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Diana3271 02-26-2012 07:35 AM

Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! Week of 2/26/12
Hello Everyone! :wave: Welcome to the Check-In! Let's make it a great week!

I want to welcome everyone to the Daily Accountability Check-In. Our goal is to stay accountable and on track by posting our daily food and exercise choices. All food and exercise programs are welcome. Consistency is the key to reaching our weight loss goals.

Introduce yourself or jump right in and tell us what you have been doing.

:cheer2: Here's to the start of a great week! :cheer2:

erinrenae80 02-26-2012 08:51 AM

Good morning everyone!

I don't have much to report. I've just been doing a lot of laying on the couch. I went and picked up a pair of crutches from a friend yesterday. I don't know if it is because my bad knee is having to pick up the slack or even though I didn't land on it, maybe the motion (I can't make sudden movements with my effected joints) was enough but my bad knee is almost as bad as the one I landed on. It isn't a regular flare either because my other joints are good. I'm going to up my Prednisone again today and I'm probably looking at a doctor's visit tomorrow.

I stopped by Walgreen's when I was in town too for Mucinex. I looked like a mess because I was having a horrible time walking and I can talk again but I don't sound good. I'm standing at the checkout and the cashier keeps asking me if I want a candy bar. I tell her, "No, thank you." Then, she goes into the whole thing about the sales help the National Guard and I don't even have to take the candy bar, blah, blah, blah. I'm not anti-military or anything. I have a ton of friends that have or are currently serving overseas. But for crying out loud, I can barely stand and I'm already spending over $10 on medicine plus she didn't ask anyone that was in line ahead of me if they wanted a candy bar.

Diana3271 02-26-2012 09:14 AM

erinrenae80 I hope you are feeling more mobile soon! It's hard not to be able to get around without pain.

I wanted to mention about DH's cold. He has struggled with this thing for close to 4 weeks now, I think. A friend mentioned that he had a cold and got rid of it in 3 days with Zicam. I don't know why I didn't think about Zicam before since we have used it in the past. Anyways, yesterday DH had almost lost his voice. I purchased the Zicam yesterday and he took it last night. I swear, his voice came back before bed and so far this morning he is feeling better. We'll see how it goes. Maybe it was just time for him to get better, I don't know. I'm thinking it's the Zicam, though. I will keep it on hand at all times though.

valalltogether 02-26-2012 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by erinrenae80 (Post 4230693)
Good morning everyone!

I'm standing at the checkout and the cashier keeps asking me if I want a candy bar.

i know exactly what you're talking about and i hate this. they have the promo out loud right at the register and they obviously train the employees to ask every customer. i don't like how direct they are and quite frankly, "would you like a candy bar?" could be interpreted by somebody not-so-bright as a freebie giveaway. lol! what is it with this country? bet you'll never hear a cashier ask you if you want an apple. ugh.

musicismysoulfire 02-26-2012 12:23 PM

Hey, mind if I join in? =) My name is Ally, I'm in college, stressed out and ready to get to a healthy weight ^.^

erinrenae80 - Sorry to hear about that cashier, and your crutches! Cashiers can sometimes get really pushy about things and it becomes pretty rude and irritating :(

Diana3271 02-26-2012 12:27 PM

musicismysoulfire Hi and Welcome to the check-in! :wave:

valalltogether Hi :wave: It's good to see you.

valalltogether 02-26-2012 12:57 PM


i kinda don't want to check in because my weight is creeping back up. i weighed 147 today. i got a swollen mouth so i'm eating ice cream like its my job.

erinrenae80 02-26-2012 01:19 PM

Diana~Maybe I should have went with the Zicam. The thought of going back to the store makes me cringe at moment.

Music~Hello and welcome!! I'm in my last semester of college so I know where you are coming from. :)

Val~What's going on with your mouth? If I'm being too nosey, just tell me to mind my own business! ;)

musicismysoulfire 02-26-2012 02:39 PM

Awesome to see how friendly every one is ^.^ I can't check-in right now though, I don't have a scale *yet* and the one at the gym on campus is really hard to use -.-' I should have a scale by Tuesday though =D

ItsMyTurn 02-26-2012 04:30 PM

Mamakat - Let me start with I just got caught up, and your post to me made me teary...seriously. You are a hard a$$ woman like myself, and to say something like that, I know it's sincere - neither of us are the type to blow smoke up someone's butt, :lol: Thank you so much, and I do hope you are feeling a little better. Had your husband gotten home yet? My family in northern Maine said the roads were an absolute mess there from the snow, but mid-southern Maine didn't get squat in comparison...so hoping his travel is/was smooth too

Diana - LOVE the new avatar! You were having an awesome hair day in that one too!!!!

