3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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L R K 09-15-2010 09:33 AM

Hi Everyone!! HAPPY HUMP DAY! Halfway to the weekend! Yippee! :dance:

Here's the plan 9/15/2010

B - 1 cup Nature's Path bran flakes and flax w/ 1/2 orgnaic soy milk and strawberries

S - 1 cup raw broccoli w/ hummus

L - Homemade veggie curry + 1 cup green beans + 1 apple

S - Edamame

D - Homemade sweet potato and lentil stew with steamed kale drizzled with a little loy sodium soy sauce

Drinking: At least 2 cups green tea + 2L water + 1 diet pepsi

Exercise: 30min brisk walk with the dog

Have a happy, healthy and OP day :wave:

ravenjeh 09-15-2010 10:04 AM

Ok, I got busy yesterday and didn't post. But yesterday was day 2 of TOM... ughhhh. So I was exactly the same weight yesterday that I was the day before. I was so glad that at least I didn't gain. But TODAY... I lost 2.6 lbs!!! WOOO HOOO!!! :carrot::carrot::carrot: I'm soooo glad that I didn't give in to my husbands suggestion to go out to eat last night! Only 2.8 lbs until onederland!

On top of that, I logged on today and was able to put up a ticker :) I've been waiting for it, lol.

Dallas Hope you get to feeling better!

roxanne Congrats on your loss- who knows, your new scale might show even more loss!

Nicole Welcome "Home" ;)

Sorry for anyone I missed, but I've got a busy morning ahead. Hope everyone has an awesome humpday!!!

blueridgegirl 09-15-2010 10:27 AM

My Tuesday:

breakfast - 2 slice whole wheat toast, almond butter, 1 apple. coffee with skim

lunch - smoothie: frozen blueberries, frozen peaches, fat free greek yogurt, soy milk, cacao nibs, a bit of almond butter.

snack - small bag BBQ potato chips.

dinner - 2 slice toast with earth balance margarine, big salad (arugula, peppers, carrots, tomato, all from garden) with 1 can tuna mixed with mayo. lots of water

So I was feeling stressed...had a busy day at work, and my boss was being a bit of a :rollpin: and I was doing some grocery shopping and had this thought pass through my head: "why don't I get a tube of that ready-bake cookie dough and eat it?" Not a happy thought! I compromised and went over to the junk food aisle and picked out a single serving bag of chips...150 calories, and couldn't be tempted to eat more than one portion cause that's all it was. It's funny, I don't usually think of myself as a stress eater, but I guess I can be, or at least can be tempted to eat one. In the afternoon I went on a great one hour run and felt mellower after - I think running to deal with stress is probably a better strategy than eating a tube of pillsbury sugar cookie dough...what do y'all think? :dizzy:

scale: 199.5

blueridgegirl 09-15-2010 10:41 AM

My Monday

Since I was so busy yesterday, I didn't get a chance to post my Monday. So here it is.

breakfast - cascadian farms organic whole grain cereal with almonds and skim milk

lunch - 2 slices leftover homemade pizza (whole wheat crust, pesto, tomato, peppers, sweet potato greens)

dinner - 1/2 can of fat free organic refried beans, 2 tortilla, cheese, 1/4 avocado, salsa. Steamed caulifower.

snack - (refreshments after evening meeting) 1/4 biscotti, 1 hors d'oeuvre serving (2 bites) of wild rice salad with cuke/yogurt sauce in a thin baked won ton shell.

exercise - 5 mile hike/walk with my SO on the trails around the base of the monticello mountain...really lovely afternoon. With the dry weather we've had, the leaves are already changing. Would like to try running that path sometime.

roxannestags 09-15-2010 10:51 AM

Penguin: I hate that. I do it too because it feels like I am wasting food. I always have to clean my plate too.:hun: Good reason for portion control before I dish it because I'll eat it otherwise

Therex: The chicken:chicken: patties sound good

Lauren: Your meal sounds wonderful:eating2:

Raven: WooHoo!!! You are SO close!!!

