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Old 07-02-2002, 07:42 AM   #1  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Thumbs down The 21 Day Challenge: Making Healthy Habits #3

The 21 Day Challenge was originally posted by Katrina, from an EDiets forum.(Thanks, Katrina! ) This thread is based on that idea, but is more generic: YOU decide what behavior you want to focus on (you might want to follow WW or some variation, or may just want to commit to a certain amount of exercise -- whatever behavior you would like to make a habit) and commit to that for 21 Days. Then you might continue on for another block of the same, or you may want to add another behavior. The idea is that it tales 21 days to form a new habit. Sometimes it takes a lot of starts before you get through the first block of 21 days but if you persevere, you WILL make it. And it gets much easier as you go along, until - YES! - healthy behavior becomes a habit!


1. Your 21 days must be CONSECUTIVE days! That is the whole point in forming new habits.

2. This works on the "honor" system...no one will monitor you...if you "mess-up", you are only cheating yourself by not beginning again! The importance behind this challenge is to have 21 consecutive days of self control!!

3. What do the numbers mean that you see by peoples' names?? They stand for DAY/POUNDS LOST/BLOCK. 1/0/1 is Day 1, 0 pounds lost, Block 1.

4. Once you have finished block #1 (the first 21 days) you will progress to block #2...

5. For each block, you should state your rules and follow them for 21 days... repeat this as many times as necessary until you are at your goal. Your rules may be as specific or vague as you want: for example, I've considered just at the end of each day, asking myself whether my behavior would lead to better health (and weightloss) and counting myself on track if it did. Or you can stipulate as many rules as you'd like - if you want to change your plan, simply start over with a new Day 1.

Good luck to you as you complete your journey! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It all starts with a single step... and following with a new one each day!!
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Old 07-02-2002, 07:55 AM   #2  
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Red face Day 9

Good Morning Blockettes!

Thanks to everyone for making this block such a happenin' place! I thought that the other thread was likely getting a bit long for some folks. But what a great thread it was! If you haven't read all the posts, you really want to!

I'm embarking on Day 9 with a great degree of confidence. I seem to have gotten to the point that I can't really "lose it" without making a conscious decision to do that, which is such a comfortable feeling compared to the old nagging feeling that I could lose it at any moment and had very little control over it. I WILL do this thing!

I also seem to be feeling a little overwhelmed by (O gawd ) POST end-of-month crap: getting the house back in some kind of order, seeing my mom, so on and so forth. I resolve to just set about doing stuff in order of priority and not getting stressed out if I can't do it all today. I'm going to walk over to the gym soon and will go to Tai Chi this evening.

Let's make this a fabulous day, Blockettes!
9/208 (-7)/2
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Old 07-02-2002, 09:12 AM   #3  
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That was a good idea to start a new thread. To remind myself - these are my goals:

Exercise regularly.
Eat healthy meals, no binging.
Use my foodmover faithfully and control the size of the portions.
Keep my eyes firmly fixed on the end goal of losing a few more lbs.
Smile at everyone I meet.

I'm working at it. The summer is hot, we need rain, the fires are a problem, the Happy Fourth is near, the garden needs weeding, everyone is doing great. Let's all stick to what we know we need to do.

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Old 07-02-2002, 10:37 AM   #4  
a work in progress...
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Angry hey hey hey!

It's a brand new day (3 for me!) I haven't eaten yet...still pondering what to whip up this morning.

What prolific posters we all are! It's so good to read everyone's little successes and triumphs! Keeps us all on our toes! Yay for us!

To my fellow Spongebob devotee... Malia...I try to alternate the starch meals with the protein meals...I feel like I'm not getting enough protein sometimes, so I try to mix them up. Mornings, I graze on fruit...banana if I'm hungry...mangos or melon...a smoothie (fruit only) usually. I find it challenging, shall we say, not the plan, but with my work hours, I'm never sure what time to eat what...so on my days off, I will follow as in the book...If I'm working, "breakfast" might be @ mid-day, when I get up, "lunch" at dinner time and "dinner" when I get home from work in the morning... I like it though...really cuts down on cravings and I feel great.

