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Old 01-02-2002, 02:41 PM   #1  
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Default Stay At Home Mom's #24

Stay At Home Mom's #24
Welcome all newcomers and friends! This is a thread full of laughter, friendship and encouragement, as we share our lives and the ups & downs of raising a family. Feel free to join us. We look forward to getting to know each other better.
Be sure to go back to SAHM's #23 to catch up with the latest on what has been going on in everyone's lives during the past week or so.

We have a lot of newcomers- so be sure to check out #23 to "meet them"!
I have Dd breathing down my throat for the computer (I had to steal a few minutes from her just to check email). So I had better go. I will post again later. Have a great day!
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Old 01-02-2002, 08:23 PM   #2  
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Exclamation I've lost 5 pounds

OK, I know it's all water weight loss. But it sure is darn encouraging to see the ole' scale go down. And the funny thing is that it really hasn't felt like it's been a big deal to eat right and drink water. Could it be that this is 'really' it?

EC; thanks for starting a new thread, I agree it's difficult to scan down each time, you're awesome.

Misti; thanks for the George Foreman suggestion. I can see where it would come in very handy with all the burgers that I've been cooking up.

Have a wonderful evening!!
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Old 01-02-2002, 08:58 PM   #3  
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Angry Congrats Skimom!!!

Glad to hear you lost 5 pounds! I'm so happy for you! That is encouragement!
I believe I'm at a stand still with my scale. I got to 131 pounds and have sorda froze. I felt a little discouraged today and had alittle comfort food. Doesn't mean I'm giving up...no way! I'm just feeling a little pittyful is all. I'm not sure why either. The diet has been a breeze. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything or I miss all the junk I use to eat. Guess it's alittle depressing I want results over night.
Gosh! Don't let me bring anyone down. I'm sorry about all that. I'm sure I'll be back on track tomorrow!
Hey Spryng, what did you think of the yoga site?
Nighty nite girls! Hope you all are ataying warm.
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Old 01-02-2002, 09:25 PM   #4  
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Well, I told you I'd be back!!!!! It sure is nice to see other ladies out there posting (gosh, toward the mid of December I was keeping myself company here and only posting to have some accountability). Nuff of that- I am sure it is boring.

Janeane- congrats on the 5 # loss!!!!!!! Hey water weight or not who cares! It is a loss and that is great!!!!!! Yes, I think that it is "it" for you! Kind of scary how once you get in diet mode (or just the mode of eating healthy) it is not work at all. I am happy for you, keep up the good work!

Misti- forgive me for being such a burn out- did I ever welcome you to this thread?????? If not, welcome! Great to see you posting here. Sorry to hear that you are having a rough day. I know for me that when I hold at a weight for a while, then usually a big loss is ahead (2 or 3 pounds at the next weigh in) and that usually spurs me on. In a way it was probably good that you gave in to some comfort food-so that you do not feel deprived. Just don't overindulge! (I know all about that from experience! ) No, you did not bring me down at all. In a way it was nice to hear that someone else had a so so day, even while I rejoice with Janeane!

As for me, today was odd. I started out just fine- eating was great and I had plans for doing fine. I had a ton of errands to do, plus I had lunch aide duty at Ds's school (first day back). Both Dd's were with me, they start tomorrow. The oldest (ah, life with a 15 year old!) was hot and cold- most hard to read her mood.
The little one (6) was a bit fussy- but at least pleasant. Then I had to go to a local police station to resolve Dh's speeding ticket from the other day- no luck there!!! (I wish I could have stuck my tongue out at the crab in the clerks office!) Then home to attempt to dig out my house from the week and a half of family trashing it. Well, dinner was well on the way at 5pm and the table set when I sat down to play a game with Dd (6). She, out of the blue stood up and walked into the kitchen and threw up all over the floor! It all went downhill from there- she became a bit upset- I got her in the tub as I attempted to get that smell out of the kitchen before dinner. (four floor washings later I did! ).
But that and some irritable moods in and I have done some stress eating. I think I need you ladies to give me a verbal kick out there to get me back on track with my eating!!!
Enough of me babbling.......... I had better go grab some water and get some work done here.
Have a great nite!
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Old 01-02-2002, 10:51 PM   #5  
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Talking hang in there gals!!!