Blue: I envy you your ability and enjoyment to run.:running: At what weight did you start running? I'm so heavy right now that it is literally painful on my knees to run.

stupid scale. :rollpin: I got on it today and couldn't tell if it was a loss or a gain. I should just stop weighing myself till I get a new scale!:goodscale

I changed my menu a little. I couldn't face the thought of breakfast:snooty: so I took out the cereal, milk and banana and added in a special K bar.So that shaved about 100 calories off of my totals for today.

Well, off to school.

Started my journey on 9/8/2010
1st mini goal: No binging for a month started 9/13
2nd mini goal: 10% loss
3rd mini goal: Walk the beagles every day for a month started 9/14

For every 5lbs lost: :yay:
Can't wait till I get to put one here!

iammare 09-15-2010 10:59 AM

Can I join in the talks? Or is this plan specific?

I've been on the site before - under both Atkins, and SB... neither worked for me, so now I'm on my last resort of WW.

Wish me luck!

blueridgegirl 09-15-2010 11:00 AM

Okay, going to try to get caught up on personals here:

Lauren - congrats on the loss! We are almost 'twins' so I'm always encouraged when I see you losing. :yay:

Raven - congratulations! You are so close to onederland - you're going to love it there, trust me!:carrot:

Penguin - glad that cake is out of the house. I've had similar experiences with my SO...he is incredibly fit and has an active job and can seriously put away more carbs in one meal than I can in three days.

Roxanne - if you're having a hard time getting thru all the fresh spinach, I'd recommend steaming it. It cooks down a lot, and can be layered in veggie lasagna, or make a cream of spinach soup with fat free evaporated milk, or stir fried with other veggies, or curried over rice. Lots of possibilities - I throw fresh spinach and other cooking greens into lots of food. The nice thing about spinach is that it is great raw in salads and stuff, but also cooked.

Therex - glad to hear your crush is noticing you! How fun! :val1:

shells - on the yoga, don't worry if you can't do all the poses. Yoga is one of those things that can be for all of us, from the most overweight and sedentary to the most kick-butt strong athletes. It's just a matter of modifying poses and stretching and working to your level. I've taken yoga classes with really hard core yogis and yes, it can become really involved...but you can also get a good workout and build strength WITHOUT standing on your head or balancing on one foot with the other foot behind your ear or whatever. Look for classes or videos that are about 'gentle yoga' or things like that...the more advanced ones can be crazy intimidating, at least in my experience. :yoga:

Quiet - the mock muffin sounds great...I've never cooked with flax meal, will have to try that!

Nicole - sounds like you were mindful and worked to make good choices while you were away.

and somebody asked me about the community house: I live in a community, my job is residential so I live in a house with another caregiver and four people with disabilities. I'd put up the link but it's not allowed. Tues - Sat I'm in my community house (which is out in the country with all the chickens and fruit trees and veggie gardens) and Sun and Mon are my days off so I am in the city with my SO. Which is why you'll often notice Sun and Mon is different from the rest of the week - five days a week I'm cooking for a crowd of 5-7 people, and Sun/Mon it's just me, or me and my SO. It's helpful cause the folks with disabilities for whom I am caring and cooking also need to lose weight, which makes it easier to just make a blanket rule about not having sweets and junky food in the house and cooking lower fat and lower cal meals. Plus I have people to cheer me on when I go on my runs! :cheer: Seriously, I love living in community and am happy to be in a spot where my life and my work are so intertwined.

blueridgegirl 09-15-2010 11:05 AM

Roxanne - I think I was at about 215 when I first started to run. And I started slowly, alternating walking and running. I still don't run on consecutive days, and not more than 3 days a week since I know it can be hard on the joints for those of us carrying more weight than we should. I'm lucky that I've never had any pain or injury from running - with the exception of a blister on my pinky toe.

If it hurts your knees, don't do it. You could try water running if you have access to a pool - go to the deep end and have one of those flotations belts on and that way you run with no impact on your knees. Or there are elliptical machines. I started with walking - brisk walking, especially if there are hills and you get your arms into it, is a great way to work you way up to running to burn calories and build up the muscles you'll use.