To babette, Wildfire and any other Canadians with us...
(a belated) HAPPY CANADA DAY!!

Uh oh...hungry children...seeking nourishment...approaching...must abort post...catch you all later...
over and out...

Last edited by katrinabgood; 07-02-2002 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 07-02-2002, 11:01 AM   #5  
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Yo! It's Day One for me (again) but I don't feel too bad. Was in a house with a bad cooler turned on last night as I helped some friends move in. Coolers in July don't work, as anyone who lives here will testify, so after a few hours, my electrolytes were totally messed up and I started drinking the only thing available, which was high calorie grape juice. It was a matter of staying to support friends or going home and sitting in a cold tub, so the grape juice won. Finished the entire evening with 2755 calories, 50 minutes of exercise for the day in two aerobic sessions, no poles, giving them a rest for a day or two.

Indigo Girl: I read your post on the other thread and hope it's ok if I say DON'T BET THE FARM that you've gained two pounds. That just sounds like water weight fluctuation. Was this your regular weekly weigh-in? If not, please don't worry, just ignore it. Weight fluctuates (as you know, sorry to sound preachy) by as much as seven pounds or even more during the course of a week, so I don't think you need worry. Also, please don't worry that you've messed up your metabolism permanently by yoyo dieting. It's really just (in my not humble opinion) that as we grow older (not to say you are old, but years pass for everyone) we do find it harder to lose and maintain weight. This is not to say as some so called "experts" do that it can't be done and that we shouldn't keep working at it, just that the results aren't going to be as dramatic and predictable as those earlier weight losses. Actually, research (in my opinion, again) does not really show much support for the idea that yoyo dieting ruins metabolism or that it makes anyone gain more fat the second, third, etc., time around, which is another thing "experts" always tell the media.

This is just my opinion and analysis of the research, so I don't mean to tell you you're wrong in what you think and hope I don't offend, just hoping you won't worry about that yoyo thingie too much and remember that the goddess willing and the creek don't rise, YOU WILL SUCCEED!!! Your body wants to cooperate. Just takes time.

Have to run as I have a test at the college in one hour, no more time for replies but this is the greatest challenge ever. I love the fact that I don't feel tempted to just give up my blockwalk because here I am at Day One (fun in the sun, Day One) again.
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Old 07-02-2002, 11:39 AM   #6  
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Hi everyone! Wow so much to catch up on!! I'm back as I'm sure you werea ll dying to know Back to Day 1 even though I actually did quite well! A couple picnics and I stayed with carrot sticks and not chips- and only a sliver of grandma's apple pie But we went to a chinese buffet on Sunday and I didn't stop when I should have and last night ate at Olive Garden and was famished and totally overate. I was also lacking in exercise-- didn't even bring my tennis shoes for a walk! (shame on me!)

I think I ended the week with a loss anyway so my efforts early in the week still mattered-- My goal is to be OP all week long and see what I can do about this nagging fat! GET OUT OF HERE!

I'll check in later after I've been able to read all the posts!
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Old 07-02-2002, 12:26 PM   #7  
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Default May I join you??

Hello all!

Wildfire introduced me to this thread! You all are so motivated and motivat-ING... I'd love to be able to post here too.
I think the 21 day challenge just might help me with the biggest problem I'm currently having; the weigh in day "food-fest". I weigh in Monday morning, then for the rest of the day I feel like I'm "free" and end up spending the rest of the next week un-doing what I had done in my Monday free 'fer all....

So, my 21 day challenge will be staying OP even on the day I weigh in. Yesterday I weighed in, and as you can see coming back from vacation to a house with no food was a bad idea. The true test of my challenge will be next Monday....

Anyway, thank you so much for this wonderful idea! I look forward to getting to know and support you all...

day 1/0 pounds/block 1
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Old 07-02-2002, 02:33 PM   #8  
emerging from my cocoon
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Day 9 - part 2

Told you I'd be back

Crone - thanks for the support...sometimes I just need a good telling!
To be honest, I agree with you about the metabolism thing, I think I'm into a self-fulfilling worry cycle about the post yoyo effects.
I am going to stay off the scales until Saturday - white knuckle time now - the scale has replaced chocolate as my current obsession.

