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Old 05-07-2003, 12:00 PM   #1  
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Default Stay at home Mom's #74

Stay at home Mom's #74


Welcome to a thread full of encouragement, support and humor, as we share our lives, restore our health, lose weight and raise a family! Welcome to all newcomers and also to our regulars!! Be sure to go back to SAHM's thread #73 to catch up on what has been happening in everyone's lives.

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Old 05-07-2003, 12:18 PM   #2  
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First of all, welcome again to Firebird........and welcome back Karen! We missed you.

Melissa- gee, I'm so excited to hear that today is the day!!!! Hopefully your sweet little one is cooperative and will let you know if you need pink or blue! I'll check back in later (when I am checking for Ds's math homework ) to see if you have posted.
Try not to sweat it with the weight gain during pg. You did SO well on WW before- you can do it again and will fall right into the program when you are ready after the baby is born. At this mornings meetings Laura (group leader) told us to make this sort of our weekly social outing....and that attending meetings on a pretty regular basis might be almost a lifetime thing for some of us (think I am one of them!) even when we reach goal. So, the long and the short of it is- you'll be back OP again- and a loser again too!!!!

Firebird- Sounds like you are off to a great start, losing 6#!!! WW is a great program and how nice for you that you have a buddy to follow with. Is she doing the meetings? I know for me- yes I was shy about the public WI's, but they do not announce your weight- as a matter of fact they told me that some people do not even want to know how much they weigh, they just stay OP and attend the meetings and whatever they lose they lose.
If you ever have any questions about the program, I'll try to answer them if I can. How are the kids feeling?????

Karen- you busy lady!!!! Good for you getting that workout in, even as hectic as life had been. Hopefully things will slow down a bit for you.....and you can focus on yourself a bit . But at least you are busy with happy things- family and the like. I'm glad that you could check in and say hello.

Got to my meeting this am- and lost a big whopping 0.4#!!!! (don't get too excited there........) With my reduced activity being sick I am not surprised, and I know the scale will catch up to the fact that my clothes are getting looser. I do enjoy the meetings a lot- Laura is such a hoot. What was really encouraging was the friend I go with lost 4 # (she has really been struggling the past few weeks). I'm so happy for her. Oh, I bought myself a mother's day gift, one of those gigundo WW sipper mugs for my water/lemonade. Not that I ever had a problem getting my water in, it is just more portable now!
Gotta go. Spryng- please check in just to tell us you are ok, ok?
Jackie- where did ya go again????? I'm missing someone........forgive me for being brain dead..... Have a great day!
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Old 05-07-2003, 06:06 PM   #3  
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Guess What!?!

I have to say, Jackie~you were right, and I was pleasantly surprised. IT"S A GIRL! After all of this time, calling her a boy, I guess I'm sure to have a Tom Boy! Oh well, that's ok I'm still soo... happy, either one was fine with me!!!

OK ladies, I must go for now, have a good evening.
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Old 05-07-2003, 10:40 PM   #4  
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Good evening all!
Oh MEL I am so excited for you!! A GIRL! That is wonderful. I'm glad she cooperated and showed her "stuff". lol. Now you already have a son right? or am I thinking of someone else?? My brain is frazzled right now.
Ginny congrats on the .4 # loss. I know you said not to get excited but a loss is a loss and that is great!!
Well, I'm tired tonight. DH has been home all day so we took the kids to the park for the afternoon and I wore myself out. We let them play for quite a while and then took and long leisurely walk around the lake and such. It was really nice. The kids got to feed the ducks and they had a blast. Needless to say when we got home at 5 pm I was exausted so I took a nap then my dh promised me yesterday to help catch up on housework today so after I got up at 6 pm from my nap I expected to get started but he felt sick to his stomach and went and laid down so I did it all by myself. But I told him he can sweep and mop the kitchen for me. That would help alot. So much for taking it easy today though. But that's ok. I feel pretty good today, just tired now. Yesterday was a doozy for us. We went under Tornado warnings 4 times, but the first time the sirens went off DH was at the hospital getting his back checked out (he's been having alot of back pain lately) so I didn't know what to do. I panicked and started crying. Our house doesn't have an interior room to take cover in. They say go to the center of the house, well the center of our house is in the living room and it has windows and such. Finally DH got home and I was in my dd room with the kids trying to listen to the TV blaring in the living room to hear if the tornado was getting close. DH took over as soon as he got here (what would I do without him?) and piled blankets and flashlights and water and such in my dd closet so we were prepared to go in there if need be, then the sirens stopped. It was nerve wracking. I wouldn't have been so scared except for just two days prior to yesterday tornados swept through kansas city and parts of missouri and really did damage and killed several people and some are STILL missing. That's scary. So I knew it could be the real thing. One touched down yesterday 2 1/2 miles south of us but didn't hit anything. Thankfully. But things have calmed down now. Storms are gone for now. Boy I really love spring but I hate some of the weather that comes with it.
OK, I guess I have gone on and on. Sorry about that. Like I said my brain is frazzled and I'm tired so who knows what will come out of my mouth or in this case what my fingers will type OK, I promise to get more personal tomorrow. Have a great evening everyone! G'nite!
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Old 05-07-2003, 10:44 PM   #5  
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it's me again. I forgot to hit post reply and used the instant post, so this one I'm doing in the post reply mode so I can get email alerts. So just ignore me! lol. I said I was tired!! lol
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Old 05-09-2003, 10:02 AM   #6  
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Morning Ladies~!

