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Amarantha2 01-21-2003 09:46 AM

Hmmm. Can't get started on the weights and I realize what's wrong, have realized for some time ... I'm totally making no strength gains or progress on my Tuesday and Thursday, all body weight workout. All I'm doing is skipping it or exhausting myself, so I've been writing up a six-day split that'll only take 10 minutes a day ... the rest of my 420 minutes can be doing the walking or whatever that I am enjoying more at the moment. The split basically goes Monday, lower body; Tuesday, core; Wednesday, upper body; Thursday, lower; Friday, core; Saturday, upper! I'm going to do this for three weeks (yesterday was a freebie for the lower body) and then evaluate.

Dang, I need to put this in the journal that I killed off yesterday. I'd enjoy the journal more if it didn't appear on that summary page with one's number of posts, making me feel like an egoistic overposting forum junkie. But I like the idea of posting my intentions to the world. Jadequest is dead, but The Quest goes on.

:yikes: That's yikes! Gotta get it in gear and go! Howdy, Ceara, thou Intrepid & Fantastic Gym Rat!!! Good going on thy striving! (Not sure what the "huh" means but assume it means you're going to the gym!!!) :wave:

Punkinseed 01-21-2003 11:05 AM

I love this site (grumble grumble).... Note to self: ALWAYS highlight n' copy your post for when, not if, but when the site EATS your post that took you 30 minutes to write.... :mad:

Ok, let's try this again... now what did I say????

Kaylets - Please send some of that cold weather my way! I'm going to take off my studded tires - there's no snow, only rain, so why keep 'em on?
Now, Chuckie Bowl.... (disclaimer, if you are an Oakland Raider fan please do not, I repeat, do NOT send me a nasty-gram over this post - these are my personal opinions!)...
The Oakland Raider (boooo, hisssss) fans started dressing up these gawd awful Chuckie dolls (from the horror movie) in Raider clothes back when Jon Gruden (aka Coach Twitch, the coach who always has that "who farted?" look on his face) started coaching there. If you look at him and look at the doll there's an amazing resemblance (don't blame me I didn't start it!). When he jumped ship and left to coach the Bucs, the Raiders (boooo, hisss) kept up the whole Chuckie thing - and now the Bucs have their very own, real life Chuckie coaching on the sidelines!!! There ya have it, Chuckie Bowl!!! (blame my brother, he started this).
I never thought I'd say this - but "go Bucs" (ouch). I want anyone but the Raiders (boooo, hissss) to win. Besides being raised a die hard 49er fan, Jerry "I play the game because I love it - now pay me or I'll leave" Rice (trader) and Bill "I'll just spit on ya" Romanowski, I think they're a prime example, for the most part, of poor sportsmanship... God save San Diego if they loose though - when they won the NFC, the fans rioted in Oakland causing thousands of dollars in damage and numerous arrests :rolleyes:. So yea, go Bucs...
~rant over~

Eydie - :o I finally got a chance to check out those sites you sent! Oh my.... yea, that'll keep me busy! :faint:

Wildfire - The health forum sounds like it was great! I'm glad your booth was there, sounds like it was really needed.
So, what happened with Joe Millionaire? Did he blow it when he mentioned that he was "driving a bulldozer 2 weeks ago"??

Arabella - Eeeeee! No, I've never had to deal with sparkling vomit! (thank gawd!) No question as to what the pup had gotten into though huh?? :lol:

Ceara - :cb: Keep it up!! :cb:

Amarantha - I think splitting your weight routine is an excellent idea! When you say you're doing a 420 exercise challenge is that 7 hours of exercise a week???? I'd have to work to even *think* about coming close to that!

Toodles for now - I've spent an hour writing this post twice! Guess I should do some paid work now...


ceara 01-21-2003 01:10 PM

another quickie...the huh means that that week was a loss gym-wise...note the number of *...only 1!!!!!!!!!
Have intentions of gymming tomorrow though.