Today's food has been sane and healthy - there was a veggie alternative at my conference and mineral water as an alternative to coffee so I was ok. Came home and cooked - baked potatoes and salad with fat free dressing and egg/low fat cheese stuffing for potatoes. Was worth the wait, rather than eating something stupid because I needed immediate gratification...DH says I should see him about that later

Had a late meeting today about a trip a group of us teachers are making in October - found out we're going to Calgary, Alberta. Watch out Canada! I'm really excited but must resist the temptation to step up diet efforts in order to be a size 6 by then

If anyone out there knows anything about Calgary let me know.
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Old 07-02-2002, 04:56 PM   #9  
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Hey folks,

Just checking in on Day 11. I've been doing great staying OP, but today was a very close call. I got the munchies this afternoon unusually early for me (probably because I got up early today) and I was unprepared for it. I was literally holding a package of chocolate (already opened by DH) when I came to my senses and had a small bowl of cheerios with skim milk instead. Whew! My salad wasn't ready in time to save me, but that's exactly what I did next. While I wasn't hungry any more then, I am eating it now.

Indigo, I am also up 2 lbs from my lowest weigh-in. It is disappointing, but I know it is inevitable for me since I do fluctuate a lot. Hang in there, the nice days are coming when the fluctuation will be on our side!
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Old 07-02-2002, 05:02 PM   #10  
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Default Day 1

Wildfire-suggested this group to me on another post. I hope that's ok. The 21 day challenge sounds great. I've been working on my water intake-I sometimes feel like I'm floating away.

My hubby and I are doing this together. What worked for us this week is cooking up a storm Sunday-then we bought this little throw away containers (they hold about 1 cup) and divided up our proteins veggies and fruits. Whenever we decide to eat or take a meal to work-we take 1 protein, 2 veggies and a fruit. The less I have to think about what to nibble on the better.

We also picked up a steamer (more veggies) and a mushroom slicer (which works great on strawberries too). The best part of the steamer is it takes 20 minutes to make almost anything-so no excuse that cooking takes too long.

Good luck to everyone on their challenge. I'm rooting for you!
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Old 07-02-2002, 05:05 PM   #11  
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Hi Blockettes, and welcome Punkinseed. I can totally relate to the temptation to overdo on weigh in day. It's like "I've been good all week, I'll reward myself." That's why it's so important to find other, non food rewards. You'll overcome it, just give yourself time.

Indigogirl I swear I had to look twice to make sure your last post on the other thread wasn't mine! You sound so like me. And the self-fulfilling worry cycle, amen sister! However I don't know if anything (even the scale) will ever replace my obsession with chocolate, and right now the scale seems to be pretty high up there on my list of obsessions!

Well not much time to browse or post today, the kids are conspiring to drive me crazy.
have a geat one all,
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Old 07-02-2002, 07:40 PM   #12  
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Day Six and feeling Groovy!

But nonetheless, terrified as usual of the scale at tomorrow's weigh in. Old habits die hard.

Punkin, glad you wandered over! Even though Mondays are your challenge you have been doing really well. I hope this group can motivate you to keep going. They certainly do that for me.

upandaway, isn't that why kids are on this earth? To drive their elders insane?

Cindelier, glad you joined us! Wow....you and your hubby get the Best Organized award! What a great plan! I consider myself to be doing well if I remember to pack my lunch the night before. Great idea, using a mushroom slicer for strawberries. I'm going to have to get one of those.

YoyoMom...Day 11 and avoided the chocolate demons! You go girl!!! Don't fret about the 2lbs. With the heat that seems to be everywhere this week, I'm sure a lot of us are retaining water.

Indigogirl, glad there was an alternative food selection at the conference. That makes staying OP much easier. I've been to Calgary, but it was many years ago. You might try asking for information on the "Calling all Canadians" threads on the Buddy Up Board.

jelynn, I just don't think we should have to avoid Grandma's apple pie. That just seems like sacrilege, doesn't it? Good for you for having a small piece and resisting the temptation for more. Pie happens to be one of my demons.