As for me - did cardio the day after I had done the strength and all my muscles were cussing at me. Yesterday went shopping for a new bed, as we had 3 pillows between our mattress and box spring to try and fix the "dips" in ours unsuccessfully. It has been horrible the last 2 yrs and I finally said enough is enough. Also got a mattress for my oldest daughter, the one with real bad RA, as hers is WAY old and she needs more support with her pain. Somehow in the process, got talked into buying a dang sectional! What?? Oh well, it's super nice and I got a good deal... so suck it up and see what kind of OT I can work for a bit, :lol: Today I have been cleaning all day. I normally don't clean like this at all, so to me, those calories burned, count! Straightened up my room and stripped the bed for the delivery of our new one... guys where here, set up, and gone 10 mins before they were even scheduled to be here! Awesome! Then started laundry, took out all the recycling, did dishes, have now hung 4 loads of clothes, and the 5th is ready for the line,...brushed, cut/shaved the dog (hard with that curly dang hair) for over 2 hrs, then sprayed him with his smelly-good spray... then I had to sit and just have some water - which is the chance I am using to post now :) DH is at work until 4pm... orientation has him on days... so I will be doing supper tonight. That means, if momma is cooking, we all eat healthy! I'm making talapia :) I didn't weigh myself this morning on weigh in day as I honestly forgot when I got up... so gotta hop on the scale in the morning... wish me luck!

musicismysoulfire - :welcome: Happy to have ya!!!

Diana3271 02-26-2012 09:24 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Itsmyturn Thank you! My hair is so much more cooperative when it's really short. :D Congrats on the new mattress! I hope you sleep well on it. DH and I got a new mattress a couple years ago. I think ours was 20 years old at the time! :eek: It was worn out 10 years prior! :lol: Look at you, getting your muscles attention! :D Great job on your workouts! You had a busy day!

Total Approx 1345 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (550 Calories)
Iced coffee w/sweet 'n low + cream 50 calories
turkey wrap 400 calories
fruit cup 100 calories

Dinner (400 Calories)
Raw carrots 140 calories
English muffin w/cottage cheese, pumpkin butter & cinnamon 260 calories

#10 SD Bonus Buns w/#10's
#10 SD Recovery Total Body w/#10's
TF Fire 45 EZ w/weighted gloves

Diana3271 02-26-2012 09:33 PM

I have said this several times, but I will say it again :D there's is something about an English Muffin, cottage cheese, cinnamon, and pumpkin butter that I absolutely LOVE and Adore! I don't know what it is about this combo that I like so much. It is literally like a dessert for me. It is insane!

ETA: What does this taste like? http://www.verybestbaking.com/Libbys...mpkin15oz.aspx It doesn't have any added sugar. It might not be sweet enough to eat on an English Muffin. I have never tasted pure pumpkin like that without anything added to it. Any thoughts?

musicismysoulfire 02-27-2012 12:51 AM

Well, my turn I guess ;)

Breakfast (260)
Kashi cereal, 1 cup almond milk and weight watchers cherry cheesecake yogurt.

Lunch (370)
Garlic butter rice side and 1 can starkist light tuna

Dinner (1,088)
I know is very high, we celebrated a friend's birthday tonight and the only healthy thing on the menu at Five Guys was a the veggie sandwich. And I did indulge myself in some fries =/

And my exercise was a 45 minute walk, crunches and pushups and a lot of bowling ^.^

mamakat 02-27-2012 06:50 AM

Monday Morning WI 196.4 total of 2.2 lbs lost for the week. I saw 194 as a blip. My 90lb mini goal is right around the corner :) Already have my eyes on a new wig :)

Musicsmysoulfire :welcome: some days are higher than others, but it's nice to see you making conscientious decisions. That's a battle right there. :)

