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Old 01-12-2002, 11:17 AM   #1  
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Post Streak Away to St. V. Day #2

Thought I'd start a new thread. I'm taking another stab at Day One. Yesterday was my birthday and the concommitant depression, quickly followed by thoughts of marshmallow and chocolate hearts, soon followed by lots of similar thoughts all day. My thoughts tend to translate into calories, so there you are.

I couldn't get on this site yesterday. Don't know what my problem is. My link just wouldn't go anywhere.

Hope everyone is well!

I will NEVER give up trying to get my streak going!

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Old 01-12-2002, 01:34 PM   #2  
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Talking Birthday Wishes

Hey Crone....Happy Birhday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Crone, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
How do you like my signing???
Hope everyone is doing well....Can't believe it has been a year since Valentinies!!! Still fighting the battle!
Hope you have a great Birthday weekend Crone! Love ya, Jh
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Old 01-12-2002, 04:50 PM   #3  
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Default Checking in -

And best wishes to you, Crone. Birthdays can be fun, or tough. I am always glad that I have achieved another one.

I'm struggling. Don't know why. I am not depressed particularly. But who always knows the reason they like to munch on various goodies. Oh, well. We just keep trying. At any rate, everyone on this Board is an 'experienced dieter' and knows exactly what should be done. It is the 'doing' that is the difficult part.

But each day provides us with an opportunity to begin again.

Keep smiling -
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Old 01-12-2002, 10:45 PM   #4  
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Post Day One, kind of!

I'm calling this Day One of my new streak to St. V's Day, but adding some extra calories in. Have had too many binges this week to cut back to 1700-1800, which is where I need to be to lose weight. But have done well enough today, with calories in the 2000 range and 20 minutes of circuit training for exercise.

JoJoJo2: Thanks for the birthday wishes! Birthdays do tend to send me into a tailspin, but considering the alternative, they aren't so bad!

You are right, it is the "doing" that is the problem in weight control, as in the rest of life. I struggle with this fact daily. Usually I win, sometimes not. We'll see how this one comes out!

Thanks for the birthday song, Joanie! Yes, it's been a year since Valentinies. The battle doesn't get any easier, but I believe it is worth it and that we will in time achieve all our objectives.

If not by St. V's, there's always St. Patrick ...

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Old 01-13-2002, 12:32 PM   #5  
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Default Day Two of The New

Weight is up 2.5 today, which is the selfsame 2.5 previously lost when I was streaking. So I'm streaking again. My goal is 10.5 down by St. V. Day. Doing great on Day 2 and even have a tip of the day for anyone, like me, that has fallen prey recently to the siren call of marshmallow/chocolate hearts. I read in Shape magazine (which I read though I'm far past the age and 30 pounds heavier than their target market, to which they address all of their material and rather insultingly ignore the existence of anyone else), that Mallomars are only 30 calories each, or at least that two of them are 60 calories. So guess what I'm off to the store to buy?

I am stressed and hoping it doesn't translate to excess food today. I'm way behind on an assignment I need to turn in, my old dog has arthritis, my career is dying, my laundry is undone and my yard is unweeded. But Mallomars are my first priority!

Onward, downward, never give up the ship(shape)!

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Old 01-13-2002, 02:09 PM   #6  
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I started my diet on January 1st. I have been drinking (8-10 glasses) a day. I have also cut down on sodas and juices. I have cut down on my carb intake and increased my protein intake. Howver, I have trouble controlling my sugar intake. I was a big time chocolate and ice-cream eater, however, I have decreased that. But still I am so attracted to sweets. I have also been exercising at least five days a week, running on the treadmill for about 30 minutes or doing aerobics for 40 mintues. So far no changes, still at the same weight. I am getting really discouraged!!! How long does it take to lose at least a pound or two? I'm I doing something wrong? I have about 4 small sweets a week (e.g., chocolate chip cookie) is that why I am not seeing any difference? Is this normal? I need to stay motivated! If I see results (at least -2 pounds) by the end of this month I know I can stay on task. I want to lose at least 5 - 10 pounds by Valentine's Day!! Can I do it Someone help.......
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Old 01-13-2002, 11:57 PM   #7  
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Default Day 2, Part 2

Ending at 1870 calories, which in my new gentler streak is pretty good. My weekly goal is an average of approximately 1700-1800 (give or take), so I'm good. Exercise was a 30 minute fitness walk with my new talking pedometer. My weekly goal is to burn a total of 1000 calories in my exercise sessions.

