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Old 06-19-2002, 10:00 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again....#180


We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

Please feel free to jump right in with us.
And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

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Old 06-20-2002, 01:21 AM   #2  
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It is almost midnight and I am headed for bed soon.
I should be getting ready for my trip to my other daughters new apartment. I leave tomorrow... oops .. I mean today. LOL
I was unable to help her decorate before because of my parents and sisters illness... but now I am going back. She is so excited... it is her first apartment. I will be there till Sunday. She has a computer and hopefully I can check in. We will just have to wait and see how busy we get.

I have been on this darn computer looking up cottages.
My hubby reserved a cabin in the Arkansas mountains for the 4th of july long weekend. He is a sweetie sometimes.
We have invited our kids, so far only one is coming with us.
We are a very close family and we love it when we can all get together. I had to look it up online to see how "rustic" it will be. LOL. Actually they are pretty nice. They are decorated with antique decor... and I love that. They each have their own jacuzzi for two Of course with us... it is a single. Trust me... we will "squeeze" in there somehow.
It is located near Eureka Springs... most people have heard of it. Beaver Lake is "Beautiful".

Thin... it is soooo good to see you again. We have chatted since the last time you posted and I didn't realize just how long you have been gone. I made it to the movies today. I just up and went. LOL. It was great doing something just for me.
I saw the YA YA Sisterhood. I described it to my husband as...
" a serious storyline... sprinkled with humor and tears. Not so much entertaining.... but still enjoyable." I think if you could relate to it ...it meant more to you. I had to admit my mom into a mental health establishment when I was only 16-17 years old... so I could relate. There are even more simularities too.... but won't go into them all here. In my old age... I usually prefer just plain entertaining. LOL

Sara... WOW... you are doing SUPER !!! Is there something special in canadian water??? LOL I bet you are excited having your friend from Newfoundland coming. How neat.

Baylee... what the hek is a"bi-pap" machine????
All I could visualize is you putting on a helmet and mask to give yourself a double papsmear. LOL
Please tell me and help get that vision out of my mind.

Kat... your recipes sound sooo yummy. I have got to try a real George Foreman grill... and not my wantabe grill.

Michelle...I have sooooo much crossed for you.... I look like a deformed pretzel. Good luck !!!

Mary... congrats on reaching 200 !!! That is wonderful !!!

If I missed anyone... it was not intentional. I just don't have the old page to go back and double check. Just know I love you all.

Well... I did not even intend to post tonight. But since I have stayed up late... I probably won't be on Thursday until late.
My food was pretty good today. I did have a small bag of popcorn at the movies... but it didn't hold much.

good night my fellow fat fighters. Those ya ya sisterhood gals don't have anything over us.... we are bonded here as close as any group could be. Keep on keeping on !!!!
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Old 06-20-2002, 04:47 AM   #3  
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Hi everyone,

Did really well on my challenge. Day 2 tomorrow. It's great to hear everyone on a roll--losing weight and exercising. I hope to get in the groove tomorrow. I got my passport today. Cool. I can leave the country now. Three and a half months, can't wait.

Tomorrow, I'll wake early and walk the dog in the park. he has to wake early, poor baby.

Keep on moving,
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Old 06-20-2002, 10:30 AM   #4  
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Hi everybody! I'm really sorry. I had intended to be here last night to post, but after I started the new thread, I was summoned to the other room for a movie and didn't get back on.

I wanted to let you guys know that the Rosie magazine this month is dedicated to the weight issue. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not always crazy about Rosie, but........I thumbed through the magazine at the checkout and it looked pretty interesting. There's an artilcle in there by two women, both who had the gastric bypass surgery, one who hates the results and one who loves it. There's just alot of really good, thought-provoking stuff. Pretty decent.

Katrina: The asparagus recipes look really good. I have never made asparagus. When I was a kid my mom used to cook the heck out of it and I hated it. I've had it several times out, like for wedding showers, etc. and it must have been just steamed or something because it was really good. I will have to give it a whirl. Thanks.

Mary: I'm glad your daughter is feeling better. I'm sure she's anxious to get home. * Too bad about that son of yours. Is he not looking for work, or just doesn't want to? Sounds like he's got it too good at home.

2cute: Have a wonderful trip. Be safe. I'm sure you and your daughter are going to have a great time decorating. * The cabin sounds like fun. Something I'd love to do. DH is not 'out-doorsey' at all, unfortunately. My girlfriend's family has a lodge in northern Michigan that I haven't been to since DH and I were just dating.......heck, that's awhile ago! Anyway, she invited us up the last week of July. Sounds nice, but they have a private lake and that means swimming. I guess it's a tee shirt and shorts for me.

Malia: Good for you on the challenge! Sounds like you're moving back in the right direction!

Ok, here's one for all of you: Where are you finding a bathing suit to fit a 300# body? I've looked in the Lane Bryant and Roaman's catalogs and yes, there are suits, but talk to me about 'foam cups' and 'shelf bras' and 'power net bras', etc. Is there really something out there that we can wear????