Iammare - welcome!
Yes we are glad to have you! How is WW going?

Diana3271 09-15-2010 11:11 AM

Ok, everyone will have to totally ignore my nerdiness. :o I love crunching numbers and problem solving.

I am trying to figure out what my problem is. I have been doing really well and now it seems I have hit a brick wall. I am still 100% on plan with my foods. I am still exercising every day. I average 45 minutes to 1 hour working out daily. I don't think the answer is increasing my workout time.

Last month my Endo lowered my thyroid meds. It wasn't much. The change is only on the Saturday and Sunday meds. I am scheduled for a re-check next month. I am going to assume, for now, that my dosage is correct. If it isn't, I will deal with that next month.

I am aware as I lose weight, I might have to lower my calories some. Basically, as the body gets smaller it doesn't need as much energy to fuel itself. It's not carrying around as much weight.

I'm thinking I need to cut my calories some. Although, I don't see how I could go from losing 7.8 pounds, 6.8 pounds, and 8.4 pounds a month to nothing. I would think I would drop down to maybe 5 pounds a month loss not 0. Here is a guide for calorie ranges: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/1821967-post2.html

My exercise has also stayed the same thoughout the time frame I am giving, 45 minutes to 1 hour daily.

Here are my stats:

June Daily Calorie Average 1850 Weight loss for the month 7.8 pounds

July Daily Calorie Average 1815 Weight Loss for the month 6.8 pounds

August Daily Calorie Average 1700 Weight Loss for the month 8.4 pounds

September Daily Calorie Average (so far) 1720 Weight loss (so far) 0 pounds

My weight right now is about 201.

Any suggestions?

Diana3271 09-15-2010 11:12 AM

iammare Hi and Welcome! :wave: We have a variety of plans going on here. We would love to have you join in.

iammare 09-15-2010 11:38 AM

Thanks all.

I just started WW on Monday, and so far so good. I'm having problems staying OP. I can't seem to get in my points. Even with 2 servings of wine last night, I was still 3 points shy of goal.

Vixsin 09-15-2010 11:45 AM

Good Morning All,

No time for personals at the moment but here's my day today.

Breaky: greek yogurt w kashi, kashi granola bar, apple = 420
Lunch: Tilapia, couscous,green bean yumminess, salad, string cheese, apple = 520
Snack: baby carrots, string cheese, apple = 190
Supper: Pork with shake n bake, whole wheat wrap, tons of veggies, homemade honey mustard sauce, possibly a sliced cuke = 370

Got rid of some water weight this morning. I am down 2.2. :yay: I'll take it!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!

abidabbi 09-15-2010 12:25 PM

Hi iammare :wave:

Diana - what about doing a 1700 week and seeing where that gets you? I think you do enough exercise etc so I wouldn't worry about that. I was just going on the smaller you needing less to keep going :)

So far today:
B - toast x 2 (200)
L - roasted pots, meat free meaty sauce thing, small packet of chocolate round items (700)
D - steamed veggies (250) and some toast maybe (200)

Total - 1350 :) That'll do I guess :)


L R K 09-15-2010 12:37 PM

raven - Congrats on that loss! :cheer2:

blue - I think that's a great idea, exercise always gives me time to think about the things that matter WITH a clear mind to do so and good job controlling your stress and being aware of what you were just about to do - a single serving of chips is 100x better than cookie dough!

iammare - Welcome to the thread :welcome: :wave: This thread is not specific in anyway, we are just an awesome group of girls ready to give and recieve any support needed. :)

Diana - HaHa! No one thinks your a nerd! I think a lot of us like to crunch numbers when it comes to cal counting! I found once I hit a certain pioint my body kinda just stopped doing what I wanted it do, it needs something to change so perhaps yes, more exercise may help.

Vixsin - Hey you, great job on the loss :cheer2:

L R K 09-15-2010 12:38 PM

abidabbi - We must have been posting at exactly the same time :) How you doing? :wave:

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