I'm getting packed up to go to my moms today, so I'll be gone for a few days. I'm still shocked from the ultrasound, but very excited! I FINALLY got to go shopping, and oh it was so fun!!! I found lots of cute things, clothes, shoes, sheets and a diaper bag in the theme we're using! I admit, I went a little crazy, but it was fun shopping for the baby finally!!! I'm also feeling great, which is an added bonus to all of this. I'll need lots of energy for my trip, and for the baby fair I'm going to tomorrow!

Well, I hope everyone is good, and I'll be back soon!
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Old 05-09-2003, 10:34 AM   #7  
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Have a wonderful trip Mel!! Can't wait to hear how it went when you get back!

Where has everyone else been? Awfully quiet around here lately.
Well I am doing just fine. Just sitting here getting larger by the second. I can't tell you how ready I am to get this weight off once the baby comes. I feel as big as a house.
Other than that things are the same. My friend turns 40 weeks tomorrow. I still haven't heard from her. We've been having storm after storm here. But today it's suppose to be clear and almost 90 degrees!! Hot!
OK, I'll get off here. Hopefully we see more posts today. Ginny? Jackie? Karen? Firebird?? Anyone??? (echo-echo) so empty....
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Old 05-09-2003, 12:00 PM   #8  
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Gee, I'm sorry for not checking in yesterday~ just another busy day! I did get my hair done......it needed it and so did my brains!

Melissa- congrats!!!!!! So you are carrying a little girl. I'm so happy for you (would have been either way!) and now you can decorate and get clothes and all that fun stuff!! Hope that you have a great trip this weekend. Great that you are feeling strong also! We will miss you!

Spryng- you never slow down.............But I am glad to hear that you are safe, along with the rest of your family. It has to be tough with the warnings and trying to keep your wits about you for the sake of the kids. And pregnancy hormones on top of it!!
I'll keep you in prayer.......... And thankfully, the baby will be here soon enough!

I have two more busy days ahead, so this will be short. I'm pooped, spent most of the night coughing from this darned cold, so I am really tired now. My next cup of tea is steeping upstairs now ! I did get a 45 minute walk in today - had to as I missed yesterday. Well, gotta go clean up the kitch and finish making dinner. Have a great day!
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Old 05-09-2003, 02:14 PM   #9  
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Good afternoon everyone!

Ginny how nice to get your hair done! I am long over due for a trim. I hope you get over that cold soon.
Well I feel like I got alot done today even though I probably didn't. Remember I mentioned before about spending the day catching up on laundry? Well I never did. So today I decided it was long over due. I'm tired of sifting through baskets of clean clothes to find something to wear so I sent the kids out to play and watched some TLC and just folded folded folded (and put away of course) now I am caught up and it really didn't take that long. I don't know why I put things off so much. I picked up the living room some and that is all I have done today. Later I plan to load the dishwasher and roast a chicken for dinner and that's all, so all in all I'm taking it easy today.
What are you making for dinner Ginny?
Wow I can't believe it is Friday already! This week has flown by. Any special plans for the weekend? We don't have any made here. Probably will visit the in laws or something.
Well, talk to you all later!
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Old 05-10-2003, 09:15 PM   #10  
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Wow, is it ever quiet here............ just me and Spryng!
Spryng- gosh the one night that you ask what I was making for dinner was the one night that I dressed up some leftovers- as I had such a busy day! Dinner was- gulp- hot dogs, a salad and cantoloupe. Dh makes chili dogs- I had made chili two nights before so at least something was remants of a real meal!! I was in a huge rush as I got home from my afternoon run at 4:50- had to load the truck with donations for Ds's school garage sale- get the stuff there and unloaded and then go to a retirement celebration for the principal at Dd's school by 7 (which means I had to look semi decent for that and get changed.) Oh, and I forgot, I also had to throw together an appetizer to bring to the retirement party- all between 5 and 6:50..... So dinner had to be easy and no fuss. Your roast chicken sounded much better than what I made!!!! I'm sure it was yummy, and roast chicken makes such good leftovers too. Congrats on getting the laundry done, I know how that catches up with you and it is so easy to get behind! Hey, are those nesting instincts settling in yet?? What show(s) are your favorites on TLC? Can't say that I watch TLC all that much, I flip between HGTV and Discovery when I am doing housework or just want some pleasant background noise.
Are you getting along ok with your Inlaws - after that one difficult time?
Well, today I got a walk in- and then ran off to Ds's school to work the garage sale until 12. Dh and I worked outside a bit in the garden and of course I had to clean up the disaster in the kitchen that came about because I was not home in the am.
We might be going to Lahaska Pa tomorrow- a day out to go to a large flea market there and have dinner out. I'm not sure though, as the weather here in NY is not supposed to be good.
We'll see.

