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Old 12-13-2007, 07:26 PM   #1  
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Default Top 8 Tips for Holiday Party-Going

Tonight was my turn to give the program for my diet group, TOPS. I mixed pieces of things I found on the Internet and came up with these 8 helpful tips. I hope you find them helpful as well as you attend your holiday functions.

1. Stay in Control in Advance
• Planning pays off during party season. If you have a get-together or two, be extra careful about making healthier choices and keeping an eye on portions all week long.
• Focus on weight maintenance vs. weight loss during the holidays. If you are currently overweight and want to lose weight, this is not the time to do it. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals for yourself.
• Be physically active every day. Often, our busy holiday schedules (or lack of structured schedules) bump us off our exercise routines. Physical activity can help relieve stress, regulate appetite, and burn up extra calories from holiday eating.

2. Graze Before You Go• Never -- ever! -- go to a party hungry! Eat a light snack before going to the party. It is not a good idea to arrive at a party famished. Not only are you more likely to overeat, but you are also less likely to resist the temptation of eating the higher fat and higher calorie foods. Try eating a piece of fruit, a small carton of yogurt, or a string cheese before you go.

3. Remove Yourself from Temptation
• Don't stand or sit near the buffet! ... A party is for mingling and you certainly can't do that if you're glued to the spot you secured right there next to the pigs in the blanket.
• Take steps to avoid recreational eating. While some foods are more calorie-dense than others, no food will make you gain weight unless you eat too much of it.
• To avoid recreational eating, consciously make one plate of the foods you really want. Eat it slowly--enjoying and savoring every tasty bite. Then, when you’re done, pop a mint or stick of gum in your mouth, get a tall glass of water and sip on it throughout the night, or position yourself away from the buffet table or food trays to keep yourself from overeating.

4. What are you bringing?
• Reduce the fat in holiday recipes. There are plenty of low fat and low calorie substitutes that are amazingly tasty. Try using applesauce in place of oil in your favorite holiday breads; use egg substitutes in place of whole eggs; try plain nonfat yogurt in place of sour cream. Magazines are full of reduced calorie and reduced fat holiday recipes. Give them a try, and share your cooking creations with friends and family.

5. Dress the Part• Don’t show up wearing your most comfortable stretch pants. A tightly-fitted skirt or pants, or moving down your belt a notch or two will help keep your mind focused on not needing the next size bigger by the time you leave the party.
• A constricting fit makes over-eating virtually impossible.

6. Choose your beverages wisely.
• Alcohol is high in calories. Liquors, sweet wines and sweet mixed drinks contain 150-450 calories per glass. By contrast, water and diet sodas are calorie-free. Limit your intake to 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks per occasion. And, watch out for calories in soda, fruit punch, and egg nog as well.

7. Overindulging vs. Oversocializing
• Sure, you hear people say "I'm about to pop!" when they've over-eaten, but when have you ever heard anyone say, "I've spoken to too many people!"?
• Holidays are a time to reunite with good friends and family, to share laughter and cheer, to celebrate and to give thanks. Focus more on these other holiday pleasures, in addition to the tastes of holiday foods. The important thing to remember is balance and moderation.

8. It's Not Over!
• One slip up at a party -- or two ... or three ... (you get the picture?) -- doesn't ruin your weight loss efforts forever! Simply start over the next day and re-dedicate yourself to sticking to your healthier ways. It takes days and days of overeating to gain weight. If you over-indulge at a holiday meal, put it behind you. Return to your usual eating plan the next day without guilt or despair.
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Old 12-13-2007, 07:43 PM   #2  
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Good reminders! Thanks for taking the time to post the list
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Old 12-13-2007, 07:44 PM   #3  
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You've got some great tips. I'm sure they'll be very helpful.
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:09 PM   #4  
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Thanks for sharing! Lots of wisdom in that list!
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:13 PM   #5  
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PITA ~ All your tips are great!

* May I add ... having some soup or a fruit salad with yogurt before you go to fill you up a bit more.

* Take some diet soda or flavored water with you, so you have something to sip on all night.

* If you are taking something, why not take a broccoli-cauliflower salad, or a salad plate with a light dip, or roasted veggies; just something healthy that you know you can fill up on while there.

* I try to fill my plate with salads, veggies, and lean meats.