Misti... don't let one day get you down, guess what another one is just around the corner, just ready for you. Tell me what is your favorite OP food? Plan on having that for dinner tomorrow, and do a couple extra floor exercises this evening. How much water are you drinking?

ECmom....yikes, what a day you've had. Looks like the roadblocks have been pretty plentiful today. Hang on, tomorrow will be much better It's days like that when I think that life would have been so boring not having children around.

My two boys are sitting at the kitchen table doing their math with Dh, I've given them the resposibility of the Algebra, Geo, and all the other that goes along with it. It's a new arrangement, and will see how it all 'pans' out this week.

I have just discovered how absolutely wonderful cucumbers are.

Please refresh my memory ECmom and Misti, what programs are you both on?

Have a restful night, and have a sucessful Thursday!!
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Old 01-03-2002, 07:52 AM   #6  
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Good morning!!!!!!
Just a quick check in, as I will be out of the house today.
(yes, I did survive the nite- and Dd is feeling fine today and will go to school. Ah, the resiliency of youth!)

I got a 20 minute walk in this am (wish that it was longer.........) and 2 glasses of water. Oatmeal for breakfast and of course, my tea!!!
(for you newbies, I do much better if I post my eating. I am kicking myself in the tail to get going here!) Yogurt and apricots for lunch are what I am bringing with me.
Janeane- I am on Weight Watchers- but going it alone. I just can't keep up with meetings, no time or money to do so! So, I keep myself honest by posting here. Thanks for bearing with me!

Off to a busy day.
Have a great day!
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Old 01-03-2002, 11:19 AM   #7  
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Talking Have a great day!!

Ginny are you getting snow in your area? Watched CNN this am and was surprized at the snowfall that's falling in NY, hope that it's not affecting you too much.

I got 25min of treadmill in as well, and Dh did floor exercises with me as well. Trying to get up at 6am, and finish before my boys hit the floor. Today was very successful Hope to keep this schedule up, it's a very good feeling to be in control.

Weight Watchers is a terrific plan, and very doable... keep posting and we'll keep you accountable
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Old 01-03-2002, 05:32 PM   #8  
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Hi all! Sorry it has taken me so long to post I've been busy the past couple of days! I need to refocus on my diet. Yesterday i did really good until some friends came over and we ordered pizza and such. fast food is my downfall! I didn't over do it though. I stayed under 2000 calories so I maintained for the day. Today started off bad. My DH had the day off so we took the kids out to eat and I ate alot of fried stuff (catfish, hushpuppies, etc. ) But I did have diet coke. But then they had a complimentary dessert which i didn't want until I saw it!! Homemade cinnamon rolls. They looked and smelled delicious. I'm not sure how many calories I had. I will go to fitday and find out. But I think I hit my limit today so I won't get anything else to eat for today. I'll just drink my water and call it good. I did get some exercise in yesterday though. Not aerobic or anything but I deep cleaned my kitchen and that took about two hours of scrubbing and putting away and mopping. So I know I got a workout. I was happy about that. Maybe if I workout today I won't feel so bloated from all the food I ate. Sounds good.
What was that yoga site again? I don't remember seeing it posted. I'd like to check it out. Is yoga a workout or just a stretching exercise? Either way I need it.
Well I hope everyone else is doing good on their diets. skimom 5 lbs is great!! What is your currant weight and what is your goal?? Themore weight you need to lose the more you will the lose the first two weeks of the diet. The very first time I did atkins I lost 12 lbs in two weeks. And I was only 20 lbs overweight then. Boy do I wish I was there again!!
Have a great evening!!
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Old 01-03-2002, 09:40 PM   #9  
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Hi everyone!! Glad you all sound good today. You welcomed me awhile ago ECmom thanks. Skimom, I'm not on any particular diet.... low cal, low fat and yoga 2 times a day. I'm doing very well with it. I had decided to give my scale a rest for today, it wasn't seeing things my way yesterday. I guess it hurt my feelings not seeing any loss. So I decided to avoid the weigh in this mornin' and try again tomorrow. But I still feel good, I'm keeping in mind what you said ECmom about the stand still and all. That is making me feel better and I hope it is the case here. So, today someone noticed I'm losing weight! It felt great and my dungarees aren't near as tight! I had a better day today for sure. Ok and Spryng, Yoga is my sanity! I wouldn't call it strenious but it can give you a work out. It strenghtens and stretches muscles. Here's the site again you should check it out I really don't want to go on and on about it, because I could. http:www.santosha.com/asanas/index.html Let me know what you think. Well I hope you all have a nice night.
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Old 01-03-2002, 11:53 PM   #10  
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Thank you Misti for posting that site for me again. I book marked it so that I can print some postures off. It seems really neat to me. And I wanted to mention also something about your stall. You said that your clothes felt looser, well sometimes even though the scale may not move you could still be losing inches instead of lbs. In fact that's common but eventually the lbs catch up! So don't worry about it. if you are eating low cal then your body will have no choice but to give in!! So the scale will move again. Are you close to your goal? Because most people experiance a slow down when they get close to their goals or if they approach a weight they held for a year or more. So it could be a lot of things but the good news is you will get it off if your don't give up!!
I ate way too much today. I calculated my calories on fitday and it came to 1805 for one meal!!!! I was devastated to see that (I keep my cal below 1000 so that's alot for me!) so I ate almost a whole bag of pizza rolls. Now I feel worse. So tomorrow I have decided to try the kellogs challenge. Has anyone seen that commercial? They guarentee that if you eat kellogs special K twice a day for two weeks your will lose weight. They even had a few people who took the challenge that had success, one lost 9 lbs! That's what I need! So tomorrow I'll have special K (with the red berries, which is my favorite cereal anyway) for breakfast and lunch and then have a healthy choice meal for dinner and that's all. Special K has 150 calories and that's with the fat free skim milk I use. So I am feeling better now that I have put it in writing. I will get these last few lbs off or else!!!! Maybe not 9 seeing how I only have 2 weeks and two days until the wedding, but I'm going to be close!!
Thank you guys so much for being here for me!! I couldn't keep this up without all of you!
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Old 01-04-2002, 09:19 AM   #11  
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Angry Good Mornin' all!!!!

