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Old 09-26-2002, 11:56 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again....#219


We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

Please feel free to jump right in with us.
And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.
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Old 09-27-2002, 12:33 AM   #2  
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Hi everybody! Just a quick post to let you know I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth!

I have had more work lately than I know what to do with. The 'bra jobs' are piling up. Actually, the boxes of boxes by my front door are piling up. Did my first K-Mart today. Four more to go. Still have another Meijers and a WalMart to finish.

I move the baby back up to college on Tuesday. Will take mom with me so that we can visit her brother and SIL who are in assisted living and a nursing home about a half hour from son's university.

I haven't even had my evenings free with going to the card party on Monday night and taking mom to see her cousin from Oklahoma on Tuesday night. She was so happy to go, she has not seen this cousin for 45 years. I'm sure she's thinking that that would be her only opportunity to ever see her again as my mom is 81. We also took another couple with us (my mom's cousin who is the woman from OK brother). He suffers from Parkinson's and he hasn't seen his sister in 10 years. They were just thrilled for the reunion.

I am doing the PMS shuffle this week. But my symptoms are not the *****y type, mine are all physical. Sore boobs, headache and tired as ****. I came home today and layed down to watch my soap and fell asleep for 3 hours.

In the morning I'm headed to mass with my cousins in honor of my aunt's birthday (the one that passed away from lung cancer that I was so close to) and then out to breakfast. I have to do two theatre jobs in the afternoon.

Shell: Welcome to our little group. We're an eclectic bunch. All ages, all sizes, all programs. I'm 48, married 26 years, 2 sons (21 & 23) both in college. I've been on this thread since it's beginning in July of 2000. I hope you will enjoy it like I do.

On the subject of the Bariatric surgery: We have just lost a Detroit City councilwoman from complications from her stomach stapling surgery. My vote: Not safe! Not worth the risk!

Sorry girls, no time for additional responses. I did read and I know that there are alot of things I should be saying to all of you. You'll have to forgive me though, as my head is splitting. And I need to get to bed. Love to all. I hope to catch up with you properly later.

Last edited by thinthinker; 09-27-2002 at 12:39 AM.
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Old 09-27-2002, 02:21 AM   #3  
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Talking Hey...Hey....Hey!!

How are you all my chickies? Very good I hope! Well, believe it or not, I am feeling a little better today! My food was not perfect, but it was definitely better. I did enjoy exercising this morning even after a night of work and believe it or not, it actually helped me sleep better. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping during the day, simply because it is DAYTIME and the light shines through the window into my eyes (dh says he will be taking care of that problem this weekend) (we'll see) but today, I slept like a rock till I had to pick up Trey at school and I feel more alert here at work tonight. I just did the one mile, but that was definite progress compared to nothing at all, and to be honest, I think being able to KEEP UP with the people on the video is a success in itself considering I outweigh most of them by 100 lbs. So, to me.........the fact that I can go right along with them.....not any slower or faster.....but keep the same pace makes me feel pretty good. We went out to a mexican restaurant after football practice and I ate a little more cheese than I should have, but that is all that I have eaten all day, so I suppose it isn't all that bad.

I am seriously considering going back to WW on Monday if I can scrape up the $$. I really like the pre-pay plan, but I know I can't afford that right now, so I may just pay the fee to re-join and go from there. I just need a few more kicks in the butt and I should have enough cahonies to go back. We are a little bombarded at work tonight because we are having some power outages, so I won't have time for individual replys, but I would like to welcome Michelle#2 -- This is a wonderful place and I am very glad that you have found us. It takes awhile to get in the groove of things, but once you get to know us, we are just like one big family. I am 32 years old. I have been married for almost 15 years to a wonderful man and we have two boys......Brian who is 14 and Trey, who is 9. I work third shift at an answering service and I love it! Most of my weight came on after I had my children and I just let it stay there since it had found a happy home.....but now I have decided that it is time for it to leave because although it may be happy right where it's at, I'm not happy with it and it has GOT TO GO! I have tried several programs and am about to start WW again, as I feel it is the best program out there. Always remember, that we accept you JUST AS YOU ARE. Sometimes we have good days, sometimes we have bad, but we are all human. Share your successes and if you need help, we will try to lend a hand. After all, we are all in this together. And.......to answer your question, yes, I do use the weights when I do my WATP videos, but I didn't this morning, because I didn't want to overwhelm myself.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day and I will be back tomorrow. Love you all.