ItsMyTurn DH got home late or early depending on what day you're talking about. I was out cold and didn't even know until later in the morning. They were in Camden and it didn't snow much there, but he had to drive through North East Conn. to get home so I don't know what that was like. But he's back in state this week, still out of town so we won't see him this week either. Yay, on the new bed. My Rheum. suggested very loudly that we change out bed from springs all together. She recommended the foam one, no pressure points. My BIL loves his. But DH had friends who got a great deal, if 5 or more buy the bed they would cut the price drastically. SO we got the air one, geez can't remember the name right now. You see it on TV all the time. It adjusts to each sleeper and has a number...duh, I need coffee. Anyway, we got that and have been miserable ever since :p If I get the number right, it works, but it's saggy and I like stiff. Course, it's supposed to be for my body, not my preference. I hate sinking. I hope your bed brings you lots of good night rest :)

erin how is your knee today. Okay, I got lost somewhere over these past few days. You have bad RA in one and you fell on the other? Oh that's awful. By the time you are through with these aches and pains, your back is going to hurt for all the over compensating. Hot showers/baths and good massages are highly recommended. How did the job interview go...any call backs?

qtkitty how are you doing? How's your throat. So last week when I was reading about it, I jokingly told myself, now watch me get it. I get strep with just a look. I wish I were kidding. So guess who has a sore throat now? Yeah, it's not strep but it's funny that it happened, not funny I can't suck on anything...ugh everything has carbs! I hope you are feeling better.

Diana good morning. I have no idea what pumpkin anything tastes like, unless its pie. Oh and DH makes a low carb pudding with it. I don't eat butter anymore which is weird since I'm allowed. I love butter on toast or any bread product and we all know I don't eat that :blush: so there's no need for fancy spreads, kids won't try anything :p

AFM I was out of commission all week. Got so bad, it was hard to take care of business. I nearly dropped hot coffee on myself once and the side effects of the pain killers made me so sick, I just wanted to crawl in a hole. I got wrapped up in sweaters and gloves and sat in front of my arcadia door while the morning sun shone through. It felt nice, but the moment it past I went back under my comforter.

I have mommy duty, kids are back to school, and a dentist appt. this morning. I figure if I move slow enough and double up on all my clothing, I might have a chance. Its a bad flare up and it's hitting every last stinking muscles, even the toes :lol: It took DH a day to realize it was serious. Saturday he kept complaining that I was complaining. Sunday he was asking every 5 mins what he can do. Come on Spring!

Oh and an NSV. Friday I was taking a hot shower doing my best to warm my 100 year old body. I was using my mentholated body wash and as I washed my backs and hips I felt a crazy body change. I have always had a shelf butt, even at my thinnest. My butt always had a nice round top above my wastline, but super saggy everywhere else. I felt my real back for the first time ever. It was weird feeling! Before my spine stopped around my belly button but now I can feel it all the way down. I thought wth and got out to examine. Yep, it's normal on top now...need to lift the bottom :p It looks like a normal butt even in clothes, it's weird to me. DH saw me come out of the bathroom Saturday and said the same thing. He said it looked weird, not the actual butt, he said that looked normal, but all our marriage it looked like a shelf. If I toned my butt it would be heart shaped now. It so cool, I've never ever had one. So of course now, I need to go show it off :rofl:

another NSV. My crackheads neighbor drove past me last week and I made the effort to wave, something I never do. Well she didn't wave back and I just chalked it up to her being on crack. Well DH ran into yesterday, she told him to tell me, I look amazing. She said I had waved at her and she had no idea who I was, but then when she got home it dawned on her, it was me. She said I looked like a whole new person. Awww, isn't that nice, even crackheads notice :D I live in a weird neighborhood, but I love that the dealers don't deal to children :rofl:

I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy day!

Diana3271 02-27-2012 07:32 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

I think TTOM might be starting soon. It seems like it just ended. Actually, it just ended not too long ago. It was longer than normal.

Calories for yesterday: 1345 + :coffee2:
Weigh In: 148.2
No Change

musicismysoulfire Great job on the workout!

Mamakat Congrats on the 2.2 pounds! :carrot: I hope you feel better this week. Congrats on those NSV's! Don't you just hate crazy neighbors? I am not very fond of the man across the street. At least he doesn't go to work at 3 AM anymore. He was making me nuts revving his truck up at that hour.

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