Hey everyone hope ya all are gettin' a good start on your day! Things here are great I weighed in at 129 pounds! That makes me 4 pounds away from my first goal. You are so good ECmom! And I am so glad you were correct! Thanks! Hey Srpyng, I gotta sympathize with ya gal. I had so many days doing all that eatting a bag of pizza rolls and all. It is so hard! I'm glad you found something on the yoga site. Hope it helps you. I just sat here and counted my calories on yesterday. How in the world are you keeping only 1000 a day? That has to be so hard. How long have you been doing this? Mine were around 2000. Good luck! And good luck with the Special K too! Keep us posted about it I'm curious to know how it goes. As for me I have a nice day of staying home planned for today. Yesterday was full of errands and running all day which is very hard with a baby and a toddler. Today is the begining of potty training for her, I hope she is ready for this.
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Old 01-04-2002, 12:26 PM   #12  
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Good Day, All!!

Thumbs up to all our newcomers!! And as always, it's great to see us "oldies" here too! A warm welcome goes out to all our newcomers & FYI....I'm not a "Newbie", just have been lost in the holiday shuffle. My plans were to join you all on January 2nd, but unfortunately, my monitor to my computer was on the blink. DS got it going again, thank goodness! Ginny: I haven't joined the "Y" yet, but DH did come through & gave me the recumbent bike that I wanted for a Christmas present. He put it together on New Years Day, but unfortunately, it is run by batteries & I didn't buy them 'til yesterday. I went on it for a total of 20 min. so far & it's great! It's so smooth & quiet. I actually like it better than the ones @ the "Y".
I haven't figured out how to pedal & view the internet @ the same time yet, but I will figure it out so that I can pass the time while pedalling. As for staying "OP", it's been rather easy for me & so has the water intake. I guess you could say that I'm suffering from "Chocolate Burnout Syndrome" If I just look @ another piece, I'll get sick! As for the rest of you, (including Ginny), I'm glad that you are all here for the support that we all need!
It's so much easier to stay on a plan if we can vent & get the encouragement to keep going. Well, I'd like to stay longer, but I have a long list of duties to work on. Take Care all & I promise, I'll post on a regular basis.

