3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Wildfire 01-18-2003 06:49 AM

:tired: :yawn: Morning, girls. Just a drive-by, I'm on my way back to the Women's Health Forum. We're doing a booth, so it's an on-your-feet-talking-all-day thing, yesterday and today. Tomorrow I'm working on the shop floor, building heaters! Then I get to work my regular job all week, and next weekend it's back to building heaters. 14 days with no day off. So if I'm absent it is in body only, and hopefully I'll find a few minutes to catch up.


Kaylets 01-18-2003 08:29 AM

Simply Saturday!
Hello All!

Just finished checking that a deposit hit my bank- For some reason, an automatic deposit didnt upload the first time and I was nervous some checks would bounce. But now all is well, w/ funds to spare. Another one of those situations when I worried too soon but... after all, the money wasnt there yesterday!!

What a relief to feel back on track-- not at high speed yet not at that "stuck in traffic" feeling anymore. Finally, the mind and body working together better although yesterday I wanted to eat all day. Even went out during lunch and bought a bag of carrots to get me past that "urge to munch".
My daily look at the scale was especially motivating- first time in weeks below 176. Immeadiately, I was doing the happy banana dance.
Again, how interesting- for weeks I've been hovering around 176 and allowing that to make me feel bad about my efforts. But one pound less and the see-saw goes up.
And then a lightbulb moment-- When I had almost 100lbs to lose, I felt out of control -- when I had lost 40lbs and stalled -- I felt out of control-- yet at each place, the joy of success was the same. A big reminder for me that no matter where we are on the journey, we still are facing the same issues.
And if I can compare to being stuck in traffic again, when we look around at the other folks all stuck there with us-- everyone is at a different place in their journey. A few just pulled out of their driveways, a few have been on the road a little while, etc-- But in this traffic jam, everyone's wondering " how long will I be stuck, what will I be late for, etc, etc"
But a traffic jam is no reason to abandon the car --- hmmm- have to ponder this one awhile---

Frogger-- How wonderful that your siblings are offering their support too! Its always in times of trouble when you really see who is there for you.

Anagram-- I don't have a fireplace but spent last night using the TV the same way--

Punkinseed- Tried to keep my eyes open for the Discovery Challenge but to no avail-- am hoping to catch a replay -- will have to note that exact time here on the east coast. Since our digital TV experiment has ended, I can tape and watch later.

Empress A--Your "pastry" find sounds very interesting- - TELL ALL!! Although I suspect if they come in more than single serving I'd be in trouble. ( likewise the Skinny Cow Fudge Bars-- cannot stop at one)

And smart thinking all for getting a few meals ahead in the freezer to grab when just being in the kitchen is a temptation!!

Arabella, Wildfire, Dollar, Eydie, ScoobySnaks, Ceara, Cybele, Empress, Senamy, Guinever, Tamibeep, Anagram, Autumn, Punkinseed, Newcomers and EVERYONE else--- Even if you only have a moment, the pot of tea is here ready -- I made your favorite!! Found your favorite cup too!! And if you need to take a cup to go-- I've got to go cups too!! I raise my cup to us all!!

Today's thought is:

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it. General Norman Schwarzkopf

Till later!

Amarantha2 01-18-2003 11:54 AM

Yowza! Huzzah!
The empress is gone, though the empire lives on. A journal entry tells the tale but shall spareth thee the details at the moment. This is my deadline day and I shall prevail, though it's slow going and blocked all the way. I intendeth to take Sunday and Monday to work on the package I'm submitting for the job I won't get and also to shop till I drop, sleep and go on my usual tick search and destroy mission even more aggresively.

I'm at :chockiss: :nono: Day 5. I (lots of I, I, I, here but ...) have decided that my binge problem is that I do not eat rationally. I need to get real with my food choices. Dr. Philomena Crone hath set up an appointment for me to talk about this after work is done and a plan will be developed. Film at 11.

Wildfire: Sounds like the demons of too much work be at thy doorstep, although the health event soundeth most interesting. Have a great time! :wave:

Kaylets: The general's quote is so on target for me! That's one to post on the wall in big red letters!

