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Old 02-27-2012, 09:17 AM   #16  
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Hi everyone,

Just back from 10 days of vacation ( a cruise) and a 10 day business trip before that. now its back to the real world. I'm going to wait till next week to weigh myself, but I know I'm not where I was at a month ago.
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:09 AM   #17  
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Thanks everyone, I'm pretty happy I didn't binge snack or anything, so that's a good start ^.^

Welcome home BuffJim
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:42 AM   #18  
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Diana - See? You so know what it's like to put off the purchase of a mattress then, Glad I am not alone

Mamakat - Glad to hear he made it in state safe Those are some great NSVs!!!!! I like the one where you weren't recognized due to all the changes... talk about super great!!!!

I slept wonderfully and now at work. Tonight will be doing some strength training when I get home - love doing that on a Monday since it is my "stress" day at work, it helps keep me sane to take it out on pushing I hope everyone has an awesome day!!!
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Old 02-27-2012, 12:08 PM   #19  
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Happy Monday!

What a weekend! Best part was WI today: 181.
Got a new kitty yesterday. Looks like we'll keep this one. She's got pretty long hair, so I named her Farrah. It seems to fit!

DD's ankle is healing, slowly. She managed to make it out for 2 scenes for Saturday's show. I just don't know if she'll be ready for dancing on Friday. It's so hard to break your kid's heart. I hate this part of parenting!

Erinrenea: Your story made me smile (sorry!). I can just picture it. And the clerks just haven't got a clue! Hope you're feeling better though! How's the knee doing? I can't imagine how you're even getting around.

Diana: Did you find the Rudi's english muffins? If so, do you like them? I've never tried Zicam. Might have to next time I get a cold! It sounds like a miracle cure!!

musicismysoulfire: Welcome!

Val: That is exactly WHY you should check in. We're here for you.

ItsMyTurn: New beds and a new sectional?? Cool! That was one good salesman. Look at you kickin butt with the exercise! You go girl! Dang...a clean house AND a clean dog. It doesn't get much better than than!

mamakat: Look at that number going down, down, down! WTG!!!!! If you really feel the need to show off your new butt, please put some pants on first. Your neighborhood sounds very interesting. My DH would never tolerate it! The house next door to us has had some pretty wild occupants. I began to call it "Adventures in Neighbors" when telling my BFF the latest tale. It's empty now, in foreclosure or something.

Hope you all have a great, OP day!
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:08 PM   #20  
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Sorry gals, weekends are hard for me to post. Scale keeps bouncing around the same pound, but I'm noticing body changes even though the scale won't agree.

On Saturday I upped all my weights in Bodypump and then we cleaned house - had a 900 calorie deficit that day.

Sunday I taught, but still managed to move enough to reach my calorie goal and had a 500 calorie deficit. So, of course, I'm up 1.2 pounds today. Makes sense, right? LOL.... I had more carbs yesterday and was on my feet all day - a perfect prescription for water weight gain.

Today I will do some step aerobics. Should be fun. And this morning I took my younger son for a speech eval. I was able to observe through a two way mirror. I see HUGE gains, but still so many deficits.

Anyway.... I'm still here, plugging away!
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Old 02-27-2012, 02:43 PM   #21  
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ItsMyTurn~Good grief, superwoman! You're making the rest of us look bad. LOL!! I bought a new mattress a year and a half ago. I realized that I really needed one after going on vacation and the one in the hotel was a 100 times better than mine at home. I'm very jealous about your new sectional.

Diana~I'll have to try that on the English muffins I got the other day. It sounds very yummy!

Mamakat~I was having an RA flair the week before last. I was doing pretty good then on Friday I slipped on some ice and landed directly on my left knee cap. It has been a mess ever since. My back hurts most of the time anyway because I have RA all the way through the right side of it. I would spend some quality time in hot water but I can't get back out of a bathtub and I can't stand long enough to take a very long shower. I'm a mess! LOL! I won't hear anything about the job interview until next week. The guy I interviewed with was going skiing this week in Colorado. Are you feeling any better yet? That's awesome about your new booty!

BuffJim~Hello, nice to meet you!

MoonDance~It was pretty comical. Trying to walk in there, I looked like I was either very constipated or just popped out a kid.