I'm going to run while you all ponder that question. Have a great day. I hope to check in later.

"Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who'll never find out." - Frank A. Clark
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Old 06-20-2002, 12:34 PM   #5  
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Unhappy ahhhhh!

Hi all...

We just got REALLY bad news; my husband (who makes about 90% of our household income) just got downsized! They let 120 ppl go out of 650 and he was relatively new there so...

I feel really bad. Money is really tight in the summers because my piano student numbers dwindle to single digits and we were just going to finish paying off my new piano...

This definitely does not discourage me in my dieting endeavors but I really don't feel like exercising either... I kind of feel that the ground has been pulled out from under me! Hopefully my husband will find something else before his pay runs out (we have a month)... maybe something even better!

I've gotta go hug the poor guy now.

Thanks for listening,
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Old 06-20-2002, 05:47 PM   #6  
a work in progress...
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Happy Day!

I need to get a quick post in before I'm off and running again...I got a juicer today...gonna see what kind of delectable treats I can conjure up with that! Just stocked up again on fruits/vegs...I must say, I'm saving money by buying seasonal produce and really cutting back on buying any junky stuff. I told the kids that I would grill them some burgers for dinner, so I bought myself some nice big portabella mushrooms to grill...will top that with sauteed onions and peppers, sliced tomato and have a big salad on the side. Another great side effect of eating well is...my nails! They are really growing! Coming from ol' stubby nails herself, that's something!

Sara Joy...sorry about hubby's job...hopefully, as this door closes, another one opens with something even better in store!

2cute...have fun with your daughter and decorating! Your weekend plans sound wonderful...you deserve a nice long weekend to relax!

Baylee...you always have such yummy sounding menus planned...how do you prepare your fish? I don't know if we have pollock walleye around here, but fish is fish to me!

Thin...Try justmysize.com also...they have a nice catalog...clothes are not your typical "fat lady" muu muus (sp?) I always wear a bathing suit in the summer...with a cute cover up of course... but the bathing suit MUST have a skirt! (Cuz that really covers so much!) I did have a cute one a few years ago, it had boxer shorts attached instead of the obligatory skirt...hey, I'm fat WITH clothes on and WITHOUT...I gotta be comfy!

Malia...now I get to see you here and at the challenge...good for you on your scale surprise! It definitely is motivating, isn't it? Esp. when you move down into another set of tens...240s to 230s! Can't wait for the 40s!


Mary, how is your daughter doing? How are YOU doing?

Duckie...I love amusement parks, but I can relate to you checking out the people to see if any other large ones are getting on the rides! One time, I got on the "Batman ride" at Great Adventure, and it took some doing to close the over the shoulder restraint...(Talk about embarassment!)I was so afraid the thing was going to pop open as we went upside down...should be motivating, shouldn't it? I love rides too!

Michelle...good luck on the job prospect! Fingers are crossed for you!

Miss you LUCKY! Hope you are having fun!

Well, this turned into a long post...I have to run now...I hope I didn't miss anyone, catch you next time if I did! Love to all!
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Old 06-21-2002, 05:11 AM   #7  
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Hi everyone,

Sarajoy, I'm sorry to hear about your hubby. Work is a trip, but needed nonetheless. Hug him alot. He'll find something better.

The pooch is wild. he's 13 mos and I fear I'll have to neuter him. He's snapping at my mom. If I'm at home, he does not want anyone to distract him Strange dog. Problem with getting a dog at 3 mos, someone mistreated him. I'm trying, but the wild streak is a tough habit to break.

the challenge is coming along fine. I'm switching my exercise to three days walking and two day weights. I'm excited with the change.

Have a great friday,
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Old 06-21-2002, 08:22 AM   #8  
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Happy Friday all
Prism can I come visit you in Hawaii I need a vacation.

My daughter is doing good I think she went home yesterday.

My weight is flucuating (sp).
DH bought a gazelle exercise machine yesterday his tredmill died.
Hope all of you have a great day.

Thin, 2cute, lucky, michelle, Jen, Katrina, Sara Joy, Baylee, Malia, Ducky, Susie where are all of you hurry back.
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Old 06-21-2002, 10:06 AM   #9  
a work in progress...
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Default Good Morning!

What a beautiful day! Last day of school...yay! I'm going to be able to leave work in the am and head straight for the gym...well, starting next week. I have so much house work to catch up on today, bills to get out, and yard work if I get a chance...so what am I doing here? Hey, the priorities must be met! Anyway, I'm having my coffee first, so here I am.

My diet is going very well...this is my NINTH day in a row, OP! Last night, son, dh and I watched The Others , with Nicole Kidman--very good, by the way...and when it came to be "snack time," I opted for a cup of tea...and what's wierd is, that's all I really wanted!

Not much else to say right now...I'll leave you with this...

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want. And if they can't find them, make them."