Crone, how was the exam? You're a good friend to stay and help faced with unbearable heat and only grape juice! I think I would have been tempted to retreat to the tub! Of course, the tub was there when you got home, and your friend was happy you helped, I'm sure.

Katrina, thanks for the belated Canada Day greetings! 135 years, and still a marvelous looking chick!

JoJoJo, I just love the firm resolve you have to keep at this. You're right, we all know what we need to do, we just need to do it!

Babette, I know that feeling you describe. This time, I don't have any doubts about staying OP and staying at WW and attending meetings and getting to goal. This time it's different, and being part of this fabulous group certainly helps reinforce that!

Will check in tomorrow after the dreaded weigh in. Keep on truckin' Blockettes!
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Old 07-03-2002, 06:47 AM   #13  
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Wildfire, it's Day 6 for me too. I'm feeling really strong these days--we can do this!

Katrina, I have to chime in and affirm that I'm a SpongeBob devotee too! What is it about that little yellow guy?! I love his innocence and unshakeable optimism--we should all strive for spongedom!

Cindelier, don't you feel so capable and efficient with all those little containers? I always say planning is everything. And that's great that you and your husband are doing it together!

Punkinseed, that cat icon is too funny! It always makes me laugh!

Indigogirl, it's nice to have thoses alternatives--I cook alot for teachers groups, business meetings and I always try to offer healthy alternatives. [but I think the participants would revolt if I didn't offer the nutrient-free stuff too!]

Those of us who have plans for the 4th of July, start strategizing now so we're not taken by surprise by all the picnic/grill-out stuff!

Okay, I've got to go out and weed the garden before the heat! Have a great day!
Old 07-03-2002, 06:54 AM   #14  
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Hello all!!

Welcome all newcomers!! Look how poplular we're getting!! We must be doing something right!!

AND WE ARE !!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, was only going to lurk but couldnt resist a post!

Weatherman is already warning people not to go outside because the ozone is so high-- Everyone on the East Coast, hold your breath!!

I can only monitor what I'm putting into my mouth, the airconditioner is having trouble keeping up and I am limp.
Everything else is not number 1 priority so it will have to wait until the weather breaks again.

RE: water retention- don't forget to take into account the heat too!! My husband showed a 5lb loss Mon am from our wall building weekend-- this am- its all back this am-- Just like the tide, the water goes in and comes back- We have to just keep putting it in to keep the whole process moving-

RE: mushroom slicer-- I've never seen one!! Just a hardboiled egg slicer .. Is it the same? and if not, where did you find it please??

I dont have a song yet for this morning-- I hope someone else will do that for me--

Lets just get thru today !!!!
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Old 07-03-2002, 09:36 AM   #15  
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Happy Humpday everyone! And a very happy birthday Katrina! I wonder, were all your birthday parties as a child done in red white and blue? You know you share this day with hottie Tom Cruise, good company to be in if you ask me. Have a great one!

I'm trying to shake things up a bit, activity wise. I usually just jump on the exercise bike during the day for 20 minutes and do some stretches. But this morning I drug out an old (old old) Richard Simmons video and sweated some. I was dismayed to find how hard it seemed when this time last year I had stopped doing them because I didn't feel like they were hard enough. Geez. Then I jumped on the bike and with a good CD playing in my ear rode for 1/2 an hour.

Fortunately DH is working tomorrow so there won't be any big barbeques or anything to tempt me to go off program. Unfortunately we are going out of town this weekend and will be at the mercy of relatives who don't know the meaning of low-fat and think that having a 'little bit' of whatever won't hurt. They don't get that for me, having a little bit of some things is like an alcoholic having just one drink. I've fought too hard to regain control this time, so some feelings may be hurt before it's over.

Hope every has a happy happy day on the Block. Kaylets, hope you find a way to beat the heat. Maybe a nice tall smoothie, watermelon, mmm that sounds good. Making myself hungry.

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