The bad news of my day is that Mallomars apparently aren't sold anywhere near here. There were some marshmallow pinwheel cookies running 130 calories each rather than the 30 Shape reported for the Mallomars (I knew it sounded too good to be true).

In fact, marshmallows don't seem to be sold here at all. Does anyone even remember marshmallows or am I living in a dream world? They put them in bags and sold them in the candy aisles. They are not there now. They are extinct.

I did find a 130-calorie Hershey chocolate-marshmallow heart with the Valentine candy and that calmed my craving. Only needed one. Too bad these will vanish after Feb. 14.

Hello, Cinthusha! As you can see from the above, I'm also highly attracted to sweets and have no intention of giving them up.

BTW, it takes 3,500 to create a pound of fat, so to lose a pound a week, you'd need to cut back or burn in exercise an extra 500 calories a day.

Strength training might help. If you add just a few moderate sessions a week, you could build muscle. Muscle makes life better and burns more calories all day long.

There are lots of websites and books about calorie control and exercise. This forum has many people who know a lot on the subject, too. And it's important, as you know, to check with your doctor before losing weight.

Good luck!
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Old 01-15-2002, 08:29 AM   #8  
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Default How come my posts arent appearing?!?!?!?!?

Hey girls...I tried to post yesterday and it showed it but today I dont see that I even posted.....weird
Anyhow I had said that I had been back OP now for 14 days and going strong....and that with the help from here that I received last time I knew I could regain myself and get focused again.....
Crone.....Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Will post again later once Kail takes his nap as he is standing here banging on the keyboard and adding spaces, numbers, etc.....LOL
Take care all....LisaL
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Old 01-15-2002, 10:45 AM   #9  
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Angry Day One, One More Time!

Here I go again on a new streak! Can't seem to stick to the straight and narrow but doing ok overall.

My new plan is to generally eat 1700-2000 calories daily, with one splurge day at any caloric level and to exercise one time per day. My St. V. goal is STILL to lose 10.5 pounds from when I posted the first St. V. thread. We'll see!

MomTo2Boys: Thanks for the B'Day greeting! I think there's been server problems on the forum and have read others say their posts have disappeared. Congratulations on your 14 days of being OP! That's great!

It's hard to stay focused sometimes. I'm really having problems with that in life and career. But I just keep starting over because that's all I can do!

Onward, downward!
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Old 01-15-2002, 11:13 AM   #10  
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Today is day 2-- finding my groove again and feeling pretty good about it.
LisaL- hi there... I'm another mom to 2 boys. Mine are 3.5 and 15 months...keep me busy! Glad to see you are doing so well in your streak!
Crone- can't believe you couldn't find marshmallows!! Did you try the baking aisle? I don't think Ill look for the mallomars...often we don't have the "good stuff" here in Canada and I don't want to get my hopes up!
Well, I wrote yesterday that I was trying a spicy chicken and banana stew and i have to report that it was really quite good! Low in fat and very tasty! Felt like a gourmet cook (which I am most definitely not even close!)

Well, Have a great OP day everyone, I'll check in later.
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Old 01-15-2002, 08:21 PM   #11  
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Default Hey Girls.....another day gone by!!