Last edited by QueenB; 09-27-2002 at 02:26 AM.
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Old 09-27-2002, 06:18 AM   #4  
I'm on my way!
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Tina just something to think about! Call weight watchers and ask them for a financial aid application. If you qualify I think the weekely meetings are only like 6 or 7 dollars a week! I am going to see if I qualify now that I am only working part time! It sure helps. My secrerary at my last job in RI did it. I signed a letter for her on our letterhead because she just started and didnt have pay stubs yet.

I gotta run for now and get us ready to leave in a half hour but I will be back this afternoon to post again!

TTFN Michelle
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Old 09-27-2002, 08:07 AM   #5  
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Thin….Hmmmm “Bra Lady” has sore boobs….News at 11!!!!!
We will all be here waiting for your funny, informative, knowledgable posts!!!

Tina: Are those tapes you have the ones where you march around? Do you feel it's a good workout?

It's 28 and foggy here today....sure hope it warms up cause I get off early today.

Okay...don't forget if you have any advice on srapbooking I need to know and insight into time management....and MOST important "the hunk"!!!!!

Have a good Friday. :
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Old 09-27-2002, 08:15 AM   #6  
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Wink Hi MichelleK

Good morning Michelle #1

Thanks so much for your welcome! Great name by the way,

In regard to your question about where in NH I live...I live in Greenland--near Portsmouth. I am about 45 minutes from Boston. I live about 10 minutes away from the ocean which is really nice!! Have you ever been up this far?? Fall is a lovely time to visit the White Mountains!!

Please tell me a bit about yourself. Are you married? Do you have children? Do you work?

I see you are doing the Leslie Sansone tapes too I think that doing this 3 times a week is great!! How long have you been doing this program? Do you do other exercise as well?

Good luck with the assistant property manager possibility. That sounds nice and close to home. Hope you get it!!

I look forward to getting to know you better. These boards are just great!!

Have a great day!

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Old 09-27-2002, 08:23 AM   #7  
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Wink Hi LuckyLadyBug

Hey Lucky

Thanks for the welcome!! You are right--you ARE a great bunch

You really should visit NH. As I just stated to MichelleK, it is beautiful in the Fall here. The drive up through Franconia Notch, etc. is breathtaking!!

I am trying to get to know everyone here, so sorry if I ask the same questions Are you married? Do you have children? I see that you like to garden. Where do you live?? I see that you are putting in tulips and iris today. I LOVE tulips!!! The first year we moved into this house I spent about $400 on tulip bulbs!! Can you believe it?! It was a spectacular display come Spring. That was about 8 or so years ago, and I really need to replenish. I am just obsessed with gardening

Have fun today planting. I hope that you don't get washed out from the rain!

Take care

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Old 09-27-2002, 08:32 AM   #8  
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Wink Hi Thinthinker

Hey Thin

Thanks for the welcome to this group Wow! You have been with this group for a while!

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling that great this week--darn PMS Don't you just hate being female sometimes!

I agree with you on the bariatric surgery issue. I know some have been helped with it, but it scares the heck out of me. My younger sister's friend was thinking of doing this. She is only 21. And she really isn't THAT overweight. I talked her out of it. For now, anyway. There is so much that you have to deal with AFTERWARDS. It certainly isn't for me.

I hope that you are feeling much better soon, Thin I send you cyber No calories

Take care and have a good day!

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Old 09-27-2002, 08:32 AM   #9  
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Just a quickie!

Tina: Go for the financial aid like Michelle said. Last year when my DH was laid off, I did that. I told them that I didn't want to quit coming to meetings, but that I couldn't justify the money when I had other bills to pay. It worked and they gave me 8 renewable weeks.
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Old 09-27-2002, 08:45 AM   #10  
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Wink Hi QueenB

Hey Queen

Thanks for the welcome

Congrats on getting your workout in!!! You are so right....doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING at all And it is extra great that you are able to keep up with them. Doesn't that make you feel good?! Do I understand correctly that you work a night shift? That must be really hard. How do you get any sleep?? I am such a lite sleeper that I would never be able to sleep during the day.