I'm getting around a little better. I was pretty bummed that I missed out on such a nice weekend. I had so many things I wanted to get done. I did haul myself out to sit outside for a while though. I had class today. It usually takes me 5 minutes to get to class and today it took 15. I called and left a message with my regular doc's nurse to see if I could get the paperwork for handicap parking. She called me back after I got out of class and the paperwork was waiting for me at the front desk. So now I am officially permanently disabled. I will probably be very popular with my friends and family now for good parking spaces. LOL!! I had half a pound gain from yesterday. I'm not very surprised considering I have zero activity going on. I have gone down 1 point for my daily allotment. I have to continue to watch what I eat and do whatever activity I can manage.

I hope everyone is having a great day!!!
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:16 PM   #22  
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I just took a power nap which I desperately needed. Now I feel much better and feel more confident in being able to get in some exercise this evening (sleep deprivation and exercise don't usually happen with me).

Bad news is that I had a small breakfast this morning and then went to McDonald's for lunch with my little guy. I had an angus bacon and cheese burger (minus the top bun) and a medium fries. I then had an apple. By 1 pm I had consumed all my calories for the day! Now, I don't tend to be hungry in the evenings and I often don't eat dinner with my family because I eat my bigger meal around 3-4 pm, but.... not eating between 1 pm and 10 pm is really stretch it! Let's see how I do with that, huh?

In other news, I've been job hunting and coming to realize I might need to re-educate. I have a BA and Master's but I've been home the last nearly 8 years with kids. My field (university admin) isn't hiring much AND it's all "who you know". Chances aren't good. I'm looking into going back to school for teaching. It would take two years. The county I live in doesn't do Career switchers stuff like some other more hard up counties do and I'm not willing to limit my career to more hard up counties. Grrrr... I don't worry about being OK academically, but giving up two more years of my life to re-educate isn't appealing either.

Of course, all coursework is evenings and weekends, so I 'can' find a job and work on the MA too, but I'm not willing to work a crap job if I don't need to. I would still have to pay for after school care and that would zap a lot of a crap job's salary - and then there's summers too. Basically, I'm way picky!
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Old 02-27-2012, 04:46 PM   #23  
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I still need to find out about the pure pumpkin. What does this taste like? http://www.verybestbaking.com/Libbys...mpkin15oz.aspx It doesn't have any added sugar. It might not be sweet enough to eat on an English Muffin. I have never tasted pure pumpkin like that without anything added to it. Any thoughts?

Berry Good to see you. Have you ever tasted Libby's Pure Pumpkin? If so, is there any sweetness to it at all? I don't think you are being picky about the job situation. You just want to find something that's going to be a good fit for you. Thats understandable. I have a BS. I worry about if something happens and I need to get a job. I haven't had any additional educational job training, etc. I have been self employed since I got married. Who would ever want to hire me? Especially if I couldn't make it in my business, why would they want to hire me to run theirs?

BuffJim Hi and Welcome back!

Itsmyturn I'm glad you slept well on the new mattress. I hope you can fit in the strength training and you have a great day, too.

Moondance Congrats on your weight in! I found the Rudi's muffins and I do enjoy them. I tried to locate their bread thins, but no one around here has them. I saw that Amy's has a bread thin, too. I need to look for those the next time. I am eating the muffins for breakfast and a Natures's Own bread for lunch. The Natures Own Bread contains soy lecithin, but it does not contain soy flour or soybean oil. I am hoping the lecithin is less allergenic. Our stores has the regular Rudi's breads, but they are 100 calories per piece of bread. I hate eating only 1 slice of bread and cutting it in half. It makes me feel like I am being deprived. I might look at that again. I'll see how things go this week. Farrah is a great name for your kitty.
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Old 02-27-2012, 05:00 PM   #24  
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Originally Posted by Diana3271 View Post
I still need to find out about the pure pumpkin. What does this taste like? http://www.verybestbaking.com/Libbys...mpkin15oz.aspx It doesn't have any added sugar. It might not be sweet enough to eat on an English Muffin. I have never tasted pure pumpkin like that without anything added to it. Any thoughts?

Berry Good to see you. Have you ever tasted Libby's Pure Pumpkin? If so, is there any sweetness to it at all? I don't think you are being picky about the job situation. You just want to find something that's going to be a good fit for you. Thats understandable. I have a BS. I worry about if something happens and I need to get a job. I haven't had any additional educational job training, etc. I have been self employed since I got married. Who would ever want to hire me? Especially if I couldn't make it in my business, why would they want to hire me to run theirs?

