Hi Faye! I noticed you were gone lady! Welcome back... yesterday I couldn't get onto the site at all, am I the only one ? It said "this page is unavailable" yadda yadda...

So I get all 4 for Wednesday, and 3 for yesterday, I worked out both days, did my water, and was OP until last night when we decided to hit the Cold Stone Creamery.. that was bad.

I had yesterday off too, state holiday. Now today I have to go to work, and it's friday, that makes a lot of sense eh ? Well, since it's a holiday weekend, I have no sitter, so my kids are going to work with me, should be interesting

I know how you feel Faye, I missed only one day, and I can't go back and reply to everyone , haha! Sorry for all the extra chat on there... Have a good day ladies! hi to everyone !

Honeyrose, don't get discouraged, good luck today!

Oh, was yesterday weigh ins too ? 125. I am pretty much just fluctuating around at this point, no idea what I really weigh

Last edited by TonyaS; 07-25-2003 at 10:20 AM.
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Old 07-25-2003, 10:17 AM   #7  
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Happy Weekend all!

pts for yesterday: 1 pt for water, 2pts for program, 0 for exercise (couldnt fit into am routine, with Dr appt and all, so I will just do it on Sunday this wk, in order to get in my 6 days. felt good before, but yesterday when I had my weigh in I was literally on I am respecting myself more and more everyday. that is not something I did at all "in my past life" I am becoming a person of honesty and integrity now, not saying I was not a good person before, I just wasnt the real me! I feel more authentic now, and not so self-absorbed, I was wallowing in my own self pity and misery, dying inside, yet wanting to let the real me out, kept stuffing her back in with food!! not anymore...I have arrived!!!! and I love it in this new place!

honeyrose...my thoughts are with you today on your weigh in!!

Amanda, so glad you finally joined us, welcome sweets!! will give us more encouragement!! we can have even more to talk about!!

Carri, Satine and Faye and all the rest of you "wonder women" have a good day! stay

sw 356 June 5th/348.8 June 24th
cw 336.5 as of weigh in yesterday! down 19.5 lbs
look out August 31st challenge here I come!!
next goal:10 more lbs by 8/31
next goal: lose 50 lbs
final goal 130 and I AM GOING TO DO IT! AND SO ARE YOU!
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Old 07-25-2003, 10:18 AM   #8  
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OK good morning everyone!!! How are we all doing? I am a little downtrodden today. Yesterdays points are a 1 for me for totally blowing my plan and slacking on water. it's been a stressful week at work and its taking it's toll on me. What can you do though?

I'm also unhappy to announce that I am at 153lbs. and have consquently gained a pound. I am a little sad about that. It's frustrating b/c I have been about 4 out of 7 on the calorie count days and only TOTALLY blowing it one or two days a week, if that. Plus I've been at the gym for 5-6 days a week for 3 weeks and gaining a pound feels like a giant set back.

I know it's nothing, so I'm gonna try to get over it.

Welcome back carri and peek and a new welcome to phoenix. I love the name, it's very clever! We did miss everyone, I think that no one wanted to make anyone feel bad for being absent. So welcome back sweeties!

I had a good breakfast this morning...1 cup of Better 'n Eggs...100 cal for a cup, plus a piece of toast...35 cal. Not a bad breakfast. Of course I added a little jelly and a little ketchup for the eggs. Totally made it! Hopefully today will be OP. I'm having a subway sub for lunch I think!

Adios amigos...debbie, good luck with the weigh in...and wasn't it you who was thinking of trying veggie burgers? How did it go?
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Old 07-25-2003, 10:20 AM   #9  
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I think our posts crossed in cyber space! :P
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Old 07-25-2003, 10:24 AM   #10  
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Darn you guys, I griped about you not posting your points and you all do it at once! So with that being said, ignore my chastisement and check at the bottom of the post!

BIG BLUE WELCOME TO AMANDA! It is great to see you here and what a gorgeous lady you are! Congrat on going back to school! Join in to whatever you feel like, the current challenge is 10 lbs off by August 31st. If you have questions about the points and want to join in just ask away and there is the topic everyday to join in on too! We do everything here but EAT!



Missy: YOU GET A: for your 2 points. Good work! Don't sweat over the food just do better today!

Sarah:YOU GET A: for your points. That is spectacular!

Debbie: YOU GET A: for points yesterday. Good for you!

Me, I GET A: as I actually got all my points yesterday and Thursdays would be a .

Tonya: YOU GET A: for your points! YOu are doing great, just have to stay away from the lasagna!

This fat old lady got ambitious this morning, walked 1 1/2 miles which of course killed my right hip, but I just kept at it! I got tired of looking at all the debris on the deck so decided to sweep, but got carried away (as usual when I clean! ) and I trimmed all the bushes and raked up all the debris, twigs, leaves etc, used the blower (which weighs a ton and should firm up these flabby arms some! ) and blew all the junk together, picked it all up, swept, then cleaned the chairs and patio table, then tackled the BBQ grill and cleaned it with Windex. WHEW, I am pooped, but it is a good pooped. Now why the heck didn't I do this yesterday when I had no tv? DUHHHHHHHH! It is hot and sticky here so I should get extra points for using the sauna and working out at the same time!