Re the pastries they are called Cafe Twists and I've only ever seen them at Trader Joe's and now Walgreen's (hope this is not advertising ... don't work for them and my only interest in their success is that they NEVER go out of business and stop making their delicious healthy product, which I worry might not be as stated on the package because I don't see how anything so sweet and wonderful can be so low in sugar, fat and calories). As a matter of fact, they are only in one Walgreen's in the area, so possibly it's a test market. Thy concern is warranted, however, as they are not in single servings ... a single twist is 40 calories and there are 10 servings in a bag, so you can't eat the whole bag and yes, they are addictive, so that's a problem. They are very sweet, however, and one or two is usually more than enough with coffee or tea.

I have accepted thy tea invitation today with my usual green tea supplement and also a cup of green tea chai made with soymilk and a drop of D'Vinci sugar-free vanilla syrup. It was orange/passion fruit green tea ... very heavenly.

What I like about ME today is that I'm now the Tribuness!!! Yowza!

Must work! Bye-bye Victorious Valentine Vamps!

Amarantha2 01-18-2003 05:35 PM

I refuse to correct the misspelled word in above post! :wave:

We need some more participation here today!!! Don't go 'way! Come out and play!!! :jig:

Let's go, let's go, let's go, 'cause we know, we know, we know!!! Whatta we know? Glad you asked. We KNOW we are gonna be VICTORIOUS in reaching our GOAL come St. Valentine's Day! Why do I say that? 'Cause we are gonna stick to this thing like GLUE!!! Yes, we will too!! I'm not all wet! You bet!!! We're gonna do it BECAUSE we are the VICTORIOUS VIVACIOUS VALENTINE VAMPS!!!

No giving up on our programs today! Ok? Whatta ya say!

Ok! Finished now! And how! :wave:

Amarantha2 01-18-2003 05:39 PM

Kaylets: Forgot to congratulate thee on thy weigh-in! First time in weeks below 176, indeed!!! Yowza! Yowza! Yowza! :cp:

And some huzzahs, too!!! :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb: :cb:

I am still working, see thee all later. POST LITTLE VALENTINES, POST!!!

Kaylets 01-18-2003 05:39 PM

Sat evening!
To share:

For those who believe in staying fit...

Here's an exercise program. Some are endeavoring to stay in shape for the new

> year. You might want to take it easy at first, then do it faster as you

> become more proficient.





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> > NOW SCROLL UP... Feel the burn?

:D :D :D

Kaylets 01-18-2003 05:48 PM

Tribuness--Was visiting the WW board and someone is mentioning "Bob's Bakery" or such-- and raving about yummy pastry -- in Maple Syrup flavor! Could it be the same?
I went back to get the post to figure out where the poster was from but havent found it again yet..

Went to meet a friend at our Farmers Market which has lots of permanent vendors inside, including a barbershop and hairdresser.
I had some clothes for her and opened the back door to adjust the box the clothes were in. The second I slammed the door shut I knew I had just locked myself out- in the bitter 18 degree cold.
Couldnt find my friend inside so stood at the doorway looking thru the door window for her. Luckily, a security guard was walking and ticketing folks parked illegally. You sure feel naked w/o your pocketbook when its got all your cash, keys, phone , etc,etc and its locked inside your car and your outside looking at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amarantha2 01-18-2003 09:38 PM

Feelin' the burn, :queen: K., feeling the burn! :jig:

I don't have a package for the twists to look at right now (guess where they all went!) so can't tell if there's a relationship to Bob's Bakery. These are called Cafe Twists in maple french toast flavor but could be the same product, as there's a longish write-up on the package from the guy who invented them (reportedly) because he had a health problem, etc. Dunno. Seem to remember, though, seeing Bob's Bakery products somewhere and they weren't the same company. Interesting. I'll look Bob up on the web later and see!

Horrible experience to be locked out of your car! (Been there)! I often lose my keys at banks and stores and the like, which is also a bad thing. Luckily, it doesn't get down to 18 degrees here, though sometimes one would like it to! :) Glad you made out ok!

Gave up working, will finish on Monday. Determined that Sunday should be a day off, more or less!