Punkinseed 01-21-2003 01:26 PM

Well, I just found out my trip to Arizona in March will now also involve a quick business trip to L.A. - to the same office where "my guy" is....

I haven't broken the news to him yet - don't know what he'll say. I'm too busy trying not to freak out.



ceara 01-21-2003 05:28 PM

Huzzah, huzzah!!!

deleted2 01-21-2003 05:37 PM

Details, Punkinseed. Formulate your plan now! [And congrats on dropping those pounds!]

:wave: :wave: :wave:

anagram 01-21-2003 07:08 PM

Well, hi. Have just done a quick scan and find, as usual, this has been a busy thread!

Enjoyed the "lock out" stories. A few years ago, I also locked the car with the keys in it AND THE MOTOR RUNNING. Several hours later I heard a voice announce (I was at a hospital at the time) "Would the owner..." and they even mentioned that it had been running for several hours. Fortunately, I had a full tank of gas. Once I was aware of my little faux pas, I rushed out and could get in the car because I have those little buttons on the door. Can't ever imagine how I missed hearing the little bells and stuff that go on when one does something stupid like that but I did.

Also years back, I locked myself out of the house twice within several weeks. Each time I went to neighbor's and called hubby to come from work to let me in (oh, he was SO happy). For Christmas, he got me many (6?10???) keys to the house and had them all wraped up so nicely. I'm still using them, have yet to lose them all.

I'm not the accountant in our family (dh is) but I was the one who always wanted the checkbook balanced and the credit cards paid off each month. It's the Virgo in me - like Frogger, I like things "balanced".

I can't wait till the weekend when we're supposed to warm up to the 30s.

Empress, I enjoyed reading of your sweet treat and will try to find same. In the same vein, last week I found a nice crispy treat
called Gold'nkrackle. It comes in several varieties; I took garlic and enjoyed it. Low cal, lo sodium, all that good stuff. I'll be looking for more this week. See www.goldnkrackle.com.

What a way to make your trip even more interesting, Punkin. My gym count is so in the hole, Ceara, that your * looks like a big plus to me.

Kaylets 01-21-2003 08:08 PM

Tueday evening

Well Punkin-- everyday I learn something new! As soon as I told DH what you said about Gruden, I went to my home page to check out Anagram's link and sure enough -- Chucky! Even a picture to show DH! hee hee! "Lucky Chucky and his Chukaneers!" - Big story about the merchandise and etc
" www.msn.com" I imagine there's nothing in the story new for most of you but it sure got a laugh from us! Boy oh boy, if the Philadelphia fans knew about this -- it would have been even wilder on Sunday!

21 degrees now b/4 the wind-- its brutal -- cannot believe it when I see folks walking their pups -- Especially when only the owners have coats on-

Amarantha2 01-21-2003 11:33 PM

Yo! Returneth from the Badlands! Calories at 1735, 50 minutes of exercise, did the 10 minute core exercises plus walked 40, so now in hole 10 minutes but will make it up.

Punkin: Hmmm ... a trip to LA where the "guy" person is!!! :jig: Eydie be right, thou must formulate a plan to optimize this opportunity!!! I be happy for thee!!!

BTW, I do mean seven hours a week ... it is the new recommendation for optimum fitness and I want to achieve that. However, I was doing actually more than that when I lost the 100 pounds ... it's only in the past year I've found it harder. But I don't always do the whole walk or whatever at one time. According to studies (whatever that means) it doesn't matter how you break up the exercise time.

I enjoyed thy football rant, though it's all basketball to me!

Eydie: :wave:

Anagram: That crackle soundeth good. I will check it out ... wonder if they have a sweet kind!!!

Thy DH soundeth like a keeper ... so sweet to buy thee all those keys!

Kaylets: That just sounds so cold, you poor person! I agree about the dogs. When my Old Dog was a New Dog and we lived in the midwest, she had a Santa Claus sweater and boots. She liked it ... would go and get it for walks. Lots of people think putting coats on dogs is silly, but they get cold!