I hope that you are able to start up WW again, if that is what you want. I have never tried WW but my aunt and sister go quite often and they like the program. I have heard it is the best.

Where do you live, Queen? How long have you been a part of this group? It sure makes it easier when you have others to share with

I hope that your day is a good one and that you get some sleep

Take care!

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Old 09-27-2002, 08:50 AM   #11  
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Smile Just wanted to say....

Hi again everyone

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all the warm welcomes that I have received from this group. Over the years, I have tried posting with different sites and much of the time, my posts go largely unanswered. This is one of the first sites that seem to really embrace new people and make them feel welcome!! I really appreciate that!

I am off to do my workout


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Old 09-27-2002, 12:24 PM   #12  
Dancing those pounds away
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HI guys

Boy was I surprised to see so many posts this morning. Last night we were on the last thread and I was just too tired to start a new one. Thanks Thin for getting us going with a fresh thread.

I don't have time to post. We are celebrating my baby's 21st birthday tonight and I have got to get to the store. I offered to take her out to any restaurant of her choice or a home cooked meal... she chose the home cooked meal. I am making all of her favorites. Her favorite cake is Angel Food. An angel for an angel.

Tomorrow I am headed for Missouri again. It is my parents 62nd Anniversary. All of my family are coming in for it. We were suppose to go tonight but we opted to celebrate my daughters birthday at home first. She wanted to go dancing tonight with her sister and brother. They don't get to do a lot together with both girls in college in different states. THEN...Sunday... my husbands family is having a reunion. I am going to be all smiled out by Monday. A girl can be nice for only so long.
I will be grateful to be home alone. LOL

I am a little frustrated... I promised myself LAST year that I would be 50lbs less for this year. Oh well. There is always next year.
Okay... I am talking too much. I will read and respond to everyone Monday. Have a great weekend,
P.S. Welcome to the newbies. I didn't get to read yours yet... but saw some new names. Welcome.
P.S.S. ..... I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night.
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Old 09-27-2002, 03:04 PM   #13  
I'm on my way!
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Good afternoon everyone!

I had WI (Not Wisconsin) and lost...tadaaaaa....2 1/2 lbs for a total of 12 1/2 lbs in 3 weeks! I am motivated! For a treat I got myself some steamed shrimp and chinese vegetables from the chinese restaurant I like! I am stuffed for 7 points!!! Plus I got in some veggies too! I love shrimp!!

Michelle #2...I haven't been through NH in years! My sister has a friend that grew up in NH and I can't for the life of me remember exactly where....if I heard it I would remember...but anyway...they moved to North Carolina a couple of years ago. OK a little about myself....I was bred, born and raised in Rhode Island...I was married for 19 years and decided I had enough abuse and left the state and filed for divorce one year later (I told him I would wait a year) then in the meantime I met a wonderful man here from Philadelphia, we dated, he moved in and we now have a beautiful son who just turned 2 on Sept. 11th. He bought me a house and a brandy new car so I figured I better keep him around a bit longer! LOL He is the most wonderful guy in the world! As for me...I am 42, and I lost 97 lbs on WW back in 1999 before I got pregnant and since I never learned how to maintain weight I grew it back! I know how to lose and I know how to gain but never got to the point of maintaining...and my DR said NO losing weight while you are pregnant! So...here I am doing the plan again because I know it works if you work it! I use to walk 3 miles a day before baby...but its so hard now...so I just started doing the WATP tapes. I love the Richard tapes too...I alternate so I don't get bored! I do go out for a walk with the stroller now and then when the weather is comfortable but its not the same as when you get to swing your arms! Ok..work...before baby I was doing Commercial Property Management....I managed office buildings, apartment bldgs, and shopping centers. I had sites in PA, DE and NJ. After Andrew was born I decided not to go back to that...so now I am just working part time doing medical billing, contemplating going back into residential property management. I am also going to school for a bachelors in accounting! My next semester starts on October 25th. I registered for 3 classes, I think I am in trouble! I just downloaded the course syllabus' and have a load ahead of me! BUT>>.>>I will do it! It will keep me out of the kitchen hopefully! When I go back to visit my family in RI I am about an hour from Boston...maybe we can meet sometime!!