Thanks Diana - it's tough finding a job - period.

About Libby's pumpkin puree. It tastes like pure pumpkin AND no, not sweet at all. You could add a bit of cinnamon to it to pull out the flavors a bit. I always think things taste sweeter with cinnamon.
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Old 02-27-2012, 08:12 PM   #25  
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Hi Everyone!

Berry I put extra cinnamon on my English muffins. I think I will try the pure pumpkin. If I don't like it, it won't be the end of the world. My pumpkin butter is lower in sugar, but there's still sugar in it.

Total Approx 1520 Calories +

Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (375 Calories)
Natures Own Sugar Free Whole Wheat Bread 2 slices 100 calories
3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (750 Calories)
Shared salad w/DH used my own dressing 150 calories
Grilled NY Strip 400 calories
2 orders steamed broccoli 200 calories

#10 SD Bonus Abs
#10 SD Xtreme Lower Body w/#10's

*NOTE: My calories will be different than they have been in the past. I am using a different English Muffin.
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Old 02-27-2012, 09:44 PM   #26  
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Moondance - YAY!!!! You totally rocked that weigh in!!! I am so glad you think Farrah will be a perfect fit I don't know about a good sales lady or not.. but she knew I wasn't going to buy unless... so got free delivery, $100 off the beds, and then she agreed to take $500 off the $1950 sectional - I bit my lip and she had her sale before my DH got back from the ATM to get the money to pay off the beds, He's like "I thought you were waiting until next year for the couch"... I said "well, that couch is my treadmill" cause we planned on getting one of those. I couldn't say no to that deal. I only allow myself 2 bigger purchases a year until we have the house the way we want it though. Here's my plan though... when my folks come, going to try to play sales lady myself and see if dad would get one for here It's how we got our pool table. I just have to convince him it would be good for mom, she is "so used to having access to her treadmill at home, and you all are here 2 months out of a year - that's a long time to go without routine", Let's see where it gets me

erinrenae - I think it's funny that it took a trip to a hotel to realize how bad yours was, Glad you made the leap though - we have been putting this off for a few years and decided DH and I are too old to try to make this work anymore, I am glad your disability went through for you - also glad to hear you got outside to sit. Don't worry about your list of things to do...they will wait for you

Berry- I am with you on going to school, for a totally different field. Amazing how the job market/economy will get us back in school - I am old enough to be the mom to most of the people who will be my classmates, but... do what we have to do!

Got in the strength training, but not for as long as I normally like to go - wore low on fuel/energy. Relaxing now. Going to be heading to bed within the hour, I think. Hope you all have a great night!!!
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Old 02-27-2012, 09:56 PM   #27  
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hello everyone! I haven't been able to logon lately. every time I tried the page kept refreshing. not much to report. still smoke free. I was all the way back up to the mid 230s but I hit a new low of 222.2 on Saturday. It bounced back up to 226 this morning because of the homemade sausage gravy we had yesterday but that's OK. I feel like I'm doing well again. I am almost to my pre-kid weight!
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:52 PM   #28  
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Morning Weight 374.8

Couscous 220
Zesty Spaghetti Sauce w/ added broccoli 65
Poached Egg 70
Chicken Meatballs 130
Lemon Greek Yogurt 140
Sub Total 625

4 oz Chicken Tenders ( skinless boneless) 130
Yukon Gold Potato 150
Sour Cream 60
Healthy colors Steamer 60
Sub Total 400

Fresh Baked Rolls 500

Daily Total 1525

Water 48

************************************************** **********************

Morning Weight 373.8

Mini Moo Chocolate Milk 130
Oatmeal ( w/molasses and cinnamon ) 320
Banana (lrg) 200
Sub Total 650

Couscous 220
Zesty Spaghetti Sauce w/ added broccoli 65
Chicken Meatballs 230
Sub Total 515

Eye of Round Roast 170
1c Jasmine Rice 205
1c Green Beans 40
Sub Total 415

1/3 PB Sandwich ( 1 slice potato bread 90, 1 tsp Strawberry Jam 20, 3Tbsp PB285=395)132
8 Garadelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chips 40
Sub Total 172

