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cat90 03-24-2006 12:52 PM

Well Done with the job offer Frus :)

I've been so busy recently. I've finally quit that crap job I had :cp: I had the grand total of five and a half hours work from them this week :( it was pathetic and cramping my style :lol: plus I knew they were just using me as a mug so that the other two full timers did'nt have to work evenings and Fridays until 10pm!!! :mad: the other job I have which pays even less ( :eek: can you believe it?) is giving me a lot more hours but i'm not that happy there because its shifts and weekend work as well..it was something to do until the right job came along. Well, i've had the last laugh because i've been firing off Resumes left right and centre :lol: I went for a job interview on tuesday for full time warehouse work and came out as Assistant Manager with benefits :D :cheer: plus its 9-5.30pm! :carrot: i'm thrilled but felt a bit bad because i've only worked at the 'other' job for five weeks and had to tell them that I was leaving. Yesterday when I was at work she took me into the office and offered me ASSISTANT MANAGER because she does'nt want me to go :lol: what a turn up eh? and on wednesday a previous employer of mine rang up and said he would give me a glowing reference and said I can go back to work for him anytime I want :yikes: I can pick my own hours work when I want and he'll pay me well too ( well by "well" I mean better than retail :lol: ) I can't believe what a week i've had :stars: i've been thinking about it all night and i've decided to go for the new job :) my present employer has already said if it does'nt work out she'll take me back but I don't think i'd go back because the wage is very poor :( the people are very nice though :) and I can always ring up my ex employer ;) plus I know that another company has done a criminal record check on me and are gathering references so i'm expecting a job offer from them too :eek: things are looking up :dancer: its about time too :rofl:

veggie 03-24-2006 02:01 PM

Ooh decisions desicions Cat (ASSISTANT MANAGER Cat :D ). :chin:

Mazarin 03-24-2006 02:06 PM

I think I would love to give Yoga a go!

YP1 03-24-2006 02:14 PM

I'm joining the quest for the perfect flapjack recipe, I've got a couple of things I'm going to try this weekend. The first batch is in the oven, but I don't think that they're particularly low cal. Still, it's a work in progress.

Of course, what I really should do is try them and throw them away if they're not up to scratch. I think I can guess what I will do, on the other hand...

Frus/Cat - well done on the offers! Kylie, I really don't know how you do those hours, I'm in awe!

2frustrated 03-24-2006 02:44 PM

Cat - well done on all the jobby things! Aren't you the one in demand? ;)

I've just come on to log my food in fitday and to stave off a compulsion to munch on creme eggs! We're going to play Trivial Pursuit next and go to bed. What a fun life we lead!

I had one of my banana flapjack thingies tonight, they're a bit cakey, but I think the second batch was better, but I really don't know since I haven't tried them yet! :lol:

Dippy Chip 03-24-2006 03:06 PM

Frus - is Fitday user-friendly for the UK dieter? Has it heard of stuff like Marmite and Laughing Cow cheese triangles, or does it only have information on fat free fudgsicles and cool whip lite?


2frustrated 03-24-2006 03:39 PM

:lol: It's not too bad if you don't eat too much packaged stuff! I tend to put things in - like my laughing cow light cheese triangles, then once it's in, it's in. I don't know about marmite, but I never count it since I use so little of it.

Give it a try and if you get fed up then scrap it! It encourages you to eat fruit and veg and chicken though, since it's a pain to enter stuff like all the nutrition information for a waitrose quiche! ;)

impossible princess 03-24-2006 03:55 PM

I'm really pissed off I sent my mum her mothers day card on monday so it would get there in time. Last year I sent the mothers day card with a pair of earrings inside and when it came there was no present inside, someone had slit the envelope and taken them.

This year 4 days later and the sodding card hasn't come, its not going to come is it so i'm going to look like a crap daughter again. Good job I'm going home now.

YP1 03-24-2006 04:27 PM

Batch 1 of flapjack yummy but calorific. Batch 2 and 2a of flapjack (I split the recipe in half and added different fruit to the two batches) are looking like a promising improvement on the recipe. I will report back with findings. And I promise not to make any more, this lot has to keep me going for weeks, I've cooked so much!

I'm trying to decide whether to pop out to the supermarket now. I hate shopping on a Saturday morning, but I'm nice and warm. Still, I suppose that I am at least sober so I can drive down there without getting too wet.

Heva2015 03-24-2006 05:43 PM

Funny, I was just trying to decide whether or not to run to ASDA and get my mum's mother's day card...probably will do, save the rush tomorrow!

Homersmummy 03-24-2006 08:46 PM

I feel so bad, I haven't been anywhere to get my mum a card or present yet. :( I just hope they have some left somewhere tomorrow!

YP1 03-25-2006 05:34 AM

Woo! I did my 10 mile run this morning, which is the longest I've done since my half marathon. It was nice to get some miles in the legs, it actually gets a lot easier after the first hour once your body realises you just want it to plod along comfortably rather than pushing it too hard. I was out for about an hour and a half and feel far more virtuous now.

I don't have many plans for the rest of the wekend, just tidying the house and maybe popping into town to try not to spend any money! Roll on pay day. Oh, and I might take some progress pictures if I can be bothered to dry my hair properly...

It's actually vaguely spring like out there this morning, roll on summer!

veggie 03-25-2006 09:57 AM

We want pics We want pics! :D

Sarah Ann 03-25-2006 10:30 AM

Gorgeous day! We are just back from a fantastic walk in Sherwood Forest and the large National Trust place next door called Clumber Park. Absolutely 200% wonderful and we'll definitely go back there again and again and again. The estate is free to go in and dogs are allowed but you have to pay to get in the house and its gardens.

The only problem was there was something horsey going on there with lots of plump little girls on plump little ponies with numbers on their backs. (Very cute and very like the Norman Thelwell cartoons.) Fred doesn't mind them but George SERIOUSLY hates horses - it doesn't matter how small or round it is, if its a horse then he hates it. He gets this kind of mental thing going when he turns in to a devil dog. He throws himself around on the end of his lead, snarling and barking with all his fur raised and making out that he can't hear me until I can manage to look him straight in the eyes. It always throws us in to a complete spin because he doesn't do anything like that at any other time.

Anyway, we managed to clock up a very respectable 12 mile walk! I haven't told DH yet because he'll immediately feel tired - at the moment he's planting up my tubs and hanging baskets.

Ohh! DH found the Body For Life book and is sneaking reads of it (I always know cos he never puts the bookmark back in). There was talk a while back about converting the garage in to a gym but nothing came of it, hopefully the book will give him some more incentive. My problem with motivating him is that his BP, cholesterol, weight, etc, etc, are all perfect for his height and age - and because of that he hasn't had any kind of health threat that would encourage him to get fit (not that I want him to get ill!)

My plans for tomorrow are to try and find the bottom of the garage and kitchen freezers, make a list of what's in them and chuck away all the high GI stuff/unhealthy stuff lurking at the bottom that we'll never eat. Then make a menu plan for the next month - I would like to work in at least two meat free meals each week and more fish. I'm also trying to figure out how to cut down on the meat we have in meat protein meals without it being too obvious - maybe adding lentils or something. Time to get the recipe books out!

veggie 03-25-2006 10:34 AM

Poor George :lol:

My sisters neighbour across the road has a horse she rides up the path to the door the dogs like to stare at it.

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