Later ...

Amarantha2 01-18-2003 09:54 PM

Ok, I don't see anything on Bob on a quick google search, but for Cafe Twists, there are a number of hits ... some are rave posts on diet forums and one looks like a place you could order the things. I hope this discussion isn't construed as advertising!!! Maybe I should go back on WW as I just realized these are one point each. I could have lots and lots and lots of them! But you really can't eat that many as they are heavenly but sweet enough to be self-limiting.

Good think I am mad at Skinny Cows or I'd start talking about them. (I really liked the bars but they quit making them).

ceara 01-19-2003 08:55 AM

Hi guys,

Back to the grind...no offical weigh in I'm not going near that :devil:! Wonderful week, but bad so here I go back to Day 1....and I have a family brunch this A.M.! I think it is a conspiracy!.
Off to church...briefly as I am deeking out after the anthem.

Amarantha2 01-19-2003 11:41 AM

Elberta Crone here, official spa chef of the Tribunal Palace in the Empire o' Fit Folk! This is a memo, as I must shop for healthy items today. The Tribuness is planning a really healthy week. A letter posted to The Hag o' the Scary Forest (my pal) explains what happened at the weigh-in ceremony today and how the Tribuness met the Scale Oracle. The weekly proclamation has been posted about the land (and on the journal) and reads thusly:

Amarantha's Jadequest

Starting Weight of Jadequest: 166.5
Current Weight: 161.0
Net Jadequest Pounds Lost: 5.5
Highest Weight Ever Recorded: 247
Lowest Weight in Adulthood: 101 (Too Low)
Lowest Weight Since Major Weight Loss Intiative Approx. 6 Years Ago: 142
Valentine's Challenge Goal: 155
Ultimate Goal: 135 (Jadeweight!!!!!)

2003 Resolution: Reach and Maintain Jadeweight!

Last Week's Seven-Day Calorie Average: 2255
Last Week's Exercise Calories Burned: 1400

Oracle's Observation: Amarantha should feel pleased. She is losing weight slowly over time; every other week she goes down in scale weigh, then goes up the following week, but the up is always lower than the up before. Over time she will achieve her goals, but should continue to strive to lose or maintain a little each week.

Howdy, Ceara! Bye-bye for now!!!


Arabella 01-19-2003 12:56 PM

Day 5
Chugging along. After all the distress over the upcoming work week, the co. that I've contracted with is only offering us about 1/5 as much work as they suggested they would, or less. Nevertheless, it requires as much prep time, and I guess... sigh... if I prepare well enough, I can offer my services to one of the other vendors. I have a call coming up on Wednesday noon, so I'll have to work very hard to have any hope of doing ok with it. Do or die, I guess :stress: I have been working away at trying to keep the stress levels down. Am on Day 5 OP, but for some reason feel fatter than ever :shrug: ANYWAY. I know that if I keep plugging along, eventually I WILL feel (and be) less fat, so that is what I'm a gonna do.

Big family party yesterday afternoon. I swore to myself not to go off the rails and I did great. Took a big veggie tray and black bean and yogurt dip and stuck to that, other than 2 chicken wings and 2 oz of cheese. I was glad I'd taken the veggies, because it was a total carb-fest otherwise. :eek:

I had my beloved grandson overnight. I did a little prep work, barricaded the stairs and more-or-less Noah-proofed the downstairs, and it was SO much easier, I could hardly believe it. My son and I were actually able to relax and drink a cup of tea while he played. And this morning, I did a set of qi qong and a set of yoga, while he played. He's the best-natured baby in the world, but so busy that we used to have to chase him just about all the time he was here. I would be totally wiped after even a few hours. Glad I got wise!

Ceara, you and me both! Staying away from the :devil: that is. I do not know why I suddenly feel so fat, but I am going to do what I can to make that feeling go away before I WI. I have sworn to do so on Friday, so hope it works by then (where is the "praying" emoticon?)

Amarantha, congrats on thy progress! When I'm losing weight, my weight often goes up before going down, too. Not sure why that is, but I think it might be water-related. I think that I've heard that theory before, actually, that the water sort of congregates in the body before it washes away. Hoping to have one of those "whooshes" this week!