Daily Total 1752

Water 48

My dd has hit a growth spurt hard… Friday morning her lil belly popped from her shirt because her trunk has grown so much.. So I had to send her to school with the ill fitting shirt because none of them ( size 7/8 ) are fitting * smacks my head * So that evening I went and got Size 10/12 shirts which are big but at least her belly or her back isn’t showing every time she moves or lifts her arms ( she doesn’t adjust her clothes after that happens so then its all out Ugh I hate fashion that has the shirts short in the torso and the pants short in the crotch .. Just irritates me they are kids and give them the material so they can move with out showing off their body parts !) She still is able to use in size 6 pants ( aka get them up and down to go potty by herself) but the size 7/8 are not so big that they fall off so she wears them too.

Now she has hit the tape worm time where she is just starving.. Last night she ate a full plate of dinner and a glass of milk then right before bed was starving again so she ate a yogurt and half PB&J sandwich then drank more milk and was eating Cheetos while walking up the stairs to go to bed. She woke up this morning you could hear her belly growling when she went to potty at 5am. She looked up at me and she goes “Wowa I got a hungry monster in my belly and its growling” *LOL* Tonight was much the same, but she did not quite finish the PB&J sandwich. I really am hoping that she sleeps in til 6 tomorrow morning * crosses my fingers * Anyone have any ideas on how to keep little kids tummy’s full over night? We have tried oatmeal, dry cereal, ect.. Pb right now seems to be keeping her the longest. I am waiting for the return of the 2 am “Mommy I am hungry”

Worse yet poor girl embarrassed herself here this evening by peeing herself. She was so upset. She has not done that in well over half a year or more when she is awake. Trying to explain to a 3 year old that your body is growing so fast that your bladder is not keeping up is … well impossible. So we are going to go back to taking her on a schedule instead of just letting her go when she feels the need for a little bit.

Diana~ Thanks .. I am trying to get my calories lower again … Oh and Btw libby’s pumpkin is just that pumpkin there is a slight bitterness to it… but its not to bad. If you do choose to sweeten it it doesn’t take near the amount of sweetness as recipes call for. My daughter will eat it straight from the can and will go MmmmMMMmmMMM like you gave her the best thing in the world *lol* .. Try a little when you open the can and go from there. If you do have to add a little sweet to it do it a little at a time and taste, because I do not add near as much as recipes call for because I feel it starts tasting sicky sweet.

Erin~ The cashiers here told me that if they do not ask a customer at Walgreens about all of those promos then they have to give them the item for free and it comes off their pay. And there is a sign there now stating if your not asked about such and such promotion that you get it free. So normally I go I do not want batteries, cupcakes, candy or any other promotional item they have thought up now *lol* The cashiers laugh and say thank you, because they think it is a pain in the butt too.

I hope your knee is getting better!!

Mamakat~ Ohhhhhh Noooooo…. I sowwy *lol* …. I was down and out today with a temp and not feeling well … this being sick business is getting OLD*lol* …. A co worker of mine said maybe next year I should get the flu shot *lol* I may just do that cause this has been crazy!

Ally~ welcome!

Shishkeberry~ Thought I would chime in … didn’t know if you knew .. But you can so make homemade sausage and gravy lower in fat.. If you drain the sausage totally ( I so use Hot sausage too so there is more flavor so I do not have to add salt or tons of pepper and less sausage per amount of gravy ) .. Wipe out the pan .. Then put the flour in the dry pan and let it brown just slightly til it has a bit of a nutty smell and is light blonde roast then add the milk… seriously it works you do not have to have the rue to get a gravy to come together just makes it easier and roasting the flour like that make sure you do not have the funky floury pasty taste at the end. You can also do Salisbury steak or country fried steak the same I just let the flour brown deeper so its more of a brown gravy.
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:59 PM   #29  
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Qtkitty- give her something with protien before going to bed. Cheese sticks, unsweetened yogurt (or sweetened with reveal fruit, not sugary stuff), cottage cheese.

And I thought my 6 year old was big! He is just outgrowing his size 8s now and he's still 6 but will be 7 in 2 months.
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:08 PM   #30  
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thanks for the tip qtkitty! it was my first time making gravy so I didn't know you didn't need the fat. DF was in the mood for it yesterday so I thought I'd try my hand at it. It was so delicious that I ate more than I should have.
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