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Vixsin 09-17-2010 03:03 PM

Roxanne - Thanks for that link! I found to be a very interesting read. I would love to believe that it worked. :lol: A phrase my mom used to say to me kept ringing through my head "If it sounds too good to be true....it usually is." I have proven that statement too many times to count. LOL

I think I am going to have to drag my butt outside or to the gym for my exercise. :)

SO....my son is sleeping over my parents house tonite so I can go on my date and my dad says to me "do you want us to keep him a little longer? You dont have to come to pick him up at 10am." I was like "wha..wha...what????" I immediately said yes and now I dont have to pick up the boy until 3pm tomorrow!!!!!!!


I am not going to know what to do with myself!! I may actually make it to the gym tomorrow instead of walking around the neighborhood. WOW!!!

I just wanted to share

L R K 09-17-2010 03:11 PM

Vixsin - that is awesome, some well deserved you time, yay! :woohoo:

ravenjeh 09-17-2010 03:12 PM

roxanne I'm with you on the gym membership- they are too expensive for me as well. But what I did was go on craigslist and I found a used elliptical for only $40. I grabbed it up and when it gets cooler or is raining outside (or if I see a snake again) I will use it instead of walking outside, lol! $40 is a lot cheaper than $40 plus a month... just a thought.

lauren Your recipe sounds delicious! Congrats on yet another loss!!!

vixsin Thanks! I saw that avatar and had to have it because my mom has a dog that gets so excited everytime she sees me that she pees all over the floor, lol. I think I found it at avatarist.com

Everyone else TGIF! :dance:

Well, I did it! I kicked TOM in the face by losing 1.2 lbs :carrot: But here is my confession :( My relatives from Florida are visiting this weekend and they wanted to go to a mexican restaurant for lunch. I went and ate a lunch portion taco salad... I even snarfed down the tortillia bowl :ink: On the bright side, I did resist the chips and salsa that they sat down in front of me. I actually don't feel too bad, because it was sooooo yummy :hungry: I guess I will just stick to a couple of shakes for the rest of the day. And not weigh in tomorrow, lol

Vixsin 09-17-2010 03:31 PM

Don't stress Raven!!! I personally think you did great. We all have to learn how to go out to eat at places that may not "fit" exactly with our plan. We make the best choices we can and don't beat ourselves up, right? I think you did great. Well done on not having the chips and salsa :drool: that is a HUGE weakness of mine!!

I bet if you weighed in tomorrow, it wouldnt be that bad! :hug:

Wysteria 09-17-2010 04:53 PM

Tsh, what a terrible day -.-

Started with a visit to the dentist, which is NEVER fun, and he told me I was looking 'too skinny'. Cheers, mate. Then at work, my colleagues started talking about weight loss and how they were all unhappy being the size they were, then they were like 'but really it's not about what size you are, it's if you're healthy and how you feel - and by the way, Wysteria's too thin, don't you think?' forgetting I'm in the room because I have the back cubicle and people can't really see me come and go.

They really annoy me. They're all overweight but refuse to do anything about it, they'd rather just sit and moan about their muffin tops and how their favourite jeans don't fit. I'm sick of being picked on by people because I've lost a load of weight - I'm not 'too thin', I'm 140 pounds (yay winter food, lol) and for my height, that's not bad. At least I got off my arse and did something about it. Held my tongue though - I was very tempted to stand up and say 'well at least I can walk into a store and buy size 8 jeans without worrying they'll stop me from breathing' but I'm a better person than that.

Oh and also, boy trouble: I have a young man interested in me and he really doesn't get 'me' at all. He's a very lovey-dovey romantic type and I am not. I'm very direct and I've called him out on a few things online, and people haven't liked it. But that's how I am. I just wish he'd stop texting me, he's driving me to chocolate >.>

Anyway, food today:

Breakfast: Apple juice and an actual apple.
Lunch: Planetary-size baked potato with coleslaw and baked beans.
Snack: Packet of Quavers - only 87 calories per bag, very impressive.
Dinner: Two small slices of gluten-free ginger cake, a cup of tea and a couple of slices of ACTUAL BREAD WITH WHEAT.

I now feel slightly sick. I shouldn't have had that bread but there was no chocolate and the bread was the only substitute.

Anyway, enough of my complaining! *backs out of thread*

shellsbrood 09-17-2010 06:11 PM

Aww, lots of bad days today. Sending everyone a hug who needs one! :hug:

Checking in quickly!

Weight: No change (mleh...)
Exercise: 5 miles with LS
Breakfast: chocolate cheerios, 1 % milk, coffee
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Tomato Soup
Snack: carrots and hummus
Dinner: Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken
Total calories for today = 929 (yikes!)