I'd better go check Dd in the tub. Have a great Mother's Day!!!!!
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Old 05-10-2003, 11:14 PM   #11  
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Good evening all!
I know it been quiet around here Ginny, I wonder how Jackie's WI went thursday. She sure needs to post more often. I miss her. Hey don't feel bad about chili dogs for dinner. Last night we had sloppy joe's because I was too tired to make anything good. But the kids ate them like they were going out of style! That was the first time I ever made it for them. Now I know to make it more often. The roast chicken came out excellent. We always put apple chunks, onion, and celery inside the chicken cavity so it makes a nice broth to baste it with and it always comes out so delicious. Needless to say there wasn't any leftovers once my DH tore into it lol. But it was great. I've probably put on 5 more lbs since my last appointment! Let's hope not. But my appetite has been ferocious lately. I can sure put some food away. You sound as busy as ever. Hopefully you get to go to that flea market. Boy do I miss those in california! It was a family event to get up early on sundays and spend all day there. I love them. As for nesting instincts... well I don't think so. I wish they would kick in full time so I can get things done but right now I barely have energy for normal stuff like dishes and picking up the living room. I still need to clean up my bedroom before the baby gets here since he'll be sharing our room for awhile and we have another dresser to move into out room etc. But I have 6 more weeks or so to go so I am sure it will all get done soon.
As for favorite shows on TLC I love trading spaces but I only watch it on saturday's, I watch A Baby Story everyday and tomorrow night they will run several shows of Maternity Ward which I love too but don't get to see very often. My DH hates TLC. But I love the Food Channel too! I love to watch how products got their start or iron chef. And my DH likes those shows too so we watch alot of it.
I'm getting along with my in-laws ok. I think we are really trying anyway. There hasn't been one argument since our last falling out so that is a plus. But my MIL is the type of woman that I may think she is trying too but really is just be quiet about how she really feels... I can't read her to know the difference. But either way it has been pleasant around them lately. She did tell me today that I need to shave off half my living room to make a baby's room. She went on and on about how to do it and how much it would cost etc. But if we do that we will have a TINY living room and the baby's room would be barely big enough for a crib and changing table... more like a large closet. So I politely listened to her but was secretly discarding the idea. I love my living room. I don't want to change it and I think that the baby will be fine in our room until he is 6-12 weeks old and then he'll share with my ds. Do you think a baby will be ok to share a room with his 2 1/2 yo brother?? I wonder about that sometimes. But if I think my ds would bother him at night or anything then the baby will just stay in our room until they can share a room with no problems. Have you ladies went through this with any of your kids sharing a room??
Well, it's been an ok day here today. Hot and humid but tomorrow it's suppose to only get to 67 so that will be a nice change. I'll enjoy the coolness for as long as it will last.
Guess I'll get off here now that I have went on and on. Hope everyone is having a great night!!
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Old 05-11-2003, 12:32 PM   #12  
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Hi~ and happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!
I am online only to look for a restaurant so I'll be brief. Spryng-
I do not see any problem with a 2 1/2 yr old sharing a room. Totally different story if your Ds was in school, needed sleep - had homework etc.... but I know that it will work out for a while, at least until the baby is 18 months and really able to get into big brothers toys. Then you might have to work something out with where the older brother's toys are kept.
Other than that all is well here. We skipped the flea market today, as the weather is crummy.
See ya later!
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Old 05-11-2003, 11:05 PM   #13  
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Oh sorry to hear you missed going to the flea market. They are always so much fun.
Well I got to spend the morning at the ER with DH. His back is really out. They just gave him some pain medication in his hip and told him to talk to his doctor this week about doing a MRI to see if a disk is out or what. The pain meds are working so he is feeling better tonight but I wish they would have done more tests on him while we were there to find the cause so we can start treating that, you know? But anyway, I am thankful he is no longer moaning and groaning on the couch.
Other than that nothing much is happening today. I hit 34 weeks tomorrow!! 6 more to go!! (or less! )
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Old 05-12-2003, 09:59 AM   #14  
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Good morning ladies~!

I made it home last night, and I am still so tired! I think I'll just rest today, and try to catch up some laundry.

Happy late Mother's day!!!

I had a wonderful time, we went to the Baby Fair on Sat. and while we did do a lot of walking and was very tired, we had a wonderful time! I won a car seat!!! Plus I got a lot of diaper and bottle bags just for going, so it was really worth the trip!!!

Well, I'm gonna get some rest, and I'll try to check back later.
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Old 05-12-2003, 02:08 PM   #15  
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Glad to hear your trip went wel Mel! How are you feeling? What does your family think about your wonderful "PINK" news??
Things are normal around here. I'm just puttering around today. Not really doing much. In fact not really doing anything. I made corn dogs for lunch and now I am wondering if it was such a good idea. So greasy. I ate 4!!! Shame on me. Now I feel bloated. Someday I will learn how to curb this appetite of mine.
Ok, well anyway. My Dh woke up feeling much better today. Thanks to some strong pain meds. Hopefully he can work his entire shift today at work. We can't have him miss anymore days or only work an hour or two a day. so hopefully he will feel good enough to work all day.
Well, guess I am off for a nap. I hope everyone is having a great day!
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