Hey girls.....how are ya all doing today? I had another good day and remained OP.....thats 15 days now!!!
Jelynn.....I have one boy that will be 6 next month and the other one is 14months......god it doesnt seem possible that I started coming to these boards a year ago.....as Kail was just about 2 months when I joined WW's the first time......and I do know what you mean by keeping you busy.....even though Jesse is gone to Kindergarten all day long.....Kail keeps me going like there are 3 kids here.....ha ha.....thats pretty much the exercise I get thru the day since he is so wound up I cant get my time alone until he drops out for the night.....and by then....I am ready to drop!!!
So, how is Morrigan doing? I hadnt noticed her on the thread....and I havent heard from Angel-eyes since she moved.....Joanie....good to see you again......how are things going now? Last time I talked to you things were pretty rough and we had talked of my moms mammogram showing spots......but thank god she is fine and nothing major for now!!!!
Well, I should go for now and get the boys down to bed but since there arent any of my good shows on tonight I will probably check back in later....ya'll take care....and Crone.....thats all we can do is hope that tomorrow brings another fresh start!!!
Take care all.....LisaL
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Old 01-16-2002, 10:35 AM   #12  
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Default Day 2, Anew!

Although it's starting to feel like my official splurge day, which I've added to this streak. Very stressed, want ice cream. Maybe later, maybe not!

I only had time to jog for 10 minutes today. Have to finish an assignment and go do market research surveys. I need to dump that job.

Jelynn: Your chicken and banana stew sounds interesting. I've heard of cooking with plaintains, etc., but never bananas per se, except for desserts. Might try something like this.

MomTo2Boys: Thanks for the tip on the bakery aisle. I never go there, so didn't think of it for marshmallows.

Morrigan was on the thread for awhile a week or so ago and sounded good. Angel-Eyes and lots of the others still missing. It'd be fun to have everyone here again. Maybe a St. Pat's Day challenge of some sort?

MY MOTTO: 10.5 LESS OF ME BY ST. V! (Words to that effect).

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Old 01-16-2002, 01:21 PM   #13  
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Default Streak Day# 2 or is it #3???

Hey girls...how are ya all doing? I am doing pretty good....I cant remember when I posted my challenge goal though....so I am either on day 2 or day 3....whichever.....but so far I have not strayed from my streak......YAHOOOOO!!!

Crone....I had talked to angel thru emails but then she moved to the states from Canada and since then have not heard from her. It would be really cool to have everyone back on here and get a good challenge going for St Pats day!!!

I am going to try a new recipe for mexican chicken that I found on another website the other day.......need to keep making or trying new things so I dont get so bored with the meals!!! Has anyone tried this recipe or the cola chicken? I hear the cola chicken is really yummy....will try it next week after I go get my shopping done and restock on chicken!!!.....I made the tortilla shell pizza the other day for my lunch....it was huge and worth 10 pts but I have to eat a really big lunch since I am unable to get points in for breakfast....I am definately not nor have I ever been one that likes to wake up and eat......I did get some suggestions of maybe trying some smoothie recipes and using that as my breakfast....so that will be tried also!!!

Well...I will go for now.....Kail is in watching SHREK for like his 1200th time.....that boy will not sit still any other time but if you put SHREK in the vcr he sits thru the entire movie.....LOL...which in otherwords.......SHREK is my babysitter for when I want to clean up the house or shower.......ha ha.....take care and will check in later on....good luck and hope your days are successful ones!!!.....LisaL
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Old 01-16-2002, 04:23 PM   #14  
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Default just stopped by to say hi

hi everyone
been awhile since i posted, but have been lurking on and off. it's great to see some old faces around the place. not much time left but would luv to join your v-day challenge, if nothing else it will get me posting more and hopefully keep me a little more focused.
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Old 01-16-2002, 05:37 PM   #15  
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Default Howdy Sheila....!!!

Hey Sheila....how is married life going? Good to see we are all making our way back to the support group that kept us going so strong before....I think that was my biggest downfall....I found less time to come online once Kail started needing more of my time as he started crawling and such.....and that took away time for myself even worse than before....but now he is able to play by himself or he tags after his big brother.....so I have some time!!!
I am making the mexican chicken for dinner and will let ya know how it turns out......anybody care to share some of there easy tasty meal ideas for a mom who has NOT much time for prep work on cooking?!?!?!?!?...anything that doesnt involve tofu....still cannot bear to eat that stuff...tried it once and YICK....LOL
Will be back later on after I get this house settled down.....take care....LisaL

Fullhouse, Outback, angel-eyes, morrigan, and the rest of you who know who you are....where oh where have you gone????
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