I didn't realize I was so low on calories today. And, after a 5 mile aerobic walk, I probably should bump up the calories with a little snack after dinner. :D

roxannestags 09-17-2010 06:34 PM

Lauren: The recipe looks fantastic. I'm going to give one of those things a try. It doesn't promise that you lose weight doing nothing, it just says you burn 12% more calories. Sign me up if my workouts are more effective! lol

Vixsin: Fantastic. Enjoy your time out!

Raven: Congrats on the loss! And even if you did eat the taco salad, at least it was a salad and you enjoyed the time with your relatives

Wysteria: Lol, I'm not sure that I would have resisted the temptation! rotflol! And yes it is awesome that you did something about your weight!

Well, I found a solution for my exercise. I got one of those little peddle devices. It's the functioning part of stationary bike. I had dreams of sitting at the computer and peddaling away but alas, my desk is too short and gets in the way. However, I will be able to watch tv and read a book and study. Just not play on the computer. I already used it for a little bit as soon as I got home. I'm going to plan to work it into more sessions of using it.

So we found we can't fix the hole in the floor by going under the house, the insulation and the plumbing are in the way. So we are going to have to tear up the carpeting. I'm going to kill that kid.

I stuck to breakfast but skipped lunch. By the time we were done looking under the house it was time for me to jet to school and hope I wasn't late!

I also found a HUGE golden crisp apple for a snack. It is bigger than my fists together! So the kids and I are going to share it.

Started my journey on 9/8/2010
1st mini goal: No binging for a month started 9/13
2nd mini goal: 10% loss
3rd mini goal: Walk the beagles every day for a month started 9/14

For every 5lbs lost: :yay:
Can't wait till I get to put one here!


nicolewoods1 09-17-2010 06:55 PM

congrats ravenjeh!!! :)
vixsin its the small things huh? ;), i know i have 4 kiddos! :)
wysteria sorry about your day, you just ignore everyone and keep on doing what you do! :)

did good today
nut caramel apple
small Tyson cubed steak with 1/2 cup gravy
low fat yogurt
salad with tomato's,couple medium slices chicken breast,1 tbs ranch dressing, 3 small bites of moms homemade Mexican casserole.
need to get some more veggies in , and no exercise today =( will do better tomorrow.

Diana3271 09-17-2010 10:05 PM

Cinm It sounds cold there! It's still 90+ degrees here.

Shellsbrood Sometimes I have to sleep in the other room, too. You gotta do what you gotta do. ;) You need your sleep, too. Great job on the 5 mile walk. That's awesome!

Fashin Great calorie range.

Lauren Great job on your 1.6 pounds!

Vixsin Great job of having a plan in place for the weekend! Have fun on your date.

Dallas I have gotten to the point that if I am tempted by something, I will have a conversation with myself. :o I will point out for example how will I feel after I eat it. Another thing with sweets, they rarely taste as good as they look. I make sure I am aware that I know it doesn't taste as good as it looks. This has been a big help for me. Now all of you think I'm crazy for having a conversation with myself. :lol:

Roxanne Sorry that you had a had day, yesterday. I think exercising is important, but I really think that food/diet is the most important. I forgot, do you have any workout videos at home? You don't have to go to the gym. There's a lot that you can do right there in your own home. I actually workout in my office. I had to buy a special scale. At one time I was up to 356+ pounds.

Dallas Have fun at the Irish place. There's an Irish restaurant in town that I like going to.

Raven Great job on your 1.2 pounds.

Wysteria So sorry about the frustrating day. I think they would get on my nerves, too. ;)

Nicole :wave: Great plan for the day!

Penguin :wave: Hi!

Diana3271 09-17-2010 10:27 PM

Total Approx 1540 + coffee

Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 cal
Handful of spinach
2% Reduced Fat Cheese 40 cal
high fiber English muffin 100 cal
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream
juice 75 calories

Lunch: (320 calories)
Earth Grains 100% Whole Wheat Thin Buns 100 Calories
1 slice Reduced fat cheese 60
2 slices Hormel Natural Choice Cooked Ham 30 Calories
Romaine Lettuce Leaves
Grey Poupon Mild and Creamy Mustard 0 Calories
Snack Pack of Sliced Apples 40 Calories
Oikos Yogurt 90 Calories

Dinner (855 calories)
8 ounce grilled chicken breast 400 calories
2 orders fresh garlic green beans 300 calories
1 Order collard greens 100 calories
1 Baby Ruth miniature 55 calories