Ceara: Oh! Amarantha gets it now! :) Thou be doing good, thou! If I lived where it was cold and had to actually drive to a gym, I'd never go gymming! Good work, Ceara!

Falling asleep! Got to go!

Kaylets 01-22-2003 07:11 AM

Weallly Cold Wednesday!
Hello all!

Running out the door as 3FC did some maintenance this am and couldnt get on.

Today's thought is:

"The magic is in YOU!"

ceara 01-22-2003 07:55 AM

Day 4 dawneth
Mornin' ladies!

Ok I actually woke up hungry this a.m. About time. Geez, last week was a disaster...now this is not "beat me up time", but just a pure statement of fact. However, I am stronger in my resolve now and am on the right track. Besides it is getting lighter longer and earlier and I like that. I had a real problem with light when I lived in Northern Alberta and the nights were S-o-o-o long! The Aurora Borealis was pretty cool though....I miss that here...we have seen it a couple times since back here...the most impressive was a green display(sorry E but it was), that was right over head and sorta of swirled out from the centre...kinda like looking down at the top of a hurricane...only it didn't swirl in a circle, it rolled out from the middle...anyway I need more poetic-type lessons I guess....help Arabella! :)

What's the scoop Punkin? Does he know yet? Our collective inquiring minds need to know! :s:

Empress, Thine understanding of mine code dost pleaseth me. Another * shouldst join the hoard this very day! :dizzy:

Anyway, this is long enough...I enjoyed the tea, thanks, and enjoy all the witty reparte...the locked cars reminded me of when I actually locked my daughter in the truck, asleep in her car seat, engine running and locked the house! Ha! Panic time! She's still alive by the way. :^:

Senamay, how does the school battle go? I admire any adult who has the gonads to go back to school.....keep it up!

Gotta go....hitherto unknownst rumblings in the mid region...is this hunger?!? :lol: :lol:


anagram 01-22-2003 09:17 AM

The A. B. sounds lovely. Always thought I'd like to see same. But cold enough in PA so I guess I'll go by your great description. Ready here for longer days as well.

Ah, Empress, I'm not sure dh meant the Christmas key gift in TOTAL kindness but in hindsight (since he has indeed been a keeper) I'll give him that credit.

Freezy cold here again today, and tomorrow. Running water to be sure pipes don't freeze, etc. Mom's did on Sunday and it was a day and a half I think 'til she had water.

Ceara, you are forcing me into a reassessment of my non-gym (well really non-exercise since I don't do a gym, per se) these last two months. While I can't do what I normally would have done, I'm sure I can come up with an alternative or two.

anagram 01-22-2003 09:28 AM

Demon Scale was kind to me today. Looks like I'm down .8 for the week. I consider it a gift because I have not been really working at the food as much as I should. I have had no candy and I guess that's at 17 days or so now. Water's been ok. No exercise except what needs to be done but there's been a lot of that.
Was esp bad on keeping track this weekend because I found out Friday dh's condition is hereditary and kids will need to be tested. Each has a 50-50 chance of having same and if dd has it, my princesses have a 50-50 chance as well. Did not sleep at all Saturday night but know there's not much I can do except research and question. I think I was floored to find this out as it was by then almost a month since dh left hospital and, apparently we got lost in the cracks. Maybe I'm silly but I thought news like that would merit a sit-down with a doctor not just a casual (more or less) remark to dh during dialysis. I hope I'm not in denial but I'm still not totally convinced. We will be seeing the dr next Wed (after getting the impression we are being done a favor to be "squeezed in").

Anyway, my dam overflowed and I ate. Not a binge like I would have had at one time. But not counting calories and a binge by this year's definition.

So today Demon Scale was a Sweetheart - maybe in honor of the upcoming Sweetheart's Day.