~George Bernard Shaw

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Old 06-21-2002, 11:01 AM   #10  
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Good morning everyone! Thanks you guys for all the good ideas about finding a bathing suit. The trouble is, I looked in the mirror this morning and there is NO WAY this body is going into a bathing suit, so I might just as well not go looking any further. I guess it will be shorts (ok, maybe capris) and a tee shirt for my couple of days at the lake!

Food has not been good lately. I have no gumpshun to even pay attention anymore. I start off with the will in the morning and then it peter's out by mid afternoon. I'm just such a sorry soul here lately.

I have had the last 3 days off of work and have not done anything productive whatsoever! I keep saying I need a day off and then when I've got them, I do nothing with them. I just can't win.

I really need to go see my Chiroprator today. The back is just killing me. Not for any apparent reason. Geez, I wonder if the one caster on my desk chair being broken has anything to do with it? I bet it does. Sitting here for hours on end at a funny angle. Hmmmm. I may have just figured out my back problem.....at least today's.

2cute: You're probably gone again. Hope you're having fun.

Baylee: I miss Family Dollar Stores. We don't have any here, at least not nearby that I know of. We used to shop them all the time when we lived in North Carolina. That really is lucky that you found suites there. The prices I was looking at were like $45 -$92 and I'm not paying that for just a couple of days of wear.

Sara: I'm so sorry to hear of your DH's job loss. You mentioned that his pay will run out in a month, he should be able to get un-employment. It's not alot of money, but it helps.

Katrina: Great job OP!!! 9 days! WOW! What a major victory just having tea was last night. Good for you!

Malia: The reason Mikey is so weird when you're around the house and others come by is probably due to his mistreatment as a puppy. You have given him love and attention and it makes him jealous and protective when someone else is in his house. It will be really tough to break him of that habit.

Mary: I was here, you must have missed me. I'm glad your daughter is doing well. * Are you planning to use the gazelle thingy too?

Tina: Now, girlfriend, ever since you told us to ask you every day if you're OP, you haven't been back. What's that all about??? Get your butt back in here and post.

Well girls, I'm outta here for now. I really need to see the doc. Maybe I can get in before he goes to lunch. I also should try to get over and visit my little charge at the nursing home. I've been kinda lax about that as well. And Walmart is calling me. I'm out of water and I need to get there FAST before I get into drinking something else. You guys take care. I'll try to get back later. This weekend is going to be crazy. My niece's graduation party is tomorrow and I have theatre jobs all weekend. Love to all!

"It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top." - Virginia Woolf
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Old 06-21-2002, 12:23 PM   #11  
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Haven't read anything...only two days left....

Miss you...doing laundry for the umpteenth time.

Some fun...some not...will write as sopn as I can...and catch up on you all..
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Old 06-21-2002, 01:05 PM   #12  
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Default mmmmmm!

Thanks, Baylee...I know what we're having for dinner tinight!

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Old 06-21-2002, 04:20 PM   #13  
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Post Feeling a little better...

G'day ladies,

Thanks for all the words of sympathy re: my husband's job loss (Katrina, Malia, Thin and Baylee). We've had a day to absorb the initial shock of his lay-off. Unltimately, I know we'll be okay because he's got amazing skills (he's a software engineer) and I know that he'll find something soon but it's still hard... and very unsettling.

Anyhoo, I spent the day today at the zoo with a few kids from a local public school where I volunteer on Fridays. Today was the last Friday of the school year, so we did something special. The zoo, then Dairy Queen where the kids had blizzards and banana splits and I had water... I actually wasn't really tempted at all!

Baylee... that recipe sounds delicious. If I wasn't so tired right now, I'd run out to the store to get the ingredients I'm missing. Maybe sometime later this weekend...

Malia... how's the challenge going? Er... rather, how are both your challenges going? The wild pooch and the 21-day one?

Thin... hope you got to see your chiropracter today and s/he was a miracle worker! It really sucks to have a thing like back pain spoiling a day that otherwise could have been enjoyed!

Katrina... it's so exciting to get a juicer. Not that I've actually had one-I've just oogled them in the stores and thought it'd be fun to experiment!

Well, gotta fly. I wanna have time to dye my hair before we go out to my brother-in-law's party tonight.

See ya gals!
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Old 06-21-2002, 07:45 PM   #14  
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Hi ladies
Yes I am going to use the gazelle. It is easy when you get your legs cooridinated. Hope it helps. Hope all of you have a great weekend.
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Old 06-22-2002, 08:19 AM   #15  
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Default Good Morning!

Quickie post here...must get out for a walk, I have an appointment for blood donation at 9am...got to "pump up" those blood vessels! Should be interesting...I'm usually rejected for low hemoglobin...with all these fruits/vegs I've eaten lately, I should have no problem today!

I love my juicer! I had orange/grapefruit/strawberry juice this am... going to try some kind of veggie juice later...

Gotta run...see ya'll later!
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