~TF Fire 45 EZ
~TF Fire 45

patchworkpenguin 09-17-2010 10:37 PM

September 17,

coffee 100

½ turkey sand 120
sweet pot risotto 250
apple + PB 275

Cheese 70

Pasta e Fagioli al Forno 500 http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/r...ipe/index.html
2 rolls 280

ice cream 200

Total = 1,645

Ped = 3,492
55min cardio/weights circuit

213.6 down 1.8

Wysteria, kudos on not smacking your co-workers for their comments.

ravenjeh 09-17-2010 11:14 PM

Vixsin, Roxanne, Nicole, Diana: Awww, thanks, guys! :hug: I truly have no regrets for the delicious taco salad today. It was fun going out to a restuarant with people I love and NOT gorging myself. I hope I can make that a habit, lol. At least the not gorging part :D

Wysteria: Rock on, girl! Your co-workers are just jealous of your new "hot" body :cool:

shells 5 mile walk? WOW, that's what I need to be doing. :woops:

Roxanne: Sorry to hear about your carpet! I would have flipped out, lol :yikes: Great idea witht he stationary bike :ebike:

Here was my day:
Mocha Shake
Taco Salad (lettuce, ground beef, guacamole, sour cream and tortillia bow)
Orange Dreamsicle shake
Chocolate Mounds shake

Estimated calories: 850? I'm estimating the taco salad was around 500 calories... not sure, though

fashinjunkie09 09-17-2010 11:58 PM

shells, I'm glad you are feeling better today even though you are tired! :hug:

dallas, I do struggle with wanting to eat before bed. I was really wanting some spiced pretzels a little bit ago (yum!) but instead I went and brushed my teeth and with the minty taste, eating anything doesn't sound good. Not sure if that would help you, but I wanted to let you know you're definitely not alone! Oh and have fun tonight!

Lauren, that recipe sounds amazing! I tried making broccoli cheese soup once, but the recipe simply called for cheese with no thickening agent at all, and it turned out like broccoli water. This sounds much tastier!

Hi cinm, nicole, Penguin, and Diana! :wave:

Vixsin, very exciting about the 'you' time!! Trust me, I know how special that is! :)

raven, congrats on the loss! And you did great at the Mexican place, don't feel bad!

Roxanne, your post made me lol! Great job on finding exercise that works for you, I'm sorry it doesn't fit under your desk but it sounds great! :) And I'm sorry about your carpet!

Very excited it's the weekend! Going to have a lazy day tomorrow and go to the state fair on Sunday, can't wait!

9/17/2010 Check-in:

8am (105)
large cup of coffee w/ 3 tbsp Coffee Mate cinnamon bun creamer- 105

10am (260)
2 pkts strawberries 'n cream instant oatmeal made w/ water- 260
H2O- 0

1pm (640)
2 slices cheese pizza- 460
1.5 oz ranch dressing- 180
H2O- 0

4pm (70)
light apple & spice yogurt- 70
H2O- 0

7pm (405)
1 cup Mexican hamburger helper made w/ extra lean ground beef- 310
2 tbsp light sour cream- 40
3/4 cup green beans cooked w/ 1/2 tbsp light veggie oil "butter"- 55
H2O- 0

8pm (32)
1 square 50% dark chocolate- 32
H2O- 0

= apprx 1512 calories

Diana3271 09-18-2010 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by fashinjunkie09 (Post 3485422)
Very excited it's the weekend! Going to have a lazy day tomorrow and go to the state fair on Sunday, can't wait!

Fashin Are you taking your little one to the fair, too? I love going to the fair! I have never been to the state fair. It's about 1 1/2 hours away. I do enjoy the local fair. It will be here at the end of October beginning of November. I love going to watch the country music acts and seeing the animals. I am such a kid. :o Have fun! I hope you enjoy it. Are you planning on eating any goodies? Last year when the fair came I wasn't counting calories I was just trying to eat in moderation. I did pretty good. DH and I shared the eats and I let him eat the majority of it. I just got a taste. :D

fashinjunkie09 09-18-2010 08:48 AM

Diana, yes I am taking Keegan I took him last year and he seemed to like it but I am excited for this year since he is older (almost two) I think he will enjoy it even more. They have an ag building where you can watch baby chicks hatching, see pigs and horses and such, and I think there is even a small petting zoo. We also have a small fair here in my town on the first Saturday of October called the Czech Festival and it is very similar to the fair, just on a smaller scale. I'm glad we live close to the city so we get to go to both :). As for the eating, I've looked up as many calories online as I can and I think I am going to get an Indian taco (my fave!) and I'll probably get the little one a corn dog and then have a bite. :)

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