Wildfire, 14 days without one off is brutal! Make sure to look after yourself while you're working so much - have some of that lovely tea that Kaylet's brewing.

Kaylets, I feel your pain! I locked my keys in the car the other day, for the second time in a month as well as the second time in my life! Both times the weather was freezing cold and I ended up having to walk about 45 minutes to get the keys. First time, I called DH who had just gotten home from work and gotten 1 boot off and was looking forward to a glass of wine. He was not happy about it, but he walked to meet me with the key. Hate those "ohnoseconds" where you realize what you've done :o

:queen: Punkin O' Friday, congrats and felicitations on your regal $mile!

Love to All!

Kaylets 01-19-2003 01:17 PM

Scrumptious Sunday!
Hello All!

Very late start this am! Slept nearly 3 hrs later than usual so lots of things are off schedule. Realized this am that one of our beagles ate 3 cooked chicken leg quarters from the fridge during the night. Do not see the bones anywhere so I'm afraid she ate those too. So far she seems no worse for wear but I know it might just be sitting in a lump in her stomach and may reappear. Or worse. We had velcro strips on the fridge but evidently, got worn enough for her to force the door open. Now we have a baby safety device on the door. Am beginning to see why they say the smart dogs are the ones who the most trouble.

Big football game this afternoon. We are less than 30 minutes from Philadelphia so there are many, many Eagles fans. As I am more of fan of figure skating, I'm thinking a good time to go to the famous W store would be during the game.

A pair of favorite jeans tore beyond repair - was hoping they'd last till I could get into a smaller size. For some reason, the only ones that fit were the same size although my dress pants are smaller. Can't wait any longer now! And we're moving at work on Tuesday so I need to find jeans by then!


Amarantha2 01-19-2003 02:01 PM

Argh! Flat tire at Walmart threatening to ruin my day off but decided it wouldn't. Drove home and hope just to drive it to the tire store tomorrow, so should be finishing work I didn't do yesterday because it needs to get done tomorrow ... but I'm declaring Sunday off limits to paying work ... I need a sanctuary and this is it. I could get all upset about the tire, but it'd be too much trouble.

Bought a smoothie machine at Walmart but was afraid to stop at Safeway to get fruit, so am going to walk there now ... need more walking today anyhow.

I'm declaring a smoothie-a-day policy for myself until this machine is paid for ... it only cost $39. Hope I like it. As I need more exercise time today, it'll work out to just walk to the store and leave the tire to it's own devices. It's times like this I wish I were married. (This is NOT because I think the male gender is generally more capable of changing a tire than the female gender, it's just that I personally can't change a tire and if I were married to a nice person who wanted to help me out, he'd change the d*** tire!)

Of course, with my luck, if I were married, I'd be married to an idiot who couldn't tie his shoes or a homicidal maniac or an egoist with delusions of male supremacy whom I would have to educate otherwise or worse an accountant who would want me to balance my checkbook and pay off my credit card balance each month, so I'd better just drive the car to the tire store tomorrow by myself and not search for a mate.

Kaylets: Thou hast a VERY smart dog. Old Dog would never be able to open the fridge and choose a chicken snack for herself, though she'd like to. She's staying in the house all the time now as I'm working the ticks out of our ecosystem. I walk her in the front instead. She's VERY ticked off about it!!! :jig:

Arabella: Definetely I think the body tries hard to hold onto water before dropping weight. I did have a high calorie week also, so feel pretty good. Next time Mr. Scale goes to the 150s, I know he'll stay there.

I'm off to the store!

Arabella 01-19-2003 02:46 PM

Amarantha - re: "accountant who would want me to balance my checkbook and pay off my credit card balance each month" - I would have to divorce him first :lol: DH and I have a monthly ritual of sitting at the computer, printing off our checking account and credit card records and going through them, transaction by transaction. It's brutal! And, because I almost always use Visa to get air miles, instead of taking out cash, my purchases are always spotted. Must learn to hit instant teller more often, so purchases are invisible! :devil:

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