Ok...phew! I said a mouthful there huh?

2Cute...enjoy your weekend! We'll be here when you get back!

Baylee congrats on the 2 lbs gone!! We are pretty close to losing at the same rate! You can probably get the WATP tapes at Walmart or Kmart or Target. I think they are cheaper there! I had ordered mine from ebay because I have a dvd player and I couldn't find them in the stores in dvd. Its hard for me to get out walking with Andrew and like you said winter is coming!!

Thin....come back and post!!

Ok I gotta get out of here and go cash a check so I can pay the sitter. I have to pick the boy up at 4 pm. I have to get dressed...John was home early today and he wanted to play! He told me to post my weightloss later!! LOL

I'll be back! TTFN Michelle
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Old 09-27-2002, 03:40 PM   #14  
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Did Ya miss me????

I'm on vacation so I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I can't believe there's one whole thread between this one and my last post. You gal's have been gabby.

Food's been good and not so good. Leaning more towards the good side the last day or so.

Today we're getting Isidore's rain so I've been a "good girl" and have been cleaning house. Tomorrow it's early AM at the pool, then, I think strength training starts, but someone else said they think it doesn't start til next Sat. (Sure the only weekend I'm away all Fall ... That'll be my luck.). Then I'm off to a dog show in the Finger Lakes to watch/meet friends. Then we're going out to dinner. Should be able to stay OP. I'll be too busy to think about food.

So I'll be back to gab on Sunday.

Welcome to the group Shells.

Last edited by j-ann; 09-27-2002 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 09-27-2002, 04:05 PM   #15  
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Talking Hiya my lovely chickies!

Okay... I SHOULD be doing a thousand other things but I thought I'd make a quick post first. Do you think I can do it? I guess my biggest news is that I think I've broken my mini-weight-loss-plateau! There was a few weeks where I was working SO hard... exercising everyday, eating SO healthy, etc. but it seemed to be coming off at a snails pace. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it said.... get this... drumroll please... AND THE WINNER IS...

197 POUNDS! YAHOO! That is 73 pounds down!!! I WAS 270 POUNDS ON MY 25TH BIRTHDAY IN APRIL AND NOW I'M 197!!! hee hee... I'm 5'7" and I have a large build... wide shoulders...uhem... large chested, so my ultimate goal of being 150 pounds is quite reasonable! Yah! 47 more pounds to go! That number sounds SO small now seeing as how I USED to need to lose 120 pounds! ....um... thanks for the opportunity to be a loudmouthed bragger! I'll stop now!

My hubby is SUCH a sweetie. He went out today to Pier 1 Imports (I'm not sure if you guys have them down there... it's like the Pottery Barn) and bought me a huge candleholder/plate thingy that I had described to him a few weeks ago and a bunch of yummy smelling candles. He did it... just because! I had mentioned it purposefully because our anniversary is next month and I was hoping... but I didn't think he'd just buy it for NO occasion! Well... it turns out that he picked up the wrong one. He told me earlier that if it wasn't the right one he wanted me to exchange it because he wanted me to have the one I loved SO we're actually heading out in a few minutes to exchange it. What a sweetie, eh? No kidding... I'm SO spoiled. His opinion of me spending too much $$$ on clothes recently is "I like you to look nice and have stylish clothes. Don't feel guilty... you've never enjoyed shopping so much (because of my weight loss) so it's nice that you're treating yourself now." I'm SO bad... A friend of mine asked me last night if she could clone him!

Baylee... I'm SO happy for you! Another 2 pounds is WONDERFUL! You are doing an amazing job! I'm SO glad we're doing this together!

Michelle... You too! Yah! That is SO great! Our group is so full of LOSERS!

Our Christmas Card Exchange List has a total of 7 names and addresses right now. Keep them coming! In November I'll PM everyone on the list with the list so we can have a holly jolly time receiving cards this year!

I think hubby's kinda waiting on me so I should take off for now. Be back in a bit!

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