Creeping along -

journey start weight/challenge start wt/cw/challenge goal/goal

Amarantha2 01-22-2003 09:36 AM

Yo!!! Here we go! It's not the Teletubbies out to play, it's the VICTORIOUS VALENTINES out for another VICTORIOUS WEIGHT LOSS (OR MAINTENANCE, AS THE CASE BEITH) DAY!!!! WOO-HOO! CAN DO! Let's show our stuff, 'cause we've got enough (of the right stuff) ...

Think it's time to run out of rhyme.

My 420-Minute, Six-Day Solution report is journalized. Suffice to say, "YOWZA!!"

Still on :chockiss: :nono: but stopped counting days!

Got to do laundry and cover school BORED. Sigh.

Ceara: Go for that *!!! Woo-hoo! :strong: The AB soundeth lovely. Too bad it was green, but that can happen!!!! :)

Anagram: CONGRATS ON THE POUND DOWN! The .8 is almost a pound, so I say, let's call it that!!! Woo-hoo to you!!! I remember freezing pipes from the midwest! Keep running that water and good luck to thee on that ... plumbers love 'em!!! :jig:

After my tick scare, I now think I have termites. Adding selling this white elephant to my list of 2004 resolutions, until then, I WILL NOT LET IT MAKE ME LOSE FOCUS! Signed, The Tribuness!

Bye, all! :grouphug:

Punkinseed 01-22-2003 10:43 AM

Hi everyone :wave:

Yesterday was surreal. I couldn't bare to type exactly what'd happened yesterday, I was so numb... I went home, and believe it or not didn't totally loose it food-wise. I did semi-bury my feelings in a huge cup of rice, a few chocolate graham crackers and a small bowl of split pea soup - but that was it. Not too bad, not a good meal, but not what I normally would've done either....

Here's a cut n' snip of what I'd emailed to my girlfriends in CA yesterday...

I told him I'm coming down in March and the reply was "oh" - he's been in a mood all day and I asked him what was up and he said he'd email me. The "oh" was odd. But now I know why. He didn't email me, he called me on his way to lunch in his car and told me that in March he probably won't be working for the company anymore (very long story, honestly I kinda saw this coming for him - or I should say I saw them doing this TO him). Anywho, so he said "here you are telling me you'll see me in March and I couldn't tell you I probably won't be here". He said he was bummed and that if/when he leaves we'll exchange phone numbers.

I felt like I'd been hit by a truck - and really felt it after I left work yesterday, had a chance to catch my breath, then promptly burst into tears. Of course I'm focusing on us keeping in touch - but also preparing myself in the event that that doesn't happen.
My trip to LA will be only a few hours long - literally. Long enough for a meeting then back on the plane. I don't think it'd go over too well if I said "nice to meet you, now I'm going out to lunch with your former employee". :lol:

So, there ya have it. I said I wanted resolution - guess I got it (somewhat)! Now it's a 'time will tell' thing that I have little control over...

Anagram - Your hubby giving you all those keys is such a sweet story!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the kids testing. Yes, the Dr. should've told you from the start. My stepfather has a hereditary disease that causes blood clots and other problems. We didn't find out that he passed it to my brother until it almost killed him a few years ago when he ended up with a clot that absessed in his brain. My stepfather said it's the only time in his life that he's *glad* I'm not really his kid... Keep us posted ok?

Kaylets - Chukaneers!!! :lol: That's FUNNY!!!! Isn't the resemblance something??? (*snicker*)

Ceara - It is one of my life time goals to see the Aurora Borealis. Everyone once in a great while they say it's visible from here, but I've never seen it! Alaska is on that list too - maybe I can cross them both off at the same time!

Amarantha - Aaaah, termites.... my Dad's battling them in Yuma too. Thanks for the info on the exercise. I do want to work on getting more in... I'll have to go check out your journal and borrow some tips!

Much love all, thanks for being an ear and providing a shoulder :goodvibes:


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