* One lady I know takes her favorite salad and a light dessert dish (made of chocolate angel food cake with light whipped topping in a bowl topped with pretty candy sprinkles). It looks and tastes great, but is healthier than the other fare.

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Old 12-13-2007, 10:42 PM   #6  
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Glad ya'll like the list. I'm actually attending a large potluck dinner party on Sunday and I've been sort of dreading how I'll handle the temptations. The list has given me lots of good tips that I definitely plan to implement.

I will be bring a delicious layered salad with a modified lower calorie dressing, which I plan to enjoy along with very small portions of only the things I truly want to eat.

I will also spend a extra time at the gym the morning of and the morning after the party. I'm down 4 1/2 pounds for the last two weeks and I have no intention of putting the weight back on.
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Old 12-13-2007, 11:42 PM   #7  
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I love this list, but I do have some criticism about it. Nothing major.

One of the reasons I almost didn't start dieting recently was because the holiday season is upon us. I had a feeling I was indulge too much at Thanksgiving, and again at Christmas. But Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I actually lost weight on that day.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not a fan of Pointer #1, bullet #2. It says that this is not the time to be losing weight. Honestly, I don't believe that. I think that this is the TRUE TEST. Not the time of the year where you go "Ehhhhhh" and shrug it off. Because some of my greatest NSVs are when I simply say no to something that I know is bad for me and instead eat something healthier. I think we should still be focusing on losing weight if we're trying to, and not decide to "maintain" during the holiday season.
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:53 AM   #8  
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Some great tips there.

But I know for me, I don't like to eat right before a party. I wind up eating there anyway and if I eat beforehand, it's like eating double the calories. So, what I like to do is, search out the lower cal things and try to stick to them. I also always keep a glass of seltzer or water in my hands at all times. It keeps my hands busy and makes it more difficult to eat. This is what I have found works for me, though I know many, MANY people advise to eat prior to the party.
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Old 12-14-2007, 07:17 AM   #9  
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Originally Posted by leanmoomercows View Post
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not a fan of Pointer #1, bullet #2. It says that this is not the time to be losing weight. Honestly, I don't believe that. I think that this is the TRUE TEST. Not the time of the year where you go "Ehhhhhh" and shrug it off. Because some of my greatest NSVs are when I simply say no to something that I know is bad for me and instead eat something healthier. I think we should still be focusing on losing weight if we're trying to, and not decide to "maintain" during the holiday season.

I actually agree with you about bullet #2 and almost took it off the list I gave my TOPS group. I left it on because many of these women have some serious issues with beating themselves up when they gain weight and skipping meetings because they feel bad. I thought if they could just see the benefit of maintaining during a hard time of year for them then they would have that victory to feel good about. Many of these women are senior citizens and they need every bit of encouragement they can get.
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Old 12-14-2007, 07:47 AM   #10  
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Originally Posted by Pita420
Many of these women are senior citizens and they need every bit of encouragement they can get.
I guess I'm not sure what that means...

But to stay on topic--I lost 4 pounds last December. It looks like that's not going to happen this year... but my point is, losing weight is a long-term process, and I see no reason to set it aside just because the holidays are here. Makes it too hard to get back in, in some cases. So, don't give up! I still might lose some pounds this December--it's only halfway through the month.

Also, I agree with rockinrobin that eating before a party doesn't save me anything. I just have that many more calories. Still, it might be a good strategy for some folks!


Last edited by JayEll; 12-14-2007 at 07:55 AM.
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Old 12-14-2007, 10:18 AM   #11  
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I have a tip, don't forget to have fun!
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Old 12-14-2007, 10:44 AM   #12  
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I love the strategies listed above. I know i won't use some of them, but i may use a couple. I too don't like to "eat" before the event because i know i want to eat there. I do try to watch my calories leading up to the event on that day by eating healthy because i know i will be eating foods i normally don't eat.

Myself....i am just probably going to be happy if i can just maintain thru the holidays. I know once the holidays are over, i'll get back into the grove of eating my usual fare and i'll start losing weight again, but i think it is just too hard right now to eat healthy all the time. Or maybe i just don't want to. But what incentive is there in january to bake holiday cookies and chocolate covered pretzels and all these desserts we just mainly cook during the holidays. I want to be at my goal weight by next thanksgiving and christmas and have learned how to eat and enjoy the holiday meals and not gain weight. Then i'll know i learned something these two past years i've been losing weight.

Thanks for posting the tips. I think they are great tips.
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