TTFN **Jackie**

Last edited by Freckles; 01-04-2002 at 12:29 PM.
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Old 01-04-2002, 03:52 PM   #13  
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Hello everybody! Today is a much better one for me. I started the Kellogs challenge and it's going ok. I missed breakfast though. I am busy getting the bridal shower ready for my best friend for this sunday so I've been making alot of decorations. It keeps me busy. But today I need to focus on my laundry!!! It's taking over my life! Jk. Anyway, I'm not depressed at all today. A little hungary but I know it will pass by tomorrow. I really need to stay focused this time. The countdown has begun. I have 2 weeks and 1 day until the wedding. So hopefully I fit that dress.
Misti: did you lose your weight by staying at 2000 calories a day or less? I went to foodfit and it said that with my height and build I could eat 1995 calories a day to lose 1 lb a week. But I didn't believe it. That seems like alot of calories to me. Can that be true? What do some of you others who are on low cal keep your cals at? Oh and another question Misti. Is this your first toddler to potty train? How old is he/she? My oldest just turned two and I think she is getting close to needing to be potty trained. I could really use your advice!! I have never done it before and it really scares me to death!! and you asked how I keep my cals at 1000 or less? I don't know. I eat three meals a day plus a snack. I'm never really hungary (unless I over eat like the other day) I've been keeping it this low for about a month now or so I guess. I know it's not healthy so as soon as the wedding is over I will increase them.
Well, I hope everyone else is doing ok today. I'll post again later!!
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Old 01-04-2002, 05:55 PM   #14  
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Wink Hi ya all

It's a cold day here in WA state. No new snow, just cold and overcast.

Freckles; tell me about your recumbent bike; is it a staionary bike? I've been thinking of purchasing one for outside riding, they look like they would be much easier on the back than a standard bike. And wouldn't that just beat all to be able to use the internet while exercising Yikes.

Misti; I've always been facinated by yoga, and will view the web site you suggested. Is it relaxing? It would appear that it is, perhaps that is something that would be 'doable' before bedtime? How old are your kids? I remember the days of toilet training.... hang in there girlfriend, it'll be over before you know it. Congrat's on your first goal

Spring; It can be frustrating to come up with a program that's just right for you.... but you obviously have been successful in the past. Let us know how the Kelloggs challenge in going.

Ginny; how's your day going? Hope it's been a great one

Dh exercised with me in the am (we've set the alarm for 6am both mornings) I did 30 min of treadmill and 20 min of floor exercise. I just can't tell you how good I feel for the remainder of the day when it's started out exercising. Hope that we are able to keep up the routine. BTW, the other day when I brought home the scale Dh got on it as well and he was 15 pounds up, he'll just cut out something like his evening extra portion and be able to drop it in 2 weeks. Sometimes it just doesn't pay being a woman.

Doing well in the eating category. Not feeling hungry, and even dropped another pound yesterday. Went out to a luncheon, and was able to pick my way thru' a healthy meal. Yea me

Have a great afternoon girls
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Old 01-04-2002, 10:58 PM   #15  
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This thread has been so busy!!!!!!!! This is exciting and I am so glad to see everyone here. Welcome back, Jackie!!!!! For the newcomers- Jackie and I go back a wee little bit at this site with each other and well......... we pick on each other (in a loving way ) a lot. We started posting roughly at the same time (I think Jackie was here before me). But I doubt that I would still be here if it was not for her friendship and her lively sense of humor. Oh, and congrats on the recumbant bike!!!!! I know how you enjoy going on it, hot buns!!!!!!! (gotta love that Dh for getting it for you too!)
Skimom- thanks for asking about my day- which was hectic.(my eating was not good at all.........some nasty snacking. Dd had a buddy over, then we had to go to a viewing (someone from my church passed away) and then to Ds's baskeball game. So here it is 10:30 pm and life is just beginning to appear normal. Great for you that Dh is working out with you!!!!!!!! And it is so great to get that workout done in the morning. Good for you. Keepup the effort. And good luck with potty training. A fun time to be a mom!
Spryng- how did your day go??? When is the final fitting for the dress? At this point, I might be tempted (in your position) to take away the scale, and just focus on eating well, getting a workout in and feeling great. And you know what- if you miss by a pound, or overshoot a pound the emphasis is on feeling great,
right?! (that takes the pressure off your weight loss, which as we all know the scale can not budge for a week or two, but you know that you have lost). I dunno, just an idea.

Well, tomorrow is another day. I am planning on getting in a long walk before breakfast, so I had better get off this so that I can get some sleep!!!!!!!! Ds has another game- I will be at that one too as Dh has to help with this funeral (pall bearer). Have a great day!!!!!!!
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