I am in the groove again so I want to go with the flow! I get this way sometimes and go gangbusters. Oh, btw, 2 lbs down for me this week even with the crappy eating. Thank heavens for exercise!

Debbie: YOU GET A: whoohoo way to go girl!

Tonya: YOU GET A: for points yesterday. Great going girl, keep it up!

Pam: YOU GET A: for yesterday. I am so glad things are turning around for you! I told you positive thinking is the very best way to go!

Missy: YOU GET A: for points yesterday. Please don't stress out over this or you will quit! You can do this. You must understand though, that more than likely the only way you are going to lose the weight is not to cheat or go over cal at all! The toughest job is to lose 20-40 lbs and because you have such a small calorie base, even going over a little will make you gain. Just keep thinking how good you are going to feel when you get to goal. I am going to e-mail you something to put on your fridge and to put at your desk at work to keep you motivated!

Peeky poo: I have missed you this morning. I was thinking about you when I was huffing and puffing around the complex this AM! Wishing you were here with me so we could share in the agony!

I need to get in the shower. I feel and probably smell like a dock worker!


Last edited by gma22; 07-25-2003 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 07-25-2003, 10:59 AM   #11  
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Missy!!! You and I are about the same weight. I, too, get so discouraged and blow my diet big when I do decide to blow it. We can do this together.. I'll pull you and you can pull me (or kick as the case may be ) I really dislike being a size 10/12/14 depending on how well I like to breathe or if I ate before getting dressed. Lets help each other stay OP.. ok??

The veggie burgers never made it into my cart.. I bought skinny cows and forgot the burgers! Sometimes I am just so weak. I have to go back to the grocery today and pick up a few things I forgot yday.. so I will surely buy them this time.

Tonya.. nice to see you back. I had the problem getting on yesterday too. It was like that all afternoon for me. Started working here again about 5 pm eastern. I hope you had a nice day off and really enjoyed yourself.

Faye.. congrats on the 2lb loss!! I am so proud of you and of all of us for doing our best!

Pam.. I am so glad you are feeling better with and in yourself. That is so important and I look forward to feeling that way again! It will only get better

Ok.. I need to go shower before the Dr appt. This is my post op checkup since my surgery was a bit over 6 weeks ago. I sure hope he says everything is all good. I'm really ready to have this behind me!

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Old 07-25-2003, 11:09 AM   #12  
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Angry Skinny cow's

I hear all of you guys talking about these "skinny cows" - where do you find them? I have looked and cannot find any, what store are you getting these at?
Maybe if I cannot find them I will just have to eat the WW low fat ice creams...I used to do the points system for WW and am thinking about doing it again, but I found it wasnt aggressive enough for me, maybe i just needed to cut down on the points

anyhow also what was the name of those veggie burgers that someone was talking about? Debbie? Let me know I am wanting to try those, I tried the Boca one's and did not like them at all...
but I am picky

good luck at lunch all, I am going to get chinese with my husband and brother...what would be the best thing to get with my steamed rice, as far as entree??

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Old 07-25-2003, 11:20 AM   #13  
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I just recently got hooked on skinny cows. I had trouble finding them, but in my grocery they are with the other diet type ice creams. Mine say Silhouette really big and that is what I noticed instead of the skinny cow emblem. My store has fudgcicles and these massive icecream sandwiches that look like two large cookies with ice cream in the middle. They are in a clear bubble like package and you can see the actual sandwich. Each one only has 120 cal and low low fat. Hope you can find them!

Morning Star Farms Better n Burger is the name of the burger. Missy is the one who recommended those. Thats what I am going to look for. I tried the Boca too...

With the rice.. oh goodness.
If its a buffet I'd do some of one of the veggie dishes. Our buffet offers several selections of veggie dishes and also steamed veggies. Try to stay away from beef and anything with oyster sauce or lobster sauce (hi cal). Stay away from anything fried.. and I'd personally avoid pork too. I would stick with veggies or chicken dishes. I am addicted to the moo goo gai pan but I have no idea what the cal intake is on it. I also like the soups they serve. And on buffets you can usually get fruit as well.

Good luck on your choices!
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Old 07-25-2003, 11:28 AM   #14  
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Faye, good job on the 2 lbs! You are so cute, I love the energy you put out

I sent the lasagna to work with the husband, so yeehaa, it's out of the house now

Thanks for working so hard with the point thing, and sorry about the chatter that makes the task harder lately
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Old 07-25-2003, 11:33 AM   #15  
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Default lunch

Thanks Debbie...I will look for the skinny cows...I too was looking for an actual big brand name of Skinny cow...so thanks...

Yeah I will try to stick with the chicken dishes and and the veggies...although I am sure there is not much chinese that is any kind of low fat and that stinks because I love it so much

wish me luck, talk to you later

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